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Bei den Lambretta lui und Junior Baureihen gibt es nur zwei originale Zündungen: Für alle Modelle mit 50 ccm Hubraum eine 4-polige Zündanlage von Dansi und für die Modelle mit mehr Hubraum (lui 75 und J100-125) eine 6-polige Ducati Zündung.

Die Leistungsausbeute beider Zündungen ist sehr überschaubar: Die Dansi Zündung ist mit 6V / 18 Watt und die Ducati Version immerhin mit 6 V / 33 W angegeben.

Die 50er Modelle haben -im negativen Sinne- eine absolute Minimalelektrik, die im Regelfall nicht mal über ein Bremslicht verfügt. Ein Upgrade ist aufgrund der nicht vorhandenen Leistung dieser Lambretta Lichtmaschine unmöglich.

Leistungsausbeute der Zündanlagen im Vergleich

Zündung Ducati 6-Pol           J 100, J 125                  6V / 33 W

Zündung Ducati 6-Pol          lui 75                        6V / 33 W

Zündung Dansi 4-Pol            J 50, lui 50                  6V / 18 W

Zündung Vape                  lui 50-75, J 50-125           12 V / 110 W

Vape 80 Watt bei 2.000 U/min

Vape 110 Watt bei 6.000 U/min

Damit ist die neue lui und Junior Vape Zündung ist ein mehr als zeitgemäßes Update mit 12 V und 110 Watt Leistung. Hinzu kommt der unschlagbare Vorteil jeder elektronischen Zündung: Es gibt weder abrauchende Kondensatoren noch dem Verschleiß unterliegende Unterbrecher. Wartungsarbeiten und ein schwacher Zündfunke gehören der Vergangenheit an.
Durch die sehr hohe Zündenergie bei niedrigen Startdrehzahlen bietet die Vape Zündung ein besseres Startverhalten. Die CDI ist passend für alle originalen und getunten Motoren mit einem statischen Zündzeitpunkt versehen.

Dank der 12 Magnete im Polrad und der 9 Spulen auf der Zündgrundplatte liegt schon bei niedrigen Drehzahlen eine hohe Stromleistung an und das Flackern des Lichts im Standgas ist nicht mehr vorhanden. Die maximale Leistung der Lichtmaschine beträgt 110 Watt.

Damit lassen sich auch die Modelle mit 50 ccm Hubraum perfekt auf die Features der größeren Modelle wie Fern- und Abblendlicht und ein Bremslicht aufrüsten. Zusätzliche Verbraucher (USB-Steckdose, Abgastemperatur und ähnliches) sind natürlich auch kein Problem.

Das Polrad der Zündung ist einteilig und hochwertig gefertigt und gewuchtet. Die Lüfterschaufeln sind CNC gefräst. Das Design der fünfzehn Lüfterschaufeln ist für eine höhere Kühlleistung optimiert worden. Das Gewicht des Polrads mit Lüfterschaufeln liegt bei 1,2 kg.

Gewicht der Polräder im Vergleich

Polrad Ducati 6-Pol (Innocent Nummer 00840134) J 100, J 125                  1,35 kg

Polrad Ducati 6-Pol (Innocenti Nummer 00860038) lui 75                       1,35 kg

Polrad Dansi 4-Pol (Innocenti Nummer 00860030) J 50, lui 50                  1,4 kg

Polrad Vape mit CNC gefrästen Lüfterschaufeln lui 50-75, J 50-125           1,2 kg

Hier haben wir mal die wesentlichen Komponenten -neben der Zündung- für die Umrüstung der Bordelektrik von J 50 auf J 100 / J125 zusammengestellt:

Besonderheit bei den J50 Modellen sind die sehe beengten Platzverhältnisse beim originalen 50er Rücklicht. Hier kann ein flaches LED universal Rücklicht die Lösung sein.

Beim Upgrade der lui 50 auf lui 75 Elektrik schaut es so aus:

Das Klemmbrett der lui 75 gibt es -bis jetzt- nur für die originalen Kontaktzündungen. Bei der Umrüstung auf elektronische Zündungen sollten daher alle Steckverbindungen miteinander gebrückt werden, damit über all die geregelten 12 V anliegen.

Einzig grün darf nicht mit den anderen Farben verbunden werden, hier wird der Motor mit an- und abgestellt.

Die 6 Volt Hupen / Schnarren können bei allen Modellen beibehalten werden. Hier gilt es aber zukünftig Hupkonzerte zu vermeiden, da das Bauteil sonst Schaden nimmt.

Lui und Junior Vape Zündung:


Während gegenwärtig auf der EICMA Neuigkeiten für die moderneren Roller vorgestellt werden, gab es am vergangenen Wochenende auf dem Mostra Scambio (3. – 5. November 2023) lang ersehnte Neuigkeiten für viele Freunde der Lambretta.

Der lui 75 ist mit Abstand der aufwändigste zu produzierende Lambretta Auspuff, dafür aber auch der mit Abstand auf den lui Modellen am besten funktionierende. (Resonanzanalagen mal außen vorgelassen.)

Lambretta lui Auspuff – Der Aufbau:

Und hier noch mal in einer schönen Zeichnung aus dem Klassiker:

Zu dem komplizierten Inneren gesellen sich noch zwei außen aufgeschraubte Hitzeschutzbleche und ein Chrom-Finish des Auspuffs selbst. Ein Aufwand, der seinesgleichen sucht und die Reproduktion wirklich zur Herausforderung macht.

Um so größer war unsere Überraschung in Novegro, dass direkt zwei italienische Hersteller den Auspuff als Repro vorgestellt haben.

Der Aufbau sieht plausibel aus:

Die Anlagen haben wir bestellt und sobald die ihr Chrombad bekommen haben, kommen sie zu uns und werden im Shop verfügbar sein.

Genauso wie die Hitzeschutzgitter:

Das Konkurrenzprodukt dazu von Tutto Lambretta konnte käuflich erworben werden und unser Auspuff liegt gegenwärtig noch in Dortmund. (Danke Corina & Marco für den Transport.)

Sobald der oder die anderen hier sind, geht es auf den Prüfstand.

Ein großes Dankeschön auch an Dottore Markus für seine Übersetzungskünste in Novegro!!!

Stay tuned!

GP 200 electronic seat

Of the Lambretta dl 200 or called GP 200 in England there were roughly 9.400 units built. Unknown is the quantity of the dl and GP 200 electronics that left the factory.

In our history for every model, we can find this quote in the dl / GP model history section:

“But the ultimate improvement for the DL 200 was the introduction of an electronic ignition, which was developed in co-operation with Ducati. The DL 200 Electronic is easily recognised by a sticker on the legshields. The GP 200 electronic for the English market has additionally a specific seat. This newly shaped seat with its structured cover is a clear reminder of the 70s sports car interiors. Unfortunately no production numbers of the Electronic are known, as it was produced from 1970 onwards alongside the standard version with points ignition.”

Vittorio Tessera of CASA LAMBRETTA and MUSEO SCOOTER & LAMBRETTA fame takes a closer examination of the quantities of the dl and GP 200 electronic build in the brilliant: 

A must read for any Lambretta nut!

Our red bgm CDI unit was meant as a homage to the original electronic ignition. But the seats for the Lambretta GP 200 electronic had always been rare as hen’s teeth.

With a growing demand, we started to look into having these seats remade. Easy was to source the company to do that. Whom else to trust than our Italian artisans to have them Handmade in Italy.

The hard task was to get the project started with one good sample. Luckily we find help of our friend Martin Robinson from England who dropped off on his way to the Milano-Taranto Race not one sample, but three original seat frames and two seat covers. Now the detective work in England, Italy and Germany started and we looked into sizes, measurements, angles and materials.

We are more than happy with the outcome and can offer direct from the SC shelf complete seats and seat covers. We had them made with the factory original black stitching and a Vintage version with white stitching. The original black cotton lisle fades out over the decades. Something we looked into earlier in the SC-Blog: 

Available NOW OR SOON

Seat bgm PRO- Lambretta GP 200 electronic

Black                                                  BGMGP200E


  Vintage black with white stitching                           BGMGP200EV

 Seat cover bgm PRO

Lambretta GP 200 electronic

Black           BGMGP201E

 Vintage black with white stitching                BGMGP201EV

Lambretta rear shocker

In 2008 –fifteen years ago- we released one of the very first bgm PRO Lambretta products our rear shocker.

Over the years it got some upgrades and refinments, like rubber bushes for the mounting points. And also some first off ever things like the very clever height adjustment. Copied by many others. The second version the BGM7772 Black edition was introduced already in 2010 and was so good that we left it untouched until last year.

We had been in contact with Rob Gray of @kickbackgarage fame anyway every then and now. As he offered us his help on redefining the settings of our rear shockers, we did not hesitate one fraction of a second.

The combination of a Lambretta riding suspension technician was hardly to beat, so we provided samples, drawings and everything else he needed and Rob started his mission in improving the setup.

Some new shims and new rebound needle later…

… Rob was happy and did a back to back test against the previously favoured rear shocker. And this is Rob’s direct comparsion:

This super-clever refinmemts of a real suspension professional lead to a strictly limited edition:

Rob Gray Kick Garage

“The other shock is good but the bgm sample I have follows the road better than it.

 The other is slightly overdamped and still skips and jumps on the road even when set up correctly as high speed compression is too harsh.

 The new bgm has gained some really nice mechanical grip with my mods.

 These are the highlights of the new shock:

  •   Can be set up quite firm without being harsh for faster engines or 2 up.
  •  Rebound control is not just better, but also easier to set up.
  •  The damper shaft might be thinner than on other dampers, but this is good because it doesn`t displace as much oil. This means the oil will not overheat and there is more space for more oil. (win-win)
  •  Can be used on Series 1 and 2 and Series 3 without compromising on the stroke length.
  •  The use of more but thinner shims gives more control and the added bonus of pyramid shim stack is that they are progressive. This means that if you hit a hard square edge you automatically have firmer high-speed compression control. A faster movement on the shock gives more support through-out the shock stroke.
  •  We have cured the top-out issue! Yay! No funny noise and better rebound damping.
  •  Because of the shim stack configuration, we do not need to use progressive spring rates. This give the illusion that the stroke is longer than it is and although we can use the full stroke, it doesn`t bottom out harshly.
  •  I recommend 15-20% sag when setting up the shock, and I also recommend just 2-5 turns on the spring preload. 2 =75kg rider 5 =110kg rider. A spring always behaves better under less preload. I used 3 turns but backed it down to 2.5 (82kg with gear) I also have rebound set at 14 clicks from fully open.


At the time of writing five of these only are left and all of them come or came with this note of Rob:

“Thank you for purchasing, what I believe is the best off the shelf, rear shock for your classic Lambretta scooter.

I have combined my knowledge as a suspension technician and scooter rider to enhance and improve the overall ride properties.

Only after countless hours of real world, riding on some of the worst Scandinavian back roads was I happy with the final result.

The magic carpet ride quality is sporty but with fantastic small bump compliance.

This gives great mechanical grip, comfortable and confidence inspiring handling.


Enjoy and Happy Scootering.

Rob Gray

- Kick Garage

As the limited Series is gone or will be gone shortly we are happy to announce that this improved inners are available from now on in serial production:

For all the lui – vega – cometa afficinados, we offer the silver / chrome ones in a set with the reduction bushes by our friends from Casa Performance / Rimini Lambretta Centre:

Rear shock absorber bgm PRO R12 V3
Silver Edition RGS 300-310mm- Lambretta LUI, VEGA, LUNA, COMETA 

Toptul Werkzeug für Rollerfahrer - Werkzeug für Roller Reparaturen & Werkstatt

Toptul tools for scooter riders

We have received a large delivery, so the popular TOPTUL tools are available again.

TOPTUL Werkzeug für Rollerfahrer

Scooter Center TOPTUL Shop

TOPTUL has been manufacturing high-quality tools for over 20 years and is absolutely unbeatable in a price/performance comparison. TOPTUL products have been in daily use on Vespa, Lambretta & Co. for years and are always convincing.

As an example, let’s just mention the finely divided toothing of the ratchets. The solid and robust design with 72 teeth achieves a stitching of only 5 degrees (1/72 turn). This means that work can be done precisely and without repositioning, even in very tight places, with little working distance for the ratchet. It goes without saying that TOPTUL tools meet or exceed the common standards such as DIN / ISO / ANSI. The in-house quality control is very strict and is expressed, for example, in an individual measuring protocol enclosed with each torque spanner with regard to the measuring accuracy and the release behaviour. From our own experience, we can recommend TOPTUL products to every „intensive wrench user“ with a clear conscience.
Buy TOPTUL now hereDirect to the product in the Scooter Center Shop

These are the highlights from the video:

  • Socket set (ratchet box) -TOPTUL 1/4″- 4mm-14mm + bits – 49 pieces Article-No.: GCAI4901

And nice are still the sets, like this one:

  • Screwdriver set -TOPTUL Pro Series- 20 pieces Article-No.: GZC2005
  • Sea ring pliers set -TOPTUL- 4 pcs Article-No.: GPAQ0401
  • Allen key set -TOPTUL- 1,5mm, 2mm, 2,5mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm – 9 pieces Article-No.: GAAL0916

TIP: Then you have everything new, uniform and in an appealing look in one go! You can also find more recommendations for TOPTUL here on our Scooter Center Blog: All Toptul tools for scooter riders are available in our TOPTUL shop

Auf der Couch beim Scooter Center. Ein Interview Julia Spitznas

Being part of the Scooter Center team means to work with great people. Better than working is riding!

On my left and right side at the office, I have passionate Lambretta aficionados. Therefore, it probably was only a matter of time before I ride with one of them. In this case with her, but she is not just any girl, she is Yoleila (at Facebook) or Julia.

She is the president of the Lambretta Club Germany, scooter racer, almost a collector, crazy for the original scooters and parts, graphic designer and I could keep going…

That is, why, we interview her, to listen to those stories that we love to hear.

As a result, a very exciting project is to be started,

stay tuned until the end to find out where it is all about ;)

Auf der Couch beim Scooter Center | Interview Julia Spitznas – Marketing SC

Classic Castrol Kollektion und peinliche Sponsoring Anfrage bei Castrol

Castrol Classic Merchandise

We offer a high quality range of classic items, from oil cans / oil jugs to magnets and wall signs, all with the iconic 1946 Castrol Classic branding. Whether in the workshop or at home, our nostalgic range combines both retro style and functionality. Including workshop accessories, clothing and more, there’s something for every classic car owner or enthusiast.

Castrol Classic Merchandise nicht nur für Vespa & Lambretta Fans

Whether as a gift for an enthusiastic scooterist or as a present for yourself, you will find the perfect something in our range!

Buy Classic Castrol Collection here

The idea of castor oil

Castrol was founded by Charles „Cheers“ Wakefield under the name „CC Wakefield & Company“. In 1899, Wakefield left his job at Vacuum Oil to start his own business selling lubricants for railways and heavy machinery. In the early 20th century, Charles developed an interest in two new motorised vehicles: the automobile and the aeroplane. His company began developing oils for the new engines. These oils had to be thin enough for cold starting and at the same time thick enough to function at high temperatures. The company’s researchers found that the problem could be solved by adding castor oil, a vegetable oil made from castor seeds. They called the new product „Castrol„. In 1919, John Alcock and Arthur Brown used Castrol oil on the first non-stop transatlantic flight in history.

Heiko’s idea with Castrol sponsorship & fast to slow

CC Wakefield not only invented a new type of motor oil, but also a new way to attract potential customers to his product: sponsorship. The Castrol name appeared on banners and flags at air races, car races and speed record attempts. Over time, the brand name of the motor oil became far better known than that of the company’s founder/company. This circumstance led to the renaming of „CC Wakefield & Company“ in 1960 to Castrol Ltd.

I have been riding Vespa and Lambretta for over 32 years. It all started with a red Vespa PK50S, which, bought second-hand, was already waiting in my parents‘ garage for my driving licence. But it quickly became too slow for me. The first tuning measure was to fit an expensive 50km/h exhaust. But it didn’t do much good, the moped boys were still flying past me left and right. So I sold it and became interested in a black PX 80 Lusso, which was very expensive in insurance at the time. During the test drive, the gears always flew out. But I was happy to have my mother so far as to be allowed to buy me this scooter…. besides, my father was on a business trip and didn’t know anything about the new „80“. So: now or never! So the scooter was bought with this „little hidden flaw“.

ROLLERSHOP, Scootering & Mods, Scooterboys and Scooter Scene

We all know what was wrong with the engine: the reason for the uncontrolled gear changes, was the worn „round“ gear shift cross. The nearest Vespa dealer wanted DM 700 for the change, but that was out of the budget for my skilful scooter update. I got in touch with other scooter riders. One of them had been skateboarding for the last week and was now suddenly motoring on a brand new Vespa PX 80 Lusso. A month later I met him again, sitting in a suit and polished leather shoes on his Vespa, now plastered with mirrors and chrome parts. The next time I met him, half of his scooter was missing and on his head too. Instead of fine leather shoes and a suit, he was now wearing red boots up to his knees, camouflage trousers and a bomber jacket. On his head, all that was left of his „popper mane“ was a little horn of hair that fluttered listlessly in his face after he had taken off his helmet. Somewhat irritated, I asked him if he had had an accident with his scooter and why he looked so funny. He said he was now Scooterboy and the scooter was a CutDown! He had probably discovered it before, for me it was new at the time: the MOTORETTA, the Scootermag and still in black and white. And so the evil took its course. Now the 80s also became too slow for me somehow, schoolmates with DT, RD, MBX & Co and even some mopeds were faster than me. So if I change the gearshift anyway and take the engine out and disassemble it, I might as well make the bike a bit faster… In the meantime I had also discovered the ROLLERSHOP catalogue and SCOOTERING. I was so fascinated by the custom paint jobs in the glossy magazines that I sat down in my 80s „children’s room“ and dreamed of great paint jobs and scribbled a few of them on paper. Yes, laugh, these are my collected works:

Castrol sponsoring with the „Castrol Vespa Racer

So somehow my dreams regarding the custom paint job didn’t really come true, so I later took the initiative and asked Castrol for a sponsorship. To be honest, I’m a bit uncomfortable about this right now: I was quite sure I had done this at the age of 16. But according to the date of the letter to Castrol, which I found in my „Scooter Scene box“, I was already a bit older and at that time already doing my community service.

Unfortunately I don’t have the drawings of my„Castrol Racer“ with 20 hp and targeted 130-140km/h anymore. I must have enclosed the drawings with the letter to Castrol, Motorsport Department. I found this test printout with corrections from the letter. But I certainly didn’t write to UHU and NUTELLA, MÜHLEN KÖLSCH? Maybe! I don’t know any more… But the gentleman from Castrol was very nice, invited me to the IFMA in Cologne and, after a short conversation in the Castrol truck, pressed a few Castrol stickers into my hand. If anyone from Castrol is reading along here: my offer still stands! This is my Augsburg Vespa T4, for example:

Classic Castrol Shop

You don’t need to write sponsorship requests for our Classic Castrol merchandise, you can now get the cool retro Castrol Racing products at a great price in our Classic Castrol Shop: Classic Castrol Produkte Classic Castrol Produkte

Buy Classic Castrol Collection here


New carburettor connection rubbers from bgm PRO

In countless long and short distance races and test kilometres the 12mm wide hose clamps from ABA SAFE have proven their worth. The ABA Safe™ clamp uses the elasticity of the intake rubber and protects this relatively soft rubber hose from damage. The clamping force is increased at the profile beads, there are no sharp edges and the 12mm wide clamps fit tightly without stressing the carburettor connection rubber.

bgm Vergaser-Anschluss-Gummis für 12mm ABA Save Schellen Vergasergummi Vespa & co.

We have now developed new bgm connection rubbers that are wide enough to neatly accommodate these 12mm wide hose clamps.

Vergaseranschlussgummis bgm PRO

Carburettor connection rubbers bgm PRO

Another advantage is that our bgm connecting rubbers from the carburettor to the intake manifold are made of a very oil and petrol tolerant material. This makes the carburettor connection rubbers a highly reliable and durable part on your scooter.

Available sizes & conversion rubber

  1. 28.5mm connecting rubber carburettor/intake manifold -BGM PRO- AW=28.5/28.5mm
    • Polini CP
  2. 30mm connecting rubber carburettor/intake manifold -BGM PRO- AW=30/30mm
    • Dellorto PHBL
    • Mikuni TM 24
  3. 35mm connecting rubber carburettor/intake manifold -BGM PRO- AW=35/35mm
    • Dellorto PHBH 28/30
    • Dellorto VHST 24-36
    • Dellorto VHSH 30
    • Mikuni TM 28
    • Mikuni TMX 27/30
    • Keihin PWK 28/30
    • Polini 28/30
  4. 40mm connecting rubber carburettor/intake manifold -BGM PRO- AW=40/40mm
    • Mikuni TMX 32-35
    • Keihin PWK 33-35
    • Koso 28-34
  5. 35/40mm Conversion connecting rubber carburettor/intake manifold -BGM PRO- AW=35/40mm
    • 35mm
    • 40mm



  1. The carburettor and intake manifold should be thoroughly degreased before fitting.
  2. The 12mm ABA SAFE hose clamps should also not be overtightened.
Lessmann Bürsten Made in Germany

Not all brushes are the same!

You probably have a classic steel brush in your tool kit. Such a DIY store all-round brush is practical and has many areas of application, but with little effort it can be even better: Here I show you 4 small wire brushes from LESSMANN (Made in Germany) for special applications that make it easier for you to work on your scooter during repairs and maintenance!

LESSMANN Bürsten Logo

1. The File Cleaning Brush

Stahl-Bürste zum Reinigen von Feilen.

Steel brush for cleaning files. You don’t have to buy a new file if it no longer has the expected effect, cleaning the file is often enough! This special brush from Lessmann is suitable for cleaning the strokes of metal files so that the cutting effect is fully available again. The file cleaning brush is particularly suitable for removing chips and strongly adhering metals such as copper, brass, bronze and aluminium.

2. The rust eraser brush

Rostradierer mit Stahlborsten vom deutschen Qualitätshersteller Lessmann

High quality rust eraser with steel bristles. The brush is ideal for the careful restoration of your vehicle with original paintwork on which parts of the sheet metal have rusted and which should not be sanded over the entire surface. Keyword: O-paint restoration. With the rust eraser, oxide particles can be removed effortlessly, even on surfaces that are already scarred. The bristles on both sides have different thicknesses for precise work. Afterwards, the area can be passivated with a suitable agent (e.g. multifilm). CONCLUSION: Great little tool with great effect and fun factor

3. The steel brush for the rough stuff

Stahl-Bürste zum Entfernen grober Verschmutzungen wie Rost.

This quality steel brush is particularly suitable for removing coarse dirt such as rust. It is not suitable for use on surfaces made of plastic, aluminium, copper, etc.

4. The brass brush for spark plug cleaning

Messing-Bürste zum Reinigen von Masse- und Mittelelektroden von Zündkerzen.

Brass brush for cleaning earth and centre electrodes of spark plugs. Since brushes made of steel unnecessarily roughen the surface and thus new dirt adheres even better than before, a brush made of a softer material than steel should always be used for cleaning spark plugs.

LESSMANN quality brushes | Made in Germany

Lessmann Bürsten

At Scooter Center you get Lessmann Brusheswhich we have found to be particularly suitable and tried and tested for everyday use in the workshop and for repairing / tuning scooters. A small brush like this can be very helpful and really make it easier for you to work cleanly on your scooter / Vespa / Lambretta etc.!

Schlauch 3.00 10

Vespa & Lambretta Smallframe inner tube 3.00 x 10 bgm PRO

We have chosen a very high buty content for the new bgm PRO inner tubes in favour of better quality and higher safety and therefore a separate tube size for tyres up to 3.00-10 and 90/90-10 = Vespa & Lambretta Smallframe. Other inner tubes with a lower butyl content have more flexibility due to a higher rubber content. They serve a wider range of possible tyre sizes (up to 130/90-10), but as a major disadvantage, poorer air-tightness and puncture resistance must be accepted.

Our bgm PRO hoses are manufactured to our specifications especially for the needs of Vespa and Lambretta scooters. The butyl content is over 55%, which makes them extremely airtight and absolutely reliable. The high butyl content makes the hose more expensive to produce, but the result justifies the expense! Nevertheless, we offer this high-quality hose at a super price:
Buy Smallframe inner tube here

Fitting instructions Fitting inner tube & tyre

TIP: Our bgm PRO scooter inner tubes can be used in many vehicles with 10-inch tubular tyres. When mounting, insert the tyres at the bead with mounting paste and dust the inside of the tyre with talcum powder. The mounting paste ensures the correct end position of the tyre while the talc minimises the friction of the inner tube. This maximises the safety and life of the inner tube. Instructions for fitting Vespa tyres

Tutorial How to assemble the bgm CLASSIC tyres for Vespa


Werkzeugtasche Moto Nostra Oldtimer Retro Look

MOTO NOSTRA tool bag for e.g. Vespa & Lambretta

We have new tool bags from MOTO NOSTRA on offer – and as usual at these times, today we have a product presentation from the home office!

Retro Style Tool Bag| Waxed Canvas

For e.g. classic cars and oldtimers who want to be stylish with their tool storage, we offer this practical tool roll. Of course, they also go great with a modern Vespa GTS or even a motorbike. Robust tool bag made of Waxes Canvas, a hard-wearing and water-repellent material. The tool bag has 5 spacious compartments with large sturdy zips. So the tools stay where you put them. The many compartments create order and offer quick access in an emergency. When rolled up, the bag can be securely closed with a wide strap and sturdy clip and compressed to be as handy as possible. The bag has three handles and two eyelets for fastening or hanging. Available in brown and black and soon also pre-packed with model-specific tools.

Tip: also order a bag for the lady in the house, because the bags can also be stylishly used as a toiletry bag. Kulturbeutel Vespa

  • Tool roll with zip compartments and buckle in brown
  • Tool roll with zip, compartments and buckle in black


You can find the emergency lamp here: Video of the lamp:

Notfall LED Taschenlampe / Arbeitsleuchte COB LED von MOTO NOSTRA



You can find matching bags from Moto Nostra here Video MOTO NOSTRA bags:

Neue Taschen für Motorroller 🎥😮 Moto Nostra Taschen für Motorroller


Vespa & Lambretta Thailand Bangkok
Vespa & Lambretta Thailand Bangkok

Delivery Mission with Lambretta TV 175 and Vespa GTS in Bangkok

Travelogue Thailand, Bangkok 2018

It is January 2021 and we are still missing the lifestyle associated with our chosen way of life. No Runs, no Nighters, no Racing and sometimes it feels like no nothing than Covid. So, the other day we were discussing in the Skype lunchtime meeting the subject of our business travels.

We did a lot and most ended up being sweaty and covered in dust and grease or over tired on some motorways with a hangover on our way back.

One of the ultimate highlights of all Scooter Center travels has been the one to Bangkok in 2018. We had the plan to visit the dealers over there and get a better feeling for the scene in Thailand. We are in general very far from being hypercritical and see the positive things rather than negative things. A lot of the complaining in the western hemisphere is not very objective and the usual prejudice when it comes to Asia is –let us face it- copycats.


Buddy Seat Lambretta Garage

We were really looking forward to see what would be waiting for us. Our first stop after we landed was visiting Buddy seat Lambretta Garage. A fantastic place with frame and fork jigs and an unbelievable level of artisanship. Starry-eyed as we are, we simply tried to find the place ourselves. The try was without any success and we had to ask a Taxi driver to call the shop to find it. As things were not easy, the shop owner itself came to guide us. And hey presto, we are in town less than two hours and are escorted by a Lambretta TV 200 to the shop. Not a too bad start for the seven-day business trip. The language barrier was sadly there, but the gestures between some Lambretta nuts worked well and we made the conversation this way.

[modula id=“100205″]

Lambretta Thailand Café

As we do not want to bore you to death with every single detail, we make it short. Our second stop was the Lambretta Thailand Café that hosts as well the Lambretta Thailand Shop of our good friend Toon, he speaks perfect English and took care of us for the rest of our stay in BKK. He really made the business trip to the perfect holiday at least for Philipp. Maybe even Ulf.

[modula id=“100211″]

Delivering scooter parts in Bangkok with Lambretta TV 175 and Vespa GTS

Beside our daytime entertainment in visiting dealers, Toon showed us all the cool places.

The places he brought us to deeply impressed us and showed at the same time how passionate and obsessed the folks over there are with anything Vespa and Lambretta.


Delivery Mission

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Scooter collectors

The collectors we have visited are really a class of their own and bounded to their scooters and their pristine original conditions. Have a look at the funky accessories.

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Ratchada Night Market

Another big highlight and a place where we could have stayed for eternity is the Ratchada Night market. A place with a few small Lambretta shops, lots of Vintage car shops, vintage stuff and clothing. Cafes, Bars, amongst others an old American fuel station (demounted in the States, brought over and re-assembled) and loads of other bits to see, eat and drink.

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GO TO SCOOTER Meeting in Bangkok

Also the place where the GO TO SCOOTER Runs take place and that is our ultimate dream for the post Corona time to be there.  Check it out on Youtube:

Goto Scooter V6 2019 ตลาดนัดรถไฟศรีนครินทร์ – Ohhoโตล้อ10"




All photos

Here you can find all the pictures of the trip.

Modern Vespa-dealer


Big Daddy Motoclub


Mr. Balon

M Autotpart

Lambretta and Vespa dealers

Auu Vespa

Buddy Seat Lambretta Garage

Downtown Machines

Lambretta Resto



Lambretta Thailand Shop & Cafe


Lambretta Liefermissionen, Streetlife & Collectors

Delivery mission 1

Delivery mission 2



Ratchada Night Market

The Camp Vintage Flea Market

Lambretta collectors

Collectors 1

Collectors 2

Lambretta Auspuff Test Big Box Reso Rennauspuff

Lambretta expansion chamber and big box Clubman prototype test

Lambretta exhaust test, while the new and upcoming Lambretta Big Box is currently in production. Unfortunately, a delivery date is still unknown. Auspuff Test auf dem Scooter Center Leisungsprüfstand

Lambretta exhausts onthe dyno

Before we have send the final sample to Spain, we put the new box through its paces. Additionally we have another prototype box from our friend Chalky from Replay Scooters and JPP on the dyno:

  • bgm PRO BigBox Proto
  • JPP Box Proto

The following expansion chambers competed against the boxes:

  • the TSR Evo,
  • the JL3 and
  • in MB3

And all three reso systems did better against the boxes than we would have expected! Die Lambretta Auspuffanlagen

The Lambretta engine

The test engine was constructed as follows:

Results & conclusion of the test

Nice and clear to see how well the box scores right from the start not only with power but also with plenty of torque compared to the ‚racing exhausts‘.


That’s what makes the bgm PRO boxes so nice to drive. There is always enough power available without having to struggle with gear connection problems or having to twist the throttle like crazy to get things moving. The moderate consumption values of the engine concepts with the bgm boxes are another advantage, apart from the original appearance and pleasant sound level. Another outstanding feature is the registered-design of the mounting system with adjustment options in both horizontal and vertical directions. This allows tolerances and, above all, spacers used for different strokes and connecting rod lengths to be compensated for.

Lambretta exhaust test performance diagrams

Here you can find the performance diagrams as PDF:

Lambretta Lui Prüfstand

The boss has come up with something: Lambretta Lui dyno days!

From the very beginning – since 1992 – the Lambretta has been a permanent fixture at our Scooter Center. Much has changed in almost three decades. While in the 90s it was mainly the GP and, if necessary, other Series 3 models, the complete range from Series 1 and 2, the cardan models and the Lambretta ‚Smallframes’* has become more popular than ever.

Especially the small Lambrettas with 50 cc displacement were completely useless until the release of the 75 Casa Lambretta cylinder in early 2009 due to the extremely modest mileage.
CASA LAMBRETTA 75 ccm- Lambretta Lui 50 Zylinder

Ulfs Lui Lambrettas on the test bench

We took the soft-lockdown as an opportunity to put a part of Ulf’s Lui collection through its paces. We were especially interested in how the 75 cc Casa cylinder performs against the original Innocenti 75 cc cylinder. And were even surprised how well the 75 cc aluminium cylinder with Nikasil coating performed.


In the performance diagram you can see in the blue corner a completely original lui 50 C. The power curve with 2,1 HP „peak“ power you have to look for at the height of the torque curve of the two 75s. The green curve with 4,5 HP at about 5.500 rpm has delivered an original Vega with SH20 carburettor. The red curve is a 75cc Casa engine. The cylinder was fired with the 15 SHA carburettor kit (main jet 68). A special feature of the engine is the exhaust of the 75cc models, which is unfortunately not available new and very sought after.

Lambretta LUI tuning configurator

The LUI engine has been assembled with the help of this configurator:

LUI Tuning Configurator

Zündung einstellen Vespa mit Zündpistole Stroboskop

Adjust the Vespa ignition – but correctly!

The correct ignition timing is important for the thermal health of the engine:

  • Reliability
  • Durability and
  • full power delivery

Whoever tunes his Vespa, rebuilds the engine or rebuilds it in the course of a restoration, should not rely on the existing markings on the engine housing, the pole wheel and ignition base plate for ignition adjustment, but should measure it himself and adjust the Vespa ignition correctly. The correct adjustment of the ignition on your Vespa engine is easily possible with these electronic ignition timing guns for petrol engines with contact or electronic ignition -> transistor ignition system (CDI ignition as in series for ET3, PK, PX, Cosa, T5 etc.) Of course this also works with the Lambretta ignitions. With these ignition pistols you can also adjust the Lambretta ignition. With these stroboscope guns you can adjust both old 6-volt and modern 12-volt ignitions!

To the ignition light guns in the shop
In this video tutorial Vespa ignition adjustment we show you how Maryzabel and Alex adjusted the ignition on our Platonika Vespa:

Comparison stroboscope ignition guns for Vespa & Lambretta

3 versions: large, small and with onboard or external battery

A super-bright xenon tube and a special converging lens guarantee optimum visibility of the fixed marks on these ignition light guns: even at speeds above 8000 rpm in the near field range. The pistol is connected by means of an inductive clamp on the spark plug cable directly to the rubber insulation, without direct contact to the stranded wire. Our ignition timing guns are equipped with a rubber coating on the lens. This protector protects the plastic housing as well as the lens and ensures the longest possible enjoyment of the product.

1. Handy, mobile, operated with mono cells

Ignition light gun TRISCO-ProLITE (double-D) (- strobe lamp flash gun – ignition 6V / 12V Article No.: MN911B Zündlichtpistole -MOTO NOSTRA (Doppel-D) (- Stroboskoplampe Blitzpistole - Zündung 6V / 12VMoto Nostra Artikel-Nr.: MN911B No external power supply is required. For power supply two D-batteries (Mono, LR20, MN1300) are used, these are not included! But you can order them right here. In addition to its use as an ignition light gun, it can also be used as a working lamp!

  • small and handy
  • Batteries on board
  • Torch function
  • Rubber Protector

2. PROLITE version for the ambitious scooter tuner

Ignition light gun TRISCO-ProLite – stroboscopic lamp flash gun – ignition 6V / 12V Article No.: MN922 Zündlichtpistole -MOTO NOSTRA- Stroboskoplampe Blitzpistole - Zündung 6V / 12VMoto Nostra Artikel-Nr.: MN912 This is the largest pistol that fits perfectly in the hand. The cable with the two crocodile clips is a robust and practical spiral cable connected to a plug on the gun. Optimal pistol for the ambitious screwdriver and tuner – PROLITE – version. No matter if 6V or 12V ignition, an external power source with 12-Volt (e.g. a car battery) is always required, unless the vehicle already has one.

  • external 12 power source required
  • practical spiral cable
  • Cable separable from housing / plug
  • for the ambitious screwdriver
  • Rubber Protector

3. Handy and cheap 12V version

Ignition light gun TRISCO-ProLite stroboscopic lamp flash gun – ignition 6V / 12V Article No.: MN912 Zündlichtpistole -MOTO NOSTRA- Stroboskoplampe Blitzpistole - Zündung 6V / 12VMoto Nostra Artikel-Nr.: MN912 For the occasional adjustment of the ignition we have this light and handy TRISCO-ProLite ignition light gun in our programme. It lies well in the hand and of course also has the rubber protector. The cables are firmly connected to the housing of the pistol. No matter if 6V or 12V ignition, an external power source with 12-Volt (e.g. a car battery) is always required, unless the vehicle already has one.

  • external 12 power source required
  • for the hobby area
  • cheap version
  • Rubber Protector

To the ignition light guns in the shop
These are for Vespa and Lambretta scooters: Strobo or stroboscope – lamp also strobolamp it is colloquially abbreviated among scooter drivers also ZZP. Don’t worry, you don’t need a gun licence for this pistol, you control with this ignition timing pistol also stroboscopic pistol / strobe or strobe pistol and strobe flashes the ignition timing on the scooter via flashes, flash light from the light pistol after the ignition you can adjust the ignition then flash off to control the ignition setting.

Lambretta Cable Routing

How to get the Lambretta gear changing work perfect and smooth?

We take a close look at the controls and what can be done down from the headset thru the cables to the gear swivel and gear selector arm on the engine casings.

Let’s face it the last Lambrettas have left the Innocenti factory half a century ago. And not everyone has been maintained and serviced regular and as it should be done. One of the many beauties on the Lambrettas is that they are very simple to work on, especially with the right tools, right parts and the right hints (Sticky). There are three areas to look at:

  • Handlebar / headset
  • Cables
  • Engine casing


Lambretta handlebar / headset

Thru the Li family there had been different changes on the internals of the headset. On well- maintained bikes most of the time taking everything apart, cleaning and put it properly greased and lubricated can do the job. When you are up the job, it won’t do no harm to renew all the bushings in the headset. These are the guides for the gear and throttle rods. Available as handy sets from Casa Lambretta:

*also dl / GP range

Antivibrationskit Lenker -Lambretta-

If you need additional spares a nice way to find them are our exploded views, that are online for all Lambretta scooters. Here you see the dl / GP headset:

Once everything is properly rebuild and any slack is taken out –especially of the gear change housing and the gearchange rod- you are done with the headset and can have a look at the cables.


Lambretta cables and routing

Essential are Teflon / PTFE lined cables. These run super smooth and are maintenance free. The bgm cable sets are especially made for the Li family Lambretta and have some unique features. The right inner and outer cable lengths are granted. Here you find additional info about how good these are:  Back to the plot: Once you have routed the outer cables in the right way as can be seen on the bgm’s fitting instructions:

  • Cable set bgm PTFE inner liner- Lambretta DL, GP  | BGM6401N
  • Cable set bgm PTFE inner liner- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (Series 2-3) | BGM6400N

Lambretta Cable Routing


It’s time to fit the inner cables. On the brake and clutch levers use a good blob of grease to keep everything well lubricated. Especially the lever screw, the trunnion of the inner cable and all operating and moving parts.

Bremshebelschraube - Kupplungshebelschraube -LAMBRETTA- LI (Serie 1-3), LIS, SX, TV (Serie 2-3), GP, DL

Antivibrationsfederkappe Brems- Kupplungshebel -LAMBRETTA- LI, LIS, SX, TV, DL, GP, J, Lui

Antivibrationsfeder Brems- Kupplungshebel -LAMBRETTA- LI, LIS, SX, TV, DL, GP, J, Lui


A run-down of the inner cables with Teflon spray does no harm and especially the operating of the clutch is much more easy:

PTFE-spray -MOTIP- 400ml


Topp Tipp: If the bolts of the clutch and brake lever are not properly greased they can wear off the holes in the light switch housing and gear change housing. These can easily been repaired with the oversize bolt:

Bremshebelschraube - Kupplungshebelschraube -MB DEVELOPMENTS- Lambretta LI (Serie 1-3), LIS, SX, TV (Serie 2-3), GP, DL - Edelstahl / Oversize


Lambretta engine casing

The most important thing is to avoid any unwanted slop in the gear swivel, tie rodgear change and the the selector arm. Luckily there are many different choices for everyone’s tasting available.

Selector Sets

Like the made to original specs Casa Lambretta gear selector set:

Schaltwaagen-Set -LAMBRETTA- Lambretta LI, SX, LI S, TV


Or the high grade CNC machined set from bgm Made by JPP Tuning for us:

Schaltwaagen-Set inkl. Stellblock -BGM Pro made by JPP, Aluminium CNC- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (Serie 2-3), SX, DL, GP - schwarz eloxiert

Schaltwaagen-Set inkl. Stellblock -BGM Pro made by JPP, Aluminium CNC- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (Serie 2-3), SX, DL, GP - Silbern eloxiert


Trunnion Sets

Paired with the bgm trunnions you really have a perfect and long lasting set:

Klemmnippel / Schraubnippel Set -BGM ORIGINAL- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (Serie 2-3), DL, GPbgm Original Artikel-Nr.: BGM6466

This is the full bgm trunnion set:

Einstellschrauben und Klemmnippel / Schraubnippel -Set -BGM ORIGINAL- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (Serie 2-3), DL, GPbgm Original Ø Kundenbewertung (1 Bewertungen) Artikel-Nr.: BGM6465

Lambretta Tool & Tool bags

For sure the bgm trunnions have the original 3.5 mm allen key size as found on original machines as well as on original toolbags supplied with your brand new scooter:

Bordwerkzeug -CASA LAMBRETTA- Lambretta LI (Serie 1-3)Casa Lambretta Artikel-Nr.: 3331475

Werkzeugtasche inkl. Werkzeug -CASA LAMBRETTA- Lambretta universal - GrauCasa Lambretta Artikel-Nr.: 8050083KT


Something we went not original is the allen key for adjusting these. The bgm one comes with a ball end. This makes adjusting the gear change trunnions a cakewalk as you come across the clutch cable easily:

Innensechskantschlüssel -BGM PRO- 3.5mm-bgm Pro Artikel-Nr.: BGM6466TL


Topp Tipp: For all the rusteration freaks out there that want to keep their Lambrettas as original as possible we have over size trunnions made for preserving worn out gear swivels:

Klemmnippel / Schraubnippel Set -BGM PRO Oversize- Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (Serie 2-3), DL, GP

The oversize makes the trunnions fit perfectly in used gear swivels. If necessary, grind out new shifting paddles minimally.

These compliment perfectly the inner cable sets: |



bgm PRO shaft seals made of high-quality and ethanol-resistant (E10) FKM/Viton®*

Brand new in our shop are the new bgm PRO Simmerrings for many Vespa and Lambretta models: Shaft seals bgm PRO

  • optimum protection
  • double sealing thanks to dust lip
  • recommended for each engine Original or
  • tuned high-performance engine
  • twice as temperature resistant
  • suitable for extremely high speeds
  • permanently alcohol resistant -perfect for scooter meetings ;-)
  • very good gas impermeability
  • high thermal stress
  • very resistant to aging
bgm PRO Wellendichtringe Viton® – Simmerringe Vespa und Lambretta


The material FKM (fluorocarbon rubber) is extremely resistant to heat, friction and fuel/ethanol. Current super fuel in Germany already contains up to 5% ethanol per se.

In other countries the ethanol/alcohol content is significantly higher. Conventional radial shaft seals can swell or soften when in contact with fuels containing ethanol.
The bgm PRO FKM/Viton® shaft seals offer perfect protection against this. In addition, Viton is twice as temperature resistant as conventional (blue) NBR shaft sealing rings , has very good gas impermeability and is also very resistant to ageing.


An engine equipped with bgm PRO FKM/Viton® rotary shaft seals can therefore also be operated with E10 fuel (10% alcohol content). The high-quality brown Viton®* sealing material is permanently resistant to alcohol and is also suitable for engines with high temperature loads and high speeds.
bgm PRO FKM/Viton® radial shaft seals are therefore suitable for all engines, whether original or tuned high-performance engines

For reasons of environmental protection and in favour of maximum flexibility of the sealing lip, we deliberately avoid additional PTFE/Teflon®* loading of the sealing lip


The BGM PRO rotary shaft seals offer a double sealing as an additional feature. All rotary shaft seals that seal against the atmosphere have a so-called dust lip. This is positioned before the actual sealing lip and keeps dust, dirt and moisture away. This further increases the already good stability. INDIVIDUAL & AVAILABLE IN A SET The BGM PRO FKM/Viton® oil seals are available individually and in sets for almost all Vespa and Lambretta engines.


Buy bgm PRO oil seals here


Simmerringe bgm PRO

Simmerring sealing ring Shaft sealing ring for Vespa and Lambretta #Shaft sealing ring #Simmerring #bgm PRO


*Viton®/Teflon® are registered trademarks of DuPont Dow Elastomers

25Y Lambretta Club Stockholm

25 years Lambretta Club Stockholm

From the 5th to the 6th of September our friends and long time customers from the Lambretta Club Stockholm celebrated their 25th anniversary. The actual Covid situation made it to an event for Club members only.

The agenda for the celebration:

  • Gathering and start in Stockholm
  • Ride-out and lunch
  • Competions (Slow-race, Gymkhana, finest Lambretta)
  • Celebration dinner Close to water in the old gun powder house ”Kruthuset”
  • Annoncement and prices to the competition Winners
  • 4 DJ´s and northern soul music from 21:00 to late

Scooter Center and Casa Lambretta were very pleased to senf over some greetings for the goodie bag. And we were even more pleased to see that once again the Lambretta united such a bunch of nice people that simply have the time of their lifes with the Lambretta obviously.