Vespa PX Streetsleeper

Sebastian with his Vespa won two times.

2. place on Facebook Customshow with Vespa PX
The Facebook – users voted Bastian Vespa PX to the 2nd Place the Classic Vespa & Lambretta Custom Show.

Vespa PX Customshow 2.Platz

42hp with Quattrini M1X
A week later Basti was with his Vespa at our Classic Day and has shown that the scooter is also very powerful. Sebastian won with his brown Vespa PX the MaxPower first prize in the dyno contest.

Vespa PX Quattrini 42PS MaxPower Pokal

Cylinder: Quattrini M1X 172cc
Crank: S&S 62er Glockenwelle
Carburetor: 35er Keihin Airstriker
Inlet: S&S Membramblock
Clutch: S&S Cosa Kupplung
Ignition: Vespatronik
Exhaust: Nordspeed Auspuff


vespa px airstriker vespa px quattrini 42ps vespa px quattrini m1x inside

Great Vespa PX Sleeper Street, 2nd Custom Show and 1st Place Place Maxpower with 42HP!

Vespa bgm Big Box

bgm Vespa Big Box available soon

Our best Vespa exhaust will be available soon. Don’t miss our Open Day this Saturday and test it on your scoot on our dyno.

bgm Vespa Auspuff Big Box

The long wait will be over latest end of next week. The bgm PRO MRB Vespa Big Boxes are at the landing and available online next week. We do everything at the moment to have them at our place for the Scooter Center Classic Day on Saturday.

Exhaust -BGM PRO BigBox- Vespa PX200, Rally200

Exhaust -BGM PRO BigBox- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150

With lots of luck it will be available at our Classic Day!

Vespa Auspuff bgm Big Box

Test the bgm PRO Vespa exhaust here in Scooter Center
Anyway the Big Box will be at the dyno room for everyone to test on our Classic Day.

Our Vespa Big Box was the logical step after the good response on the Lambretta Big Box. Mastermind Mark Broadhurst found a way to combine standard looks with expansion chamber performance.

This is the feature list of of the new Vespa exhaust:

  • More power:
    • as much power as a racing exhaust
    • much revvier than the SIP Road exhaust
    • broad power band
  • Original optics
  • Quiter than racing exhaust
  • 200er exhaust stub with Viton® -Oring -> no more problems an alloy barrels
  • high aterial
  • with serial number

See you Saturday!

Gulf Vespa

Today we are proud to present you a Vespa again. It´s a Vespa from our Facebook – Customshow.

This is a Vespa VBA by Bernhard Gandler from Tyrol in the Gulf – style.
Bernhard was one of the first customers of the bgm – shockers.

Great Vespa – Scooter, we love it!

Custom Vespa Gulf

Here nice to see theVespa bgm shocker bgm PRO F16.

 Custom Vespa Gulf bgm Stoßdämpfer

worm’s-eye view of the Gulf – Vespa :-)

Custom Vespa Gufl von unten

Shock absorber front -BGM PRO F16- Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), Sprint150 (VLB1T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), GS150 / GS3, Super, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB, GL150 (VLA1T) -grey

bgm adjustable front shocker – 16 stage adjustment of compression damping.

  • Developed as an upgrade for all Vespas with a seperate spring and damper unit with 10 inch wheels.
  • Straight replacement, hence easy to fit. No modifications are necessary.
  • Wide adjustment area of the compression damping. The adjustment can be used to adjust the damping speed perfectly to your riding style.
  • Hard anodized CNC body.
Vespa mit bgm Sto?d?mpfer

We are now at over 135 attendees at our Vespa and Lambretta Facebook – Customshow.

Even today we have a scooter, we want to present you. A Vespa VL2T with spectacular suspension.

Of course, the shock BGM PRO F16 is a high-end element here – but this time he is not playing the lead role. Even more interesting is this time the OneOff – spoke rim of the Vespa. Togehter with the disc brake is a super cool thing.

Vespa mit bgm Stoßdämpfer

bgm adjustable front shocker – 16 stage adjustment of compression damping

  • Developed as an upgrade for all Vespas with a seperate spring and damper unit with 10 inch wheels.
  • Straight replacement, hence easy to fit. No modifications are necessary.
  • Wide adjustment area of the compression damping. The adjustment can be used to adjust the damping speed perfectly to your riding style.
  • Hard anodized CNC body. [youtube]TbT3F3KYP9w[/youtube]
vespa Beiwagen hoffmann-gespann

Vespa Sidecar

Today we present a very special scooter from our Customshow:

A beautiful Hoffmann Vespa sidecar

vespa Beiwagen hoffmann-gespann


This scooter and many more great old Vespa scooter you can find in the Scooter Center Facebook – Custom Show. The award ceremony will take place on the Scooter Center Classic Day.

Vespa sidecar at Scooter Center

When Scooter Center and side car in different designs are available for your Vespa:

vespa seitenwagen cozy

Indian Cosy side car ‚Zeppelin‘ for all 10″ – Vespa of models with 3-point seat admission. Those are all large frames starting from 1960, PX |PX Lusso |Rally | Sprint | T4 and similarly / identically constructed.
The side cars were fitted on the engine side (rhs). The Scooter Center offers the partly assembled Vespa side cars including screen, trunk, steering damper, seat space tarpaulin and a complete assembly set.
Detailed Pictures
Dispatch on request only, can’t be shipped to the standard rates because of weight and dimensions. Please ask at for shipping options.


Classic Day 2013 Vespa Lambretta

Scooter Center Classic Day 2013

Saturday, 09/14/2013 10:00 to 16:00

We invite you to spend with us the Classic Day for our Vespa and Lambretta – customers. Location -as always- at our Scooter Center store.

Hot from the grill and cool from the bar
There is a popular grill and the almost popular fresh chilled Kölsch and soft drinks.

Bring your scooter!
On the Scooter Center test you can test the performance and the scooter with the most power in the day to get a trophy.

We clean up our camp and there are many scooter parts at special prices: bargains, closeouts, B-stock. On the private market parts you can snag yourself or sell jewelry and collectibles.

Many nice people
We look forward to you and also to the great conversations with many other scooterists!


Classic Day 2013 Vespa Lambretta

Impressions from the past:

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa

bgm PRO MRB BigBox Vespa for P-range and Largeframes

The Vespa bgm PRO MRB BigBox exhaust is expected to land during this year’s summer.
The official landing should be the 2nd of September.

Because of the limited quantity of the first batch, it might be an idea to pre-order one:

Exhaust -bgm PRO BigBox- Vespa PX200, Rally200
Exhaust -bgm PRO BigBox- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 2

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 3

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 4

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 5

bgm PRO MRB Vespa P-range and Largeframe BigBox available from September onwards at your Vespa shop.

Malossi has updated the famous 210 cc tuning kits. The V2008 version is superseded by two different versions of the kit. Now you do have the choice between the Sport or the MHR versions.

We already reoprted about this and now to take a closer look of what has been changed, improved and altered.

There are three part boost ports now. increased port timing areas for the transfer ports and an opened bottom of the barrel at the transfer area.


Compared to the 2008 version of the Malossi 210 kit the wider auxiliary transfer ports the area and direction was changed as well.

Malossi MHR 210 Vespa 016

While the V2008 was working at a steep angle to the cylinder wall of around 60°, both new kits seem to have the angle modified for the greater pulse of the larger auxiliary ports. It flows at around 42° into the bore.

Malossi MHR 210 Vespa 017

On it goes now. Now with the calliper and we check the port timings. If you thought the MHR has higher port timing readings only, is not right.

MALOSSI 210 Old Sport MHR
Barrel height (surface area to surface area) 96,73 96,73 96,56
Exhaust port 33,85 32,85 32,70
Transfers 47,20 47,35 45,85
Exhaust outer Ø 44,20 44,45 44,45
Exhaust inner Ø 37,80 38,00 38,30
w/o recess of piston (MHR 0.2mm piston running out of bore)
Transfer timing 110,7° 109,9° 117,1°
Exhaust timing 173,3° 177,3° 177,1°
Blowdown timing 31,3° 33,7° 30°
60mm 1.5mm base gasket
w/o recess (MHR 0.2mm piston running out of bore)
Transfer timing 124,4° 123,6° 129,9°
Exhaust timing 180,9° 184,7° 184,5°
Blowdown timing 28,25° 30,55° 27,3°
60mm 1.5mm head gasket
measurements include MHR 0.2mm piston running out of bore
Transfer timing 116,7° 115,9° 125,1°
Exhaust timing 175,2° 179° 183,2°
Blowdown timing 29,25° 31,55° 29,05°
1.0mm piston running out of bore
Transfer timing 119,3 118,6 126,1
Exhaust timing 177,1 180,9 181,5

Next week we are deepening this issue. Now I am needed to do some laps at the race scoot.

New Polini Vespa P-range crankshafts turned up

New from Polini and already arrived at Scooter Center are the P-range crankshafts.

Available are the Polini Vespa cranks in these specs:

En detail:

After these arrived we took a closer look. at these.

On a first sight the rotary valve inlet comes to our attention. This is heavily machined and lots of material has gone.

Polini Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 031

Then the heavy cut comes to our attention. This gives a very abrupt closing. This is good because on some other designs a build in wharf spits the fuel out . The window oppsite the rootary valve is very big to get the balancing right.

Polini  Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 032

The P125 and P2 57 mm stroke are equipped with a 22 mm big end pin. While the 60 mm version comes with a 20 mm big end pin to have enough meat above the pin.

Polini  Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 024

The cutaway on the rotary valve crank webdefines how long the inlet is opened. On a new P2 engine casing we had 110° before top dead centre and 75° after top dead centre.

The opening period of 185° is very sportive.

On the Px 125 it gave a 110° before top dead centre and 63° after top dead centre. The top dead centre was found with our timing degree disc.

Polini Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 019

The width of the rotary valve side wasn’t touched by Polini. And like on a original crankshaft it is 17 mm.

Polini Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 029

Polini advertises the crank as balanced to get rid of nasty vibratins, so we checked what we found here. So we check the balancing factor using the P2 crank with 57 mm stroke.

Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 006

On the jig it nearly stops at 12 h.

The balancing factor can be used as an indication of how smooth the engine will run.

If you want to try and calculate a little, we have some readings for you here.

The translational part of the con rod has a weight of 60.25gr

Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 002

The counter weight that need to be put on the crankshaft to make a stand still at every positioning possible is Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 009104,35gr

New Vespa Superstrong clutch for Vespa Smallframe

After the great response and positive feedback for the Superstrong Cosa clutch, we decided it is time to have a nice Plug&Play Smallframe clutch made. Now available in the Scooter Center Vespa store

As on the Largeframe clutch all components are CNC machined in Germany.


  • Made in Germany
  • more surface area for better power transmission
  • better life time thanks to more material
  • smooth contact pressure because of 16 bgm PRO XL clutch springs
  • can be used with Vespa PK XL1 or PK XL2 clutch cover
  • solid made hub with inner thread
  • succesfully tested up to 30 hp +
  • Plug & Play clutch, comes ready to fit


The hub, top and pressure plate are made from 42CrMo4. Die power transmission is done by the bgm Racing red clutch plates. The Vespa PK-XL / Vespa V50 clutch plates give more surface area to cope with power and torque. More material means better life time too..

Vespa Kupplung bgm Superstrong für Vespa Smallframe

Smooth contact pressure by 16 bgm PRO XL springs

The springs are used are the well known and established bgm Pro XL springs. Sixteen of those give a very good contact pressure and smooth to operate clutch.

Vespa Kupplung bgm Superstrong für Vespa Smallframe

Thanks to the quantity and the positioning of the springs on the highest possible radius, the clutch lever action is very good and it is easy to pull. Tilting or being putted cross wise of the two clutch pressure plates is avoided this way.

Thanks to the perfect setting of spring stifness and quantity together with the solid made top plate, the clutch can even be easily operated with the PK XL1 clutch cover.
Contact pressure of the bgm Pro XL springs and the friction coefficient of the reacing red plates are perfectly suited for powerful applications. One of the first samples was tested at our X-Mas duell engine with 30 hp.

vespaVespa Kupplung bgm Superstrong Smallframe

Solid and well engineered clutch hub

The clutch hub is made for a primary drive with cushion drive. For re-assembling it has an inner thread of M28x1, so that mearly every Vespa electzronic ignition flywheel puller will do the job. Thanks to the inner thread the material around the cone is much thicker. The super strong design is completed by the lack of the woodruf key slot. One thing that never made sense on the hub and was a weak point on powerful engines forever. For fitting we recommend our clutch nut and thread lock. For taking the clutch off or renewing of the plates the bm Multitool comes in handy: BGM8819.

Vespa Kupplung bgm Superstrong für Vespa Smallframe

Plug & Play – ready to fit

Our bgm Superstrong for your Vespa Smallframe comes ready assembled with four bgm Red Racing plates, 1 mm steel plates and our bgm clutch springs.

Vespa Kupplung bgm Superstrong für Vespa Smallframe

For PK XL1 & XL2 clutch covers

The clutch pressure plate is made for the PK-XL2 pressure plate and can be used with the PK XL1 version as well as with the PK XL2 clutch cover.

Spacer are available

Depending on the tolerances and parts of engine casing, X-mas tree and clutch cover used, it might be necessary to fit a spacer between casing and clutch cover. Suited spacers for all applications are available: Spacer Set.

Passende Vespa Modelle

(PK-XL1 oder PK-XL2 Kupplungsdeckel notwendig)

  • Vespa 50 PK XL2 (V5N1T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XL2 HP (V5N2T)
  • Vespa 50 PK SS (V5S1T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XLS (V5S2T)
  • Vespa 50 PK (V5X1T)
  • Vespa 50 PK S (V5X2T)
  • Vespa 50 PK S Lusso (V5X2T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XL (V5X5T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XL Rush (V5X4T)
  • Vespa 50 PK N (V5X5T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XL2 (V5X3T)
  • Vespa 80 PK S (V8X5T)
  • Vespa 125 PK (VMX1T)
  • Vespa 125 PK S (VMX5T)
  • Vespa 50 L (V5A1T)
  • Vespa 50 N (V5A1T)
  • Vespa 50 (V5A1T – 1963)
  • Vespa 50 S (V5A1T – 1964)
  • Vespa 50 Special (V5A2T)
  • Vespa 50 Special Elestart (V5A3T)
  • Vespa 50 Special (V5B1T)
  • Vespa 50 Special Elestart (V5B2T)
  • Vespa 50 Special (V5B3T)
  • Vespa 50 Special Elestart (V5B4T)
  • Vespa 50 SR (V5SS2T – 1975-)
  • Vespa 90 (V9A1T)
  • Vespa 125 Nuova (VMA1T)
  • Vespa 125 Primavera (VMA2T)
  • Vespa 125 ET3 (VMB1T)
Vespa Vergaser Smallframe Polini CP S

Vespa Vergaser Smallframe Polini CP Polini Vespa Carburetor Smallframe

Polini Motori continues the development of its CP carburetors. Innovative carburetors, where every single part has been designed, developed and produced by the company of Bergamo and it is 100% made in Italy.

The range of the Polini CP carburetors enlarges with the new models which assure an easy assembling without any modification to the original manifold. The CP Polini have a rigid connection and are dedicated to the mythic Vespa 125 primavera ET3. The connection between manifold and carburetor is rigid with clamp as the original one fitted on the Vespa 125 and they are supplied with air box with upgraded intake. Available in diameters of 19 and 21 The inlet pipe is very short and it features an exclusive concentric design and a geometry that optimizes the air flows when the gases pass through. The overflow of petrol in the atomizer has been designed to ensure correct flow dynamic at every position of the throttle valve when opens. The hole where the petrol enters and the larger needle allow the constant draft even in the most extreme conditions. The float level, completely made of plastic, and the needle seal are carefully controlled in the production department to ensure the same standard of efficiency over time. These features considerably simplify the setup of the carburetor. Thanks to the extremely sophisticated calibration, the petrol-air flows, main and low jets, have been designed to achieve the best performance with lower consumption. The compact size of the new carburetor is the result of a careful and meticulous management of the inner space and the maximum efficiency of all the components, subjected to strict controls. To ensure an easy and precise assembly on the best sellers engines and its compatibility to different filter boxes, both originals and racing, flanges with different diameters are available.

Soon available in our Vespa Scooter Shop.

Polini Vespa carburetor – 100% Made in Italy

Malossi Zylinder Vespa 200

Two new Malossi Cylinder vor Vespa 200cc

The Malossi aluminum cylinder with 68,5 mm diameter for Vespa 200 – turning point in Vespa tuning – was born. Made of Nicasil aluminum, with super light piston and 1.2 mm semi trapezoidal rings, it becomes a legend, a real must-have for all Vespa fans.

The Malossi Vespa cylinder is updated, by adding the head with hemispherical combustion chamber and central spark plug.

The cylinder, always made of Nicasil aluminum, has been completely changed concerning both main and rear ports and exhaust port as well. Exhaust port will be available in

Two versions:
– SPORT: Art. 3115618
– MHR: Art. 3115567

MHR version is different from SPORT version also due to the port map with racing features.
The perfect centering between head and cylinder is guaranteed by two centering bushes located on two stud bolts, while the o-ring ensures a perfect seal.

– Cylinders obtained by gravity die-casting in permanent steel moulds.
– Material: hardened and tempered high silicon content primary aluminium alloy.
– Machining: on numerically controlled high precision machine tools.
– Cylinder liner with silicon carbide metal-spray coating on a galvanic nickel matrix, cross-honed with passes with diamonds for very tight tolerances.
– Recalculated and increased heat exchange surfaces.
– Exhaust and transfer ports designed and tested for maximum thermodynamic performance.
– Dimensional and surface finish quality control performed according to Malossi’s internal specifications.
– Cylinder and piston selected for a fit of 0.005 mm.
– Checking of all the seals carried out.

Retro Tasse Espresso 2

Vespa Retro cups at Scooter Center

Coffee, Espresso, Vespa and Italy are terms that simply belong together like the beach and the sea.

A wonderful gift idea for any Vespa- or Italy fan are the original Vespa retro cups, eg Forme of espresso cups from Italy.

original vespa retro -becher vespa retro tassen

termin vespa world days 2017Schedule vespa world days 2017.

We had already reported that the Vespa World Days 2017 will take place in Germany again. The information was still so hot that there were no further details.

The Vespa Club Celle had applied to this year’s Vespa World Days 2013 in Hasselt, Belgium, and awarded the contract for this great event in 2017. Top!

Meanwhile, the VC Celle has given more details: Date Vespa World Days 2017 is:

Date: 22 – 25 June 2017

Location: Vespa World Days, Celle / Lower Saxony / Germany.

The exact venue has to be confirmed of course, but until then is still time. We will keep you informed here.

The Scooter Center wishes the VC Celle to date Vespa World Days 2017 now:

  • super Vespa Super Wolrd Days of course
  • the very best weather to
  • happy Vespisti from around the world
  • Have fun with the preparations
  • and smooth running of the event.

Drivers who want to make a picture of the VC Celle just visit the legenday Heidetreffen. The Vespa meeting will take place from 23-25th August 2013 already for the 17th time instead, i.e. a year before the Vespa World Days 2016, it could be a dress rehearsal with the 20gsten anniversary of the Celle Heath meeting.

FYI for those interested who can not imagine anything under Vespa Wolrd Days. The Vespa World Days are the successors of the Euro Vespa, the world’s largest Vespa meeting. A list of venues and the year of the event we have put together here.

So: Date Vespa World Days is 22 – 25 June 2017. Until then, we look forward to the next meeting:

2014. – Mantova, Italy
2015. – Biograd, Croatia
2016. – Arcachon, France

Vespa Sitzbank 1

Cheap Vespa seat

Our Vespa Seat „SCOOTER“ – is an extremely slim, sporty yet comfortable seat.

The Sport Vespa seat is thanks to the sporty low seating position also used in the ESC (European Scooter Challenge).

The Scooter Center offers this this Seat from just 69.90 Euros exkl. shipping.

vespa sitzbankscooter vespa v50 Et3 Primavera
Die Sitzbank 7671780 für die Vespa V50 passt auf

  • Vespa 50 L (V5A1T)
  • Vespa 50 N (V5A1T)
  • Vespa 50 (V5A1T – 1963)
  • Vespa 50 S (V5A1T – 1964)
  • Vespa 50 Special (V5A2T)
  • Vespa 50 Special Elestart (V5A3T)
  • Vespa 50 Special (V5B1T)
  • Vespa 50 Special Elestart (V5B2T)
  • Vespa 50 Special (V5B3T)
  • Vespa 50 Special Elestart (V5B4T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XL2 Automatik (V5P2T)
  • Vespa 50 SR (V5SS2T – 1975-)
  • Vespa 90 (V9A1T)
  • Vespa 125 Nuova (VMA1T)
  • Vespa 125 Primavera (VMA2T)
  • Vespa 125 ET3 (VMB1T)

vespa sitzbank scooter vespa PK
Die Vespa Sitzbank 7671781 für die Vespa PK passt auf folgende Modelle:

  • Vespa 50 PK XL2 (V5N1T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XL2 HP (V5N2T)
  • Vespa 50 PK SS (V5S1T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XLS (V5S2T)
  • Vespa 50 PK (V5X1T)
  • Vespa 50 PK S (V5X2T)
  • Vespa 50 PK S Lusso (V5X2T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XL (V5X5T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XL Rush (V5X4T)
  • Vespa 50 PK N (V5X5T)
  • Vespa 50 PK XL2 (V5X3T)
  • Vespa 80 PK S (V8X5T)
  • Vespa 50 PK S Automatik (VA51T)
  • Vespa 80 PK S Automatik (VA81T)
  • Vespa 125 PK (VMX1T)
  • Vespa 125 PK S (VMX5T)

vespa sitzbank scooter vespa Px P PE

Die Sitzbank 7675084 für Vespa PX passt auch auf folgende Vespa-Roller:

  • Vespa 80 P X (V8X1T – -1983)
  • Vespa 80 PX E Lusso (V8X1T – 1983-)
  • Vespa 80 PX E Lusso Elestart (V8X1T – 1984-1990)
  • Vespa 150 (VBA1T)
  • Vespa 150 (VBB1T)
  • Vespa 150 (VBB2T)
  • Vespa 150 Super (VBC1T)
  • Vespa 150 GL (VLA1T)
  • Vespa 150 Sprint (VLB1T)
  • Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce (VLB1T)
  • Vespa 125 GTR (VLB2T)
  • Vespa 150 P X (VLX1T – -1980)
  • Vespa 150 PX E Lusso (VLX1T – 1984-97)
  • Vespa 150 PX E (VLX1T – 1981-83)
  • Vespa 125 (VNA1T)
  • Vespa 125 (VNA2T)
  • Vespa 125 (VNB1T)
  • Vespa 125 (VNB3T)
  • Vespa 125 (VNB4T)
  • Vespa 125 (VNB5T)
  • Vespa 125 (VNB6T)
  • Vespa 125 Super (VNC1T)
  • Vespa 125 GT (VNL2T)
  • Vespa 125 TS (VNL3T)
  • Vespa 125 P X (VNX1T – -1983)
  • Vespa 125 PX E Lusso (VNX2T – 1984-97)
  • Vespa 160 GS (VSB1T – 1962) GS4
  • Vespa 160 GS (VSB1T – 1963) GS4
  • Vespa 180 Super Sport (VSC1T)
  • Vespa 180 Rally (VSD1T)
  • Vespa 200 Rally (VSE1T – Femsa)
  • Vespa 200 Rally (VSE1T – Ducati)
  • Vespa 200 P E (VSX1T – -1980)
  • Vespa 200 PX E Lusso (VSX1T – 1984-97)
  • Vespa 200 PX E (VSX1T – 1981-83)
  • Vespa 125 PX E Lusso (ZAPM09300 – Bj.’98-’00)
  • Vespa 125 PX E Lusso (ZAPM09302 – Bj.’01-’10)
  • Vespa 150 PX E Lusso (ZAPM09400 – Bj.’98-’00)
  • Vespa 150 PX E Lusso (ZAPM09401 – Bj.’01-’10)
  • Vespa 200 PX E Lusso (ZAPM18 – 1998-)

This Vespa Seat is extremely flat and very cheap at Scooter Center Scootershop!

Vespa Auspuff Exhaust bgm PRO MB Big Box Prototype

Vespa exhaust bgm PRO

Our exhaust manufacturer has delivered the first samples made after the sample developed by Mark Broadhurst. We received samples for the P2 as well as for the 125 and 150 P-range engines.

First sight: Well done! Optics and machining as desired. Thick, massive made, shape of the U-bend spot on and the measurements of the exhaust bushing is right too.

If it proofs itself at the dyno, the manufacturer could start. An a delivery date within this year could easily been done.

For testing we had this engines:

All dyno runs were done on proper warmed up engines. The comparsion is against the exhausts already fitted to each scooter and against SIP Road exhaust.

Nearly all scooters were used on the road afterwards to see the changes done to the power characteristics in the real world too. And all the riders were happy how the engines transformed and were much faster and easier to ride.

Upshot: Production can be started!


Because we Love Vespa!

Thats the Ending scren of this video from France. Very cool animationen mit perfect sound. We love Vespa too – and we love this video!

VESPALOGY from Supercarburant on Vimeo.

Have fun watching this Vespa video.

Animation: Nomoon
Music: Supercarburant

Buy a Vespa for 20 Euro?!!

It seems that the bargain are still there. With lots of luck a bidder got one Vespa for 20 € at a public auction.

In the southern village of Neuenburg this happened:–72446009.html

No matter what vEspa it was. At 20 € every Vespa is a bargain.

For all Vespa afficinados we highly recommend our Vespa catalogues:
Our Scooter Center Vespa-catalogue gives a comprehensive overview of the Vespa modell history as well as handy tipps & tricks and for sure all the spare parts, wear and tear parts as well as accessories and tuning goodies. :

Vespa catalogue

And these are the updates for 2010 and 2011 with all newly arrived parts. Up to date info you’ll find in our ecommerce Vespa shop.



Lots of luck at bargain hunting!

Vespa Tuning made in France

This is a M1L Quattrini Smallframe racing – Vespa from France without any carburetor.

M1L Quattrini means, this Vespa engine is tuned with this cylinder kit: Quattrini M1L.

„without any carburetor“? YES!
The guys from SPRT Racing put a elctronic 2-stroke direct injection
CORRECTION: Julien mailed us: “Direct injection” means that the injector is on the cylinder head. This is not our case.
indirect injection on the Smallframe Vespa from Julien Desnuelle.

In addition:
The cylinder is an old M1L 2008, the one with the tiny reeds. It is associated to full circle Mazu crank for ETS, Vespatronic ignition and Franz exhaust : that’s a really small set-up for a K2!
The carb has been changed for a 28mm throttle body with butterfly.

Watch the racing scooter with the M1L Quattrini in action on the Scootentole Mirecourt track.
Driver: Olivier Doussot, SPRT Team.


M1L Quattrini Cylinder Vespa 8000068

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