Mit der Idee, den VWD 23 Schweiz zu besuchen, schon lange im Kopf, aber erst einen Tag vorher entschieden, machten Platónika und ich uns auf den Weg von Köln nach Interlaken, um endlich das zu tun, wofür Platónika geschaffen wurde: Veranstaltungen zu besuchen und Geschichten zu erzählen.

Day 1 auf dem Weg zu den Vespa World Days 2023

Da es sich um einen Roller mit absolut allem „Neuen“ (2021) handelt, erforderte er keine größere Wartung, dennoch ist es nicht überflüssig, zumindest ein Reserverad, Öl, Zug set Universal und eine Zündkerze zu haben.

Nach der Arbeit um 18:30 Uhr machte ich mich auf den Weg und kam nach fünfeinhalb Stunden Autobahnfahrt und 442km in Freiburg an, um Vespistas zu treffen, die unterwegs waren.

Und eines der Probleme, wenn man nachts unterwegs ist, ist der Mangel an Licht, aber die LED-Scheinwerfer machen da einen großen Unterschied.

Day 2 Landstraße Interlaken

Bereits wieder mit dem Warrior Scooter Club vereint, beschlossen wir, die restlichen 180 km durch die wunderschöne Landschaft nach Interlaken zu fahren.

SC bei den Vespa World Days 2023 Interlaken

VWD 2023


Hier standen die Kronjuwelen wie eine Vespa 98 (1946) und eine 125er (1947) und der „Speedy Service“, der mich an Scooter Center erinnerte. 😉

Das Vespa-Gymkhana ist eine Geschicklichkeitsprüfung, die aus einem Parcours mit verschiedenen Hindernissen besteht, die in möglichst kurzer Zeit zu bewältigen sind und war mein persönliches Highlight. was für ein Spaß! aber die Freundlichkeit und das Engagement der Freiwilligen vom Vespa Club Italia sind unübertroffen!

Real Scooterist!

Jeder Club hat seine eigene Geschichte und ich hatte die Gelegenheit, Clubs, von denen ich nie gedacht hätte, dass ich sie kennen würde, aus erster Hand kennen zu lernen: den Vespa Club Hongkong, Russland, Thailand und viele andere, wo ich auch die Ehre hatte, meinen geliebten Vespa Club Colombia zu vertreten!

L’escadrille des cigognes

VESPIPAS da Capital do Vinho-Cartaxo

Vespa Club Albania


VC Colombia und Vespa Club Borinage

Vespa Clubs

Vespa World Club – General Secretary

Vorstand Vespa Club Schweiz

Vespa Club Albania

Indonesia Team

Vespa Club Zürich

Vespa Club Zürich

Vespa Club Palermo

Vespa Club Ticino

Vespa Club Italia

Vespa Club Ostend, Belgium

Austria Gleisdorf


Vespa Fan Club

Vespa Klub Bern

Vespa Club Napoli

Vespa Club Lörrach

Vespa Club La Cote

Escadrille des cigognes

Vespa Club L’Aquila

SC war da!

Auf der Jagd nach Souvenirs konnten wir nicht mit leeren Händen gehen, und so erneuerten wir die Leidenschaft einiger, die uns in diesen 30 Jahren aufmerksam gefolgt sind, und gewannen neue Enthusiasten hinzu!


Freunde getroffen, neue Freunde gewonnen, Kolumbien zum ersten Mal beim Präsidententreffen vertreten, meine Schatzsammlung erweitert und vor allem das Vertrauensverhältnis zu Platónika gestärkt, sind nur einige der vielen Erlebnisse, die mir in Erinnerung geblieben sind.

aber die Rückfahrt wird immer weniger Spaß machen. Fast 9 Stunden auf der Autobahn nach Hause. Obwohl ich die beste Geschwindigkeit, die ich je erreicht habe! (fast 120 km/h durchgehend fahre) 🤩

Für diese tolle Erfahrung danke ich allen!

Maryza & Platónika!

Platónika test drives after more than 7,000 km is more than completed, so here we go!

Together with Scooter Center to Zell am See from 10th to 12th September 2021

Enough of mile munching going and leaving work from day to day. It is about time for those epic trips, meeting other Vespisti and collecting memories for a lifetime. The Vespa Alp Das will be the perfect start for new adventures!
In my personal ranking of events, VAD have a special place:

  • It was the second biggest event that I took part in. The biggest were the Vespa World Days in Celle, both in 2017. At the VAD I celebrated together with 1.000 Vespistas from 20 different nations.
  • It was the first meeting after I set foot on European soil.
  • It was the first time to see so many Vespas together, including the 60 oldest Vespas on the continent at the Faro Basso race.
  • It was also the longest event I have participated in, 8 days non-stop fun.
  • The oldest Vespa I’ve ever ridden, the beautiful Vespa Super Sport 180 from Franz, which he nicely lent me.
  • The most beautiful landscapes that my eyes have seen.
  • In addition, it was the beginning of beautiful friendships, of which I have been able to continue reinforcing.

Back to the future

Now the reasons are others, I‘m going to work there! As part of Scooter Center, which is the official sponsor of the event. The plan -for certain- is riding Platónika there. I‘m getting ready to show you first-hand all this adventure, by now here are some good memories from 2017:


the good friends that I made

The Colombian representation!

Super Sport 180 of Franz


See you there!


7 On the Road – Vespa bgm Platónika project by Scooter Center

How we would say in Colombia: now I’m on my Salsa“ (what means I am in my element). I received Platónika with 18 km on the clock and exactly 15 days later, she had thousand kilometers more.

Excited because the spring is arriving, I started to ride, and even prepare a Moto Nostra Kit for better touring:

Flyscreen with black brackets


Rear rack


But with this German weather you never know.. Indeed the following week it started to snow… But that wouldn’t stop me, so I protect myself against the nasty cold and go on.

Photos and videos come and go, but still, I think, I am beginning to miss something, the reason of why I fell in love of with this scene: That’s right! The Vespisti.

Without any meeting in sight, „I will roll with my team mates“ I thought, so I turn my head around in the marketing office, where I am, and I only saw two Lambretta people

And well… why not?


Did you miss a chapter? here you find the complete Story:

Platónika Projekt – die komplette Geschichte – Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center


Excitement is unstoppable when the final result is just small step away. Especially, if it is a bureaucratic step… Even I have a Colombian driver’s license for more than 10 years; Germany requires a theoretical and practical test. So as soon we started the project, I began to study all the 800 questions for the theoretical test. After I mastered that, it was about time for the practical test. This happened at the same time, when Platónika was ready for the TÜV (German type approval) to sort out the paperwork. Both (she and I) are very happy with the paperwork.

On her side, she registered the replacement of her old, rusty PX frame (pictures) along with her performance upgrades, but the license plate was still missing and one day before my test, she looked like this:

So my hopes of driving her right away were gone.

However, Alex and the work team surprise me, fixing the last details and doing the paperwork on their own, picking me up once I passed the test.

Building Platónika took almost a year, record every single step, the pandemic, among others, delayed the project, but the long-awaited day arrived.

6 Ready to roll Vespa bgm Platónika project by Scooter Center

The truth is that this story does not end here the next thing will be to know the European scene in her company, testing all the top components that she got. All kind of tests and adventures will be recorded and told.

Let us hope that these strange times of social distancing will end soon and we regain lost hugs, the shared routes and the contact with the asphalt, which is what fuels this passion.

See you on the Road!

Maryzabel & Platónika


To put our feet on the ground is itself a statement! A reaffirmation of our identity: Scooter boys & girls, Mods, Racers and travelers know that their ideologies and beliefs land on accessories, which will become symbols of their most intrinsic qualities.

This is how Platónika takes this great step forward, after spending months in the air, preparing as the ideal Vespa, she descends, to finally touch the floor of the garage that equipped her with symbols of safety, style and fun. Being the first to integrate the last bgm releases:

5 Down to earth Platónika Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center

The Shock absorber set bgm PRO SPORT bgm7741BKTS

Which in spite of their high load capacity are very light, thanks to the high material quality and the length can be adjusted,  this is beneficial to driving stability, top speed and last but not least to the appearance.


The set wheel and rims Sport tubeless  black matt bgm – bgm35010SLKB

Tyres design with V shape for steering much better into the bend and offers more contact area when leaning and rims which its weight saving improved noticeably the response behaviour of the Chassis.


Brake caliper and bracket bgm Touring


With 4 pistons improve greatly the hydraulic transmission ratio and the braking force (with the same lever force) is increased.


Break caliper bracket bgm 


and the Premiere, the brake caliper bracket for bgm, Platónika is the one that will put to the test, but soon you can be the pioneer of this German Technology.


These are undoubtedly highlights that, do not end the adventure of the building, but start an experience on the roads of the world.


Artist: Sunsearcher

Title: Flamenco Rhythm

Album: Sunsearcher Spirit

License: CC-BY-SA

Once the essentials are ready, it’ time for the visuals, where each details let us see, what will be soon one of the few Vespas made with absolutely all new parts, which didn’t come from a factory.

But words are unnecessary, when we can see the work and the result, of hours in the workshop, where the good mood has always been there‚ ‚cause building it has been almost as fun, as will be to ride it.

4 Perfection is in the details – Project Platónika Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center

For now, the moment when Platónika stands on her own two feet is getting Closer.

Details such:

Glove box  LML5050038L

Grips-PIAGGIO – CM08380KT

Footboard stripes set – 5821017

Cable set -BGM ORIGINAL – bgm6412n

Mud flap 15769690090

Side panel rubber trim set –BGM –  7676534

Fuel tank -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX (since 1984) – autolube Version – Ref.: 5250011

Fuel tap wrench BGM – BGM3035

Mounting kit for handlebar base – 3333483

Brake and clutch lever set -BGM PRO CNC- disc brake (GRIMECA)- Vespa PX (1998-2003), LML Star, Stella – matt black  – BGM4551KT

Platónika Details


Artist: DJ Freedem

Title: Cutting It Close

Like Mary Shelley’s famous story (Frankenstein), Maryzabel would also combine parts of differents origins to bring a legend to life.

Platónika Platónika is made of a chassis from the last production run of the LML factory. The factory that sadly went bankrupt in 2018 and of which we bought the last production run of Frames.

(Look here our visit „before the final end“)

Back to the plot one of these sets is used to replace the old and rusty Vespa chassis, from which it adopts its soul by rewriting the frame number.

The intrinsic values are determined mainly by the bgm PRO range of parts. Like the latest version of the bgm PRO stator plate, that includes as one of the nice details, the degree reading on the base plate to make timing adjustment much easier. The silicone wiring guarantees greater protection, duration and extremely resistance to temperature.

Let there be light!

And the light was made, embracing the modernity, with the high-power LED Headlightof Moto Nostra. Which luminosity is three times higher (1300 lumens, instead of 400 of the usual bulb) with a much lower consumption (20W instead of the usual 35W).

Expose it to a spark of life with direct current, would take a considerable amount of time -7 months to be exactly- where Mr. Stroh and I, his faithful assistant, dedicated the limited hours available to such a noble Labor.

3 She's alive! – Projekt Platónika Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center

With the shell ready, it is time to take care of the details, so all the rubbers, rivets and accessories find their place.



Artist: Kevin MacLeod – Title: Georges Bizet: Habanera – Album: Classical Sampler – License: CC-BY

Original Audio movie „The Bride of Frankenstein“ TM & © Universal (1935)


Who, What, How PLATÓNIKA?

We know that our Platónika project is taking a little longer than we thought.

But we continue to work hard behind the scenes. And we used the project to make some SC tutorials for you.

Due to various inquiries about who Maryzabel is and how she came to us, Alex asked Lanz for an interview on the couch at the Scooter Center.

Just like every Vespa has its history, every female Vespa rider and of course the male counterparts have their history too. And one thing is always interesting, how did you get to the Vespa. And why of all things to ride a scooter. And just then it becomes clear that maybe it is the Vespa that brings us together. And that this is more important and stronger than the things that could separate us.

Although those who follow us here in the blog or on other channels already know something about me, we have fulfilled the wish to tell a little bit more about me and the Vespa and also Colombia. A country that many people surely only know from the media and the Platónika project. But that is also a country that beats in 2-stroke.


Auf der Couch beim Scooter Center | Interview – Alex & Maryzabel Vespa Platónika


Let me introduce you to Vespertine. My first love, the first scooter I bought and will keep for all my life. After her came „la pelada“ another PX from 1994, but I am not a collector, so my ambition is to have no more. Although here in Germany it is very good for me to have something to drive. So now we will build up a platonic love and with time we will see what comes..


Deep Knowledge

I am in the very lucky situation to have direct contact to the developers of the BGM range of products in SC. So I was in the position to get first-hand experience advice from the guys who build the first prototype of the cylinder kit that makes Platónika’s heart now.
All of the SC staff is driven by their excitement for scooters. They are using it since decades and really know what works for what reason. Combined with 27 years of experience as one of the leading scooter shops in the world they have a second to none experience. And with the bgm range they create products of unique quality.

The products!

Like the Cylinder BGM PRO 177  that would give life to the engine.
An overheating, a braked piston or broken Piston rings, will be a thing of the past, thanks to its modern design and materials, whose resistance is unequalled and for a very reasonable price.

Or the BGM PRO BigBox TOURING Exhaust,
which traditional appearance fooled me. Without look like (neither visually, nor by hearing it) its performance easily overcomes the competition in the Touring category.

Knowing that a fraction of millimeters makes the difference, the Crankshaft BGM Pro Touring  corrects the long timings of the italian crankshafts, achieving an incomparable smoothness and stability at low revs but enduring an engine power up to 20 HP.

The best thing is that these products are evolving; if you also want to know these and more details firsthand, dont miss the tutorials and reviews that are on the way.

2 The Heart – Vespa Platónika by Scooter Center

Jahzzar – Railroads Whiskey Co
Artist: Jahzzar
Title: Railroads Whiskey Co
Album: Home (Excerpt
License: CC-BY-SA

And last but not least
Rene Winkler from Scooter Center
Song: code-red-no-clean-sweep-master-5


In the last episode of Platónika we showed you what kind of parts has been selected.

Now it’s time for some visual petting!

To my surprise and during the same day  I suddenly had a whole scooter in boxes, ready to be assembled. A big thank to the more than effective team in the warehouse here.
But … what do you do when that desired package arrives? Exactly, unpack everything.
That is how it turns out with thousand of pieces all over the floor and we have no option but to accept the #tetrischallenge, see here the video of this exploded view in the real life.


Exploded view Vespa px bgm 177 – Project Platónika by Scooter Center

Artist: Juanitos
Title: Exotica
Album: Exotica
License: CC-BY

Hello I’m Maryzabel and I do part of the Scooter Center team. In the SC Newsblog I will show you my adventures here and give you a look behind the scenes.

How do build a complete Vespa from scratch


1 The Wishlist – Project PLATÓNIKA Vespa px bgm 177

To build a complete scooter from single components is not an easy task and you need a source, or a shop in this case, with a strong search function and good data base.

Luckily there is a list with the components to complete the Frame LML Star listed on product page of the shop:, this helped us to create ours, with the specialties of BGM and Motonostra.

You can see the Platónika’s wishlist here, with its hundreds of parts

Platónika Wishlist

The wishlist in the shop is also the perfect Trojan horse to share your wishes for Christmas, as it can be simply send out by mail.

For the engine treatment I asked the SC technicians for their advice for the perfect touring engine that is reliable, powerful, a pleasure to ride and also not too thirsty.

And they helped me to add the other parts to my list that already contained the Cylinder -BGM PRO 177/187 cc, the  Seat -BGM PRO SportTouring and the Schock Absorber -BGM PRO SC F1 SPORT.








Hello I’m Maryzabel and I do part of the Scooter Center team. In the SC Newsblog I will show you my adventures here and give you a look behind the Scenes.

My final trainee step brought me to the technical department. So I had to put away the notebook and put on the work gloves. Additionally to the technical work, I will also do some video footage on the work that we do.
One idea of me was to restore a Vespa Smallframe so that I get back on a Vespa gain instead of using the public transport. With everyone very passionate about scooters, they instantly liked the idea. After some head scratching about the state of my Smallframe, the technicians came up with another idea. Why not build a scooter from scratch. ALL YOU NEED for that is here and the plan was to use one of the LML frame sets and combine it with an engine with the full bgm treatment. The imagination started and everybody was hooked by the idea.
So we are now not only going to build the Vespa of my dreams, we will also do un-boxing videos, reviews and tutorials.

And for sure we will show you the build of the Vespa step by step. She will be a platonic love.
Here we have the teaser of the things to come.

TEASER – Vespa Project Platónika – Building a Vespa PX bgm 177




Off to the Promised Scooter Land by Vespa and Lambretta

We love Italy and recently toured beautiful Italy. Italy is obviously the birthplace of Vespa and Lambretta. VW Bus mit Vespa und Lambretta in Italien-sc

And how could things be any different: More than 23 years ago the story of Scooter Center has begun right there, at Lake Garda in Italy. Which should be the case for any real scooter shop.

Malcesine vespa lambretta italien-sc

Malcesine is located in the midst of lovely olive groves at the eastern shores of Lake Garda. It was right here that Oliver Kluger bought Scooter Center’s very first scooter (a Vespa Rally TS 125), which was then sold to „Mod-Volker“ from Cologne. Volker is still driving this excellent Vespa, he was our very first customer and is loyal to us. vespa Primavera ET3 italien

Scooter Center – spare parts, add ons and tuning parts for scooters

Today we are rather focussing on spare parts, add ons and tuning parts for scooters. However, we are sometimes offering used Vespas. Scooter Center Italia

Used Vespa

Recently we received a large delivery of used Vespas. But first of all we need to gain an overview.

We will keep you posted.

The reasons for the last trip to Italy were two extraordinary missions:

  1. The most ugly Lambretta in the universe
  2. The most beautiful Vespa on earth

…to be continued

Bon voyage – Dean comes with the BSG Corse bike to visit Scooter Center

Dean Orton, the main man behind Rimini Lambretta Centre, came to visit us for a couple of days. On his way from Italy to Venlo Scooter Run and afterwards to the Harz ring for the ESC race, he came to visit his old friends here. The reason for Dean’s days off from work was to give the BSG corse engine a proper test ride and thrash it as hard as possible.

BSG Corse Lambretta test riding


The testing of the engine is done in the proper way, just the way it will be used by a common rider. First of all the scooter is packed with Dean’s mod tat and additionally with:

  • a second expansion chamber to be tested
  • a bag full of spares and
  • camping gear for Venlo.

Then the bike is thrashed about the motorways and country roads across Europe (Rimini, Italy – Austria – Germany – Venlo, Netherlands). His test ride also took him to Scooter Center Cologne and to the Harz ring for the ESC race.

80mph – restricted to 50hp

This is real testing over a long distance with sitting happily at 80 mph all day and plenty of throttle left to easily hit 95 mph and all this with a very short gear ratio of 4.9.

The 305 cc barrel on the CNC machined casings is restricted by the programmable ignition to 50 hp. Unrestricted it gave a 63 hp at the Rimini Lambretta Centre dyno.

Scooter Racing at the Harz ring

At the Harz ring this weekend there will be held the next ESC race. Dean met the Casa Lambretta racing team last night. Today the first testing of the Casa race bikes will take place and the last preparation before the races will be done. The Casa Lambretta race bikes feature the Casa Performance range as well as some BGM parts that are used on these bikes. We were happy to supply the front and rear shockers, the Silentblocks as well as our BGM Superstrong Lambretta clutches for the bikes.

Our first time!

Even if we know each other for decades and the shops were founded roughly at the same time, we haven’t managed to visit each other’s shops until the year 2015. dean-orton-lambretta-dean-orton-lambretta

On the 25th of April we were invited to the Open Day and shop opening of the new Rimini Lambretta Centre premises. This weekend was one of the best ever, with a stunning shop, loads of food and drinks and the test riding of scooters that made history –like both Innocenti twin cylinder prototypes- and bikes that probably will make history – like the BSG 305 cc one

Here is the video of Philipp riding the BSG Corse Lambretta

On Monday we finally had the pleasure to welcome Dean at our place! It was a pleasure every single second and a lot of piss taking has taken place. After a first tour through the shop on Monday and even some business talk we had dinner together and the stories never ended. While Dean quotes our Generation XI Smallframe Vespa as the most beautiful object in the universe, he can’t be stopped to let us know that the look of the BGM Lambretta Test Bike is the most shittiest Lambretta he ever came across. A theory we are confronted with from the first day Dean saw the Test Bike at the 2nd edition of the Riva del Garda Customshow in 2013. To stop this, we will send the Test Bike over to them to have the optics matched to the perfectly working engineering of it.


On Tuesday Dean tested the bike in the rain on the beautiful routes around Cologne/Bergheim and came in for the traditional afternoon tea and some more stories and ideas about how to improve Lambretta parts.

On Wednesday the plans were to do another tour and take some pictures of how we proceed orders to show them at home. This has been missed though, because we wanted to see how the BSG engine performed on the dyno with the different pipes Dean had with him. Sadly we ran out of time and hadn’t the chance to put the Big Box on the 305, to modify an U-bend for the exhaust stub took too long and lunch was waiting and afterwards Dean had to leave.

We send our best regards to all the staff at Rimini Lambretta Centre and to Vittorio and his race team and keep our fingers crossed!

Sunday we have bee at the Customshow in Antwerp. With first rays of spring sun and a deep blue sky, lots of people turned up with their scooters. Everyone was in a very relaxed mood.

At our stall we gave away our Vespa catalogues, showed some nice und upcoming bgm parts and were very pleased, what nice customers we do have.

The scooters on display were from all fields of scootering. From modded up PK’s to stunning original condition bikes to full customs everything was there. The parts fair was massive and lots of bargains have been made. The SCK Shop Demonstrator won three trophies: BEST VESPA CUSTOM, BEST ENGINEERING and PUNTERS CHOICE. The PUNTER CHOICE made our day and it was very nice to see that the people like it too.

Thanks to the LCD for doing our stall and the advice for the Frituren. And a massive thank to the organizers for doing this very special and nice show! Next year we will be back!

Something nice we want to share with you! The first dyno run of the Polini 130 EVO engine. This was the first ever dyno run and before it was fitted to the chassis. The carb was setted up, but not fine tuned.
Our thanks go to Thomas the Second. He did the video in his spare time. Shortly he will join the Scooter Center Team and we are looking forward to have him on board!

This weekend we are looking forward to the Antwerp Customshow! We will do a stall there and bring the SCK Shop Demonstrator with us.

We can’t wait!