Mofarocker on Tour!

Altötting – Cuxhaven and back. Almost…
Three men, three mopeds and a mission. A short drive from Mühldorf (near Altötting) to Cuxhaven.
The approximate route looks like this and cannot be reconstructed exactly because of the many small roads and field paths.

From the start there are five stages to Cuxhaven and the daily stages were always between 200 and 250 km.
After a short breather in Cuxhaven on the German North Sea coast, we went to the Scooter Center in Cologne in two days. There 1,600 km were written on the watches of the three.
Where the journey unfortunately came to an end for two of the trio and the mopeds returned to Altötting in the van.
The reason is a technical problem with the spare motor from the luggage. Probably because of the brute power development, the crankshaft broke off.
Number 3 continued the journey on his own and finished successfully on the axes of his ciao. I wonder if that was due to the 0.5 l beer can holder on the handlebars?

Mofarocker on Tour!

Altötting – Cuxhaven and back. Almost…
Three men, three mopeds and a mission. A short drive from Mühldorf (near Altötting) to Cuxhaven.
The approximate route looks like this and cannot be reconstructed exactly because of the many small roads and field paths.

From the start there are five stages to Cuxhaven and the daily stages were always between 200 and 250 km.
After a short breather in Cuxhaven on the German North Sea coast, we went to the Scooter Center in Cologne in two days. There 1,600 km were written on the watches of the three.
Where the journey unfortunately came to an end for two of the trio and the mopeds returned to Altötting in the van.
The reason is a technical problem with the spare motor from the luggage. Probably because of the brute power development, the crankshaft broke off.
Number 3 continued the journey on his own and finished successfully on the axes of his ciao. I wonder if that was due to the 0.5 l beer can holder on the handlebars?

Mofarocker on Tour!

Altötting – Cuxhaven und zurück. Beinah.

Drei Mann, drei Mofas und eine Mission. Mal kurz aus Mühldorf (bei Altötting) nach Cuxhaven fahren.
Der ungefähre Streckenverlauf sieht so aus und lässt sich aufgrund der vielen kleinen Straßen und Feldwege nicht mehr ganz genau rekonstruieren.

Vom Start sind es fünf Etappen nach Cuxhaven und die Tagesetappen lagen dabei immer bei 200 bis 250 km.
Nach kurzer Verschnaufpause in Cuxhaven an der deutschen Nordseeküste ging es dann in zwei Tagen entspannt nach Köln zum Scooter Center. Da standen 1.600 km auf den Uhren der Drei.
Wo die Reise dann leider für zwei aus dem Trio ein Ende hatte und die Mofas im Transporter nach Altötting zurückgekommen sind.
Der Grund technische Problem an dem Ersatzmotor aus dem Reisegepäck. Da ist -vermutlich aufgrund der brachialen Leistungsentfaltung- die Kurbelwelle abgerissen.
Nummer 3 hat die Reise alleine fortgesetzt und erfolgreich auf den Achsen seiner Ciao beendet. Ob das mit dem 0,5 l Bierbüchsenhalter am Lenker zusammenhing?