Mit der Idee, den VWD 23 Schweiz zu besuchen, schon lange im Kopf, aber erst einen Tag vorher entschieden, machten Platónika und ich uns auf den Weg von Köln nach Interlaken, um endlich das zu tun, wofür Platónika geschaffen wurde: Veranstaltungen zu besuchen und Geschichten zu erzählen.

Day 1 auf dem Weg zu den Vespa World Days 2023

Da es sich um einen Roller mit absolut allem „Neuen“ (2021) handelt, erforderte er keine größere Wartung, dennoch ist es nicht überflüssig, zumindest ein Reserverad, Öl, Zug set Universal und eine Zündkerze zu haben.

Nach der Arbeit um 18:30 Uhr machte ich mich auf den Weg und kam nach fünfeinhalb Stunden Autobahnfahrt und 442km in Freiburg an, um Vespistas zu treffen, die unterwegs waren.

Und eines der Probleme, wenn man nachts unterwegs ist, ist der Mangel an Licht, aber die LED-Scheinwerfer machen da einen großen Unterschied.

Day 2 Landstraße Interlaken

Bereits wieder mit dem Warrior Scooter Club vereint, beschlossen wir, die restlichen 180 km durch die wunderschöne Landschaft nach Interlaken zu fahren.

SC bei den Vespa World Days 2023 Interlaken

VWD 2023


Hier standen die Kronjuwelen wie eine Vespa 98 (1946) und eine 125er (1947) und der „Speedy Service“, der mich an Scooter Center erinnerte. 😉

Das Vespa-Gymkhana ist eine Geschicklichkeitsprüfung, die aus einem Parcours mit verschiedenen Hindernissen besteht, die in möglichst kurzer Zeit zu bewältigen sind und war mein persönliches Highlight. was für ein Spaß! aber die Freundlichkeit und das Engagement der Freiwilligen vom Vespa Club Italia sind unübertroffen!

Real Scooterist!

Jeder Club hat seine eigene Geschichte und ich hatte die Gelegenheit, Clubs, von denen ich nie gedacht hätte, dass ich sie kennen würde, aus erster Hand kennen zu lernen: den Vespa Club Hongkong, Russland, Thailand und viele andere, wo ich auch die Ehre hatte, meinen geliebten Vespa Club Colombia zu vertreten!

L’escadrille des cigognes

VESPIPAS da Capital do Vinho-Cartaxo

Vespa Club Albania


VC Colombia und Vespa Club Borinage

Vespa Clubs

Vespa World Club – General Secretary

Vorstand Vespa Club Schweiz

Vespa Club Albania

Indonesia Team

Vespa Club Zürich

Vespa Club Zürich

Vespa Club Palermo

Vespa Club Ticino

Vespa Club Italia

Vespa Club Ostend, Belgium

Austria Gleisdorf


Vespa Fan Club

Vespa Klub Bern

Vespa Club Napoli

Vespa Club Lörrach

Vespa Club La Cote

Escadrille des cigognes

Vespa Club L’Aquila

SC war da!

Auf der Jagd nach Souvenirs konnten wir nicht mit leeren Händen gehen, und so erneuerten wir die Leidenschaft einiger, die uns in diesen 30 Jahren aufmerksam gefolgt sind, und gewannen neue Enthusiasten hinzu!


Freunde getroffen, neue Freunde gewonnen, Kolumbien zum ersten Mal beim Präsidententreffen vertreten, meine Schatzsammlung erweitert und vor allem das Vertrauensverhältnis zu Platónika gestärkt, sind nur einige der vielen Erlebnisse, die mir in Erinnerung geblieben sind.

aber die Rückfahrt wird immer weniger Spaß machen. Fast 9 Stunden auf der Autobahn nach Hause. Obwohl ich die beste Geschwindigkeit, die ich je erreicht habe! (fast 120 km/h durchgehend fahre) 🤩

Für diese tolle Erfahrung danke ich allen!

Maryza & Platónika!

Meine Abenteuer haben nicht nur mit den Vespas zu tun, sondern diesmal mit ihrer kleinen Schwester: den Mofas.
In einem spontanen Plan begleitete ich einige Mitglieder des technischen Teams von Scooter Center: Marc, Frank und Roland testen ihre Ciaos auf dem Mofa Fest 2022 von Iron Mofa.
Platonika würde geparkt bleiben, denn ich musste in einem richtigen Fahrzeug fahren! Und ich konnte keinen besseren Rücksitz bekommen als in dem Tandem von den Flatliners Jungs!
Ohne zu wissen, was mich erwartete, stellte ich Kameras auf und wir begannen ein Abenteuer, das sich als viel lustiger herausstellte, als ich es mir vorgestellt hatte.

Es war lustig, so viele „bad boys“ in diesen kleinen Fahrzeugen zu sehen, aber vor allem, wie immer, wunderbare Menschen voller guter Laune zu treffen.

Ciao Tandem: 

Der Grund für die Konstruktion dieses Tandems ist etwas Besonderes, ebenso wie seine Komponenten, die es dank Scooter Center geschafft haben, diese Rarität zu schaffen!

Das Tandem wird von einer Polini Speedengine mit einem DR Evo Zylinder Betrieben.
Als weitere Tuning Maßnahmen wurden ein 13/13er Vergaser mit einem SIL Tech Venturi und einem Malossi Luftfilter verbaut.
Die Abgase werden durch einen Gianeli OriPower abgeleitet.
Das Fahrwerk wurde durch die Stoßdämpferhalter von MMW und die bgm ProF16 Stoßdämpfer aufgerüstet.
Durch die erhöhte Belastung der Achsen wurde die normale Vorderachslagerung durch ein MC Proparts Vorderachs-Kit ersetzt + Buchsen set

Aber es wäre nicht die einzige Besonderheit, die ich bei diesem Treffen sehen würde:
Der Motor dieses Ciao stammt aus einem Trennschleifer für Eisenbahn schienen.



Munich Vespa Clubs


Während meines Besuchs bei Robin Davy habe ich mir die Zeit genommen, die Stadt München besser kennen zu lernen, aber es ist keine vollständige Reise ohne eine Fahrt mit der Vespa!
Also lieh mir der gute Mitschl Kelle seine Vespa T5 und organisierte eine wunderbare Ausfahrt mit Vespa Clubs aus München, die sich vor der beeindruckenden Architektur des Königsplatzes trafen.

Ich lief mit dem Glück, dass Mitglieder von drei der repräsentativsten Clubs Münchens und im weiteren Sinne Deutschlands an der Runde teilnahmen:

Mit langer Tradition seit den 50er Jahren und 2013 wieder aufgenommen, der Vespa Club München beschäftigt sich ausschliesslich mit Vespas die dem klassischen Ursprung der ersten Stunde entsprechen. 

Die Vespa Cowboys Germany wurde 2013 gegründet und hatte schon 2018 mit großem Gemeinschaftssinn bereits 14 angeschlossene Länder. Sogar Kolumbien, meine Heimat,  hat sein Chapter Vespa Cowboys Colombia.

Und mit der Aufführung der historischen Vespa-Akrobatik: die Vespa Oldtimerfreunde München denen sowohl Robin Davy als auch Kelle angehören und deren Show ich das Glück hatte auf den Vespa World Days in Celle 2017 zu sehen.

Und falls ihr euch fragt, wie es ist, mit den Mitgliedern der Vespa Oldtimerfreunde München, die Teil des Akrobatik-Teams sind, zu fahren…

Stehender Mann auf einer rote Vespa

Wie immer ist es ein Traum, mit so netten Menschen das Hobby  zu teilen und ihre wunderbaren Roller zu sehen, außerdem fühle ich mich sehr geehrt, denn es ist nicht sehr üblich, dass Clubs gemeinsame Fahrten organisieren.

Danke Jungs und bis zum nächsten mal!!!


Vespa-Sammlung von Rovin Davy

Ich hatte die Gelegenheit, einen der größten Vespa-Sammler Deutschlands und vielleicht sogar der Welt zu treffen!
Und er ist heute auf der Scooter Center Couch, in diesem exklusiven Video erzählt er uns wie in keinem anderen die Details seiner Sammlung, die erstaunlichen Geschichten, die hinter jedem Fundstück stecken. 
Als Vespa-Fan bin ich total fasziniert, nicht nur von den Vespas, sondern von allen Sammlungsstücken, die mit der Vespa-Community zu tun haben.
Hier kommt ein Video, das ihr nicht verpassen solltet!


Die Sammlung ist voller Schätze, denn wie er sagt, liegt der Wert seiner Sammlung nicht in der Quantität, sondern in der unglaublichen Qualität dieser einzigartigen Stücke. Schön, dass bei der Sammlung von Robin beides mehr als ausreichend vertreten ist. 

Heute hat Robin die Türen seines Museums und seines Zuhauses für uns geöffnet und wir vom Scooter Center sind im Hinblick auf wunderbare gemeinsame Projekte unendlich dankbar.

Toptul Werkzeug für Rollerfahrer - Werkzeug für Roller Reparaturen & Werkstatt

Toptul tools for scooter riders

We have received a large delivery, so the popular TOPTUL tools are available again.

TOPTUL Werkzeug für Rollerfahrer

Scooter Center TOPTUL Shop

TOPTUL has been manufacturing high-quality tools for over 20 years and is absolutely unbeatable in a price/performance comparison. TOPTUL products have been in daily use on Vespa, Lambretta & Co. for years and are always convincing.

As an example, let’s just mention the finely divided toothing of the ratchets. The solid and robust design with 72 teeth achieves a stitching of only 5 degrees (1/72 turn). This means that work can be done precisely and without repositioning, even in very tight places, with little working distance for the ratchet. It goes without saying that TOPTUL tools meet or exceed the common standards such as DIN / ISO / ANSI. The in-house quality control is very strict and is expressed, for example, in an individual measuring protocol enclosed with each torque spanner with regard to the measuring accuracy and the release behaviour. From our own experience, we can recommend TOPTUL products to every „intensive wrench user“ with a clear conscience.
Buy TOPTUL now hereDirect to the product in the Scooter Center Shop

These are the highlights from the video:

  • Socket set (ratchet box) -TOPTUL 1/4″- 4mm-14mm + bits – 49 pieces Article-No.: GCAI4901

And nice are still the sets, like this one:

  • Screwdriver set -TOPTUL Pro Series- 20 pieces Article-No.: GZC2005
  • Sea ring pliers set -TOPTUL- 4 pcs Article-No.: GPAQ0401
  • Allen key set -TOPTUL- 1,5mm, 2mm, 2,5mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm – 9 pieces Article-No.: GAAL0916

TIP: Then you have everything new, uniform and in an appealing look in one go! You can also find more recommendations for TOPTUL here on our Scooter Center Blog: All Toptul tools for scooter riders are available in our TOPTUL shop

Auf der Couch beim Scooter Center. Ein Interview Julia Spitznas

Being part of the Scooter Center team means to work with great people. Better than working is riding!

On my left and right side at the office, I have passionate Lambretta aficionados. Therefore, it probably was only a matter of time before I ride with one of them. In this case with her, but she is not just any girl, she is Yoleila (at Facebook) or Julia.

She is the president of the Lambretta Club Germany, scooter racer, almost a collector, crazy for the original scooters and parts, graphic designer and I could keep going…

That is, why, we interview her, to listen to those stories that we love to hear.

As a result, a very exciting project is to be started,

stay tuned until the end to find out where it is all about ;)

Auf der Couch beim Scooter Center | Interview Julia Spitznas – Marketing SC

Werkzeugtasche Moto Nostra Oldtimer Retro Look

MOTO NOSTRA tool bag for e.g. Vespa & Lambretta

We have new tool bags from MOTO NOSTRA on offer – and as usual at these times, today we have a product presentation from the home office!

Retro Style Tool Bag| Waxed Canvas

For e.g. classic cars and oldtimers who want to be stylish with their tool storage, we offer this practical tool roll. Of course, they also go great with a modern Vespa GTS or even a motorbike. Robust tool bag made of Waxes Canvas, a hard-wearing and water-repellent material. The tool bag has 5 spacious compartments with large sturdy zips. So the tools stay where you put them. The many compartments create order and offer quick access in an emergency. When rolled up, the bag can be securely closed with a wide strap and sturdy clip and compressed to be as handy as possible. The bag has three handles and two eyelets for fastening or hanging. Available in brown and black and soon also pre-packed with model-specific tools.

Tip: also order a bag for the lady in the house, because the bags can also be stylishly used as a toiletry bag. Kulturbeutel Vespa

  • Tool roll with zip compartments and buckle in brown
  • Tool roll with zip, compartments and buckle in black


You can find the emergency lamp here: Video of the lamp:

Notfall LED Taschenlampe / Arbeitsleuchte COB LED von MOTO NOSTRA



You can find matching bags from Moto Nostra here Video MOTO NOSTRA bags:

Neue Taschen für Motorroller 🎥😮 Moto Nostra Taschen für Motorroller


To put our feet on the ground is itself a statement! A reaffirmation of our identity: Scooter boys & girls, Mods, Racers and travelers know that their ideologies and beliefs land on accessories, which will become symbols of their most intrinsic qualities.

This is how Platónika takes this great step forward, after spending months in the air, preparing as the ideal Vespa, she descends, to finally touch the floor of the garage that equipped her with symbols of safety, style and fun. Being the first to integrate the last bgm releases:

5 Down to earth Platónika Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center

The Shock absorber set bgm PRO SPORT bgm7741BKTS

Which in spite of their high load capacity are very light, thanks to the high material quality and the length can be adjusted,  this is beneficial to driving stability, top speed and last but not least to the appearance.


The set wheel and rims Sport tubeless  black matt bgm – bgm35010SLKB

Tyres design with V shape for steering much better into the bend and offers more contact area when leaning and rims which its weight saving improved noticeably the response behaviour of the Chassis.


Brake caliper and bracket bgm Touring


With 4 pistons improve greatly the hydraulic transmission ratio and the braking force (with the same lever force) is increased.


Break caliper bracket bgm 


and the Premiere, the brake caliper bracket for bgm, Platónika is the one that will put to the test, but soon you can be the pioneer of this German Technology.


These are undoubtedly highlights that, do not end the adventure of the building, but start an experience on the roads of the world.


Artist: Sunsearcher

Title: Flamenco Rhythm

Album: Sunsearcher Spirit

License: CC-BY-SA

Arrow Auspuff Vespa GTS Test & Einbau

ARROW exhaust systems available for Vespa GTS

With us you can now also get ARROW exhaust systemsagain. Maybe you have already noticed with our Vespa GTS – Custom-Special that most custom scooters from CafeRacer 69 have an Arrow exhaust system installed. This is certainly not without reason, the Berlin Vespa Customizer Team knows what it does! Scooteria has made a nice comparison video here and compares the original Piaggio Vespa GTS exhaust with the ARROW exhaust:

Test ARROW VS. Vespa GTS Exhaust

Vespa GTS Arrow buy here

Gianelli & ARROW History

Giorgio Giannelli founded ARROW SPECIAL PARTS in 1985 and very successfully built racing exhaust systems for professional competition. In the 4-stroke and 2-stroke sector, drivers in various classes won world championship titles with the Arrow exhaust systems. In the meantime Gianelli and Arrow have brought their know-how gained from racing to the road and offer exhaust systems for the Vespa GTS, for example. The sound, the workmanship and the performance make it for many the best exhaust for the Vespa GTS. Of course available with E-marking and approval!

ARROW installation in video

Vespa GTS Arrow buy here

Vespa Alp Days 2020 Zell am See

Photos and Videos Vespa Alp Days 2020 Reloaded

One thing in advance: we are already looking forward to next year’s Vespa Alp Days 2021 in Zell am See(June 01-08, 2021) and are confident that we will be able to celebrate „normal“ Alp Days with you again. Registration and information you will find soon here:


Everything is different this year. Corona makes it possible. The date in June was cancelled, like many other events. Most of the scooter meetings fell victim to the epidemic. But then the Vespa Alp Days, under these difficult conditions, fortunately took place in the Alp Days Reloaded Edition.

We from the Scooter Center have been following this super Vespa meeting in Zell am See since the World Vespa Days 2009, when we were already the main sponsor and represented with a large stand and team. This huge international Vespa meeting was the birth of the following AlpDays event, which should take place for the 11th time this year. The Scooter Center is again the main sponsor and once again we were on site, albeit in this special situation with a mini team. What the two of us were able to experience in this short time was simply amazing: We started at 9:00 am in the morning with the Großglockner Bergpreis, I have never seen so many Vespa Rally 180 / 200 in one place before. Have a look here:

Videos Zell am See 2020

The result is 2 videos.
Tip: for the Großglockner exit Full Movie
you should take 30 minutes. It’s worth it! The course of the road in connection with the breathtaking mountain scenery at 2,500 meters above sea level make the scenery and the video simply epic.

I don’t know how Nicole and Franz always do it with the weather, but see for yourself!

Alp Days Reloaded Video

Vespa Alp Days 2020 – Alp Days Vespatreffen Zell am See – Großglockner


Großglockner Exit Full Movie

Epic Vespa Tour Großglockner FULL MOVIE 4K (HD) – AlpDays Vespa Abenteuer Alpen


In the couch of Scooter Center

Alex Stroh, The Technical product manager of SC

With the Platónika project, I get to know better and better to my partner in crime of this whole project and I am too happy to learn each day from one of the best Vespa mechanics I probably have met.

Beside he is also involved in the racing circus (on a Vespa of course) and -nothing more, nothing less- he is also one of the master minds in the development of bgm products for Scooter Center!

So -as I already know him- I thought it is time to have a look behind the scenes of SC and introduce to you Alex. Who many already know for his work, but few of his history.


I hope you like it, and if you have any more question, don’t hesitate and open fire! ;)

Vespa Platónika. Auf der Couch beim SC- Interview mit Alex Stroh Scooter Center

1 GEAR –  Personal story           00:47

– How did you start in the Vespa world, what was the beginning?
– How many Vespas do you have and which one was your first love?
2 GEAR – Vespa Knowledge     03:39
-¿Cómo conseguiste todo este conocimiento?
– y ¿cómo fue el primer contacto con SC? ¿Antes de qué trabajaras acá, conocias la tienda?
3 GEAR – Developer                  06:29
You have done a lot of Scooters here, a lot of projects, but also a lot of products that you have developed, tell us a little bit how is the process?
4 Gear: Racing                          08:51
– Tell us about this, how is he preparation, how long are the races.
– and at which tracks you already raced?
ALL YOU NEED                         12:22
Vespa GTS Led Blinker mit Lauflicht

The perfect indicators for your Vespa GTS conversion

We have already presented the popular LED indicators with dynamic running light from MOTO NOSTRA. Our partner Cafe Racer 69 also likes to use the indicators in their Vespa GTS conversions. Not without reason, because the tinted turn signals offer an exclusive and noble optics. In action the GTS running light indicators are spectacular, furthermore they fit perfectly into the design and the lines of the Vespa GTS bodywork: see also here in the video!

Easy to install

Now there is a video on Youtube, which shows the easy installation of the LED indicators very nicely:

Vespa Gts 300 hpe "British Classic" Teil 6 – Vespa LED Blinker Montage

The Vespa GTS LED turn signals with running lights are available in clear glass or black tinted, individually for front or rear and in an affordable set:

Vespa GTS LED Blinker mit Lauflicht

Buy LED indicators for Vespa GTS

MOTO NOSTRA indicators with dynamic running light for Vespa GTS

The MOTO NOSTRA turn signals have individually controlled LEDs and thus produce a fully dynamic running light, just as one knows it from vehicles in the luxury class (e.g. Audi A7). The generated light effect is very pleasing and offers a pleasant change to conventional turn signals. As an additional feature, the front turn signals have a bright white daytime running light strip in plasma look. At the rear the same technology is used as position light.


Besides this wonderful visual enhancement of the scooter and the possibility to individualize its GTS and thus stand out from the crowd, there is another important point that speaks for these great LED indicators:

This new technology increases the optical width of the rear end in the dark and significantly improves perception in road traffic. The bright LEDs of the turn signals are already clearly visible from a long distance. The running light is also optically better detected than with a conventional turn signal.


A special concern for us was the quality and fit. Both are on a very high level with the MOTO NOSTRA turn signals and therefore a high-quality alternative to the Power 1 turn signals.
In addition, the Moto Nostra indicators are always supplied with connection adapters. Therefore, there is no need to make any changes to the wiring harness!



Of course the indicators have a test mark and are approved for public road traffic (no TÜV approval required).


Vespa PX LED-Scheinwerfer Animation

Vespa PX LED Headlight

In this Vespa tutorial video we show you how to install our Vespa PX LED headlight for the Vespa PX. The MOTO NOSTRA HighPower LED headlight itself can also be installed in other cars (Lambretta, Vespa GTS, Sprint, Rally). With the included car specific frame, the installation of the Vespa PX LED headlight as e.g. Vespa PX LED headlight is very easy


  1. Mounting Vespa PX headlights 00:08
  2. Electrical part / connection Vespa LED headlights 01:42

Vespa PX LED Scheinwerfer Tutorial MOTO NOSTRA LED Scheinwerfer Vespa PX

DOWNLOAD PDF Assembly instructions for printing as PDF


The limit with conventional Bilux bulbs is on most scooters a headlight bulb with 45/45 W. The 80 W to max. 120 W ignition does not give more. The luminosity measured in lumens is less than 400 and the LED headlight has a luminosity three times as high (1300 lumens). The power consumption is only 20 W. This corresponds to the luminous efficiency of a conventional 100 Watt spotlight. This means that with a given alternator/power supply a considerably better illumination can be achieved. In addition, more capacity remains for other consumers


Parts used in this video

  • LED headlights incl. conversion frame Vespa PX and headlight bracket -MOTO NOSTRA- LED HighPower
    Article number: mn1101kt
  • Ignition switch -VESPA 4-cable- Vespa PX Lusso (from year 1984 up)
    Item number: 9520133
  • Light switch -GRABOR- Vespa PK125 XL/ETS, Vespa PX Elestart (1984-1998) – 10 cables (DC, models with battery, normally open)
    Item number: 9520145
  • Rubber flasher relay Vespa PX
    Item number: 3330940


LED headlamp with E9 marking (road approval) and high-intensity main/dipped beam. Additional feature is a separately switchable position light. With a diameter of 143mm it also fits perfectly in the steering head of the PX and Cosa models as well as in the lamp bezel of e.g. Vespa Sprint, GTR and Rally.


Vespa Moto Nostra LED High Power LED Scheinwerfer


Luminosity 1300 lumen Voltage: 12 Volt DC (direct current) Power consumption: 1.8A/1.3A Power consumption: 21.5W/15W/1.9W Diameter: Ø143mm Overall depth body: 54mm (measured from headlight ring without glass bulge) Overall depth overall: 79mm (measured from headlight ring without glass bulge with cable entry)


The LED headlight works exclusively with direct current, therefore it needs a battery or another equivalent power source with 12V DC. Operation with an AC power source will result in immediate failure

Ölwanne Vespa GTS schwarz

Install black oil pan Vespa GTS

Why convert a Vespa GTS oil pan?
In this article about Vespa GTS conversion we have shown you some great examples of custom and tuning a Vespa GTS.

It is often the details that make for a successful conversion with a coherent overall concept.

A nice detail of the modern Vespa scooters is for example a black oil pan. We offer you with our MOTO NOSTRA oil pan a brand new original Piaggio – oil pan, which we have provided with a high-quality high-gloss powder coating. The video below shows how the conversion is very easy to do.


This GTS oil pan is first prepared for the refinement in a complex way and then professionally processed. The result is an extremely hard-wearing surface with a super look. The sump is of course delivered ready for installation, you have the choice:

Note: Please do not forget to install a new gasket -> oil pan gasketA
great opportunity to use new engine oil and oil filter:

Tip: We offer you cheap and practical sets! The inspection kits are equipped with all parts needed for an inspection, depending on the mileage and recommended revision work:

Vespa GTS Inspektion Set

Vespa GTS oil pan conversion

The installation is very simple, but there are a few things to consider.
Here you can find a great video of Scooteria, who also change the MOTO NOSTRA oil pan in the course of their GTS 300 conversion. Helpful tips from the custom professionals of Cafe Racer 69 with tricks for installing the Vespa GTS oil pan:

Vespa Gts 300 hpe "British Classic" – Ölwanne Einbau

So this is how the conversion works:

  1. Drain oil
  2. Detaching the air filter box
  3. Unscrew vario cover
  4. Unscrew oil pan
  5. Clean sealing surface (knife or fine sandpaper, degrease)
  6. put on a new gasket (without additional sealing compound)
  7. now reassemble in reverse order


See video above. Use correct screws, replace spring, observe tightening torque: M6 screws oil pan: 10-14Nm.

MOTO NOSTRA oil pan purchase

The MOTO NOSTRA tub is available in :

bgm Classic Rollerreifen im Video

bgm CLASSIC scooter tyres 3.50 /10

In this video Alex introduces you to the bgm CLASSIC tire, a modern tire with a classic tread pattern for scooters. So don’t be irritated by the tread: at first sight the tread is not to be distinguished from the Vespa & Lambretta original equipment tyres of the 60s, but the tyre is not only something to „drive in front of the ice-cream parlour with the oldtimer“.

Thanks to modern tire development Made in Germany and high quality components, the bgm CLASSIC is a very performant tire for all life situations in lean angles, which is clearly visible in its speed release of up to 150km/h and the Reinforced marking.

Order your new bgm CLASSIC tire here

Tyre fitting Vespa / Lambretta

Tips for tyre mounting on a divisible rim, as they can be found on a classic Vespa or Lambretta for example, we have here for you: Vespa tyre mounting


The new scooter tires from bgm!

#bgmtyres bgm Vespa & Lambrett Reifen

Inlet timing Vespa P PE PX

In today’s video and blog it is about measuring the intake angle, also called intake timing.
The intake angles should be within a certain range which is indicated in degrees crankshaft. The measurements always start as a fixed point from the top dead center, called OT for short.
The intake range is therefore divided into the values „before TDC“ and „after TDC“, because the intake is opened before the top dead center and closed after passing the top dead center.

For a Vespa engine with rotary vane control, the values of approx. 100° F.T.S. and 65° N.T.S. have been found to be good for a good touring concept.
For very performance-oriented concepts which sometimes have to operate a higher engine speed, the values can also be significantly higher. 120° f.o.d. and up to 75° n.o.d. can be found here. The inlet angles should always be selected to match the desired concept. Here the principle is to make the intake area as large as necessary and as small as possible in order to reach the desired values.
The two-stroke heart of Platonika should be a powerful unit and therefore the inlet should be in the range of 100° F.T.O. to 65° N.T.O.

In order to determine the exact angle of one side, some tools and material are necessary.
– engine case-
cylinder and piston-
bearing dummies

BGM PRO- 613912 (25x62x12mm) BGM PRO- NBI 253815 (25x38x15mm)

– Dial gauge with holder

Degree disc or similar measuring device

Bearing dummies

As it is very likely that the inlet area in the motor housing has to be machined to achieve the desired angles, the use of so-called bearing dummies is recommended.
With these dummies, the crankshaft can be removed from the engine case for machining as often as desired without stressing the bearing seats of the crankshaft or engine case each time and without wear and tear even before the engine is put into operation.

The bearing dummies are available for every size of the commonly used bearings in the Vespa and Lambretta range.
The first step is to insert the bearing dummies into the engine housing. Then the crankshaft is simply inserted into the bearing dummies and the engine housing is screwed into the stator housing via the stud bolts.


To determine the TDC, the cylinder and the piston are required. To ensure that the work is carried out smoothly, the piston is pushed into the cylinder without rings. The dial gauge is screwed onto the cylinder with the holder and thus the TDC of the crankshaft can be determined.
The alternator side of the crankshaft is fitted with a degree disc or a digital protractor. There are many different possibilities available. The easiest to handle are digital measuring tools such as the Buzz Wangle Grade Meter which does not need a reference point to the engine case.
If the crankshaft is in TDC, the degree disc, whether digital or analogue, is set to „0“ and then the crankshaft is rotated to start and end of intake. The value, read on the dial, then shows when the intake is open or closed.

Increasing the intake time

In order to bring the inlet to the desired dimension, the crankshaft is moved to the desired value and the position of the crank web is marked on the engine casing.
Once this has been done for the value before and after TDC, the engine housing can be opened again and the crankshaft can be easily removed again thanks to the position dummies.
Caution is required when machining in the intake area. The surfaces sealing the rotary valve must not be less than 1 mm overlap with the crankshaft at the sides.

Once the inlet has been machined to the proper size and the crankcase has been cleaned of machining debris, the crankshaft is re-inserted for inspection.
The indicator is then used to check once again whether the desired control angles have been achieved or whether reworking is necessary.

Scooter Center Tutorial – Setting the Inlet Timing Vespa PX

The Vespa engine – the heart of Platónika – has received the desired control angles of the crankshaft in the last article

Cylinder transfer ports in the engine adapt for performance optimization

Before the complete assembly of the motor can be done, all work that generates chips must be done. Only then can the housing be cleaned.

In the next step, this includes the ports of the cylinder in the engine.
The BGM177 is designed in such a way that the cylinder functions perfectly even on the original ports.
However, in our project we took the opportunity to directly adapt the case. A better filling of the cylinder always means a higher possible torque.

In order to transfer the contour of the overcurrent channels to the motor housing, the easiest way is to place the matching cylinder base gasket on the housing and thus transfer the contour to the housing.

The sealing surface is best marked with a foil pen. Then the contour of the overflow channels is marked with the aid of the cylinder base gasket.

A milling cutter is then used to adapt the contour in the motor housing. It is not necessary to mill the channel exactly as deep as in the original motor housing.

The BGM 177 cylinder is designed from the basic construction so that the piston offers a sufficient cross section.
The generated surface of the adapted channel may be milled rough. Further polishing is not necessary. As long as there are no more rough corners and edges, a slightly roughened surface is perfect.

After the channels have been milled and the housing has been cleaned again, the assembly process continues

Scooter Center Tutorial Vespa PX – Modifying the transfers (activate subtitles)

How do I mount the tyres on a Vespa / Lambretta?

Using our bgm Classic tires as an example, we show the correct mounting of the tire (split rim).

1. Reduce friction

The tube inside is subject to flexing when the tire is unrolled and therefore it is useful to reduce the friction inside by talcum.
The white powder reduces the friction between the tube and the tyre and thus the wear of the tube.

A small amount of talcum powder is spread inside the tire and the tube is filled with air just enough to prevent it from expanding and also sprinkle some talcum powder on it.

2. Check the direction of travel

Before fitting the tube, first check that the tyre has a direction of rotation specified by the manufacturer.
This indication can be found on our bgm Classic tire in the form of an arrow on a tire sidewall and points to the direction of rotation of the tire when driving.
The tube is then inserted to match the direction of rotation of the tyre, so that the valve points to the left side in driving direction, typical for Vespa.

3. Assembly

For mounting the tyre on the rim, the so-called mounting paste is a real help. With it the tyre can be pushed very far onto the rim. This makes it much easier to screw the two-piece rim together.

First the valve is put through the wide half of the rim and then the rim is pushed into the tyre.
The narrow half of the rim also has an opening through which the valve is accessible. When inserting the valve into the tire, make sure that the valve hole is aligned with the hole in the wide rim half.

Our bgm stainless steel rims have exchangeable bolts. Please make sure that the head of the bolt is inserted into the square to prevent rotation.

The five nuts of the rim halves are fixed crosswise with 16 – 18Nm. When fastening, make sure that the tube is not clamped between the rim halves.
Then inflate the tyre with 2 bar and check that the tyre and valve are correctly seated in the rim.


Tutorial How to assemble the bgm CLASSIC tyres for Vespa


Music: Rene Winkler from SC / NXT Level Title: First one dub 4

Vespa Tutorial Video

Instructions and tutorial videos for your Vespa PX

Next week we will start with our Vespa Tutorial Videos, a series from the Vespa Platónika bgm177 project of the Scooter Center.

  • How do I install a Vespa cylinder?
  • How do I measure the squeeze gap cylinder / piston / cylinder head?
  • How to assemble a carburettor?
  • Tips for cylinder studs on a Vespa!
  • How to install a Vespa clutch?
  • How do I install a new transmission in my Vespa PX?


New Vespa PX tutorials by Scooter Center inspired by the Platónika's project

Vespa Platonika (Platónika)

Platónika is the name of the scooter. A Vespa PX, which we completely rebuild with new parts from the Scooter Center stock. Of course we use our best BGM parts. Benefit from our know-how, get lots of tips and take a look behind the scenes.
Follow the project here on the Scooter Center blog:

Hello I’m Maryzabel and I do part of the Scooter Center team. In the SC Newsblog I will show you my adventures here and give you a look behind the scenes.

How do build a complete Vespa from scratch


1 The Wishlist – Project PLATÓNIKA Vespa px bgm 177

To build a complete scooter from single components is not an easy task and you need a source, or a shop in this case, with a strong search function and good data base.

Luckily there is a list with the components to complete the Frame LML Star listed on product page of the shop:, this helped us to create ours, with the specialties of BGM and Motonostra.

You can see the Platónika’s wishlist here, with its hundreds of parts

Platónika Wishlist

The wishlist in the shop is also the perfect Trojan horse to share your wishes for Christmas, as it can be simply send out by mail.

For the engine treatment I asked the SC technicians for their advice for the perfect touring engine that is reliable, powerful, a pleasure to ride and also not too thirsty.

And they helped me to add the other parts to my list that already contained the Cylinder -BGM PRO 177/187 cc, the  Seat -BGM PRO SportTouring and the Schock Absorber -BGM PRO SC F1 SPORT.