Schwingenlagerachse Bremsbelagbolzen Vespa Largefram Wideframe BGM4311 BGM4310

HQ suspension components made in Germany by BGM PRO for Vespa Wideframe / Largeframe

Piaggio is known to many ‚only‘ as the world’s largest scooter manufacturer. The Vespa, as Piaggio’s most outstanding brand, has had a lasting impact on the image of the Pontedera-based company. Originally, however, Piaggio also manufactured railway wagons, ships and very successful aircraft engines (around 1940, double star 18-cylinder P.XV with multi-stage turbocharging, 1500hp takeoff power) as well as very innovative aircraft (1938, P.111 with pressurized cabin for a service ceiling of 12000m !) produced. The Piaggio Aerospace Group continues to build innovative aircraft such as the P180 Avanti on the beautiful Italian Riviera. The fastest twin turbo prop machine in the world with a cruising speed of 600km/h.


Was das alles mit Fahrwerksteilen für alte Vesparoller zu tun hat? Piaggio war und ist immer schon hochtechnisiert gewesen. Häufig hört man despektierliche Dinge wie, ‚da haben die Italiener halt gerade hergenommen, was noch in der Ecke lag‘. Piaggios größte Errungenschaft ist jedoch die, welche man nahezu nicht wahrnimmt: Die technisch höchstmögliche Vereinfachung bei maximaler Effizienz, Standfestigkeit sowie bester Wirtschaftlichkeit. Eines der Geheimnisse von Piaggio weshalb der Konzern bis heute so erfolgreich ist. Viele Dinge an Vespa Rollern sind brilliante technische Lösungen, gerade weil sie so einfach sind. Die konstruktive Leistung dahinter ist jedoch meist deutlich höher als bei einer aufwendigeren Lösung. Die einseitige Vorderradaufhängung, wie sie in einfacher Form auch bereits bei den Piaggio Schulflugzeugen P148/149 verwendet wurde, ist ein gutes Beispiel dafür.


Die einseitige Radaufhängung ermöglicht einen schnellen Radausbau, verfügt über weniger Teile als eine zweiseitige Radführung und ist obendrein noch so stabil ausgelegt das selbst Generationen danach das Material weiterverwenden können und es zudem auch häufig deutlich stärker belasten als damals vorgesehen. Wer hätte während der Konstruktion der Vorderraddschwinge im Ingenieurbüro bei Piaggio wohl daran gedacht, das 60 Jahre später(!) mit diesem Material Menschen doppelt so schnell und mit teilweise der 5-6 fachen Motorleistung immer noch damit herumfahren werden? Kaum vorstellbar das jemand mit einer heutigen Vespa GTS300 in 60 Jahren mit 100 PS und 240km/h durch die Gegend fährt, oder? Das dies alles wunderbar funktioniert ist der technischen Weitsicht der Piaggio Konstrukteure zu verdanken, die noch mit den damaligen Maßstäben an Produktqualität und mehrfachen Sicherheiten hinsichtlich der Bauteildimensionen gearbeitet haben. So sind die alten originalen Piaggio Teile auch heute immer noch eine ‚Bank‘ hinsichtlich Maßhaltigkeit und Belastbarkeit (ein Fakt der auf heutige original Teile leider nicht mehr hundertprozentig anwendbar ist).


Was aber tun wenn das original Teil beschädigt, verschlissen ist oder gar ganz fehlt? Klarer Fall, ein Neuteil muss her. Viele Teile für frühe Vespamodelle sind seitens Piaggio allerdings nicht mehr verfügbar. Zum Glück ist das Vespafieber aber ja ein weltweites Phänomen und somit auch die Quellen für Ersatzteile im besten Wortsinne grenzenlos. Ein Fakt der gleichzeitig aber auch Probleme aufwirft… Frei nach dem Motto ‚viele Köche verderben den Brei‘ ist auch die qualitative Auswahl eines Produktes mit vielen Tücken gesegnet. Unabhängig davon ob ein Reprobauteil aus Italien, Fernost oder Deutschland stammt, die Qualität muss stimmen.
Oft sind manche Teile aber auch nur noch aus einer einzigen Quelle verfügbar und dann heißt es ‚friss oder stirb‘?  Soll man ein Produkt überhaupt nicht anbieten, weil es qualitativ nicht ganz an das original heranreicht? Oder verkauft man es und weist darauf hin, auf die Gefahr das der Hinweis nicht wahrgenommen wird und eine schlechte Produktrezension erfolgt?
Ein Zustand der für alle Seiten unbefriedigend ist. So auch bei den hochbelasteten Bauteilen an den alten Vespa Lenkrohren und der Schwinge.


Unsere Lösung: Wir analysieren, vermessen und zeichnen neue Bauteile exakt nach originalem Piaggio Muster und lassen diese in Deutschland von einem spezialisiertem Betrieb präzise fertigen. Dabei gehen wir noch einen Schritt weiter als es Piaggio damals gemacht hat. Wir verwenden nicht nur hochwertigeres Material sondern lassen es zusätzlich auch noch wärmebehandeln…

Schwingenlagerachse Bremsbelagbolzen Vespa Largefram Wideframe BGM4311 BGM4310

SCHWINGENLAGERACHSE (BGM4310 für Vespa Wideframe/Largeframe 1953-1962)

Passend für Vespa Wideframe VM, VN, VL, VB, GS 150 (VS1-5T), Largeframe VNA, VNB1-4, VNB5T (-026920), VBA, VBB1T, VBB2T (-212455), Vespa GL (VLA1T, -067468)

Ein schwierig zu lesendes Wort und doch so wichtig. Dieses Bauteil verbindet das stählerne Lenkrohr (auch Steuerrohr oder Gabel genannt) mit der Aluminiumschwinge. Letztere führt das Rad und verbindet die Dämpfung/Federung ebenfalls mit dem Lenkrohr. Jedwede Radkraft, jede Lenkbewegung, jegliche Auf- und Abbewegung des Rades wird über diese Achse übertragen.
Um all dem nicht nur gerecht sondern auch den heutigen Ansprüchen sorge zu tragen, lassen wir die BGM PRO Schwingenlagerachsen aus einem hochfesten Premiumstahl (1.4112 alternative Bez. X90CrMoV18) fertigen. Dabei legen wir höchsten Wert auf präzise Einhaltung der Maßhaltigkeit. Die Achsen werden auf eine Oberflächengüte von 0.2-0.4RA feingedreht:

Die Materialgüte, Oberfläche sowie die Korrosionsbeständigkeit würden die Achse bereits jetzt schon von jeglicher Massenware und sogar bereits von einem original Piaggioteil abheben lassen.
Wir lassen die Achsen allerdings zusätzlich noch plasmanitrieren. Dadurch erhalten die Achsen eine härtere Oberfläche und die Lagerstellen werden in einem Rollerleben sicherlich nicht mehr einlaufen. Sie erhalten durch das nitrieren auch ihr charakteristische matte Farbgebung (diese kann allerdings auch wegpoliert werden). Zusammengefasst sind die BGM PRO Schwingenlagerachsen ohne Übertreibung sicher die besten am Markt und bieten mit ihrer hohen Qualität eine große Sicherheit, auch gerade für leistungsgesteigerte Fahrzeuge.
Die dynamischen Belastungen an einem Fahrzeug steigern sich oft nicht linear mit der Geschwindigkeit, sondern häufig sogar im Quadrat. Wer doppelt so schnell als ursprünglich vom Hersteller vorgesehen mit einem Fahrzeug fährt, kann Belastungen in vierfacher Höhe erzeugen. Ein weiterer Grund mit der BGM PRO Schwingenlagerachse auf der sicheren Seite zu sein.

BREMSBELAGBOLZEN (BGM4311 für Vespa Wideframe/Largeframe 1949-1962)

Passend für Vespa Wideframe V1, V11-15, V30-33, VM, VN, VL, VB, GS 150 (VS1-5T), Largeframe VNA, VNB1-4, VNB5T (-026920), VBA, VBB1T, VBB2T (-212455), Vespa GL (VLA1T, -067468)

Was hier  so relativ harmlos klingt ist ebenfalls ein Bauteil das einer näheren Beachtung verdient. Der Bremsbelagbolzen ist viel mehr als seine Bezeichnung vermuten lassen würde. Er bildet die Abstützung für die Fahrwerksfeder auf der Schwinge. Wo ab Werk relativ weiche Federn verwendet wurden kommen heute straffe Sportfedern und stark erhöhte Geschwindigkeiten sowie oftmals auch der ein oder andere Stunt wie zum Beispiel auf dem Hinterradfahren hinzu. Das oft unsanfte Aufsetzen des Vorderrades nach einem solchen wheelie, machen dem Brembelagbolzen schwer zu schaffen. Er ist ab Werk nicht sonderlich groß dimensioniert, hat dafür aber einen Schmiernippel. Mit diesem kann die hochbelastete Stelle zwischen Federaufnahme und Bremsbelagbolzen regelmäßig geschmiert werden. Dies sollte auch tunlichst gemacht werden, aber wieviel Leute mit solchen Fahrzeugen kennt ihr die überhaupt eine, für solche Zwecke notwendige, Fettpresse haben?
Deshalb wurde auch hier der gleiche Aufwand getrieben wie bei der Schwingenlagerachse; Extrem hochwertiges Material dessen Oberfläche weiter veredelt wurde um noch haltbarer als das originale Bauteil zu sein. Im Fall der Bolzen für die späteren Modelle mit Klemmplättchen (ab ca. 1969) haben wir zudem noch ein weiteres Ärgernis vieler Nachbaubolzen abgestellt; Die nicht vorhandene Maßhaltigkeit bezüglich der Länge der Bolzen sowie die nicht passende Formgebung für die Aussparung des Klemmplättchens. Viele Bolzen sind oft einige Zehntel Millimeter zu lang oder kurz. Dies ist mit dem BGM PRO Bremsbelagbolzen ein für allemal gelöst:

Dieser hat immer die richtige Länge*. Eigentlich alles Selbstverständlichkeiten die aber bei günstigen Reproduktionen aus Kostengründen über den Tellerrand fallen. Auch der Bremsbelagbolzen wird wie die Schwingenlagerachse aus hochfesten Premiumstahl (1.4112 alternative Bez. X90CrMoV18) feingedreht und anschließend plasmanitriert. Wir wollen mit diesen Produkten der manchmal etwas strapazierten Phrase ‚Made in Germany‘ ein neues Gesicht verleihen. Das dies nicht zu Preisen wie aus Fernost möglich ist kann sicherlich nachvollzogen werden. Dafür können wir ein Produkt anbieten das als solches einzigartig und qualitativ extrem hochwertig ist und von dem wir sicher sind das jeder Kunde daran so viel Freude hat wie wir selbst.

*HINWEIS: Spanische (Motovespa) und französische (ACMA) Fahrzeuge haben ein leicht abweichendes Längenmaß am Bremsbelagbolzen. Hier kann die Befestigungsmutter mit einer M8x1mm Scheibe unterlegt werden um einen perfekten Kraftschluss zu garantieren.


Die Schwingenlagerachse und Bremsbelagbolzen für die späteren Modelle (Largeframe 1963-1979) folgen in den kommenden Wochen!


BGM4310- Schwingenlagerachse Vespa 1953-1962


BGM4311- Bremsbelagbolzen Vespa 1949-1962
Vespa Si Vergaser Luftgemisch Einstellschraube

Vespa Conversion mixture adjusting screw bgm PRO for SI carburettors Dell’Orto & Spaco

Mixture adjusting screw bgm PRO for conversion of Dell’Orto SI carburettors with long hexagon mixture adjusting screw to short slotted screw. This bgm PRO conversion air mixture adjusting screw is used to use carburettors with long hexagon mixture adjusting screw also in older engines (with stud bolts for carburettor mounting). It replaces the too long adjustment screw on new Spaco and Dell’Orto SI carburettors and allows a trouble-free installation of the carburettor. Due to the shorter screw, the carburettor bowl can be left original! Fits all carburettors with long hexagonal mixture adjustment screw. (Used ex works in PX models from approx. 1989 and all new Dell’Orto/Spaco SI carburettors)

Vespa SI Vergaser Luftgemisch-Einstellschraube bgm PRO, kurz- SI20 SI24 Dell'Orto Spaco

Carburettor air mixture adjustment screw too long?

A carburettor is also a wearing part and sometimes it is simply not enough to clean a carburettor, you need a new one. Especially if you want a bit more power and adjust your engine setup, you usually need a new, bigger carburettor. Below you will find instructions on how to install the SI carburettor. Vespa SI Vergaser

SI Carburettor for Vespa

Today all new carburettors come from SPACO, even if it says Dell’Orto on it. New SI carburettors, whether from Dell’Orto or Spaco, are always supplied with a long (brass-coloured) hexagonal mixture adjustment cap. The exception is our bgm PRO Faster Flow carburettors – but more on that below.

Problem with too long air mixture adjusting screw

For carburettor sumps for engines without separate lubrication, this presents us with a bit of a problem, because:

  • the carburettors no longer fit properly in the sump
  • if you have somehow managed to get it in, there is no longer a rubber seal on it
  • and it is difficult to get at it

With the mixture adjustment screw too long, it looks like this:

And this is how it should actually look:

bgm PRO conversion air mixture adjustment screw

Now you could get the idea and simply screw the old, short air mixture screw into the nine carburettor. Unfortunately this does not work, because the threads of the new Lusso carburettors are different. Please do not try to force it, the different thread pitch will destroy the fine thread in the new carburettor and make tuning impossible. Our conversion screw provides a remedy: With our short mixture adjustment screw for slotted screwdrivers you can solve the problem cheaply, easily and quickly.

bgm Faster Flow carburettor

Alternatively, you can use a bgm Faster Flow carb urettor directly if you are already ordering a new one anyway, here we have already provided the update. The bgm carburettors come, for the models without separate lubrication, directly with the short conversion screw. bgm Faster Flow Vergaser

Carburettor installation tutorial

Vespa PX Tutorial SI Vergaser bgm Montage Scooter Center

bgm PRO Sport Sitzbank Vespa Sportsitzbank

bgm PRO „Sport“ sports seat made by Nisa Italy

Based on the very popular Nisa ‚Sport 20‘ seat, we have designed a sports seat for the classic Vespas in the bgm design and had the seat manufactured by the Italian seat manufacturer NISA as a bgm version. The new bgm PRO sports seat is available for Vespa Largeframe and Vespa Smallframe and is available in two versions:

Sport seat with authentic look

The BGM Pro Sport seat has a beautiful Alfatex cover (embossed waffle pattern) on the sides and rear and is also available with grey piping. The seat surface also has a smooth cover with parallel longitudinal seams. For a waterproof surface, these are embossed, not sewn. The appearance of the BGM Pro Sport is thus strongly reminiscent of the classic seat humps of the 70’s and conveys a cool race flair even when standing.

Vespa Sport Sitzbank bgm PRO Made in ITALY by NISA Vespa Sitzbank

Vespa Seat Configurator

You can also find the seat in the Scooter Center Seat Configurator, have a look at the seat on your Vespa model:

Sports seat suitable for everyday use

In practical everyday use, it is very easy to ride, despite its sporty look. The bench has a pleasantly sized foam padding on which even long tours are fun. A nice feature is the completely padded hump. This provides good support when riding solo, but can also be used as a pillion seat if necessary.

Modern magnetic closure

Another intelligent feature is the magnetic closure of the bench by means of an extremely powerful neodymium magnet. This means that the bench can be opened easily with one hand, but still holds better than many a classic hook fastener. The biggest advantage of the magnetic technology is that the bench rests rattle-free on the supplied fixing plate, which is firmly screwed to the frame. The magnetic force is so high that uninformed people who try to open the seat assume that it is locked.

Top quality – handmade in Italy

The bench frame is made of impact-resistant and durable ABS plastic. The cover is stapled all around and thus very securely and permanently fastened (as opposed to just gluing it on as is usually the case). The frame is equipped with six rubber pads. This distributes the load very well over the entire frame and the bench gives a very solid and full seat feeling. The bench hinge is typically Nisa very solid and sturdy and therefore very resilient. It is also screwed in place and can be replaced (in the highly unlikely event of a defect). Available for Vespa Smallframe and Largeframe (Largeframe models with high tank (GS160, SS180, Rally180/200 need the flat tank of the Sprint/PX models without oil tank)

CONCLUSION: Beautiful flat seat with great racing look but touring qualities!

Note for the Largeframe version and Vespa PX For PX models only suitable for tank versions with hinged lid. Not suitable for Lusso models/ vehicles with oil tank. Order seat:

Motovespa Luftfiltereinsatz bgm PRO

Air filter insert bgm for Motovespa air filter

The identical air filter inserts are fitted to many Motovespa Largeframe models. Often this important component for the protection of the engine is missing or is no longer in a usable condition. For this reason, we have produced a high-quality air filter insert for the Spanish licensed versions of the Vespa Largeframe models.

Air filter fleece bgm PRO for Motovespa Largeframe

High quality filter fleece from Marchald (Italy), manufactured for bgm PRO. Suitable for the direct-intake engines (carburettor sits directly on the cylinder) of the Largeframe Motovespa engines.

  • 1:1 replacement for the original wire mesh.
  • Significantly better and finer filtration with higher air flow at the same time.
  • Therefore also ideal for already performance-enhanced engines.
  • Washable.

Installation instructions for the Motovespa air filter element

Replacing the air filter element is very easy. After removing the right side cover, the air filter box is immediately visible.

Motovespa Luftfilterkasten Vespa

Open and remove the air filter box

The cover is fixed with two M5 screws. These can be loosened with a size 5 to 6 flathead screwdriver.

The air filter of the Motovespa

After removing the two screws, the cover can simply be lifted off. Here, in our example, the original air filter insert of the Motovespa is no longer present!

Attaching the air filter element

The air filter insert has no installation orientation and can simply be pushed onto the filter housing from above.

Closing the air filter box

The remaining protrusion of the air filter insert seals towards the air filter box cover when mounted. Refit the cover of the air filter box with the two screws, refit the side cover and the change is complete.

Air filter cleaner and oil

To achieve an even higher filter performance, the air filter insert can be used with air filter oil. However, this is not absolutely necessary due to the high-quality filter material of the bgm PRO filter.

Luftfilter Öl und Reiniger

Classic Castrol Kollektion und peinliche Sponsoring Anfrage bei Castrol

Castrol Classic Merchandise

We offer a high quality range of classic items, from oil cans / oil jugs to magnets and wall signs, all with the iconic 1946 Castrol Classic branding. Whether in the workshop or at home, our nostalgic range combines both retro style and functionality. Including workshop accessories, clothing and more, there’s something for every classic car owner or enthusiast.

Castrol Classic Merchandise nicht nur für Vespa & Lambretta Fans

Whether as a gift for an enthusiastic scooterist or as a present for yourself, you will find the perfect something in our range!

Buy Classic Castrol Collection here

The idea of castor oil

Castrol was founded by Charles „Cheers“ Wakefield under the name „CC Wakefield & Company“. In 1899, Wakefield left his job at Vacuum Oil to start his own business selling lubricants for railways and heavy machinery. In the early 20th century, Charles developed an interest in two new motorised vehicles: the automobile and the aeroplane. His company began developing oils for the new engines. These oils had to be thin enough for cold starting and at the same time thick enough to function at high temperatures. The company’s researchers found that the problem could be solved by adding castor oil, a vegetable oil made from castor seeds. They called the new product „Castrol„. In 1919, John Alcock and Arthur Brown used Castrol oil on the first non-stop transatlantic flight in history.

Heiko’s idea with Castrol sponsorship & fast to slow

CC Wakefield not only invented a new type of motor oil, but also a new way to attract potential customers to his product: sponsorship. The Castrol name appeared on banners and flags at air races, car races and speed record attempts. Over time, the brand name of the motor oil became far better known than that of the company’s founder/company. This circumstance led to the renaming of „CC Wakefield & Company“ in 1960 to Castrol Ltd.

I have been riding Vespa and Lambretta for over 32 years. It all started with a red Vespa PK50S, which, bought second-hand, was already waiting in my parents‘ garage for my driving licence. But it quickly became too slow for me. The first tuning measure was to fit an expensive 50km/h exhaust. But it didn’t do much good, the moped boys were still flying past me left and right. So I sold it and became interested in a black PX 80 Lusso, which was very expensive in insurance at the time. During the test drive, the gears always flew out. But I was happy to have my mother so far as to be allowed to buy me this scooter…. besides, my father was on a business trip and didn’t know anything about the new „80“. So: now or never! So the scooter was bought with this „little hidden flaw“.

ROLLERSHOP, Scootering & Mods, Scooterboys and Scooter Scene

We all know what was wrong with the engine: the reason for the uncontrolled gear changes, was the worn „round“ gear shift cross. The nearest Vespa dealer wanted DM 700 for the change, but that was out of the budget for my skilful scooter update. I got in touch with other scooter riders. One of them had been skateboarding for the last week and was now suddenly motoring on a brand new Vespa PX 80 Lusso. A month later I met him again, sitting in a suit and polished leather shoes on his Vespa, now plastered with mirrors and chrome parts. The next time I met him, half of his scooter was missing and on his head too. Instead of fine leather shoes and a suit, he was now wearing red boots up to his knees, camouflage trousers and a bomber jacket. On his head, all that was left of his „popper mane“ was a little horn of hair that fluttered listlessly in his face after he had taken off his helmet. Somewhat irritated, I asked him if he had had an accident with his scooter and why he looked so funny. He said he was now Scooterboy and the scooter was a CutDown! He had probably discovered it before, for me it was new at the time: the MOTORETTA, the Scootermag and still in black and white. And so the evil took its course. Now the 80s also became too slow for me somehow, schoolmates with DT, RD, MBX & Co and even some mopeds were faster than me. So if I change the gearshift anyway and take the engine out and disassemble it, I might as well make the bike a bit faster… In the meantime I had also discovered the ROLLERSHOP catalogue and SCOOTERING. I was so fascinated by the custom paint jobs in the glossy magazines that I sat down in my 80s „children’s room“ and dreamed of great paint jobs and scribbled a few of them on paper. Yes, laugh, these are my collected works:

Castrol sponsoring with the „Castrol Vespa Racer

So somehow my dreams regarding the custom paint job didn’t really come true, so I later took the initiative and asked Castrol for a sponsorship. To be honest, I’m a bit uncomfortable about this right now: I was quite sure I had done this at the age of 16. But according to the date of the letter to Castrol, which I found in my „Scooter Scene box“, I was already a bit older and at that time already doing my community service.

Unfortunately I don’t have the drawings of my„Castrol Racer“ with 20 hp and targeted 130-140km/h anymore. I must have enclosed the drawings with the letter to Castrol, Motorsport Department. I found this test printout with corrections from the letter. But I certainly didn’t write to UHU and NUTELLA, MÜHLEN KÖLSCH? Maybe! I don’t know any more… But the gentleman from Castrol was very nice, invited me to the IFMA in Cologne and, after a short conversation in the Castrol truck, pressed a few Castrol stickers into my hand. If anyone from Castrol is reading along here: my offer still stands! This is my Augsburg Vespa T4, for example:

Classic Castrol Shop

You don’t need to write sponsorship requests for our Classic Castrol merchandise, you can now get the cool retro Castrol Racing products at a great price in our Classic Castrol Shop: Classic Castrol Produkte Classic Castrol Produkte

Buy Classic Castrol Collection here
7 On the Road - Vespa bgm Platónika project by Scooter Center

How we would say in Colombia: now I’m on my Salsa“ (what means I am in my element). I received Platónika with 18 km on the clock and exactly 15 days later, she had thousand kilometers more.

Excited because the spring is arriving, I started to ride, and even prepare a Moto Nostra Kit for better touring:

Flyscreen with black brackets


Rear rack


But with this German weather you never know.. Indeed the following week it started to snow… But that wouldn’t stop me, so I protect myself against the nasty cold and go on.

Photos and videos come and go, but still, I think, I am beginning to miss something, the reason of why I fell in love of with this scene: That’s right! The Vespisti.

Without any meeting in sight, „I will roll with my team mates“ I thought, so I turn my head around in the marketing office, where I am, and I only saw two Lambretta people

And well… why not?


Did you miss a chapter? here you find the complete Story:

Platónika Projekt - die komplette Geschichte - Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center


Werkzeugtasche Moto Nostra Oldtimer Retro Look

MOTO NOSTRA tool bag for e.g. Vespa & Lambretta

We have new tool bags from MOTO NOSTRA on offer – and as usual at these times, today we have a product presentation from the home office!

Retro Style Tool Bag| Waxed Canvas

For e.g. classic cars and oldtimers who want to be stylish with their tool storage, we offer this practical tool roll. Of course, they also go great with a modern Vespa GTS or even a motorbike. Robust tool bag made of Waxes Canvas, a hard-wearing and water-repellent material. The tool bag has 5 spacious compartments with large sturdy zips. So the tools stay where you put them. The many compartments create order and offer quick access in an emergency. When rolled up, the bag can be securely closed with a wide strap and sturdy clip and compressed to be as handy as possible. The bag has three handles and two eyelets for fastening or hanging. Available in brown and black and soon also pre-packed with model-specific tools.

Tip: also order a bag for the lady in the house, because the bags can also be stylishly used as a toiletry bag. Kulturbeutel Vespa

  • Tool roll with zip compartments and buckle in brown
  • Tool roll with zip, compartments and buckle in black


You can find the emergency lamp here: Video of the lamp:

Notfall LED Taschenlampe / Arbeitsleuchte COB LED von MOTO NOSTRA



You can find matching bags from Moto Nostra here Video MOTO NOSTRA bags:

Neue Taschen für Motorroller 🎥😮 Moto Nostra Taschen für Motorroller


Vespa Simmerringe bgm PRO

bgm PRO shaft seals made of high-quality and ethanol-resistant (E10) FKM/Viton®*

New: Now also for Vespa Wideframe, GS3, Faro Basso etc.: We have expanded our shaft seal portfolio with modern Simmerrings from bgm and can now offer shaft seal rings made of FKM / Viton® for almost every classic Vespa:


The bgm PRO Simmerrings have the perfect dimensions that guarantee easy installation, optimum function and a long service life. The large shaft seal on the clutch side, e.g. on old Vespas, has an overall height of 7mm on the bgm PRO, instead of the 6.5mm usually used by other manufacturers. This means that the bgm PRO oil seal is based on the original Piaggio factory specifications. If you have ever taken apart an old and original Vespa engine, you may have noticed that a large oil seal with a height of 7mm was installed at the factory.


On old engines, the bearing of the crankshaft is ‚floating‘. This means that the bearing is not fixed and it can be moved axially (horizontally sideways) in the engine housing. This displacement occurs, for example, under load due to the axial force exerted by the helical-toothed primary drive. If the crankshaft shifts too much, this can of course affect the ignition and also the function of the clutch. The aim should therefore be to have as little unnecessary play as possible. The stop and thus the play of this floating bearing in the Vespa engines is determined only by the oil seals. The tolerances in the old engines are large and, for example, we also use thicker housing seals today, so it makes sense to use 7mm oil seals!


The material FKM (fluorocarbon rubber) is extremely resistant against

  • Heat
  • Friction and
  • Fuel
  • Ethanol

Even super petrol fuel E5 in Germany currently already has up to 5% ethanol admixture, with E10 it is even up to 10%, and the trend is rising. And did you know that this can vary from country to country? Have you ever noticed in France, for example, that your engine runs differently? In other countries, the ethanol/alcohol content can be significantly higher. A conventional oil seal cannot tolerate this increasing ethanol content and can swell or soften when it comes into contact with ethanol-containing fuels. The bgm PRO FKM/Viton® shaft seals, on the other hand, offer lasting protection. In addition, our Simmering with Viton® is twice as temperature-resistant as conventional (blue) NBR shaft seals. Further advantages of these modern shaft seals:

  • extremely impermeable to gas
  • and very resistant to ageing


OK, so our radial shaft seals from bgm have

  1. optimal dimensions and
  2. most modern materials

but what are they suitable for now? An engine equipped with bgm PRO FKM/Viton® shaft seals can also be used without problems in engines that run on E10 fuel (10% alcohol content). The modern and high quality brown Viton®* sealing material is

  • permanently resistant to ethanol/alcohol and
  • also suitable for engines with high temperature
  • and high speeds.

bgm PRO FKM/Viton® shaft seals are therefore suitable for all engines! Just play it safe and install the modern Simmerrings right away. Whether for an original engine, mild tuning or extreme tuning and motorsport! For reasons of environmental protection and in favour of maximum flexibility of the sealing lip, we deliberately refrain from additionally coating the sealing lip with PTFE/Teflon®*


The bgm PRO shaft seals offer double sealing as an additional feature: All shaft seals that seal to the outside, to the atmosphere, have a so-called dust lip. This is positioned in front of the actual sealing lip and holds the seal in place

  • Dust,
  • Dirt and
  • Moisture.

This further increases the very good stability.


The bgm PRO oil seal set improves the installation clearance and offers an extremely long service life due to the excellent modern materials FKM/Viton®, combined with perfect fuel compatibility: it is even E10 resistant! The oil seals replace the old ones and of course fit without modifications. Tip: We offer the Simmerrings individually as well as in sets and in sets with bearings!

Select the matching bgm PRO Simmerrings here
*Viton®/Teflon® are registered trademarks of DuPont Dow Elastomers

Zündung einstellen Vespa mit Zündpistole Stroboskop

Adjust the Vespa ignition – but correctly!

The correct ignition timing is important for the thermal health of the engine:

  • Reliability
  • Durability and
  • full power delivery

Whoever tunes his Vespa, rebuilds the engine or rebuilds it in the course of a restoration, should not rely on the existing markings on the engine housing, the pole wheel and ignition base plate for ignition adjustment, but should measure it himself and adjust the Vespa ignition correctly. The correct adjustment of the ignition on your Vespa engine is easily possible with these electronic ignition timing guns for petrol engines with contact or electronic ignition -> transistor ignition system (CDI ignition as in series for ET3, PK, PX, Cosa, T5 etc.) Of course this also works with the Lambretta ignitions. With these ignition pistols you can also adjust the Lambretta ignition. With these stroboscope guns you can adjust both old 6-volt and modern 12-volt ignitions!

To the ignition light guns in the shop
In this video tutorial Vespa ignition adjustment we show you how Maryzabel and Alex adjusted the ignition on our Platonika Vespa:

Comparison stroboscope ignition guns for Vespa & Lambretta

3 versions: large, small and with onboard or external battery

A super-bright xenon tube and a special converging lens guarantee optimum visibility of the fixed marks on these ignition light guns: even at speeds above 8000 rpm in the near field range. The pistol is connected by means of an inductive clamp on the spark plug cable directly to the rubber insulation, without direct contact to the stranded wire. Our ignition timing guns are equipped with a rubber coating on the lens. This protector protects the plastic housing as well as the lens and ensures the longest possible enjoyment of the product.

1. Handy, mobile, operated with mono cells

Ignition light gun TRISCO-ProLITE (double-D) (- strobe lamp flash gun – ignition 6V / 12V Article No.: MN911B Zündlichtpistole -MOTO NOSTRA (Doppel-D) (- Stroboskoplampe Blitzpistole - Zündung 6V / 12VMoto Nostra Artikel-Nr.: MN911B No external power supply is required. For power supply two D-batteries (Mono, LR20, MN1300) are used, these are not included! But you can order them right here. In addition to its use as an ignition light gun, it can also be used as a working lamp!

  • small and handy
  • Batteries on board
  • Torch function
  • Rubber Protector

2. PROLITE version for the ambitious scooter tuner

Ignition light gun TRISCO-ProLite – stroboscopic lamp flash gun – ignition 6V / 12V Article No.: MN922 Zündlichtpistole -MOTO NOSTRA- Stroboskoplampe Blitzpistole - Zündung 6V / 12VMoto Nostra Artikel-Nr.: MN912 This is the largest pistol that fits perfectly in the hand. The cable with the two crocodile clips is a robust and practical spiral cable connected to a plug on the gun. Optimal pistol for the ambitious screwdriver and tuner – PROLITE – version. No matter if 6V or 12V ignition, an external power source with 12-Volt (e.g. a car battery) is always required, unless the vehicle already has one.

  • external 12 power source required
  • practical spiral cable
  • Cable separable from housing / plug
  • for the ambitious screwdriver
  • Rubber Protector

3. Handy and cheap 12V version

Ignition light gun TRISCO-ProLite stroboscopic lamp flash gun – ignition 6V / 12V Article No.: MN912 Zündlichtpistole -MOTO NOSTRA- Stroboskoplampe Blitzpistole - Zündung 6V / 12VMoto Nostra Artikel-Nr.: MN912 For the occasional adjustment of the ignition we have this light and handy TRISCO-ProLite ignition light gun in our programme. It lies well in the hand and of course also has the rubber protector. The cables are firmly connected to the housing of the pistol. No matter if 6V or 12V ignition, an external power source with 12-Volt (e.g. a car battery) is always required, unless the vehicle already has one.

  • external 12 power source required
  • for the hobby area
  • cheap version
  • Rubber Protector
To the ignition light guns in the shop
These are for Vespa and Lambretta scooters: Strobo or stroboscope – lamp also strobolamp it is colloquially abbreviated among scooter drivers also ZZP. Don’t worry, you don’t need a gun licence for this pistol, you control with this ignition timing pistol also stroboscopic pistol / strobe or strobe pistol and strobe flashes the ignition timing on the scooter via flashes, flash light from the light pistol after the ignition you can adjust the ignition then flash off to control the ignition setting.

LML Karosserie Blechteile Rahmen für Vespa PX

LML Piaggio Vespa licence buildings from India

„Lohia Machinery Limited“ is the abbreviation LML. Would you have known it? And did you know that we already
travelled to India
in2014 to see the
production process for ourselves and to visit the LML factory in Kampur?

Our „souvenir“ was a few containers full of complete LML frame sets with all necessary sheet metal parts, already painted. These body kits are a great replacement for Vespa PX frames.

A success story takes its course, but will there be a happy end?

Die allerletzten LML Rahmensets für VESPA PX - Timeline LML Vespa PX

In 2015 we were able to unpack the first boxes and offer these popular restoration sets for the PX series.

Yes, there were rumors and somehow it was to be expected, but we were still very upset when we
had to report the end of LML
not even 2 years later
:2016. Since then there are only remnants of the parts, which are or were mostly a good, often the only alternative for original Piaggio Vespa parts.

In 2019 Maryzabel has started to build Platónika based on an LML set and one of the last LML motor housings and LML fork for disc brakes. Sweetened with many great bgm PRO parts, such as the 187cc cylinder for being the heart of the whole project.

2020 – now is the time! It has come as it had to come: Also the stock of our LML frame sets for Vespa PX is now coming to an end. Just in time for the beginning of autumn we give you the chance to order the very last LML body kits.

My TIP: Buy now, before it’s too late.

Now save one of the last LML frame sets

LML frame set for Vespa PX under test

We use the framework ourselves for our Platónica project. But also for example the Vespa-youtuber Kevin, from Savage Scooters, got this frame as a replacement for a warped and rusted through Vespa PX frame. In this video he unpacks our LML frame set and shows you the quality and also the final result, which is quite impressive:

PX Garage Nienburg | PX 200 Rahmen Set | LML Rahmenset B-Ware


LML frame set for Vespa PX chassis buy here

Frame Vespa PX now get the very last LML frame set for Vespa PX. Complete set. painted, with all body parts Vespa PX!

bgm PRO shaft seals made of high-quality and ethanol-resistant (E10) FKM/Viton®*

Brand new in our shop are the new bgm PRO Simmerrings for many Vespa and Lambretta models: Shaft seals bgm PRO

  • optimum protection
  • double sealing thanks to dust lip
  • recommended for each engine Original or
  • tuned high-performance engine
  • twice as temperature resistant
  • suitable for extremely high speeds
  • permanently alcohol resistant -perfect for scooter meetings ;-)
  • very good gas impermeability
  • high thermal stress
  • very resistant to aging
bgm PRO Wellendichtringe Viton® - Simmerringe Vespa und Lambretta


The material FKM (fluorocarbon rubber) is extremely resistant to heat, friction and fuel/ethanol. Current super fuel in Germany already contains up to 5% ethanol per se.

In other countries the ethanol/alcohol content is significantly higher. Conventional radial shaft seals can swell or soften when in contact with fuels containing ethanol.
The bgm PRO FKM/Viton® shaft seals offer perfect protection against this. In addition, Viton is twice as temperature resistant as conventional (blue) NBR shaft sealing rings , has very good gas impermeability and is also very resistant to ageing.


An engine equipped with bgm PRO FKM/Viton® rotary shaft seals can therefore also be operated with E10 fuel (10% alcohol content). The high-quality brown Viton®* sealing material is permanently resistant to alcohol and is also suitable for engines with high temperature loads and high speeds.
bgm PRO FKM/Viton® radial shaft seals are therefore suitable for all engines, whether original or tuned high-performance engines

For reasons of environmental protection and in favour of maximum flexibility of the sealing lip, we deliberately avoid additional PTFE/Teflon®* loading of the sealing lip


The BGM PRO rotary shaft seals offer a double sealing as an additional feature. All rotary shaft seals that seal against the atmosphere have a so-called dust lip. This is positioned before the actual sealing lip and keeps dust, dirt and moisture away. This further increases the already good stability. INDIVIDUAL & AVAILABLE IN A SET The BGM PRO FKM/Viton® oil seals are available individually and in sets for almost all Vespa and Lambretta engines.


Buy bgm PRO oil seals here


Simmerringe bgm PRO

Simmerring sealing ring Shaft sealing ring for Vespa and Lambretta #Shaft sealing ring #Simmerring #bgm PRO


*Viton®/Teflon® are registered trademarks of DuPont Dow Elastomers

bgm Oldie Öl

Vintage 2-stroke oil for oldies

Our bestseller – bgm PRO 2-stroke oil as special edition„Oldie Edition“ in retro-look.

In the cool vintage oil can in patina look, this oil is perfect for classic cars like Vespa and Lambretta but of course also Schwalbe, Simson, Heinkel Tourist, NSU Prima, NSU Lambretta etc

2-Takt-Öl bgm PRO in Oldie Edition mit Vintage Öldose Vespa Lambretta

Modern 2T engine oil in retro packaging

From the outside on old and beautiful trimmed, you get inside our modern and well proven bgm PRO two-stroke oil: Street Motor Oil 2-stroke synthetic – 1000ml. The vintage oil can with patina look looks great on your old scooter. For our Vespa Smallframe Generation XI we used e.g. the oil bottle holder from MRP:

Vintage Öldose Vespa


The bgm PRO 2-stroke synthetic oil is a first-class and highly resilient two-stroke oil, which meets the strict Japanese JASO FC test standard. Based on an excellent base oil, many high-quality additives ensure excellent protection of all components. The high classification as JASO FC makes it extremely low in smoke, perfectly suited for use in engines with catalytic converters. The almost residue-free combustion keeps the entire exhaust tract clean and ensures a long service life of exhaust and cylinder. The special additives ensure a stable lubricating film in all temperature ranges under high engine load. Corrosion protection is just as much a matter of course as the self-mixing properties and usability in engines with oil pump and injection systems.

The classification in the highest ISO test category impressively proves the high load capacity and quality of BGM Synthetic Oil.

Order your retro oil here

Inexpensive economy pack

The oil is also available directly in a cheap economy pack with 6 bottles.

Save cheap oil economy pack


  • For all two-strokes (self-mixing, separate lubrication, injectors etc.)
  • For all air- & water-cooled two-stroke engines
  • Much cleaner combustion than mineral oils
  • Smoke alarm
  • Flash point: 72° C
  • Pour point: -22° C
Vespa PX alt Tacho bis 160km/h von bgm PRO

Vespa PX alt Tacho bis 160km/h von bgm PRO

Vespa PX old Speedo bgm PRO 160km/h for Vespa PX up to ’84

This is the bgm PRO speedometer up to 160km/h for the old Vespa PX with the small speedometer without fuel gauge. A precise eddy current measuring unit with a display range up to 160km/h makes it so special! The standard speedometer has only 120km/h to offer here

This high-quality precision speedometer for your Vespa replaces 1:1, the speedometer installed ex works by Piaggio.

Vespa PX Tacho 160km/h bgm PRO - Tacho für alte Vespa PX bis 160 km/h

Why does a Vespa PX need a speedometer up to 160?

With us in our shop ( you also get engine tuning and transmission technology that will push your production speedometer to its limit already in second or third gear – we feel responsible to provide you with an appropriate speedometer.

Your Vespa doesn’t go 160?

So what? As a child, did you always press your nose against the windscreen to check the speedometer to see how fast the car could go? With the 160 bgm speedometer – does your scooter already go 160 when it is standing still. Too much of a good thing for you? Of course we also have speedometers up to 120km/h, which are also perfect for a clean original restoration.

Now drive here with one click 160


Original optics

Tip: The classic appearance is preserved, the existing speedo cable and the original speedo sprocket can simply be used further.

Therefore you can find this speedometer as spare part in our exploded drawings:

Suitable for example for the following Vespa and Motovespa models:

Vespa PX LED-Scheinwerfer Animation

Vespa PX LED Headlight

In this Vespa tutorial video we show you how to install our Vespa PX LED headlight for the Vespa PX. The MOTO NOSTRA HighPower LED headlight itself can also be installed in other cars (Lambretta, Vespa GTS, Sprint, Rally). With the included car specific frame, the installation of the Vespa PX LED headlight as e.g. Vespa PX LED headlight is very easy


  1. Mounting Vespa PX headlights 00:08
  2. Electrical part / connection Vespa LED headlights 01:42
Vespa PX LED Scheinwerfer Tutorial MOTO NOSTRA LED Scheinwerfer Vespa PX

DOWNLOAD PDF Assembly instructions for printing as PDF


The limit with conventional Bilux bulbs is on most scooters a headlight bulb with 45/45 W. The 80 W to max. 120 W ignition does not give more. The luminosity measured in lumens is less than 400 and the LED headlight has a luminosity three times as high (1300 lumens). The power consumption is only 20 W. This corresponds to the luminous efficiency of a conventional 100 Watt spotlight. This means that with a given alternator/power supply a considerably better illumination can be achieved. In addition, more capacity remains for other consumers


Parts used in this video

  • LED headlights incl. conversion frame Vespa PX and headlight bracket -MOTO NOSTRA- LED HighPower
    Article number: mn1101kt
  • Ignition switch -VESPA 4-cable- Vespa PX Lusso (from year 1984 up)
    Item number: 9520133
  • Light switch -GRABOR- Vespa PK125 XL/ETS, Vespa PX Elestart (1984-1998) – 10 cables (DC, models with battery, normally open)
    Item number: 9520145
  • Rubber flasher relay Vespa PX
    Item number: 3330940


LED headlamp with E9 marking (road approval) and high-intensity main/dipped beam. Additional feature is a separately switchable position light. With a diameter of 143mm it also fits perfectly in the steering head of the PX and Cosa models as well as in the lamp bezel of e.g. Vespa Sprint, GTR and Rally.


Vespa Moto Nostra LED High Power LED Scheinwerfer


Luminosity 1300 lumen Voltage: 12 Volt DC (direct current) Power consumption: 1.8A/1.3A Power consumption: 21.5W/15W/1.9W Diameter: Ø143mm Overall depth body: 54mm (measured from headlight ring without glass bulge) Overall depth overall: 79mm (measured from headlight ring without glass bulge with cable entry)


The LED headlight works exclusively with direct current, therefore it needs a battery or another equivalent power source with 12V DC. Operation with an AC power source will result in immediate failure

Vespa Stoßdämpfer vorne bgm PRO SC Ccmpetition

Popular shock absorber for Vespa Oldies available again!

bgm offers HighEnd Vespa suspensions with TÜV for old and new Vespa models!

In this video e.g. someone enjoys the summer on his old Vespa T4 the Vespa shock absorber front bgm PRO SC COMPETITION.

Shock absorber front bgm PRO SC COMPETITION for Vespa Largeframe Rally, Sprint, GT/GTR, TS, GL, Super, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB Wideframe V30-33, VM, VN, VL, GS150 / GS3, VB, ACMA(1952-), Hoffmann Queen



bgm PRO SC Competition Shock Absorber

The bgm PRO SC Competition shock absorber is a further development of the successful BGM PRO F16 Sport series. Optically the Competition series differs by the external expansion tank. This allows an even better response behaviour due to a larger volume compared to the sport shock absorber. At the same time the effective adjustment range of the damping has been increased.


The Competition shock absorber has a different basic tuning compared to the sport shock absorber. Therefore it is very well suited for use with stiff sport springs like the new bgm PRO spring.

The rebound and compression settings also counteract the typical brake pitching, but also effectively counteract the rapid rebound in short bumps. This means that the Competition damper offers a lot of reserves even in high-performance vehicles. The wide range of suspension settings naturally also allows the use of a standard spring, which means that a comfortable ride is still possible with a soft damper adjustment.



Due to the optimized installation dimension of 165mm the damper fits without problems on all 8 inch models without pretensioning the spring or changing the angle of the swingarm. When mounted, the external expansion tank is largely covered by the fender, thus preserving the original look of the vehicle front. As with the F16 Sport series, the damper body is made of hard anodised aluminium. The damper is available in black and silver.


We also offer the bgm Competition shock absorber as a set with the bgm suspension spring which perfectly matches the reinforced shock absorber!


bgm Buy PRO shock absorber set

Scootering: bgm CLASSIC Reifen


Also the Scootering-Magazine has our new bgm tire did not escape. So the current issue contains a nice report on our Classic tyres, here they are compared with the legendary MICHELIN ACS, justified.

bgm Classic Reifen Michelin ACS



bgm has launched a new tyre which is a throwback to the old days of scootering but using modern technology. Simply labelled the Classic, the tread pattern is similar to that of the Michelin ACS. For those that can’t remember, the ACS was one of the best tread patterns ever designed for the scooter, not only giving good road-handling properties in the dry but also in wet conditions. For years it was standard issue equipment for both the Vespa and Lambretta. Even today, original examples of the ACS can fetch huge sums as owners want that retro look. Michelin destroyed the moulds back in the late 1980s and so it was consigned to the history books. Thankfully BGM has brought it back to life with the company’s new design. The Classic is speed-rated up to 150kmh/93mph, which is very impressive. This is down to a strengthened carcass which not only improves stability at high speed but also when cornering. Cornering is aided even further by the V shape of the pro?le compared with the U shape, which allows more surface contact as the lean angle is increased. Using a revised compound, they are super grippy in any conditions. Not only does this mean that owners with standard machines who want that classic tyre look will bene?t but also those with tuned engines can use them as well. The Classic is made in Germany and available in the traditional 3.50-10 size. These tyres are now being distributed in the UK with many dealers already stocking them. For more info:


bgm Reifen

bgm SPORT Reifen 3.50-10 Schlauchreifen lieferbar

bgm SPORT 3.50-10 now also available as tubular tire!

The bgm SPORT tire is indeed a sport tire and is the right choice for all sporty ambitious drivers. Thanks to the superior rubber compound and the sophisticated tread design, it can handle all situations.

The release up to 180 km/h makes it definitely the first choice for all powerful engine concepts.

Buy a new sports tyre now
Neue Motorroller Reifen für Vespa, Lambretta & Co. von bgm - Made in Germany


  • Release up to 180 km/h (Sport) and up to 150 km/h (Classic) are ideal for powerful engines and corresponding entries
  • Additional REINFORCED marking.
  • Extremely strong carcass for perfect straight-line stability and excellent line fidelity during fast cornering.
  • V shape instead of U shape. This means that the tyre steers much better into the bend and offers more contact area when leaning.
  • Specially adapted material mixture (Silica Compound) for excellent grip in dry and wet conditions.
  • 100% Made in Germany.

bgm Reifen

Now we have them all together!

All new bgm tires are now available, we also offer sets with rims, check out our bgm tire shop:

All bgm tyres
