Vespa World Days 2023 with Platónika
General, General, Events, Events, News, News, News, News, News, News, Platonica, Platonica, Platonica, Platonica, Platonica, Meet & Nighter, Events, Events, Wasp, Wasp, Wasp, Wasp, Wasp, Wasp, Wasp, Vespa - Vid? Os, Vespa videos, Vespa videos, Vespa videos, Vespa videos, Vespa videos, Vespa PX, Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos, VideosWith the idea of VWD 23 Visiting Switzerland had been on our minds for a long time, but only decided the day before, and Platónika and I set off from Cologne to Interlaken to finally do what Platónika was created for: Attending events and telling stories.
Day 1 on the way to the Vespa World Days 2023
Being a scooter with absolutely everything "new" (2021), it did not require major maintenance, nevertheless it is not superfluous, at least one spare, Olive oil, Train set Universal and spark plug to have.
After work at 18:30 I set off and after five and a half hours of motorway driving and 442km I arrived in Freiburg to meet Vespistas who were on the road.
And one of the problems with going out at night is the lack of light, but the LED headlights make a big difference.
Day 2 Interlaken country road
Already again with the Warrior Scooter Club united, we decided to drive the remaining 180 km through the beautiful countryside to Interlaken.
VWD 2023
Vespa Museum
Here the crown jewels stood as one Vespa 98 (1946) and a 125 (1947) and the "Speedy service“, who looks at me Scooter Center remembered. 😉
The Vespa Gymkhana is a skill test consisting of a course with various obstacles that have to be overcome in the shortest possible time and was my personal highlight. what fun! but the friendliness and commitment of the volunteers dated Vespa Club Italy are second to none!
Real Scooterist!
Each club has its own history and I had the opportunity to know first hand clubs I never thought I would know: Vespa Club Hong Kong, Russia, Thailand and many others where I also found the honor, my beloved Vespa Club Colombia to represent!
Vespa clubs
Meeting friends, making new friends, representing Colombia at the presidential meeting for the first time, expanding my collection of treasures and, above all, strengthening the relationship of trust with Platónika are just a few of the many experiences that I remember.
but the return trip will be less and less fun. Almost 9 hours on the Autobahn home. Even though I have the best speed I've ever had! (I drive almost 120 km/h continuously) 🤩
Thank you everyone for this great experience!
Maryza & Platonica!