
Vespa Club Wiehengebirge

Der Vespa Club Wiehengebirge feierte sein 5-jähriges Jubiläum und Marco Niehoff teilte diese tollen Fotos mit uns, die von der perfekten Organisation der Veranstaltung in Bissendorf zeugen,

„Am 08.07.2023 feierte der Vespa Club Wiehengebirge e.V. sein 5-jähriges Bestehen in freudiger Runde. Freunde und begeisterte Vespa-Enthusiasten aus verschiedenen Clubs wurden zu diesem besonderen Anlass herzlich eingeladen. Die Einladung fand großen Anklang, und mehr als 100 Gäste strömten herbei, von denen über 70 stolz auf ihren eigenen Vespas angereist waren.

Für die ersten 50 Roller, die an diesem Tag eintrafen, gab es eine exklusive Tasche gefüllt mit attraktiven „Giveaways„. Um ausreichend Raum für das Ereignis zu haben, mieteten wir das DRK-Vereinsheim in Bissendorf-Jeggen, das uns großzügigen Platz bot. Auf dem Parkplatz wurde ein unterhaltsamer Hindernisparcours für die Fun Games aufgebaut. Hier konnten die Besucher ihre fahrerischen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen und dabei die Chance nutzen, großartige Preise von unseren großzügigen Sponsoren zu gewinnen – darunter ein hochwertiger Vespa Helm von der angesehenen Firma Schriewer.


Der Hindernisparcours erhielt eine zusätzliche Prise Spannung durch einen voll funktionsfähigen, alten Blitzer. Nachdem die Besucher den Parcours absolviert hatten, bot der Blitzer die Gelegenheit für ein Erinnerungsfoto, wenn man eine bestimmte Geschwindigkeitsgrenze überschritt. Für jene, die noch mehr Schnappschüsse von sich und ihren Vespas wünschten, stand ein weiteres Blitzgerät bereit, das auf einer abgesteckten Strecke blitzte.

Ein weiteres Highlight war die Custom Show, in der jeder Roller auf seine individuelle Schönheit und Einzigartigkeit hin bewertet wurde. Ein selbstgemachter Handyhalterung erhielt den begehrten Pokal als Auszeichnung bei dieser Show.


Natürlich wurde auch für das leibliche Wohl bestens gesorgt. Angefangen bei Bratwurst und leckeren Salaten bis hin zu verlockenden Kuchen und duftendem Kaffee – niemand musste hungrig bleiben. Angesichts der sengenden 35 Grad an diesem sonnigen Tag waren besonders unsere gekühlten Softgetränke äußerst begehrt.

Um dem Geist der Vespa gerecht zu werden, wurde zur Mittagszeit eine erfrischende Ausfahrt von 50 Kilometern veranstaltet. Für den Fall der Fälle stand auf dem Festgelände ein Pannenwagen bereit, der glücklicherweise nicht benötigt wurde.

Nach der Ausfahrt erfolgte die feierliche Ehrung der Gewinner mit den großzügigen Preisen von unseren unterstützenden Sponsoren. An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns von Herzen bei all unseren Sponsoren bedanken. Ihr habt dazu beigetragen, diesen Tag zu einem unvergesslichen Ereignis zu machen. Dallmann, Salon Dostal, Der Dorfladen, VGH, klein & fein, Schriewer, Louis, S.I.P., Werkstatt Hartmann, Scooter Center.

Ein besonderes Dankeschön gilt außerdem unseren geschätzten Besuchern, den fleißigen Helfern, den Blitzer-Sammlern und den engagierten Mitgliedern des DRK-Vereins. Ohne eure Unterstützung hätte dieser Tag nicht in seiner vollen Pracht erstrahlen können.

So neigte sich dieser wunderbare Tag, angefüllt mit lebhaften Benzingesprächen und aufregenden Aktivitäten leider viel zu schnell dem Ende zu. Nochmals herzlichen Dank an alle, die dazu beigetragen haben, diesen Tag zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis werden zu lassen.“

Facebook Vespa Club Wiehengebirge e.V
Munich Vespa Clubs


Während meines Besuchs bei Robin Davy habe ich mir die Zeit genommen, die Stadt München besser kennen zu lernen, aber es ist keine vollständige Reise ohne eine Fahrt mit der Vespa!
Also lieh mir der gute Mitschl Kelle seine Vespa T5 und organisierte eine wunderbare Ausfahrt mit Vespa Clubs aus München, die sich vor der beeindruckenden Architektur des Königsplatzes trafen.

Ich lief mit dem Glück, dass Mitglieder von drei der repräsentativsten Clubs Münchens und im weiteren Sinne Deutschlands an der Runde teilnahmen:

Mit langer Tradition seit den 50er Jahren und 2013 wieder aufgenommen, der Vespa Club München beschäftigt sich ausschliesslich mit Vespas die dem klassischen Ursprung der ersten Stunde entsprechen. 

Die Vespa Cowboys Germany wurde 2013 gegründet und hatte schon 2018 mit großem Gemeinschaftssinn bereits 14 angeschlossene Länder. Sogar Kolumbien, meine Heimat,  hat sein Chapter Vespa Cowboys Colombia.

Und mit der Aufführung der historischen Vespa-Akrobatik: die Vespa Oldtimerfreunde München denen sowohl Robin Davy als auch Kelle angehören und deren Show ich das Glück hatte auf den Vespa World Days in Celle 2017 zu sehen.

Und falls ihr euch fragt, wie es ist, mit den Mitgliedern der Vespa Oldtimerfreunde München, die Teil des Akrobatik-Teams sind, zu fahren…

Stehender Mann auf einer rote Vespa

Wie immer ist es ein Traum, mit so netten Menschen das Hobby  zu teilen und ihre wunderbaren Roller zu sehen, außerdem fühle ich mich sehr geehrt, denn es ist nicht sehr üblich, dass Clubs gemeinsame Fahrten organisieren.

Danke Jungs und bis zum nächsten mal!!!


Vespa-Sammlung von Rovin Davy

Ich hatte die Gelegenheit, einen der größten Vespa-Sammler Deutschlands und vielleicht sogar der Welt zu treffen!
Und er ist heute auf der Scooter Center Couch, in diesem exklusiven Video erzählt er uns wie in keinem anderen die Details seiner Sammlung, die erstaunlichen Geschichten, die hinter jedem Fundstück stecken. 
Als Vespa-Fan bin ich total fasziniert, nicht nur von den Vespas, sondern von allen Sammlungsstücken, die mit der Vespa-Community zu tun haben.
Hier kommt ein Video, das ihr nicht verpassen solltet!


Die Sammlung ist voller Schätze, denn wie er sagt, liegt der Wert seiner Sammlung nicht in der Quantität, sondern in der unglaublichen Qualität dieser einzigartigen Stücke. Schön, dass bei der Sammlung von Robin beides mehr als ausreichend vertreten ist. 

Heute hat Robin die Türen seines Museums und seines Zuhauses für uns geöffnet und wir vom Scooter Center sind im Hinblick auf wunderbare gemeinsame Projekte unendlich dankbar.

Damit wir frühzeitig einen Überblick über die Teilnehmer bekommen wären wir dankbar, wenn Ihr Euch zeitnah online nennt. Dort findet Ihr auch alle Infos zum Reglement etc.


Einfach QR-Code scannen und ihr erhaltet 5 Eur Rabatt mit dem Aktionscode: anlassen2022



Der erste Lauf 2022 auf der Grand-Prix-Strecke des Rings ist am ersten Juli Wochenende. Dieses Mal mit noch mehr Fahrzeit und buntem Rahmenprogramm.

Neben weiteren spannenden Rennserien wie Seitenwagen und IG Königsklasse sollten endlich auch wieder Zuschauer erlaubt sein. Wir bauen im Fahrerlager eine kleine Zeltstadt auf und freuen uns auf ein fröhliches Zusammensein und regen Austausch zwischen Fahrern und Besuchern.


Wir haben das Reglement angepasst. Mindestalter ist jetzt 14 Jahre. Also ab in die Werkstatt und für die Kids einen Renner bauen…

Hier die Daten:

Offen für alle Roller bis 13 Zoll.
Datum: 01.-02.07.2022 (Anreise am 30.06.2022 abends)
Strecke: Nürburgring Grand-Prix-Strecke (5,2km)
Fahrzeit: 135 Minuten (3x Training, 1x Quali, 1 GLP)
Kosten: 299€ zzgl. 19€ DMSB Race Card

DMC Scooter Center Cup 1.-2. Juli 2022

Hallo zusammen,

es geht weiter im Scooter Center Cup auf dem Nürburgring.
Der erste Lauf 2022 auf der Grand-Prix-Strecke des Rings ist am ersten Juli Wochenende. Dieses Mal mit noch mehr Fahrzeit und buntem Rahmenprogramm.

Neben weiteren spannenden Rennserien wie Seitenwagen und IG Königsklasse sollten endlich auch wieder Zuschauer erlaubt sein. Wir bauen im Fahrerlager eine kleine Zeltstadt auf und freuen uns auf ein fröhliches Zusammensein und regen Austausch zwischen Fahrern und Besuchern.

Das Reglement bleibt unverändert und ist maximal offen für alle Roller bis 13 Zoll.

Hier die Daten:

Datum: 01.-02.07.2022 (Anreise am 30.06.2022 abends)

Strecke: Nürburgring Grand-Prix-Strecke (5,2km)

Fahrzeit: 135 Minuten (3x Training, 1x Quali, 1 GLP)

Kosten: 299€ zzgl. 19€ DMSB Race Card

Damit wir frühzeitig einen Überblick über die Teilnehmer bekommen wäre ich dankbar, wenn Ihr Euch zeitnah online nennt. Dor findet Ihr auch alle Infos zum Reglement etc.

Updates werde ich auf Facebook regelmäßig posten.

Wir sehen uns auf dem Ring.

Dortmunder Motorsport Club e.V.

Video SC Cup am Nürburgring 2021

Evo Retrofit ElektroRoller

Von eingefleischten 2-Takt-Fans gehasst & gebasht, steigt die Begeisterung bei denen, die sie probefahren durften – die Rede ist von klassischen Vespa-Rollern, die, ausgestattet mit Elektromotoren, ihre Kult-Optik behalten und gleichzeitig umweltfreundlich unterwegs sind.
Simon Hische, Gründer von prosimo und ehemaliger Entwickler bei ÉvoRetrofit, hat es geschafft, einen Elektromotor zu konzipieren, der Plug&Play in den originalen Rahmen einer klassischen Vespa passt – und das mit TÜV-Gutachten! Dank herausnehmbarer Akkus wird das Aufladen bequem zuhause oder in der Garage möglich.
Das Team von prosimo arbeitet mittlerweile an Umbaukits für alle Vespa-Modelle: Smallframe, Largeframe und sogar an Custom-Umbauten wie demnächst eine Wideframe-T1 „Struzzo“ von 1954.

Interview-Video mit Testfahrten und Besucherstimmen zur Elektro-Vespa

Elektro Vespa von ÉvoRetrofit beim Scooter Center OpenDay Interview | Test | Stimmen

Evo Retrofit ElektroRoller

Elektrifiziere Deine Vespa mit prosimo

Der Umbau ist einfach und reversibel – alles passt Plug & Play, und der Rahmen bleibt unbeschädigt.

Mehr Infos zu Preisen, Einbau-Partnern und Kits findest du direkt auf


Vespa Gepäckträger Ulma Asseccoire Style

Is this the most beautiful luggage rack for Vespa oldies?

This front luggage rack for old Vespas is a great repro of what we think is the most beautifully designed front luggage rack!

Luggage Carrier for Vespa Oldtimers

This great luggage rack fits all older Vespa/Motovespa models. It is a great accessory for your Vespa Wideframe (all models from 1946 onwards) as well as for Vespa & Motovespa Largeframe up to approx. 1977 = all scooter models with metal cascade, not Vespa PX.

Vespa Oldie Gepäckträger Wideframe & Largeframe Ulma Nanucci Style

Choose your style

TIP: I personally like the rawstyle version in bare metal because of the cool solder joints in steampunk look! To get corrosion protection with the same look, the luggage rack can be clear varnished, clear powder coated, waxed or oiled. Of course, you can also have it painted or powder-coated in your colour.

Order your Ulma-style luggage rack here

Your Vespa – your style! Scooter Center – your Vespa shop

Kabelbaum BGM ORIGINAL passend für alle Vespa PX Modelle bis Baujahr 1982

Convert your old Vespa PX with battery now easily

A modern electrical system without battery on your scooter does not destroy the appearance, it is an invisible and economical increase in safety and comfort, because

  • Without a battery, there is no need to purchase / replace and maintain the battery
  • Your electrical system and all consumers function independently of the battery’s condition or charge level
  • You efficiently prevent corrosion damage to your Vespa PX caused by an overcooked battery/battery acid
  • Significantly more safety due to increased light output = increased visibility = better being seen & and better seeing

Conversion wiring harness for all Vespa PX models until 1982

This wiring harness is perfect to convert your Vespa PX, which has a battery ex Piaggio factory, to a modern and maintenance-free on-board electrical system without battery. For this purpose, we offer an inexpensive and practical set with all the necessary new switches and ignition lock(BGM6685KT). Wiring harness in set with switches

Additionally, for a replacement / restoration, this is the PX wiring harness in the Italian version for models without battery. On this model, the turn signals, the horn (so-called „snare“) and all other consumers are supplied with power directly via the on-board AC system. The ignition base plate used on these vehicles has only 3 cables (contact ignition models) or 5 cables (vehicles with electronic ignition). Wiring harness single without switch

Vehicle models:

Vespa PX battery-free : Conversion without battery

For the conversion of your scooter to the modern electrical system, you need the following parts and save the battery, the wintering and the care/maintenance of the vehicle battery in the future

  • VOLTAGE REGULATOR In general, the simple 3-pole voltage regulator (G|G|M) is used with this wiring harness (e.g. 9100001). The 5-pole voltage regulator (A|A|B+|G|M) originally used on vehicles delivered from the factory with battery can still be used. Only the connections B+ and G remain unassigned (formerly charging current for the battery). A better alternative is the compact and powerful BGM Pro voltage regulator(BGM6690). This can, for example, also supply a USB socket with 12V DC voltage for charging the mobile phone/navi, etc.
  • IGNITION / IGNITION BASE PLATE /LIMA The type with 5-cables is used as ignition base plate (also recognisable by the blue and black cable for the single voltage supply). The original 7-cable Lima of the models with battery can no longer be used. However, due to their age, these often show damage to the cable insulation anyway. Conversion to the more powerful ignition base plate of the later Lusso models (e.g. BGM8025N or BGM8032N) is therefore highly recommended. This increases the total light output of the AC network considerably, as no more current is diverted for battery charging. Thus, even old PX models can be equipped with a 35/35W lamp. Most alternators with 5-cables have a round plug. The wiring harness offered here has (as in the original Italian) 6.3mm flat plugs. Here, either the wiring harness can be converted to a round plug or the ignition base plate can be converted to a flat plug. The necessary parts can be found in the accessories.
  • BLINKING RELAY The models with battery use a DC (direct current) flasher relay. After conversion, an AC (alternating current) flasher relay is required (e.g. 1195703).
  • INSTRUCTIONS / WIRING DIAGRAM The following instructions / wiring diagramwill help you to connect the cables .

Checklist: Spare parts / parts that are connected to the wiring harness

To make sure everything works, you should go through this list and check if your old parts are still OK. If not, you can order them directly from our Vespa Shop via the link:

*9512115 ? 9520072 + 9520074 / **9512027 ? 7675200 + 7675201

CONCLUSION: Absolutely sensible conversion to modern, more powerful and maintenance-free electrics

Tutorial Installation Wiring Harness Video Instructions

This is a PX-Lusso wiring harness, it has different connections, so don’t get confused. However, the basic principle of the wiring harness is the same and this video tutorial may help you to install and connect the wiring harness in the body of your Vespa.

Tutorial SC – Vespa PX Lusso Kabelbaum Anleitung Montage Einbau Vespa Kabelbaum

Bollag Motos Vespa Wideframe Tuning

Bollag Motos in the Scooter Center Vespa Shop

This is Ralph Bollag, a friendly Swiss scooterist who knows a lot about the very old Vespa models and, above all, he is the founder of Bollag Motos.

BollagMotos Video Teaser

In our Bollag Motos shop, you will find a selection of Bollag products for your old Vespa Wideframe / Faro Basso / Lampenunten models.

Choose your Vespa model here:

Vespa Gentleman Giro Markus Mayer mit 50cc Vespa und Anzug



Markus André Mayer, 44 years old and a passionate Vespa fan from the beautiful Allgäu region.

Vespa Gentleman Giro Markus Mayer mit 50cc Vespa und Anzug

In 2017, Markus was able to combine 3 of his passions (Vespa, charity work and social media) into one Giro Germanica to unite them. With the help of Vespa clubs from German-speaking countries, he was able to generate over €25,000 in donations for the German Children’s Cancer Foundation’s Forest Pirate Camp during a 42-day fundraising ride. Of course, the Scooter Center was also part of his Giro Germanica And we supported the campaign.

Now Markus has something new in mind, and the Scooter Center is supporting him again. It is a matter of the heart for us! This time we are the main sponsor and support and sponsor his new mission extensively.

Here on the Scooter Center blog, we will keep you up to date on this year’s mission over the next few months. We start today with the first presentation of the VESPA GENTLEMAN GIRO, look forward to an interview and a making-of of the engine we are building for Markus.

Vespa Gentleman Giro Markus Mayer


Markus has decided to dedicate the entire year 2021 full time to fundraising for children with cancer. He will start with the 3 initiatives to raise funds for 40 cancer organisations in 40 countries across Europe:

  • Great European fundraising race
  • 10 relay races in different countries
  • 1 World Record Poker Run(explanation)

So for 2021 he is planning a much bigger action: within 8 months he wants to unite the whole European Vespa scene by a big fundraising ride around whole Europe with several linked actions to raise at least 250.000€ for 40 national cancer foundations and care centres. To complete this heartfelt project, he will need about 14 months in total. Through various large travel projects, such as his

  • 80 days around the world in 2018,
  • USA Crossing in 2017,
  • or European Tour in 2014,

it was already possible for him to gain a lot of experience and, above all, to make many contacts with scooter riders all over the world.

The contacts to the national clubs throughout Europe make it possible to identify suitable donation targets in advance, such as the Liga contra Cancro in Portugal, and to coordinate the planned measures and events in the respective countries. During the trip, Markus plans to set 3 Guinness Book of World Records and thus also draw the interest of the public and the media to the facilities, clubs and the fundraising campaign.


Vespa Gentleman Giro Europa Route

25.000 km through 40 European countries. The actual route will be determined by the 200+ clubs I want to meet on the way to collect donations.

Even if it doesn’t look like it on this map yet: of course a stop at the Scooter Center is planned again, we’ll keep you posted!


„Eleanore“ – the Smallframe Vespa. For the tour he will use a Vespa V50N from 1971. It will be the longest scooter ride on 50cc ever!

Markus mit Eleonore Vespa V50 N

We are currently working on the engine of the Vespa, so stay tuned, more about that soon here in the blog.


Yes, of course you can help too, Markus is dependent on support and is happy about donations to the individual organisations, more information and donation options here. You are also welcome to share this post with friends via Facebook, Whatsapp etc.

Schlauch 3.00 10

Vespa & Lambretta Smallframe inner tube 3.00 x 10 bgm PRO

We have chosen a very high buty content for the new bgm PRO inner tubes in favour of better quality and higher safety and therefore a separate tube size for tyres up to 3.00-10 and 90/90-10 = Vespa & Lambretta Smallframe. Other inner tubes with a lower butyl content have more flexibility due to a higher rubber content. They serve a wider range of possible tyre sizes (up to 130/90-10), but as a major disadvantage, poorer air-tightness and puncture resistance must be accepted.

Our bgm PRO hoses are manufactured to our specifications especially for the needs of Vespa and Lambretta scooters. The butyl content is over 55%, which makes them extremely airtight and absolutely reliable. The high butyl content makes the hose more expensive to produce, but the result justifies the expense! Nevertheless, we offer this high-quality hose at a super price:
Buy Smallframe inner tube here

Fitting instructions Fitting inner tube & tyre

TIP: Our bgm PRO scooter inner tubes can be used in many vehicles with 10-inch tubular tyres. When mounting, insert the tyres at the bead with mounting paste and dust the inside of the tyre with talcum powder. The mounting paste ensures the correct end position of the tyre while the talc minimises the friction of the inner tube. This maximises the safety and life of the inner tube. Instructions for fitting Vespa tyres

Tutorial How to assemble the bgm CLASSIC tyres for Vespa


Bremsankerplatte Little Kong Crazy Monkey Development

CMD Little Kong Brake Anchor Plate Vespa Smallframe

Little Kong is the modern, modular brake anchor plate from Crazy Monkey Development for Vespa smallframe engines. This beautiful brake anchor plate is available for the Vespa models Vespa PV/V50 and Vespa PK. Wolfgang from CMD has developed an extremely flat brake anchor plate with the Little Kong, which also fits on engines with an underlaid clutch cover. Another feature is that it is easy to switch between PV and PK brake drums by simply replacing the brake shoe mount. The modular design of this noble part makes it possible!

  • Material: High-strength aluminium (EN AW-7075), tool steel
  • Scope of delivery: Brake anchor plate, brake shoe holder, brake cam holder, circlip


TIP! Professional solution for series and racing engines and very nice part!

Fits on: Vespa Smallframe V50, PV, ET3, PK Material: High-strength aluminium, tool steel
Modular brake anchor plate for Vespa smallframe engines of the type Vespa PV?/?V50 as well as PK. The extremely flat design allows the brake anchor plate to be used without modification on engines with an underlaid clutch cover. It is easy to switch between PV and PK brake drums by replacing the brake shoe holder.

Vespa gearbox for the Wideframe Vespa V30-33, VM, VN, VL, VB1

900 Euro seems to be a lot of money for a Vespa gearbox at first sight. Even at second glance the amount is not less, but the gearbox parts from our Italian friend Stefano Benelli rightly enjoy an excellent reputation and are worth every cent! They are essential if you want a reliable gearbox that has been tested in racing.

Benelli Vespa Tuning
If you are looking for a high-end tuning gearbox with reliable technology for your old Vespa, you will find it here! Hardened to an average of 60 HRC, Benelli parts offer exactly the perfect balance of sufficient hardness and the necessary elasticity to withstand the enormous loads in a racing engine.

Complete Vespa Wideframe gearbox

Stefano now offers his experience and enormous expertise in the form of a complete gearbox for the Wideframe models. This includes the four gears, the auxiliary shaft, the auxiliary shaft axle as well as a gearshift cross including a shift pin bushing. You can find all the details here directly at the product Benelli Wideframe gearbox

Vespa & Lambretta Thailand Bangkok
Vespa & Lambretta Thailand Bangkok

Delivery Mission with Lambretta TV 175 and Vespa GTS in Bangkok

Travelogue Thailand, Bangkok 2018

It is January 2021 and we are still missing the lifestyle associated with our chosen way of life. No Runs, no Nighters, no Racing and sometimes it feels like no nothing than Covid. So, the other day we were discussing in the Skype lunchtime meeting the subject of our business travels.

We did a lot and most ended up being sweaty and covered in dust and grease or over tired on some motorways with a hangover on our way back.

One of the ultimate highlights of all Scooter Center travels has been the one to Bangkok in 2018. We had the plan to visit the dealers over there and get a better feeling for the scene in Thailand. We are in general very far from being hypercritical and see the positive things rather than negative things. A lot of the complaining in the western hemisphere is not very objective and the usual prejudice when it comes to Asia is –let us face it- copycats.


Buddy Seat Lambretta Garage

We were really looking forward to see what would be waiting for us. Our first stop after we landed was visiting Buddy seat Lambretta Garage. A fantastic place with frame and fork jigs and an unbelievable level of artisanship. Starry-eyed as we are, we simply tried to find the place ourselves. The try was without any success and we had to ask a Taxi driver to call the shop to find it. As things were not easy, the shop owner itself came to guide us. And hey presto, we are in town less than two hours and are escorted by a Lambretta TV 200 to the shop. Not a too bad start for the seven-day business trip. The language barrier was sadly there, but the gestures between some Lambretta nuts worked well and we made the conversation this way.

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Lambretta Thailand Café

As we do not want to bore you to death with every single detail, we make it short. Our second stop was the Lambretta Thailand Café that hosts as well the Lambretta Thailand Shop of our good friend Toon, he speaks perfect English and took care of us for the rest of our stay in BKK. He really made the business trip to the perfect holiday at least for Philipp. Maybe even Ulf.

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Delivering scooter parts in Bangkok with Lambretta TV 175 and Vespa GTS

Beside our daytime entertainment in visiting dealers, Toon showed us all the cool places.

The places he brought us to deeply impressed us and showed at the same time how passionate and obsessed the folks over there are with anything Vespa and Lambretta.


Delivery Mission

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Scooter collectors

The collectors we have visited are really a class of their own and bounded to their scooters and their pristine original conditions. Have a look at the funky accessories.

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Ratchada Night Market

Another big highlight and a place where we could have stayed for eternity is the Ratchada Night market. A place with a few small Lambretta shops, lots of Vintage car shops, vintage stuff and clothing. Cafes, Bars, amongst others an old American fuel station (demounted in the States, brought over and re-assembled) and loads of other bits to see, eat and drink.

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GO TO SCOOTER Meeting in Bangkok

Also the place where the GO TO SCOOTER Runs take place and that is our ultimate dream for the post Corona time to be there.  Check it out on Youtube:

Goto Scooter V6 2019 ตลาดนัดรถไฟศรีนครินทร์ – Ohhoโตล้อ10"




All photos

Here you can find all the pictures of the trip.

Modern Vespa-dealer


Big Daddy Motoclub


Mr. Balon

M Autotpart

Lambretta and Vespa dealers

Auu Vespa

Buddy Seat Lambretta Garage

Downtown Machines

Lambretta Resto



Lambretta Thailand Shop & Cafe


Lambretta Liefermissionen, Streetlife & Collectors

Delivery mission 1

Delivery mission 2



Ratchada Night Market

The Camp Vintage Flea Market

Lambretta collectors

Collectors 1

Collectors 2

LML Karosserie Blechteile Rahmen für Vespa PX

LML Piaggio Vespa licence buildings from India

„Lohia Machinery Limited“ is the abbreviation LML. Would you have known it? And did you know that we already
travelled to India
in2014 to see the
production process for ourselves and to visit the LML factory in Kampur?

Our „souvenir“ was a few containers full of complete LML frame sets with all necessary sheet metal parts, already painted. These body kits are a great replacement for Vespa PX frames.

A success story takes its course, but will there be a happy end?

Die allerletzten LML Rahmensets für VESPA PX – Timeline LML Vespa PX

In 2015 we were able to unpack the first boxes and offer these popular restoration sets for the PX series.

Yes, there were rumors and somehow it was to be expected, but we were still very upset when we
had to report the end of LML
not even 2 years later
:2016. Since then there are only remnants of the parts, which are or were mostly a good, often the only alternative for original Piaggio Vespa parts.

In 2019 Maryzabel has started to build Platónika based on an LML set and one of the last LML motor housings and LML fork for disc brakes. Sweetened with many great bgm PRO parts, such as the 187cc cylinder for being the heart of the whole project.

2020 – now is the time! It has come as it had to come: Also the stock of our LML frame sets for Vespa PX is now coming to an end. Just in time for the beginning of autumn we give you the chance to order the very last LML body kits.

My TIP: Buy now, before it’s too late.

Now save one of the last LML frame sets

LML frame set for Vespa PX under test

We use the framework ourselves for our Platónica project. But also for example the Vespa-youtuber Kevin, from Savage Scooters, got this frame as a replacement for a warped and rusted through Vespa PX frame. In this video he unpacks our LML frame set and shows you the quality and also the final result, which is quite impressive:

PX Garage Nienburg | PX 200 Rahmen Set | LML Rahmenset B-Ware


LML frame set for Vespa PX chassis buy here

Frame Vespa PX now get the very last LML frame set for Vespa PX. Complete set. painted, with all body parts Vespa PX!

Vespa PX alt Tacho bis 160km/h von bgm PRO

Vespa PX alt Tacho bis 160km/h von bgm PRO

Vespa PX old Speedo bgm PRO 160km/h for Vespa PX up to ’84

This is the bgm PRO speedometer up to 160km/h for the old Vespa PX with the small speedometer without fuel gauge. A precise eddy current measuring unit with a display range up to 160km/h makes it so special! The standard speedometer has only 120km/h to offer here

This high-quality precision speedometer for your Vespa replaces 1:1, the speedometer installed ex works by Piaggio.

Vespa PX Tacho 160km/h bgm PRO – Tacho für alte Vespa PX bis 160 km/h

Why does a Vespa PX need a speedometer up to 160?

With us in our shop ( you also get engine tuning and transmission technology that will push your production speedometer to its limit already in second or third gear – we feel responsible to provide you with an appropriate speedometer.

Your Vespa doesn’t go 160?

So what? As a child, did you always press your nose against the windscreen to check the speedometer to see how fast the car could go? With the 160 bgm speedometer – does your scooter already go 160 when it is standing still. Too much of a good thing for you? Of course we also have speedometers up to 120km/h, which are also perfect for a clean original restoration.

Now drive here with one click 160


Original optics

Tip: The classic appearance is preserved, the existing speedo cable and the original speedo sprocket can simply be used further.

Therefore you can find this speedometer as spare part in our exploded drawings:

Suitable for example for the following Vespa and Motovespa models: