YSN Vs. Dellorto

Bei uns Schaltrollertreibern ist altbewährtes beliebt. Vor allem weil es bei etablierten Bauteilen oft einen reichen Erfahrungsschatz gibt auf den zurückgegriffen werden kann. Dazu gehören auch die seit Jahrzehnten bekannten Vergaser von Dellorto in der PHBH Bauform. Zu diesem Vergaser kursieren hunderte Erfahrungswerte die beim Einstellen auf den verschiedensten Motorkonzepten hilfreich sein können.

Leider widmet sich Dellorto in den letzten Jahren nicht mehr wie gewohnt der Produktion von Vergasern und die beliebten Treibstoffzerstäuber sind wenn, nur noch sporadisch erhältlich.
Sicher ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit wann die anachronistisch anmutenden Gemischaufbereiter dem Rotstift bei Dellorto zum Opfer fallen und somit gänzlich außer Produktion gesetzt werden.

Um die Nachfrage für den beliebten PHBH Vergaser zu stillen musste also eine andere Quelle gefunden werden.

Eine dieser Quellen heißt YSN. Der Hersteller aus Fernost hat sich vor dem Original verbeugt und den PHBH wieder auferstehen lassen.

Wie vermutlich viele von Euch auch, bin ich auch selbst immer etwas skeptisch wenn es um die Nachbauten von Originalen Teilen geht. Gerade bei Vergasern. Haben doch Hersteller anderer Derivate in den letzten Jahren gezeigt wie es nicht geht und man schraubt sich einen Sack voll Probleme an das Geliebte Fahrzeug, die man ohne dieses Bauteil nicht hätte.

Der PHBH 28 war der erste Vergaser den YSN in dieser Bauform produziert hat. Seinerzeit haben wir mit diesem Vergaser einige Tests gefahren, um heraus zu finden was wir denn da eventuell auf unsere Kunden loslassen.

Dazu haben wir einen Dellorto PHBH 28 gegen einen YSN 28 verglichen. Der Dellorto wurde auf einem Motor abgestimmt und die Abstimmung auf diesem Motor wurde über viele Kilometer auf der Straße herausgefahren und hat sich bewährt.

Um die Bauart des YSN eins zu eins vergleichen zu können, sind alle dazu relevanten Bauteile aus dem Dellorto Vergaser nach dem Vergleichslauf auf dem Prüfstand in den YSN Vergaser übertragen worden. Also Schieber, Düsennadel, Mischrohr, Einstellschrauben, Schwimmer, Schwimmernadel, Neben- Haupt- und Choke-Düse.

Wenn der YSN PHBH aufgrund seiner Bauart oder durch die Fertigung bedingt also irgendetwas anders macht als der Dellorto PHBH, dann wäre dieser Effekt auf dem Graphen der Leistungsmessung zu sehen und auf der Straße zu erfahren.

Beim direkten Vergleich der beiden Läufe war nichts zu sehen – kein Unterscheid im Verhalten; was schon mal recht gut ist. Die Probefahrt mit dem YSN auf der Straße verlief ebenfalls unauffällig – also auch gut.

Der Gegenvergleich, also die Bauteile mit den gleichen Spezifikationen aus dem YSN Vergaser in den Dellorto implantiert, brachte das gleiche Ergebnis. Damit wissen wir also das sowohl die Bauteile die YSN verwendet sowie der Vergaser selbst, der Dellorto Vorlage entspricht und nicht für Verwirrung sorgt.

Den Erfahrungsschatz um dieses Wissen angereichert, haben wir uns entschlossen die Vergaser von YSN in unser Programm aufzunehmen.

Schon bald darauf haben wir eine Anfrage an den Hersteller gesendet, ob sie auch den begehrten PHBH mit 30mm Durchlass anbieten können.

Es dauerte etwas, aber schlussendlich kamen bei uns Muster der 30mm Vergaser an.

Wie schon beim 28er PHBH von YSN habe ich mir das Muster der 30mm Ausführung genau angeschaut.

Zur Prüfung der Muster gehört es natürlich auch alle Daten zu erheben und zu dokumentieren.

Während der 28er YSN Tadellos funktioniert, konnte der 30er YSN mit einigen Kinderkrankheiten aufwarten. Neben verschiedenen Kleinigkeiten wie das falsche Mischrohr, eine falsche Chokedüse, offene Kanäle wodurch der Choke außer Kraft gesetzt wurde und der Motor dann im kalten Zustand nicht anspringt und nicht gefederte Schwimmernadeln, gab es das Problem das der Schieber nicht ganz geöffnet werden konnte. Das Muster des 30er Vergasers ließ nur eine Schieberöffnung von 28,5mm zu.

Während die Vergaser YSN30 andern Ortes bereits mit dem geringeren Durchlass und den oben aufgezählten Problemen gehandelt wurden, haben wir uns dazu entscheiden nach einigen Kontakten mit dem Hersteller die Kinderkrankheiten zu heilen.

Die offenen Kanäle im Choke-System zu identifizieren und zu beheben, bedurfte nur einer E-Mail und zwei Bildern.

Um das Problem mit dem Schieber zu lösen mussten wir schon mehr tun. Insgesamt 3 Muster der Vergaser mit verschiedenen Lösungsansätzen sind zwischen Taiwan und Deutschland hin und her gegangen. Einen originalen Dellorto PHBH30 und Dellorto Mischrohre und Schwimmernadelventile haben wir als Muster zu YSN geschickt und nach fast 4 Monaten mit Musterprüfungen, Skype Terminen und Wartezeiten war der YSN30 Vergaser dann so wie wir uns das vorgestellt haben.

Das finale Muster des 30mm YSN Vergasers haben wir dann genauso getestet wie zuvor den 28er PHBH und kamen wir wieder zum gleichen Ergebnis. Die Kurven laufen deckungsgleich und der Motor läuft im Fahrbetrieb unauffällig und ohne Unterschied zum Dellorto PHBH30.

Bei der Bestellung der 30er Vergaser haben wir uns auch direkt für eine Ausrüstung des Vergasers nach unseren Vorgaben entschieden.

  • Nebendüse 55
  • Hauptdüse 125
  • Mischrohr AS266
  • Düsennadel X2
  • Chokedüse 70
  • Schwimmernadelventil 250
  • Seilzug-Choke

Diese Ausrüstung haben wir bewusst aus der Erfahrung heraus ausgewählt, da wir damit bei vielen Motoren eine sehr gute Ausgangsbasis haben.

Bei sehr vielen Motorkonzepten startet ihr damit schon mit einer brauchbaren Abstimmung für die ersten Testfahrten und die nötigen Änderungen beschränken sich auf wenige Griffe in die Düsenkiste.

Das Schwimmernadelventil ist mit 250 deutlich größer als in der Serie und deckt einen weiten Bereich ab, der bis zur Verwendung einer 190er Hauptdüse reicht. Ein größeres Schwimmernadelventil über 300 können wir hier in Bezug auf die üblichen Konzepte beim Schaltroller nicht empfehlen. Das hohe Eigengewicht der großen Schwimmernadel und die große Bohrung erfordern oft eine ganz andere Abstimmung im unteren Teillastbereich; die Schieber, Nadel und Mischrohr betreffen. Wird eine Benzinpumpe verwendet solle das Schwimmernadelventil auf keinen Fall größer als 280 sein. Der Druck den die Benzinpumpe erzeugt, kann sonst einfach das Schwimmernadelventil aufdrücken und den Vergaser zum Überlaufen bringen oder zu nicht eindeutigen Ergebnissen beim Abstimmen führen.

Üblicherweise werden für den YSN30 Hauptdüsen im Bereich 120 bis 150 benötigt. Die Grundausrüstung mit dem 250er Schwimmernadelventil bietet also auch anderen Konzepten noch deutliche Sicherheit.

Auf unserem Testmotor mit 62mm Kingwelle und 244er Quattrini, [link zum blog] lief zum Beispiel auch einer dieser YSN Vergaser. Hier reichte der Vergaserquerschnitt bis zu einer Leistung von über 40PS aus.


Es gibt ihn also weiterhin – den altbekannten aber neuen Wegbegleiter – PHBH30

Platónika test drives after more than 7,000 km is more than completed, so here we go!

Together with Scooter Center to Zell am See from 10th to 12th September 2021

Enough of mile munching going and leaving work from day to day. It is about time for those epic trips, meeting other Vespisti and collecting memories for a lifetime. The Vespa Alp Das will be the perfect start for new adventures!
In my personal ranking of events, VAD have a special place:

  • It was the second biggest event that I took part in. The biggest were the Vespa World Days in Celle, both in 2017. At the VAD I celebrated together with 1.000 Vespistas from 20 different nations.
  • It was the first meeting after I set foot on European soil.
  • It was the first time to see so many Vespas together, including the 60 oldest Vespas on the continent at the Faro Basso race.
  • It was also the longest event I have participated in, 8 days non-stop fun.
  • The oldest Vespa I’ve ever ridden, the beautiful Vespa Super Sport 180 from Franz, which he nicely lent me.
  • The most beautiful landscapes that my eyes have seen.
  • In addition, it was the beginning of beautiful friendships, of which I have been able to continue reinforcing.

Back to the future

Now the reasons are others, I‘m going to work there! As part of Scooter Center, which is the official sponsor of the event. The plan -for certain- is riding Platónika there. I‘m getting ready to show you first-hand all this adventure, by now here are some good memories from 2017:


the good friends that I made

The Colombian representation!

Super Sport 180 of Franz


See you there!


Toptul Werkzeug für Rollerfahrer - Werkzeug für Roller Reparaturen & Werkstatt

Toptul tools for scooter riders

We have received a large delivery, so the popular TOPTUL tools are available again.

TOPTUL Werkzeug für Rollerfahrer

Scooter Center TOPTUL Shop

TOPTUL has been manufacturing high-quality tools for over 20 years and is absolutely unbeatable in a price/performance comparison. TOPTUL products have been in daily use on Vespa, Lambretta & Co. for years and are always convincing.

As an example, let’s just mention the finely divided toothing of the ratchets. The solid and robust design with 72 teeth achieves a stitching of only 5 degrees (1/72 turn). This means that work can be done precisely and without repositioning, even in very tight places, with little working distance for the ratchet. It goes without saying that TOPTUL tools meet or exceed the common standards such as DIN / ISO / ANSI. The in-house quality control is very strict and is expressed, for example, in an individual measuring protocol enclosed with each torque spanner with regard to the measuring accuracy and the release behaviour. From our own experience, we can recommend TOPTUL products to every “intensive wrench user” with a clear conscience.
Buy TOPTUL now hereDirect to the product in the Scooter Center Shop

These are the highlights from the video:

  • Socket set (ratchet box) -TOPTUL 1/4″- 4mm-14mm + bits – 49 pieces Article-No.: GCAI4901

And nice are still the sets, like this one:

  • Screwdriver set -TOPTUL Pro Series- 20 pieces Article-No.: GZC2005
  • Sea ring pliers set -TOPTUL- 4 pcs Article-No.: GPAQ0401
  • Allen key set -TOPTUL- 1,5mm, 2mm, 2,5mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm – 9 pieces Article-No.: GAAL0916

TIP: Then you have everything new, uniform and in an appealing look in one go! You can also find more recommendations for TOPTUL here on our Scooter Center Blog: https://blog.scooter-center.com/tag/toptul/ All Toptul tools for scooter riders are available in our TOPTUL shop

Motovespa Luftfiltereinsatz bgm PRO

Air filter insert bgm for Motovespa air filter

The identical air filter inserts are fitted to many Motovespa Largeframe models. Often this important component for the protection of the engine is missing or is no longer in a usable condition. For this reason, we have produced a high-quality air filter insert for the Spanish licensed versions of the Vespa Largeframe models.

Air filter fleece bgm PRO for Motovespa Largeframe

High quality filter fleece from Marchald (Italy), manufactured for bgm PRO. Suitable for the direct-intake engines (carburettor sits directly on the cylinder) of the Largeframe Motovespa engines.

  • 1:1 replacement for the original wire mesh.
  • Significantly better and finer filtration with higher air flow at the same time.
  • Therefore also ideal for already performance-enhanced engines.
  • Washable.

Installation instructions for the Motovespa air filter element

Replacing the air filter element is very easy. After removing the right side cover, the air filter box is immediately visible.

Motovespa Luftfilterkasten Vespa

Open and remove the air filter box

The cover is fixed with two M5 screws. These can be loosened with a size 5 to 6 flathead screwdriver.

The air filter of the Motovespa

After removing the two screws, the cover can simply be lifted off. Here, in our example, the original air filter insert of the Motovespa is no longer present!

Attaching the air filter element

The air filter insert has no installation orientation and can simply be pushed onto the filter housing from above.

Closing the air filter box

The remaining protrusion of the air filter insert seals towards the air filter box cover when mounted. Refit the cover of the air filter box with the two screws, refit the side cover and the change is complete.

Air filter cleaner and oil

To achieve an even higher filter performance, the air filter insert can be used with air filter oil. However, this is not absolutely necessary due to the high-quality filter material of the bgm PRO filter.

Luftfilter Öl und Reiniger

Lessmann Bürsten Made in Germany

Not all brushes are the same!

You probably have a classic steel brush in your tool kit. Such a DIY store all-round brush is practical and has many areas of application, but with little effort it can be even better: Here I show you 4 small wire brushes from LESSMANN (Made in Germany) for special applications that make it easier for you to work on your scooter during repairs and maintenance!

LESSMANN Bürsten Logo

1. The File Cleaning Brush

Stahl-Bürste zum Reinigen von Feilen.

Steel brush for cleaning files. You don’t have to buy a new file if it no longer has the expected effect, cleaning the file is often enough! This special brush from Lessmann is suitable for cleaning the strokes of metal files so that the cutting effect is fully available again. The file cleaning brush is particularly suitable for removing chips and strongly adhering metals such as copper, brass, bronze and aluminium.

2. The rust eraser brush

Rostradierer mit Stahlborsten vom deutschen Qualitätshersteller Lessmann

High quality rust eraser with steel bristles. The brush is ideal for the careful restoration of your vehicle with original paintwork on which parts of the sheet metal have rusted and which should not be sanded over the entire surface. Keyword: O-paint restoration. With the rust eraser, oxide particles can be removed effortlessly, even on surfaces that are already scarred. The bristles on both sides have different thicknesses for precise work. Afterwards, the area can be passivated with a suitable agent (e.g. multifilm). CONCLUSION: Great little tool with great effect and fun factor

3. The steel brush for the rough stuff

Stahl-Bürste zum Entfernen grober Verschmutzungen wie Rost.

This quality steel brush is particularly suitable for removing coarse dirt such as rust. It is not suitable for use on surfaces made of plastic, aluminium, copper, etc.

4. The brass brush for spark plug cleaning

Messing-Bürste zum Reinigen von Masse- und Mittelelektroden von Zündkerzen.

Brass brush for cleaning earth and centre electrodes of spark plugs. Since brushes made of steel unnecessarily roughen the surface and thus new dirt adheres even better than before, a brush made of a softer material than steel should always be used for cleaning spark plugs.

LESSMANN quality brushes | Made in Germany

Lessmann Bürsten

At Scooter Center you get Lessmann Brusheswhich we have found to be particularly suitable and tried and tested for everyday use in the workshop and for repairing / tuning scooters. A small brush like this can be very helpful and really make it easier for you to work cleanly on your scooter / Vespa / Lambretta etc.!

7 On the Road – Vespa bgm Platónika project by Scooter Center

How we would say in Colombia: now I’m on my Salsa“ (what means I am in my element). I received Platónika with 18 km on the clock and exactly 15 days later, she had thousand kilometers more.

Excited because the spring is arriving, I started to ride, and even prepare a Moto Nostra Kit for better touring:

Flyscreen with black brackets


Rear rack


But with this German weather you never know.. Indeed the following week it started to snow… But that wouldn’t stop me, so I protect myself against the nasty cold and go on.

Photos and videos come and go, but still, I think, I am beginning to miss something, the reason of why I fell in love of with this scene: That’s right! The Vespisti.

Without any meeting in sight, „I will roll with my team mates“ I thought, so I turn my head around in the marketing office, where I am, and I only saw two Lambretta people

And well… why not?


Did you miss a chapter? here you find the complete Story:

Platónika Projekt – die komplette Geschichte – Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center


To put our feet on the ground is itself a statement! A reaffirmation of our identity: Scooter boys & girls, Mods, Racers and travelers know that their ideologies and beliefs land on accessories, which will become symbols of their most intrinsic qualities.

This is how Platónika takes this great step forward, after spending months in the air, preparing as the ideal Vespa, she descends, to finally touch the floor of the garage that equipped her with symbols of safety, style and fun. Being the first to integrate the last bgm releases:

5 Down to earth Platónika Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center

The Shock absorber set bgm PRO SPORT bgm7741BKTS

Which in spite of their high load capacity are very light, thanks to the high material quality and the length can be adjusted,  this is beneficial to driving stability, top speed and last but not least to the appearance.


The set wheel and rims Sport tubeless  black matt bgm – bgm35010SLKB

Tyres design with V shape for steering much better into the bend and offers more contact area when leaning and rims which its weight saving improved noticeably the response behaviour of the Chassis.


Brake caliper and bracket bgm Touring


With 4 pistons improve greatly the hydraulic transmission ratio and the braking force (with the same lever force) is increased.


Break caliper bracket bgm 


and the Premiere, the brake caliper bracket for bgm, Platónika is the one that will put to the test, but soon you can be the pioneer of this German Technology.


These are undoubtedly highlights that, do not end the adventure of the building, but start an experience on the roads of the world.


Artist: Sunsearcher

Title: Flamenco Rhythm

Album: Sunsearcher Spirit

License: CC-BY-SA

Lambretta Auspuff Test Big Box Reso Rennauspuff

Lambretta expansion chamber and big box Clubman prototype test

Lambretta exhaust test, while the new and upcoming Lambretta Big Box is currently in production. Unfortunately, a delivery date is still unknown. Auspuff Test auf dem Scooter Center Leisungsprüfstand

Lambretta exhausts onthe dyno

Before we have send the final sample to Spain, we put the new box through its paces. Additionally we have another prototype box from our friend Chalky from Replay Scooters and JPP on the dyno:

  • bgm PRO BigBox Proto
  • JPP Box Proto

The following expansion chambers competed against the boxes:

  • the TSR Evo,
  • the JL3 and
  • in MB3

And all three reso systems did better against the boxes than we would have expected! Die Lambretta Auspuffanlagen

The Lambretta engine

The test engine was constructed as follows:

Results & conclusion of the test

Nice and clear to see how well the box scores right from the start not only with power but also with plenty of torque compared to the ‘racing exhausts’.


That’s what makes the bgm PRO boxes so nice to drive. There is always enough power available without having to struggle with gear connection problems or having to twist the throttle like crazy to get things moving. The moderate consumption values of the engine concepts with the bgm boxes are another advantage, apart from the original appearance and pleasant sound level. Another outstanding feature is the registered-design of the mounting system with adjustment options in both horizontal and vertical directions. This allows tolerances and, above all, spacers used for different strokes and connecting rod lengths to be compensated for.

Lambretta exhaust test performance diagrams

Here you can find the performance diagrams as PDF:

Zündung einstellen Vespa mit Zündpistole Stroboskop

Adjust the Vespa ignition – but correctly!

The correct ignition timing is important for the thermal health of the engine:

  • Reliability
  • Durability and
  • full power delivery

Whoever tunes his Vespa, rebuilds the engine or rebuilds it in the course of a restoration, should not rely on the existing markings on the engine housing, the pole wheel and ignition base plate for ignition adjustment, but should measure it himself and adjust the Vespa ignition correctly. The correct adjustment of the ignition on your Vespa engine is easily possible with these electronic ignition timing guns for petrol engines with contact or electronic ignition -> transistor ignition system (CDI ignition as in series for ET3, PK, PX, Cosa, T5 etc.) Of course this also works with the Lambretta ignitions. With these ignition pistols you can also adjust the Lambretta ignition. With these stroboscope guns you can adjust both old 6-volt and modern 12-volt ignitions!

To the ignition light guns in the shop
In this video tutorial Vespa ignition adjustment we show you how Maryzabel and Alex adjusted the ignition on our Platonika Vespa:

Comparison stroboscope ignition guns for Vespa & Lambretta

3 versions: large, small and with onboard or external battery

A super-bright xenon tube and a special converging lens guarantee optimum visibility of the fixed marks on these ignition light guns: even at speeds above 8000 rpm in the near field range. The pistol is connected by means of an inductive clamp on the spark plug cable directly to the rubber insulation, without direct contact to the stranded wire. Our ignition timing guns are equipped with a rubber coating on the lens. This protector protects the plastic housing as well as the lens and ensures the longest possible enjoyment of the product.

1. Handy, mobile, operated with mono cells

Ignition light gun TRISCO-ProLITE (double-D) (- strobe lamp flash gun – ignition 6V / 12V Article No.: MN911B Zündlichtpistole -MOTO NOSTRA (Doppel-D) (- Stroboskoplampe Blitzpistole - Zündung 6V / 12VMoto Nostra Artikel-Nr.: MN911B No external power supply is required. For power supply two D-batteries (Mono, LR20, MN1300) are used, these are not included! But you can order them right here. In addition to its use as an ignition light gun, it can also be used as a working lamp!

  • small and handy
  • Batteries on board
  • Torch function
  • Rubber Protector

2. PROLITE version for the ambitious scooter tuner

Ignition light gun TRISCO-ProLite – stroboscopic lamp flash gun – ignition 6V / 12V Article No.: MN922 Zündlichtpistole -MOTO NOSTRA- Stroboskoplampe Blitzpistole - Zündung 6V / 12VMoto Nostra Artikel-Nr.: MN912 This is the largest pistol that fits perfectly in the hand. The cable with the two crocodile clips is a robust and practical spiral cable connected to a plug on the gun. Optimal pistol for the ambitious screwdriver and tuner – PROLITE – version. No matter if 6V or 12V ignition, an external power source with 12-Volt (e.g. a car battery) is always required, unless the vehicle already has one.

  • external 12 power source required
  • practical spiral cable
  • Cable separable from housing / plug
  • for the ambitious screwdriver
  • Rubber Protector

3. Handy and cheap 12V version

Ignition light gun TRISCO-ProLite stroboscopic lamp flash gun – ignition 6V / 12V Article No.: MN912 Zündlichtpistole -MOTO NOSTRA- Stroboskoplampe Blitzpistole - Zündung 6V / 12VMoto Nostra Artikel-Nr.: MN912 For the occasional adjustment of the ignition we have this light and handy TRISCO-ProLite ignition light gun in our programme. It lies well in the hand and of course also has the rubber protector. The cables are firmly connected to the housing of the pistol. No matter if 6V or 12V ignition, an external power source with 12-Volt (e.g. a car battery) is always required, unless the vehicle already has one.

  • external 12 power source required
  • for the hobby area
  • cheap version
  • Rubber Protector

To the ignition light guns in the shop
These are for Vespa and Lambretta scooters: Strobo or stroboscope – lamp also strobolamp it is colloquially abbreviated among scooter drivers also ZZP. Don’t worry, you don’t need a gun licence for this pistol, you control with this ignition timing pistol also stroboscopic pistol / strobe or strobe pistol and strobe flashes the ignition timing on the scooter via flashes, flash light from the light pistol after the ignition you can adjust the ignition then flash off to control the ignition setting.

Vespa PX LED-Scheinwerfer Animation

Vespa PX LED Headlight

In this Vespa tutorial video we show you how to install our Vespa PX LED headlight for the Vespa PX. The MOTO NOSTRA HighPower LED headlight itself can also be installed in other cars (Lambretta, Vespa GTS, Sprint, Rally). With the included car specific frame, the installation of the Vespa PX LED headlight as e.g. Vespa PX LED headlight is very easy


  1. Mounting Vespa PX headlights 00:08
  2. Electrical part / connection Vespa LED headlights 01:42

Vespa PX LED Scheinwerfer Tutorial MOTO NOSTRA LED Scheinwerfer Vespa PX

DOWNLOAD PDF Assembly instructions for printing as PDF


The limit with conventional Bilux bulbs is on most scooters a headlight bulb with 45/45 W. The 80 W to max. 120 W ignition does not give more. The luminosity measured in lumens is less than 400 and the LED headlight has a luminosity three times as high (1300 lumens). The power consumption is only 20 W. This corresponds to the luminous efficiency of a conventional 100 Watt spotlight. This means that with a given alternator/power supply a considerably better illumination can be achieved. In addition, more capacity remains for other consumers


Parts used in this video

  • LED headlights incl. conversion frame Vespa PX and headlight bracket -MOTO NOSTRA- LED HighPower
    Article number: mn1101kt
  • Ignition switch -VESPA 4-cable- Vespa PX Lusso (from year 1984 up)
    Item number: 9520133
  • Light switch -GRABOR- Vespa PK125 XL/ETS, Vespa PX Elestart (1984-1998) – 10 cables (DC, models with battery, normally open)
    Item number: 9520145
  • Rubber flasher relay Vespa PX
    Item number: 3330940


LED headlamp with E9 marking (road approval) and high-intensity main/dipped beam. Additional feature is a separately switchable position light. With a diameter of 143mm it also fits perfectly in the steering head of the PX and Cosa models as well as in the lamp bezel of e.g. Vespa Sprint, GTR and Rally.


Vespa Moto Nostra LED High Power LED Scheinwerfer


Luminosity 1300 lumen Voltage: 12 Volt DC (direct current) Power consumption: 1.8A/1.3A Power consumption: 21.5W/15W/1.9W Diameter: Ø143mm Overall depth body: 54mm (measured from headlight ring without glass bulge) Overall depth overall: 79mm (measured from headlight ring without glass bulge with cable entry)


The LED headlight works exclusively with direct current, therefore it needs a battery or another equivalent power source with 12V DC. Operation with an AC power source will result in immediate failure

Ölwanne Vespa GTS schwarz

Install black oil pan Vespa GTS

Why convert a Vespa GTS oil pan?
In this article about Vespa GTS conversion we have shown you some great examples of custom and tuning a Vespa GTS.

It is often the details that make for a successful conversion with a coherent overall concept.

A nice detail of the modern Vespa scooters is for example a black oil pan. We offer you with our MOTO NOSTRA oil pan a brand new original Piaggio – oil pan, which we have provided with a high-quality high-gloss powder coating. The video below shows how the conversion is very easy to do.


This GTS oil pan is first prepared for the refinement in a complex way and then professionally processed. The result is an extremely hard-wearing surface with a super look. The sump is of course delivered ready for installation, you have the choice:

Note: Please do not forget to install a new gasket -> oil pan gasketA
great opportunity to use new engine oil and oil filter:

Tip: We offer you cheap and practical sets! The inspection kits are equipped with all parts needed for an inspection, depending on the mileage and recommended revision work:

Vespa GTS Inspektion Set

Vespa GTS oil pan conversion

The installation is very simple, but there are a few things to consider.
Here you can find a great video of Scooteria, who also change the MOTO NOSTRA oil pan in the course of their GTS 300 conversion. Helpful tips from the custom professionals of Cafe Racer 69 with tricks for installing the Vespa GTS oil pan:

Vespa Gts 300 hpe "British Classic" – Ölwanne Einbau

So this is how the conversion works:

  1. Drain oil
  2. Detaching the air filter box
  3. Unscrew vario cover
  4. Unscrew oil pan
  5. Clean sealing surface (knife or fine sandpaper, degrease)
  6. put on a new gasket (without additional sealing compound)
  7. now reassemble in reverse order


See video above. Use correct screws, replace spring, observe tightening torque: M6 screws oil pan: 10-14Nm.

MOTO NOSTRA oil pan purchase

The MOTO NOSTRA tub is available in :

Inlet timing Vespa P PE PX

In today’s video and blog it is about measuring the intake angle, also called intake timing.
The intake angles should be within a certain range which is indicated in degrees crankshaft. The measurements always start as a fixed point from the top dead center, called OT for short.
The intake range is therefore divided into the values “before TDC” and “after TDC”, because the intake is opened before the top dead center and closed after passing the top dead center.

For a Vespa engine with rotary vane control, the values of approx. 100° F.T.S. and 65° N.T.S. have been found to be good for a good touring concept.
For very performance-oriented concepts which sometimes have to operate a higher engine speed, the values can also be significantly higher. 120° f.o.d. and up to 75° n.o.d. can be found here. The inlet angles should always be selected to match the desired concept. Here the principle is to make the intake area as large as necessary and as small as possible in order to reach the desired values.
The two-stroke heart of Platonika should be a powerful unit and therefore the inlet should be in the range of 100° F.T.O. to 65° N.T.O.

In order to determine the exact angle of one side, some tools and material are necessary.
– engine case-
cylinder and piston-
bearing dummies

BGM PRO- 613912 (25x62x12mm) BGM PRO- NBI 253815 (25x38x15mm)

– Dial gauge with holder

Degree disc or similar measuring device

Bearing dummies

As it is very likely that the inlet area in the motor housing has to be machined to achieve the desired angles, the use of so-called bearing dummies is recommended.
With these dummies, the crankshaft can be removed from the engine case for machining as often as desired without stressing the bearing seats of the crankshaft or engine case each time and without wear and tear even before the engine is put into operation.

The bearing dummies are available for every size of the commonly used bearings in the Vespa and Lambretta range.
The first step is to insert the bearing dummies into the engine housing. Then the crankshaft is simply inserted into the bearing dummies and the engine housing is screwed into the stator housing via the stud bolts.


To determine the TDC, the cylinder and the piston are required. To ensure that the work is carried out smoothly, the piston is pushed into the cylinder without rings. The dial gauge is screwed onto the cylinder with the holder and thus the TDC of the crankshaft can be determined.
The alternator side of the crankshaft is fitted with a degree disc or a digital protractor. There are many different possibilities available. The easiest to handle are digital measuring tools such as the Buzz Wangle Grade Meter which does not need a reference point to the engine case.
If the crankshaft is in TDC, the degree disc, whether digital or analogue, is set to “0” and then the crankshaft is rotated to start and end of intake. The value, read on the dial, then shows when the intake is open or closed.

Increasing the intake time

In order to bring the inlet to the desired dimension, the crankshaft is moved to the desired value and the position of the crank web is marked on the engine casing.
Once this has been done for the value before and after TDC, the engine housing can be opened again and the crankshaft can be easily removed again thanks to the position dummies.
Caution is required when machining in the intake area. The surfaces sealing the rotary valve must not be less than 1 mm overlap with the crankshaft at the sides.

Once the inlet has been machined to the proper size and the crankcase has been cleaned of machining debris, the crankshaft is re-inserted for inspection.
The indicator is then used to check once again whether the desired control angles have been achieved or whether reworking is necessary.

Scooter Center Tutorial – Setting the Inlet Timing Vespa PX

Drehmoment Motorroller

Tightening torques for bolts and nuts on the scooter

How tight should I tighten a bolt or nut on the scooter?

Here we have compiled a list of the recommended tightening torques of the manufacturers.*

Too tight!

It has probably happened to everyone at least once, KNOCK and the screw / bolt is off or the thread is broken.
No problem, if you have only destroyed a nut or a stud bolt, it can usually be easily replaced. It already starts to get annoying when you don’t have a replacement available.
Thread repair: It gets really annoying if you have destroyed a thread in the engine housing! This often becomes complex and usually expensive, especially if it cannot be repaired with a thread insert. Before the housing has to be replaced or welded, a thread repair with Weicon adhesive is often possible.

Too loose!

Apart from being too firm, there is of course also not firm enough! Nuts or screws that are too loose can be dangerous. You don’t even want to think about what can happen if wheel nuts or brake discs come loose. Loose carburettors, intake manifolds or cylinders quickly cause engine damage. Depending on the area of application, self-locking nuts or screw locking are the best choice!

In the right order!

In addition, the even tightening of screws and nuts must also be taken into account. Everyone knows this from changing tires, here they are tightened by e.g. crosses to guarantee an even fit. Also with engine housings and cylinder heads e.g. tensions caused by unevenly tightened studs should be avoided. There are even components for which a certain order of fastening must be considered. Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions here.

Reihenfolge Stehbolzen Vespa Motor

Wrong way!

Right-hand thread? Left-hand thread? Normally nuts and screws are tightened clockwise (right-handed) and loosened counter-clockwise (left-handed) = normal right-hand thread. But there are also exceptions, such as the polar wheel nut Lambretta and left-hand mirrors: often with left-hand thread.


For many applications there are special tools, pullers and especially holders, without which parts usually cannot be detached at all. You will find the tool for your scooter model after selecting the vehicle in the vehicle list:

Vespa Spezialwerkzeug

In case of tight connections, penetrating oil such as WD40 often helps!

Torque wrench

We recommend working consistently with a torque wrench and adhering to the recommended tightening torques. We offer various torque wrenches for small and large tasks:

Drehmoment Schlüssel Vespa Lambretta Motorroller



Torque Lambretta

original MB Developments
Nut flywheel/fan wheel 68 Nm 75 Nm
Cylinder outlet/inlet nuts 4.7-5.2 Nm 9.8-11.8 Nm
Cylinder head nuts 19-22 Nm 20-24 Nm
Screws ignition base plate 4.7-5.2 Nm
Screw shift claw (9 mm) 4.7-5.2 Nm
Nuts Gearbox cover plate 9.8-11.8 Nm 14-17 Nm
Screw front sprocket 29-34 Nm
Nuts Chain cover (10 mm) 4.7-5.2 Nm
Rear brake shoe pivot pin (gear ratio contr.) 4.7-5.2 Nm
Nut Cover plate rear wheel bearing 4.7-5.2 Nm
Brake drum nut (8° + 11° cone) 161 Nm
Brake drum nut (20° cone) 203 Nm
Fuse Brake drum nut 14-14.7 Nm
Fork Links 54-55 Nm
Nut Front axle 54-55 Nm
Rim fixing nuts 19.6-22.5 Nm
Oil seal Retaining plate (transmission ratio contr.) 4.7-5.2 Nm
Chain guide (gear ratio contr.) 4.7-5.2 Nm
Gearbox distance (gear ratio contr.) 0.07-0.30 Nm

VESPA Largeframe -1977 (125-150 cc
)VNA-VBB, GL, GT, GTR, TS, Sprint, Super


Nuts Housing halves 12-15 Nm
Stator plate screw 3-5 Nm
Nut Coupling 40-45 Nm (depending on the clutch up to 65)
Nut Auxiliary shaft axis 30-35 Nm
Switching cross (left-hand thread, screw lock) 15-18 Nm
Nut rotor (pole wheel) 60-65 Nm
Carburettor fixing screw 16-20 Nm
Screw Clutch cover 6-8 Nm
Outlet connection (P200) 75-80 Nm
Nut Exhaust on cylinder 16-26 Nm
Aluminium cylinder (observe manufacturer’s instructions) 14-16 Nm
Nut cylinder head (P 125 X, P 150 X, M7) 16-18 Nm
Nut cylinder head (P 200 E, M8) 20-22 Nm
Spark plug (observe manufacturer’s instructions) 20-24 Nm
Crosshead screw Motor swing arm 60-75 Nm
Nut lower shock absorber mounting M9 = 14-22 Nm, M10 = 16-24 Nm
Nut Rim mounting Brake drum (v/h) 20-22 Nm

VESPA PX 80-200


Nuts Housing halves 12-15 Nm
Stator plate screw 3-5 Nm
Nut Coupling 40-45 Nm (depending on the clutch up to 65)
Nut Auxiliary shaft axis 30-35 Nm
Switching cross (left-hand thread, screw lock) 15-18 Nm
Nut Rotor (pole wheel) 60-65 Nm
Carburettor fixing screw 16-20 Nm
Screw Clutch cover 6-8 Nm
Outlet connection (P200) 75-80 Nm
Nut Exhaust on cylinder 16-26 Nm
Nut Starter motor (M8) 10-15 Nm
Starter motor screw (M6) 6-8 Nm
Aluminium Cylinder 14-16 Nm (see manufacturer specifications)
Nut cylinder head PX 125-150 (M7) 16-18 Nm
Nut cylinder head PX 200, (M8) 20-22 Nm
Spark plug (observe manufacturer’s specifications) 20-24 Nm
Crosshead screw Motor swing arm 60-75 Nm
Nut lower shock absorber mounting M9 = 14-22 Nm, M10 = 16-24 Nm
Nut Rim fixing v/h Brake drum 20-22 Nm

VESPA Smallframe
V50, PV, ET3, PK 50-125


V50, PV, ET3 PK
Nuts Housing halves 13-15 Nm 13-15 Nm
Screw anchor plate 3-5 Nm 3-5 Nm
Screw kick starter 23-26 Nm 23-26 Nm
Nut Primary gear 50-55 Nm 50-55 Nm
Nut Coupling 40-45 Nm (depending on clutch up to 65/) 40-45 Nm (depending on the clutch up to 65)
Screw for shift fork 17-22 Nm
Nut Pole wheel/fan wheel M10 = 45-50 Nm, M12 = 60-65 Nm
Nut Suction port 6-8 Nm 8-10 Nm
Exhaust manifold on cylinder (M6/M8) 8-10 Nm 8-10 Nm
Clutch cover screw 8-10 Nm PK 50: 8-10 Nm PK 80-125: 9-10 Nm
Nut Brake anchor plate 17-22 Nm 17-22 Nm
Crosshead screw Motor swing arm 38-50 Nm
Nut brake drum M14 = 60-100 Nm, M16 = 90-110 Nm
Oil filler and drain plug 3-5 Nm
Screw for manual transmission fork 17-22 Nm
Bolt exhaust to swing arm 18-20 Nm 18-20 Nm
Screw Pick Up 2-2.5 Nm 2-2.5 Nm
Screw for fan mounting (Dynastarter) 8-10 Nm
Mother Group Dynastarter (?) 60-65 Nm
Aluminium Cylinder 13-18 Nm (see manufacturer’s specifications) 12-18 Nm
Nut cylinder head V50: 14-18 Nm PK 50: 13-18 Nm
Nut cylinder head PV, ET3: 14-18 Nm PK 80-125: 13-18 Nm
Cylinder base nut V50: 12-16 Nm PK 50: 12-16 Nm (not HP)
Spark plug (observe manufacturer’s instructions) 14-18 Nm 18-24 Nm
Nut Hub spigot (under swingarm cover) 50-55 Nm 50-55 Nm
Locking nut front wheel axle (V50 with or without speedo drive pinion) 45-50 Nm 45-50 Nm
Ring nut of the speedometer drive PV/ET3: 45-50 Nm
Nut upper shock absorber mounting 20-27 Nm PK 50: 20-30 Nm PK 80-125: 30-40 Nm
Nut lower shock absorber mounting 20-27 Nm PK 50: 20-30 Nm PK 80-125: 20-27 Nm
Nut of the engine swing arm on the frame 38-52 Nm 38-52 Nm
Upper race of the upper headset bearing (or hand-tight until contact with bearing balls) 6-7 Nm (check) 50-60 Nm (check)
Upper ring nut to lock the upper steering head bearing (after the tightening torque is reached, turn back the wrench by approx. 1?4 turn (80-90°)) 50-60 Nm (check)
Handlebar Bolt 30-44 Nm 30-44 Nm
Upper head race nut 30-40 Nm
Nut Rear wheel axle 90-110 Nm 90-110 Nm
Nuts Rims v/h on brake drum 23-27 Nm 20-27 Nm
Central nut front wheel 75-90 Nm PK 50: 50-80 Nm PK 80-125: ?


*We have worked here to the best of our conscience, but all information is nevertheless without guarantee.

The Vespa engine – the heart of Platónika – has received the desired control angles of the crankshaft in the last article

Cylinder transfer ports in the engine adapt for performance optimization

Before the complete assembly of the motor can be done, all work that generates chips must be done. Only then can the housing be cleaned.

In the next step, this includes the ports of the cylinder in the engine.
The BGM177 is designed in such a way that the cylinder functions perfectly even on the original ports.
However, in our project we took the opportunity to directly adapt the case. A better filling of the cylinder always means a higher possible torque.

In order to transfer the contour of the overcurrent channels to the motor housing, the easiest way is to place the matching cylinder base gasket on the housing and thus transfer the contour to the housing.

The sealing surface is best marked with a foil pen. Then the contour of the overflow channels is marked with the aid of the cylinder base gasket.

A milling cutter is then used to adapt the contour in the motor housing. It is not necessary to mill the channel exactly as deep as in the original motor housing.

The BGM 177 cylinder is designed from the basic construction so that the piston offers a sufficient cross section.
The generated surface of the adapted channel may be milled rough. Further polishing is not necessary. As long as there are no more rough corners and edges, a slightly roughened surface is perfect.

After the channels have been milled and the housing has been cleaned again, the assembly process continues

Scooter Center Tutorial Vespa PX – Modifying the transfers (activate subtitles)


At the Scooter Center you can now get TOPTUL tools

Our TOPTUL brand tools have been manufactured since 1994 by Rotar Machinery Industrial Co. The ROTAR Group has many years of experience in the manufacture and fine machining of exclusively carefully developed and high-quality processed Toptul tools for professionals. Only the most reliable tool steel alloys are used, such as chrome-molybdenum steel or chrome-vanadium steel.

From the wide range of TOPTUL products, we have included a selection for scooters in the Scooter Center program. The tools are characterised by a favourable price-performance ratio. Already particularly popular with us are the TOPTUL tool sets, available in many sizes – from handy wrench, nut spanner and socket sets to complete tool cabinets for the Vespa or scooter workshop.


To the TOPTUL – Tools:

Buy Toptul tool here

Toptul Werkzeug


How do I mount the tyres on a Vespa / Lambretta?

Using our bgm Classic tires as an example, we show the correct mounting of the tire (split rim).

1. Reduce friction

The tube inside is subject to flexing when the tire is unrolled and therefore it is useful to reduce the friction inside by talcum.
The white powder reduces the friction between the tube and the tyre and thus the wear of the tube.

A small amount of talcum powder is spread inside the tire and the tube is filled with air just enough to prevent it from expanding and also sprinkle some talcum powder on it.

2. Check the direction of travel

Before fitting the tube, first check that the tyre has a direction of rotation specified by the manufacturer.
This indication can be found on our bgm Classic tire in the form of an arrow on a tire sidewall and points to the direction of rotation of the tire when driving.
The tube is then inserted to match the direction of rotation of the tyre, so that the valve points to the left side in driving direction, typical for Vespa.

3. Assembly

For mounting the tyre on the rim, the so-called mounting paste is a real help. With it the tyre can be pushed very far onto the rim. This makes it much easier to screw the two-piece rim together.

First the valve is put through the wide half of the rim and then the rim is pushed into the tyre.
The narrow half of the rim also has an opening through which the valve is accessible. When inserting the valve into the tire, make sure that the valve hole is aligned with the hole in the wide rim half.

Our bgm stainless steel rims have exchangeable bolts. Please make sure that the head of the bolt is inserted into the square to prevent rotation.

The five nuts of the rim halves are fixed crosswise with 16 – 18Nm. When fastening, make sure that the tube is not clamped between the rim halves.
Then inflate the tyre with 2 bar and check that the tyre and valve are correctly seated in the rim.


Tutorial How to assemble the bgm CLASSIC tyres for Vespa


Music: Rene Winkler from SC / NXT Level Title: First one dub 4



How do I measure the pinch point on the cylinder head?

In our second tutorial we describe how to measure and adjust the pinch point of a bgm177 cylinder. Of course, the sequence is applicable for all other cylinders, but the dimensions can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer or the desired application of the cylinder and may differ from our dimensions in the video.

For the heart of Platónika we mounted the bgm177 cylinder dry first.
This means that the piston is initially mounted without piston rings and only with the upper bearing of the crankshaft. So if the cylinder has to be mounted several times to set the correct squeeze size, the threading of the piston rings is bypassed until the final assembly.

The bgm177 cylinder is supplied with several gaskets for the cylinder base with different thicknesses of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mm.

The cylinder is mounted without a seal for the cylinder base. To map the squeeze size we use soft solder with a diameter of 2mm.

The length of the piece of solder should correspond to the diameter of the hole. A little overlength does not harm to position the soldering tin with adhesive tape on the piston, parallel to the piston pin.

The cylinder head is mounted and fixed together with the gasket. By turning the crankshaft the piston is turned once over the TDC = top dead center. There, the solder is squeezed between the piston crown and the pinch-off surface of the cylinder head to the squeeze size, thus forming the current squeeze size.
After the cylinder head is disassembled again, the crushed solder at the ends can be easily measured with the caliper gauge. In our example this results in a dimension of 0.62mm.
The manual of our bgm177 cylinder gives us as recommendation a squeeze size of 1mm.

How do I change the squeeze size?

In order to get to 1mm with the existing squeezing dimension of 0.62mm, a cylinder base gasket of 0.4mm must be added; to get to the desired dimension of 1mm purely by calculation.


Scooter Center Tutorial Vespa PX – Checking the piston squish (Activate subtitles)




How are stud bolts mounted on a Vespa?

In the context of our project Platonika which we are putting on the wheels together with Maryzabel, we prepare many important steps of the assembly also in videos as tutorial.
Our first tutorial shows the important differences between the different types of studs and the correct mounting.
Frequently asked questions such as

  • “Which side is screwed into the engine housing? ” or
  • “Will the stud bolt be glued in?”

are answered in this Vespa tutorial.

In the Vespa area the threads of the original stud bolts have a “thick” and a “thin” side.
The thread is shorter on the thin side and longer on the thick side.

The side with the thicker thread is therefore screwed into the motor housing and, provided the motor housing is intact, it clamps there automatically. The stud bolt is thus secured against self-loosening. The free length that remains above the engine housing is determined by the cylinder and cylinder head.

Different variants

Apart from the different lengths of the threads, there are other features to distinguish them.
Here are the most common ones:

-Rounded end or paragraph

If one of the ends is rounded or distinctly offset by a stud bolt and the other end is flat, the rounded side points towards the cylinder head and the side with the flat end is screwed into the engine housing. Stud bolts with a shoulder also allow easier mounting of the washers and nuts in the cylinder head later on.

Stud bolt set -M7 x 140mm

-Marking on the shaft

On one side of the stud bolt, a mark in the form of a ring is made below the thread. The marked side points towards the cylinder head and the side without marking is screwed into the engine housing.

Stud bolt -M8 x 160mm

-Impact or point marking on the front face

If one end face of the stud is marked, which can be a point, a star or a kind of cross, this is the free side of the stud and the opposite end is screwed into the housing.

Stud bolt -M7 x 59mm- 22-17-20mm

-tight screw lock

Stud bolts with manufacturer-applied screw locking are easily identified by the material. The side with the screw lock, clearly visible in blue, green or red, is screwed into the housing. The free page is blank, without any order of backup.

Stud bolt -M8 x 165mm

-Special cases

are for example stud bolts which have a clearly marked side but whose installation side to the motor housing does not have a thicker thread. These studs must be mounted with screw locking.

Stud bolt set -M7 x 158mm

Installation of the stud bolts for Vespa

To mount the stud bolts safely, we offer this simple but ingenious stud bolt mounting set. This ensures that the stud bolt is securely fixed when screwed in and cannot simply twist through, as is often the case with two countered nuts.

Stud bolt assembly tool set -BGM PRO- M6/M7/M8


SC Tutorial Engine Casing Studs bolts (activate subtitles)

Vespa Platónika

Platónika is the name of the scooter. A Vespa PX, which we completely rebuild with new parts from the Scooter Center stock. Of course we use our best BGM parts. Benefit from our know-how, receive many tips and take a look behind the scenes.
Follow the project here on the Scooter Center blog

Watch all the videos on our YouTube channel



Vespa Tutorial Video

Instructions and tutorial videos for your Vespa PX

Next week we will start with our Vespa Tutorial Videos, a series from the Vespa Platónika bgm177 project of the Scooter Center.

  • How do I install a Vespa cylinder?
  • How do I measure the squeeze gap cylinder / piston / cylinder head?
  • How to assemble a carburettor?
  • Tips for cylinder studs on a Vespa!
  • How to install a Vespa clutch?
  • How do I install a new transmission in my Vespa PX?


New Vespa PX tutorials by Scooter Center inspired by the Platónika's project

Vespa Platonika (Platónika)

Platónika is the name of the scooter. A Vespa PX, which we completely rebuild with new parts from the Scooter Center stock. Of course we use our best BGM parts. Benefit from our know-how, get lots of tips and take a look behind the scenes.
Follow the project here on the Scooter Center blog:



All necessary attachments for our Vespa/ LML frames

We offer you the ingenious, already painted Vespa / LML frames

Here we have compiled a very helpful list for you. The frame sets are delivered as a set with all painted body parts.

Here you will find all the necessary small parts, add-on parts and spare parts for a Vespa PX. All parts you need to complete the frame set to a whole Vesparoller. In addition, you only need rims, tires and engine.

Small parts, attachments and spare parts

Rubber parts
Center stand
Horn cover


  1050019 Badge legshield -VESPA- Vespa – Vespa PX EFL (1984-), Vespa T5 125cc (1985-) 1 5,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050019 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1050019Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1577082 Badge legshield -PIAGGIO- Vespa – Vespa PX EFL (2001-2010) 1 6,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1577082 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1577082Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1583082 Indicator -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc front left hand side – white 1 20,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583082 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1583082Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1583083 Indicator -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc front right hand side – white 1 20,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583083 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1583083Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330116 Flanging pliers -FA ITALIA premium quality (Alloy cast)- all Vespa 1 69,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330116 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/3330116Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350057 Legshield beading -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX (1984-), T5 125cc – silver 1 11,89 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350057 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4350057Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350058 Legshield beading -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX (1984-), T5 125cc – black 1 16,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350058 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4350058Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950051 Dust cover steering shell on fork -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, Cosa, PK, V50, V90, PV125, ET3, PK, Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), Sprint150 (VLB1T), TS125 (VNL3T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), Super, SS180 (VSC1T), GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T) 1 3,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950051 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4950051Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950077 Steering set -OEM QUALITY- Piaggio, Gilera – upper + lower 1 24,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950077 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4950077Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670392 Legshield beading -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX (-1984) – alloy 1 19,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670392 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7670392Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673293 Gasket set front indicator/frame -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc 1 6,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673293 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7673293Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7676207 Steering set -OEM QUALITY- Piaggio, Gilera – upper + lower (9 parts) 1 29,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676207 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7676207Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520049 Indicator -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc front right hand side – amber 1 20,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520049 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9520049Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520155 Indicator -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc front left hand side – amber 1 22,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520155 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9520155Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  BU5419 Steering nut tool -OEM QUALITY- Piaggio, Gilera, Vespa PK S, PK XL, PX 1 15,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/BU5419 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/BU5419Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  1195703 Flasher relay -PIAGGIO 3-PIN 12V 10/21W AC- Vespa PK S, PK XL, PK XL2, PX EFL (1984-), Cosa, Cosa FL, T5 125cc, APE 1 17,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1195703 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1195703Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1291017 Grommet winker relay -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX EFL (1984-, square shape relay) 1 6,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1291017 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1291017Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330071 Voltage regulator cover -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX EFL 1 7,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330071 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/3330071Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330938 Flasher relay -VESPA 3-PIN 12V 10/21W AC- Vespa PK S, PK XL, PK XL2, PX EFL (1984-), Cosa, Cosa FL, T5 125cc, APE 1 11,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330938 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/3330938Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330940 Grommet winker relay -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX EFL (1984-, square shape relay) 1 3,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330940 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/3330940Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670665 Voltage regulator -5-plug (A|A|G|B+|Ground)- Vespa PX (-1984), PX Elestart (-1997), ET4 125 ccm (ZAPM04000, -1999), Piaggio 50 cc 2-stroke (-1999), Sfera 125 cc 4 stroke (ZAPM01000) 1 39,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670665 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7670665Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673488 Rubber buffer for battery -VESPA Ø=40mm x 3,5mm- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PK XL, Cosa – lower 2 2,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673488 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7673488Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675329 Screw -DIN 933- M6 x 16mm 4 0,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675329 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7675329Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675937 Battery strap -VESPA- Vespa PX Elestart 1 5,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675937 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7675937Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7676202 Battery tray -VESPA- Vespa PX, T5, Cosa 1 14,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676202 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7676202Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9100002 Voltage regulator -5-plug (A|A|G|B+|Ground)- Vespa PX (-1984), PX Elestart (-1997), ET4 125 cc (ZAPM04000, -1999), Piaggio 50 cc 2-stroke (-1999), Sfera 125 cc 4-stroke (ZAPM01000) 1 24,99 € Bild in Arbeit http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9100002 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9100002Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9100003 Voltage regulator -3-plug (G|G|Ground)- Vespa PX (1984-), T5 125cc, PK XL, V50 (4-piece indicator), Lambretta (electronic ignition) 1 39,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9100003 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9100003Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9100004 Voltage regulator -5-plug (G|G|B+|C|Ground)- Vespa PX Elestart (1998-), Cosa, Cosa2 Elestart, PK XL2 Elestart 1 46,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9100004 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9100004Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9100005 Voltage regulator -3-plug (G|G|Ground)- Vespa PX (1984-), T5 125cc, PK XL, V50 (4-piece indicator), Lambretta (electronic ignition) – XS (90x55x30mm) 1 19,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9100005 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9100005Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9121006 Voltage regulator -5-plug (G|G|B+|C|Ground)- Vespa PX Elestart (1998-), Cosa, Cosa2 Elestart, PK XL2 Elestart 1 24,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9121006 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9121006Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520004 Flasher relay -OEM QUALITY 3-PIN 12V 10/21W AC- Vespa PK S, PK XL, PK XL2, PX EFL (1984-), Cosa, Cosa FL, T5 125cc, APE 1 12,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520004 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9520004Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520109 Battery strap -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Elestart 1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520109 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9520109Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520143 Battery tray -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX 1 17,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520143 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9520143Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901063 Spring washer -DIN 127- M6 4 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901063 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9901063Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  BGM6690 Voltage regulator -4-plug BGM PRO 12V AC/DC- universal 1 24,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/BGM6690 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/BGM6690Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  1177435 Front hub back plate -VESPA- PX (1984-1997), T5 125cc 1 79,78 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1177435 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1177435Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330018 Fork with disk brake -LML NT Grimeca Style- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200 EFL (1984-) 1 299,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330018 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/3330018Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350051 Front brake hub 10″ -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX (1982-1997), T5 125cc, PK S, PK XL, PK XL2- Ø=20mm 1 79,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350051 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4350051Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4940058 Spacer shock absorber rear/Silentblock -VESPA l=48mm- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc 1 5,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4940058 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4940058Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950003 Fork -OEM Quality- Vespa PX EFL (since 1984) – 20mm axle 1 189,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950003 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4950003Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5900025 Disc brake set -GRIMECA Disc (star shaped) Ø=20mm- Vespa PX (since 1982), T5 125cc, PK XL – semi hydraulic 1 409,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5900025 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/5900025Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5900026 Disc brake set -GRIMECA Classic NT Ø=20mm- Vespa PX (since 1982), T5 125cc, PK XL – semi hydraulic – silver 1 379,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5900026 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/5900026Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5900028 Fork with disk brake -LML Classic Grimeca Style- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200 EFL (1984-) 1 329,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5900028 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/5900028Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670922 Silent block, shock absorber upper / frame rear -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, T5, Rally, Sprint, TS, GT, GTR, SS180, GS160, Super, GL, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB, V50, V90, SS50, SS90, PV125, ET3 1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670922 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7670922Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673146 Disc brake set -GRIMECA Classic NT Ø=20mm- Vespa PX (1982-), T5 125cc, PK XL – semi hydraulic – black 1 395,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673146 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7673146Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674461 Front brake hub 10″ -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX (1982-1997), T5 125cc, PK S, PK XL, PK XL2 – Ø=20mm – silver 1 58,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674461 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7674461Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7676235 Spacer shock absorber rear/Silentblock -VESPA l=52mm- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc 1 3,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676235 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7676235Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9000056 Silent block, shock absorber upper / frame rear -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX, T5, Rally, Sprint, TS, GT, GTR, SS180, GS160, Super, GL, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB, V50, V90, SS50, SS90, PV125, ET3 1 7,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000056 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9000056Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  4350073 Toolbox rubber -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX, Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), SS180 (VSC1T) – black 1 4,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350073 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4350073Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671427 Toolbag clip -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, V50, PV, ET3, PK 1 1,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671427 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7671427Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7672423 Toolbox rubber -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX EFL (1984-) – black 1 6,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7672423 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7672423Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7672457 Toolbox lock -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX EFL (1984-), T5 125cc – Chrome 1 19,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7672457 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7672457Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674025 Toolbox lock set -ZADI- Vespa PX EFL (since 1984), T5 125cc – Chrome – 3 lock cylinder (ignition, tool box, seat) 1 29,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674025 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7674025Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675033 Screw set for tool box -OEM QUALITY 2x M5 x 25mm- Vespa PX, Rally180, Rally200, TS125, GS160 / GS4 (since VSB1T0054684), SS180 2 5,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675033 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7675033Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675199 Buffer Toolbox door -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 4 1,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675199 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7675199Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7676236 Buffer Toolbox door -VESPA- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 1 2,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676236 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7676236Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7676697 Toolbox lock -CIF- Vespa PX EFL (1984-), T5 125cc – black 1 14,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676697 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7676697Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901050 Nut -DIN 934- M5 4 0,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901050 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9901050Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901052 Washer -DIN 125- M5 4 0,10 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901052 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9901052Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901053 Spring washer -DIN 127- M5 4 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901053 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9901053Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite

Rubber parts

  4350078 Grommet fuel lap lever -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX EFL (1984-), T5 125cc – black 1 1,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350078 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4350078Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350082 Grommet frame/petrol tube -PIAGGIO- Vespa Largeframe and Wideframe (1958-) 1 2,19 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350082 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4350082Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350085 Grommet frame/gear cable -PIAGGIO- Vespa Largeframe (1958-) 1 1,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350085 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4350085Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350131 Grommet frame/choke cable -PIAGGIO- Vespa Largeframe (1958-) 1 2,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350131 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/4350131Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250002 Grommet frame/oil gauge-glass -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX EFL (1984-) 1 3,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250002 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/5250002Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250029 Rubber kit -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX 1 34,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250029 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/5250029Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671535 Rubber kit -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX – small 1 24,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671535 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7671535Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673294 Grommet front indicator wire/frame -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc 2 2,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673294 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7673294Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673296 Grommet oil hose/frame -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX (1984-), T5 125cc 1 0,89 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673296 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7673296Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673297 Grommet taillight wire/frame -PIAGGIO- Vespa 1 1,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673297 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7673297Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673964 Rear mudflap -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX (1984-2000) 1 8,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673964 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7673964Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675050 Rubber cap for oil gauge glass hole -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX EFL (1984-) 1 1,19 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675050 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7675050Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675351 Grommet for wiring loom / frame -PIAGGIO- Vespa PK XL, PK XL2, PX 1 1,19 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675351 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7675351Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520077 Indicator socket -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200 EFL side panel 1 4,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520077 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9520077Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520138 Grommet frame/brake pedal -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Efl (1984-), PK XL2, T5 125cc, ET3 (since No 52721), V50 R (since No 914748), V50 S (since No 79735) – square type 1 1,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520138 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9520138Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite

Center stand

  1050039 Stand feeds -VESPA Ø= 22mm- PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PK XL – alloy matt 1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050039 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1050039Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1050040 Stand feeds -VESPA Ø= 22mm- PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PK XL – alloy black 1 12,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050040 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1050040Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1050041 Center stand rubbers -OEM QUALITY Ø=22mm- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, PK – black 1 4,50 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050041 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1050041Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1050050 Side stand -BUZZETTI- Vespa PX, T5, Rally, TS, Sprint, Sprint Veloce, GT, GTR, SS180, GS160 – chrome 1 49,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050050 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1050050Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1050148 Stand feeds -VESPA Ø= 22mm- PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PK XL – alloy shiny 1 12,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050148 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1050148Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1174773 Rubber buffer center stand -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX 1 2,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1174773 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/1174773Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350054 Center stand -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX, T5 125cc – black 1 19,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350054 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350054Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5260001 Rubber buffer center stand -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX 1 1,79 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260001 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/5260001Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5260002 Center stand return spring -VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, VNA1, VNB1, Super, GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), VBA, VBB, GL150 (VLA1T), Sprint150 (VLB1T), Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), SS180 (VSC1T), GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T) 1 2,70 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260002 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/5260002Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5260004 Center stand brackets -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX, T5 125cc 1 3,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260004 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/5260004Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670968 Center stand rubber -PIAGGIO Ø=22mm- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, PK – black 2 1,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670968 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7670968Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673023 Spring steel plate center stand/frame -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, T5 2 1,09 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673023 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7673023Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675051 Center stand -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, T5 125cc – black 1 24,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675051 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7675051Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675805 Center stand return spring -OEM QUALITY- Vespa PX 125 (2011-), PX 150 (2011-) – l=110mm 1 2,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675805 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7675805Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7676579 Stand feeds -TSR Ø= 22mm- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PK XL – alloy shiny 1 22,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676579 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/7676579Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9000088 Center stand return spring hook -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PK XL, Sprint150 (VLB1T), Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), Super, GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), GL150 (VLA1T), VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB, GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T), SS180 1 1,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000088 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9000088Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901060 Nut -DIN 934- M6 4 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901060 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9901060Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901062 Washer -DIN 125- M6 4 0,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901062 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9901062Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901063 Spring washer -DIN 127- M6 4 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901063 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9901063Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901067 Screw -DIN 933- M6 x 25mm (8.8 tensile strength) 4 0,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901067 http://www.scooter-center.com/en/product/9901067Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite

Horn cover

  1050007 Badge horn cover -VESPA- Piaggio hexagon – Vespa PX EFL (1984-2000), Vespa T5 125cc, Vespa PK 1 3,79 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050007 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050007Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1050008 Horn grill -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX EFL (1984-2000) – black 1 4,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050008 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050008Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1050011 Badge horn cover -PIAGGIO- Piaggio – Vespa PX EFL (1984-1997) 1 6,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050011 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050011Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1050024 Kaskadengitter
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (Bj. 1984-2000) – Chrom
1 7,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050024 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050024Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1050046 Kaskadengitter
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX Lusso (Bj. 1984-2000) – Schwarz
1 4,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050046 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050046Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330992 Schriftzug
Kaskade -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa Piaggio – Vespa PX Lusso (Bj. 1984-1997)
1 2,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330992 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330992Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4550025 Kunststoffmutter
-PIAGGIO- 3,9mm (verwendet für Befestigung Kaskade Vespa PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 1,59 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4550025 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4550025Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5320039 Blechschraube
-DIN 7981- 3,5x19mm (verwendet zur Befestigung Rücklichtglas Vespa PX, Hupe
Vespa PX ab 1984)
2 0,40 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5320039 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5320039Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674383 Schriftzug
Kaskade -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa Piaggio – Vespa PX Lusso (Bj. 1984-1997)
1 2,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674383 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674383Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674386 Kaskadengitter
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX Lusso (Bj. 1984-2000) – Chrom
1 7,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674386 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674386Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675335 Blechmutter
-PIAGGIO- Ø=4,0mm – 11x16mm – (verwendet zur Befestigung der Kaskade am
Rahmen unten Vespa PK / PX / T5)
2 0,59 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675335 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675335Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675340 Blechschraube
-DIN 7981 F- 4,2x13mm – (verwendet zur Befestigung der Kaskade am Rahmen
unten Vespa PK / PX / T5)
2 0,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675340 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675340Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675501 Distanzbuchse
4,1×8,0x8,6mm für Hupe -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, PK S
2 0,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675501 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675501Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520009 Hupe -OEM
QUALITÄT 12V DC- Vespa PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 17,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520009 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520009Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901052 Unterlegscheibe
-DIN 125- M5
2 0,10 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901052 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901052Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901069 Schraube -DIN
7981- 3,9x16mm (verwendet für Befestigung Kaskade Vespa PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 1,09 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901069 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901069Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  232K59 Hupe -PIAGGIO
12V DC- Vespa PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 22,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/232K59 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/232K59Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  1050066 Kotflügelnippel -OEM QUALITÄT-
Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984) – Kunststoff – Chrom
1 10,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050066 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050066Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1050210 Kotflügelnippelhütchen
-VESPA- PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200
1 0,89 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050210 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1050210Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1198399 Kotflügelnippel
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984) – Kunststoff – Grau matt
1 10,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1198399 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1198399Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1564219 Kotflügelnippel
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984) – Kunststoff – Chrom
1 14,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1564219 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1564219Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5150032 Kotflügelschraube
(Linsenkopf) seitlich M5 x 12mm -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX, Vespa Rally180
(VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), Sprint150 (VLB1T), TS125, GTR125 (VNL2T),
GT125 (VNL2T), GL150, Super, SS180, GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T), VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB,
1 1,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5150032 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5150032Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670495 Schraube für
Fußmattenbefestigung, Schraube für Kotflügelnippel -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX,
Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), Sprint150 (VLB1T), TS125
(VNL3T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), SS180 (VSC1T), GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T),
Super, VNA,
1 0,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670495 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670495Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675493 Unterlegscheibe
6,5x16x1,5mm -PIAGGIO- (verwendet für Kotflügel Vespa PX)
3 0,19 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675493 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675493Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901050 Mutter -DIN 934-
1 0,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901050 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901050Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901052 Unterlegscheibe
-DIN 125- M5
1 0,10 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901052 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901052Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901060 Mutter -DIN 934-
3 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901060 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901060Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901063 Sprengring -DIN
127- M6
3 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901063 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901063Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901067 Schraube -DIN
933- M6 x 25mm (8.8 Festigkeit)
3 0,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901067 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901067Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  1582324 Griffe Vespa PX Lusso (Bj.
2001-2010) – Schwarz/Chrom
1 22,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1582324 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1582324Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1582946 Scheinwerfer
-PIAGGIO Ø=140mm- Vespa PX Lusso – H4, Klarglas, Rechtsverkehr (mit
1 39,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1582946 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1582946Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1583074 Tacho -PIAGGIO-
Vespa Ø=105mm – PX Lusso (ab Bj. 2001) – 120km/h
1 139,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583074 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583074Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1583090 Lichtschalter
-VESPA- PX Elestart (ab Bj. 1984)
1 49,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583090 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583090Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330705 Montage-Set
Lenkerunterteil -LML- Vespa PX – 4 Buchsen (verwendet für Schaltrohr und
1 11,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330705 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330705Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3331000 Gaszugrolle
-MRP- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PX XL, Cosa
1 34,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3331000 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3331000Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950032 Distanzscheibe
Gasrohr/Schaltrohr 24 x 31x 1mm -VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T),
Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), Sprint150 (VLB1T), TS125 (VNL3T), GT125 (VNL2T),
GTR125 (VNL2T), Super, V50, V90, SS50, SS90, PV125, ET3, PK S, PK XL1
2 0,79 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950032 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950032Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950033 Federscheibe
Gasrohr/Schaltrohr 24 x 31x 1mm -VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T),
Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), Sprint150 (VLB1T), TS125 (VNL3T), GT125 (VNL2T),
GTR125 (VNL2T), Super, V50, V90, SS50, SS90, PV125, ET3, PK S, PK XL1
2 0,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950033 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950033Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950034 Gaszugrolle
-VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PX XL, Cosa
1 4,59 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950034 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950034Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950035 Splint
Gaszug-/Schaltzugrolle -VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, Cosa
1 1,09 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950035 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950035Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950036 Schaltzugrolle
-VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PX XL, Cosa
1 3,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950036 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950036Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950037 Widerlager –
Zuganschlag Schalt- Gaszug -VESPA- PX, PK XL – kurz
1 1,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950037 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950037Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950038 Widerlager –
Zuganschlag Schaltzug -VESPA- PX, PK XL – lang
2 1,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950038 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950038Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4950041 Schraube -DIN
7985- M5 x 35mm (verwendet für Lenkkopfadbeckung Vespa PX)
4 0,89 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950041 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4950041Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5050001 Griffe Vespa PX
alt – Schwarz
1 8,09 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050001 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050001Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5050002 Griffe Vespa PX
Lusso (bis Bj. 2000) – Schwarz
1 7,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050002 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050002Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5050015 Bremshebel +
Kupplungshebel (Set) -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX (bis Bj. 1997) – Aluminium
1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050015 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050015Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5050032 Bremshebel +
Kupplungshebel (Set) -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX (bis Bj. 1997) – Chrom
1 12,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050032 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050032Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5050035 Bremshebel +
Kupplungshebel (Set) -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX (bis Bj. 1997) – Schwarz
1 7,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050035 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050035Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5050082 Bremshebel +
Kupplungshebel (Set) -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX (bis Bj. 1997) – Carbon Style
1 9,89 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050082 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5050082Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671243 Scheinwerfer
-TRIOM Ø=140mm- Vespa PX Lusso, Rechtsverkehr – (mit Prüfzeichen)
1 48,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671243 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671243Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671370 Anlaufscheibe
Schaltrohr -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa
Rally200 (VSE1T), Sprint150 (VLB1T), TS125 (VNL3T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125
(VNL2T), SS180 (VSC1T), Super, GL150 (VLA1T), V50, V90, SS50, SS90, PV, ET3,
1 1,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671370 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671370Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7672097 Federscheibe –
Unterlegscheibe – Gasrohr/Schaltrohr 4er Set -OEM QUALITÄT Ø=24mm- Vespa PX,
T5 125cc, Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), Sprint150 (VLB1T),
TS125 (VNL3T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), Super, V50, V90, SS50, SS90,
1 4,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7672097 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7672097Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7672352 Blinkerschalter
-VESPA- PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200 (ab Bj. 1984) – 6 Kabel
1 20,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7672352 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7672352Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674327 Gaszugrolle
-QUICK ACTION- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PX XL, Cosa
1 14,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674327 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674327Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674523 Blinkerschalter
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200 (ab Bj. 1984) – 6 Kabel mit
1 24,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674523 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674523Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674973 Tacho -PIAGGIO-
Vespa Ø=105mm – GT 250 i.e. 60 (ZAPM451), GTV 125 (ZAPM313), GTV 250 i.e.
(ZAPM451), (passend auch für Vespa Ø=105mm – PX Lusso, PK XL1) – 160km/h
1 229,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674973 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674973Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675275 Tacho/Drehzahlmesser
-SIP 2.0 (KOSO)- Vespa Ø=105mm – PX Lusso, PK XL, Vespa GT 250 i.e. 60
(ZAPM451), GTV 125 (ZAPM313), GTV 250 i.e. (ZAPM451) – weiß
1 184,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675275 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675275Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675276 Tacho/Drehzahlmesser
-SIP 2.0 (KOSO)- Vespa Ø=105mm – PX Lusso, PK XL, Vespa GT 250 i.e. 60
(ZAPM451), GTV 125 (ZAPM313), GTV 250 i.e. (ZAPM451) – schwarz
1 184,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675276 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675276Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9000076 Lenkkopfschraube
-LML- Vespa PX, PK, Rally, Sprint150, 180 SS, Super, TS125,
GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), ET3, PV125, V50, V90
1 3,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000076 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000076Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9000077 Lenkkopfmutter
-VESPA- PX, PK, Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), Sprint150
(VLB1T), 180 SS, Super, TS125 (VNL3T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), ET3,
PV125, V50, V90
1 1,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000077 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000077Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9000109 Bremshebelschraube
– Kupplungshebelschraube -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc
2 2,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000109 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000109Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520145 Lichtschalter
-GRABOR- Vespa PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 20,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520145 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520145Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901043 Unterlegscheibe
-DIN 125- M4
1 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901043 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901043Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901048 Schraube -DIN
933- M4 x 12mm (verwendet zur Befestigung Scheinwerfer Vespa PX)
1 0,40 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901048 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901048Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901052 Unterlegscheibe
-DIN 125- M5
4 0,10 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901052 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901052Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  7673010 Bremspumpe -PIAGGIO Heng Tong-
Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200 (alle ab Bj. 1998), PX Millenium, PX2011 –
1 80,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673010 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673010Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674541 Bremspumpe -LML-
Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200 (alle ab Bj. 1998), PX Millenium, PX2011-
1 69,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674541 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674541Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7676684 Kabeldurchgang
Lenker -LML- Vespa PX (1998-) (verwendet zur Durchführung von Bremsleitung
und Bremslichtschalterkabel in den Lenkerdeckel)
1 0,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676684 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676684Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  1006967 Fächerscheibe -DIN 6798- M5 2 0,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1006967 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1006967Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1583084 Blinker
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc hinten links – Weiß
1 20,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583084 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583084Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  1583085 Blinker
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc hinten rechts – Weiß
1 20,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583085 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1583085Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7178689 Gummi Hebel
Seitenhaubeninnenverschluß -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX (ab Bj. 1981), PX Lusso, T5
2 1,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7178689 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7178689Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7227229 Seitenhaubenverriegelung
-VESPA- PX (Modelle mit Innenverschluß), T5 125cc – rechts
1 24,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7227229 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7227229Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7244093 Seitenhaubenverriegelung
-VESPA- PX (Modelle mit Innenverschluß), T5 125cc – links
1 17,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7244093 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7244093Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671121 Seitenhaubengummi
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, Vespa T5 – Schwarz / rechts
1 19,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671121 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671121Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671122 Seitenhaubengummi
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, Vespa T5 – Schwarz / links
1 23,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671122 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671122Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671804 Klemmhütchen für
Schriftzüge Seitenhaube -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX (Bj. 1984-1997), PK S, PK XL, PK
XL2, T5 125cc
2 0,79 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671804 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671804Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673309 Blinkersteckverbindung
– OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200- Seitenhauben mit
Außenverschluß – Ø=12,4mm, ohne Kabel, Anschlußstecker 4,3mm
2 7,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673309 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673309Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674338 Gummikappe
Blinker hinten -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc
2 3,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674338 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674338Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675209 Blinkerkabel
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc Seitenhauben
1 7,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675209 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675209Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675243 Blinkersteckverbindung
– OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200- Seitenhauben mit
Innenverschluß – Ø12,8mm, mit Kabel, Anschlußstecker 6,3mm
2 2,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675243 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675243Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675342 Blechschraube
-DIN 7981 H- 4,8x13mm-
2 0,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675342 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675342Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7676534 Seitenhaubengummi-Set
-VESPA- Vespa PX, Vespa T5 – Schwarz
1 27,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676534 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676534Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7676733 Gummipuffer-Set
Seitenklappe -VESPA- Vespa PX (Modelle mit Innenverschluß)
1 6,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676733 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7676733Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520046 Blinker
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc hinten links – Orange
1 17,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520046 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520046Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520047 Blinker
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc hinten rechts – Orange
1 17,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520047 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520047Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520076 Blinkerkabel
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200, T5 125cc Seitenhauben
2 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520076 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520076Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520077 Blinkersteckverbindung
– PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200- Seitenhauben mit Innenverschluß –
Ø12,8mm, ohne Kabel, Anschlußstecker 4,3mm
2 4,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520077 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520077Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  1186869 Gepäckhaken -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa
V50, V90, PV, ET3, PK, PX, T5, Rally, Sprint, GT, GTR, SS180, GL, Super,
GS160, GS 150, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB – universal, abschließbar
1 22,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1186869 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1186869Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3331231 Sitzbankschloß
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX Lusso, T5 125cc – ohne Schließzylinder – Schwarz
1 15,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3331231 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3331231Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3530792 Gepäckhaken -OEM
QUALITÄT- Vespa V50, V90, PV, ET3, PK, PX, T5, Rally, Sprint, GT, GTR, SS180,
GL, Super, GS160, GS 150, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB
1 5,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3530792 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3530792Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350066 Schließzylinder-Set
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX Lusso (1984-), PK S-XL, T5 125cc, Cosa FL, Piaggio
Storm, Free, NRG, NTT, Sfera, Sfera RST, SKR Quartz, TPH, TPH X, TPH XR, Zip
(bis Bj. 1999), Zip FR – 3-teilig
1 14,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350066 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350066Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350071 Sitzbankschloß
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX Lusso, T5 125cc – Schwarz
1 17,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350071 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350071Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5420003 Sitzbank -VESPA-
PX Lusso (bis Bj. 1997) – Halteriemen – schwarz
1 139,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5420003 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5420003Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5420037 Sitzbank -VESPA-
PX Lusso (bis Bj. 1997) – Chrombügel
1 129,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5420037 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5420037Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671294 Gepäckhaken
-PIAGGIO- Vespa V50, V90, PV, ET3, PK, PX, T5, Rally, Sprint, GT, GTR, SS180,
GL, Super, GS160, GS 150, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB – Schwarz
1 5,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671294 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671294Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673182 Helmhalter
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso
1 6,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673182 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673182Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673299 Schließzylinder-Set
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (1984-), PK S-XL, T5 125cc, Cosa FL, Piaggio Storm,
Free, NRG, NTT, Sfera, Sfera RST, SKR Quartz, TPH, TPH X, TPH XR, Zip (bis
Bj. 1999), Zip FR – 3-teilig
1 17,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673299 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673299Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674835 Verstärkungsblech
für Gepäckhaken am Rahmen -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, Rally, Sprint, TS, GT, GTR, GL,
SS180, GS160)
1 10,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674835 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674835Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675608 Sitzbankschloß
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX alt – Chrom
1 39,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675608 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675608Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901082 Unterlegscheibe
-DIN 125- M8
3 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901082 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901082Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901083 Sprengring -DIN
127- M8
3 0,35 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901083 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901083Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901121 Schraube -DIN
933- M8 x 25mm (8.8 Festigkeit)
3 0,50 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901121 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901121Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  CM0017019 Sitzbank -VESPA-
PX Lusso (Bj. 1998-2000) – Schwarz
1 89,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/CM0017019 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/CM0017019Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  1228354 Tankgeberdichtung -VESPA- PX (ab
Bj. 1984)
1 2,69 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1228354 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1228354Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  2529091 Benzinhahn -OEM
QUALITÄT- Vespa PX (ab Bj. 1984), PK XL1
1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/2529091 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/2529091Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  2529092 Benzinhahn
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX (ab Bj. 1984), PK XL1
1 14,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/2529092 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/2529092Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330088 Abdeckung
Rahmentunnel / Kabelschacht im Rahmen -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, P150,
PX200, T5 125cc
1 12,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330088 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330088Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330661 Tank-Set -LML
inkl. Öltank und Benzinhahn- PX (ab Bj. 1984) – Version mit
1 145,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330661 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330661Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330775 Tank -LML- Vespa
PX (ab Bj. 1984) – Version mit Getrenntschmierung
1 59,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330775 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330775Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250001 Tankgeber
-VESPA- PX (ab Bj. 1984) – Blechverschluß (50-270 Ohm)
1 89,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250001 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250001Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250002 Gummi
Rahmen/Ölschauglas -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984)
1 3,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250002 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250002Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250004 Öltank -PIAGGIO-
Vespa PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 39,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250004 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250004Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250010 Tank -VESPA- PX
(ab Bj. 1984) – Version ohne Getrenntschmierung, Ohne Tankanzeige
1 132,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250010 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250010Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250011 Tank -VESPA- PX
(ab Bj. 1984) – Version mit Getrenntschmierung
1 134,01 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250011 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250011Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250012 Überwurfmutter
Verschraubung Öltank -VESPA- PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 4,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250012 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250012Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250013 Tankdeckel
-VESPA- PX (ab Bj. 1984), PK XL
1 12,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250013 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250013Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250015 Öltankdeckel
-VESPA- PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 5,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250015 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250015Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5250109 Öltankanschlußstück
Druckscheibe -VESPA- PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 0,69 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250109 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5250109Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5479933 Öltankanschlußstück
-VESPA- PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5479933 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5479933Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670021 Tankgeberabdeckkappe
-VESPA- PX (ab Bj. 1984)
1 3,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670021 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670021Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671328 Chokehebel am
Rahmen -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, Sprint150 (VLB1T), Vespa Rally180
(VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), SS180 (VSC1T), GS160 (VSB1T), GT125 (VNL2T),
GTR125 (VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), Super, GL150 (VLA1T), VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB –
1 6,19 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671328 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671328Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671975 Chokehebel am
Rahmen -VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, Sprint150 (VLB1T), Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa
Rally200 (VSE1T), SS180 (VSC1T), GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125
(VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), Super, GL150 (VLA1T), VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB – Edelstahl
1 8,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671975 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671975Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674837 Chokehebelfeder
-VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, Sprint150 (VLB1T), Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa
Rally200 (VSE1T), SS180 (VSC1T), GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125
(VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), Super, GL150 (VLA1T), VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB
1 0,69 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674837 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674837Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675050 Verschlußkappe
Gummi für Loch Ölschauglas im Rahmen -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984)
1 1,19 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675050 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675050Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675247 Chokehebel am
Rahmen für Kabelchoke-Umrüstung -OEM QUALITÄT- PX, T5 125cc, Sprint150
(VLB1T), Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), SS180 (VSC1T), GS160
/ GS4 (VSB1T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), Super, GL150
1 17,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675247 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675247Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  8006802 Chokehebel am
Rahmen -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, Sprint150 (VLB1T), Vespa Rally180
(VSD1T), Vespa Rally200 (VSE1T), SS180 (VSC1T), GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T), GT125
(VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), Super, GL150 (VLA1T), VNA, VNB, VBA,
1 4,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8006802 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8006802Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  8006804 Chokehebelfedersplint
-VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, Sprint150 (VLB1T), Vespa Rally180 (VSD1T), Vespa
Rally200 (VSE1T), SS180 (VSC1T), GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125
(VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), Super, GL150 (VLA1T), VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB
1 0,89 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8006804 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8006804Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901082 Unterlegscheibe
-DIN 125- M8
2 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901082 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901082Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901083 Sprengring -DIN
127- M8
2 0,35 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901083 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901083Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901121 Schraube -DIN
933- M8 x 25mm (8.8 Festigkeit)
2 0,50 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901121 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901121Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  1103843 Bremspedalhebel -PIAGGIO- Vespa
PX Lusso (1984-), PK XL2, T5 125cc, ET3 (ab Nr. 52721), V50 R (ab Nr.
914748), V50 S (ab Nr. 79735) – eckige form
1 30,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1103843 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/1103843Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330155 Typenschild -OEM
QUALITÄT- Vespa ohne Aufdruck / Blanko (80x25x0,5mm)
1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330155 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330155Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330438 Trittleiste
aussen rechts -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200
1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330438 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330438Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330439 Trittleiste
aussen links -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200
1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330439 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330439Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330440 Trittleiste
mitte rechts -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200
1 7,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330440 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330440Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330441 Trittleiste
mitte links -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200
1 7,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330441 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330441Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330442 Trittleiste
innen rechts -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200
1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330442 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330442Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330443 Trittleiste
innen links -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200
1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330443 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330443Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3331349 Typenschild -OEM
QUALITÄT- Vespa Piaggio & Co Genua (80x25x0,5mm) – eckig
1 11,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3331349 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3331349Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350074 Bremspedalgummi
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PK S-XL, PX, T5 125cc – Schwarz
1 3,50 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350074 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350074Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5260007 Bremspedal-Grundplatte
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX , T5 125cc, PK
1 29,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260007 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260007Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5260012 Bremspedalbolzen
Ø=5,5×21,5mm -VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, PK, V50, V90, SS50, SS90, PV125, ET3
1 0,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260012 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260012Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5260013 Bremspedalfeder
-VESPA- PX, T5 125cc, PK, V50, V90, SS50, SS90, PV125, ET3
1 1,09 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260013 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260013Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5260014 Bremspedalbolzen
-VESPA- PX (ab Bj. 1978), T5 125cc, PK, ET3 (ab Nr. 52721), V50 R (ab Nr.
914748), V50 S (ab Nr. 79735)
1 5,69 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260014 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260014Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5260016 Bremspedal-Set
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX, PX Lusso, PX 98, PX My, PX 2011,T5 125cc, PK S, PK
1 23,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260016 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5260016Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5821015 Fußmatte
Durchstieg -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso – Grau
1 13,50 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5821015 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5821015Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5821017 Trittleistensatz
1 28,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5821017 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5821017Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  5821077 Trittleistensatz
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX, PX Lusso – Edelstahl
1 89,00 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5821077 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/5821077Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7672627 Bremspedalgummi
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PK S-XL, PX, T5 125cc – Schwarz
1 3,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7672627 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7672627Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7673007 Fußmatte
Durchstieg -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 2011) – Schwarz
1 34,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673007 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7673007Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674831 Schraube -DIN
931- M6 x 25mm (8.8 Festigkeit) – (verwendet für Kupplungsdeckel Vespa PX,
Cosa, T5, Rally, Sprint, TS, GT, GTR, GL, SS 180, GS 160, VBA, VBB, VNA, VNB)
3 0,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674831 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674831Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675340 Blechschraube
-DIN 7981 F- 4,2x13mm – (verwendet zur Befestigung der Kaskade am Rahmen
unten Vespa PK / PX / T5)
4 0,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675340 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675340Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675439 Trittleistengummi
-OEM QUALITÄT, B=14mm- Vespa PX, PX Lusso, PK S – 4500mm
1 19,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675439 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675439Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675440 Trittleistenendstück
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX (1984-)
12 0,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675440 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675440Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  8900016 Fußmatte
Durchstieg -VESPA- PX Lusso – Edelstahl mit Rippen
1 49,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8900016 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8900016Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  8900024 Fußmatte
Durchstieg -VESPA- PX Lusso – Edelstahl glatt
1 38,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8900024 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8900024Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9000040 Splint -DIN 94-
Ø=2,0mm – 20mm – verwendet für Bolzen Klemmplättchen / Bremsarm hinten Vespa
PX, Sprint, Rally, V50, PV125, ET3 etc.
1 0,59 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000040 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9000040Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520018 Bremslichtschalter
-OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200 (Modelle mit Blinker), PK50
XL, PK80 XL, PK125 XL, T5 125cc – Schließer (Blau/Rot)
1 5,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520018 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520018Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9520138 Gummi
Rahmen/Bremspedal -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (1984-), PK XL2, T5 125cc, ET3 (ab
Nr. 52721), V50 R (ab Nr. 914748), V50 S (ab Nr. 79735) – eckige formm
1 1,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520138 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9520138Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901060 Mutter -DIN 934-
2 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901060 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901060Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901062 Unterlegscheibe
-DIN 125- M6
3 0,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901062 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901062Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  9901063 Sprengring -DIN
127- M6
3 0,29 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901063 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/9901063Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  15770200090 Fußmatte
Durchstieg -VESPA- PX Lusso (Bj. 2001-2010) – Schwarz
1 27,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/15770200090 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/15770200090Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite


  174129 Gummi
Tachowelle/Bremsankerplatte -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, T5 125cc, PK S, PK XL
1 1,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/174129 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/174129Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  3330840 Zugsatz -MADE IN
ITALY- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984-1997) – PTFE Grau
1 34,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330840 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/3330840Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350025 Klemmnippel /
Schraubnippel -OEM QUALITÄT, Ø=6,8x8mm- Vespa alle Modelle (verwendet für
Kupplungszug / Schaltzug in Schaltraste)
3 1,19 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350025 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350025Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350034 Tachowelle -OEM
QUALITÄT- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984), T5 125cc, Cosa 125, Cosa 200, PK50 S
Lusso, PK80 S Lusso
1 6,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350034 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350034Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  4350136 Tachowelle
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984), T5 125ccm, Cosa 125, Cosa 200, PK50 S
Lusso, PK80 S Lusso
1 12,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350136 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/4350136Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670224 Chokezug
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984)
1 7,49 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670224 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670224Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670225 Bremszug hinten
-PIAGGIO Ø=2,9mm mit Öse- Vespa PX
1 9,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670225 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670225Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670228 Kupplungszug
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984)
1 12,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670228 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670228Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7670229 Schaltzug
-PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, T5 125cc
2 6,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670229 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7670229Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7671995 Klemmnippel-Set
(Schraubnippel-Set) -PIAGGIO Vespa Ø=6,8x8mm- alle Modelle (verwendet für
Kupplungs-/Schaltzug) – 5 Stück
1 30,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671995 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7671995Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674848 Zugschutz
Schaltzüge -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, T5, Rally, TS, Sprint, GT, GTR, SS180, GS160,
GL, Super, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB) – schwarz
1 3,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674848 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674848Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7674940 Führung
Schaltzüge -PIAGGIO- Vespa PX, T5, Rally, TS, Sprint, Sprint Veloce, GT, GTR,
GL, Super, SS180, V50, PV125, ET3, PK S, PK XL, PK XL2
3 1,50 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674940 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7674940Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675194 Abdeckblech-Set
Tachoschnecke -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa PX, T5 125cc
1 2,39 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675194 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675194Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  7675208 Bremszug-Set
-VESPA T5 Umrüstung, Ø=2,9mm mit Öse- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, PX200
1 24,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675208 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/7675208Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  8002203 Zugsatz -OEM
QUALITÄT- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984) – PTFE Grau
1 29,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8002203 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8002203Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  8002242 Zugsatz -OEM
QUALITÄT- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984) – PTFE Schwarz
1 26,99 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8002242 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/8002242Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite
  BGM6411 Zugsatz -BGM
PRO- Vespa PX Lusso (ab Bj. 1984) – PTFE Schwarz
1 29,90 € http://www.scooter-center.com/product/BGM6411 http://www.scooter-center.com/product/BGM6411Zum Proidukt im Shop - öffent neue Seite