
Brief report from Zaragoza:

Team Germay / Scooter Center team has cleared powerful in Zaragosa. Here, the 1st Place in the standings and in the class standings (small frame) have been achieved. In addition, our team drove the fastest lap during the 24 hours from Zaragoza. More info and pictures will follow shortly.

24 horas vespa zuera 2012.mp4

Day 3 and 4 led our team from Bordeaux to the surfing paradise Hossegor at the Atlantic coast in France. A nice change for the team with outstanding weather.

From here the team set their way to Spain. A scenic drive across the Pyrenees and the first 1600km seem to come to an end.

After leaving the Pyrenees behind they headed straight down to Zaragosa.

2 days earlier than expected our road trip heroes arrived at the Circuit “ Internacional de Zuera“. Now let’s hope that the organizers will come as well ;-)

We wish our team good luck at the 24h race and hope the trip home will be as good as this one.

Last Saturday the Niederrunners SC in Moers organised their 2nd Vespa and Lambretta Customshow. Venue was again the Bollwerk 107 in close by Moers central station.

Good weather and great food and drinks made this event fantastic. A jumping castle for the kids and lots of things to discover attracted also many young families. Lots of things to see for our small guest, for example one of the exhibited scoters was a “Sponge Bob” memory scoot which brought a smile on the kids’ faces.

Many visitors came also with their own scooter and one was able to count around 120 kickstart scooters.

We are looking forward to the 3rd show next year and want to thank the SC in Moers for a great day.

A small gallery of Saturdays’ winners:

Best Smallframe

Best Largeframe

Best Oldie

Some of our old beauties like the Vespa Sprint or GT 125 or even some Bajaj models have not many options for cylinders due to the small spigot sealing surface.

Our engine casings have not enough space at the side of the sealing surface so big cylinders like the Parmakit 177 or Polini 177cc won’t fit here. The result would be a dripping cylinder.

This picture shows a spacer for the 177cc Polini cylinder. You can tell that the ports are not matching at all and that the casings are just too small.

In the picture above you cann see a spacer for the Pinasco 177cc alloy cylinder made for engines with 3 ports. Pinasco cylinders are known for their quality and reliability. The spacer looks like it would fit but there would be less than 1mm sealing surface at the sides which is again way too less for proper use.

This upper picture shows the Pinasco 177cc alloy cylinder made for 2 port engines. The spigot has been reduced by the size of the spacer. The spacer itself covers the 3rd port and parts of the 2 side ones in order to make it usable for 2 port engines. This option would kill 2 birds with one stone. You could use the reliable Pinasco alloy cylinder and you could also cut out the 3rd port for our casings.

The best matching alternative is the DR 177cc cylinder. As you can see the sealing surface fits perfectly as the DR is close to the original one. This cylinder is also the cheapest one out of the 177cc cylinders.

There is of course also an alternative for the Vespa freaks. It would be possible to use a crankshaft of the PX200 which has a rod of 110mm (5mm longer than the original one). A spacer with a height of 5mm would adjust it again and you could port the spacer instead of the casings and then all variants of the 177cc range would be possible to use. But keep in mind that the flywheel and the stator plate need to be exchanged in this case as well.

This Saturday the 2nd Classic Customshow in Moers, Germany will take place again hosted by Niederrunners SC. Great show and good party in the evening.

There will be plenty of food from the barbie and drinks. There will be a bouncy castle for the small ones and a test rig for the big ones :-)

DJ Champ and Dr. No will perform on the nighter from 8pm onwards. Be there or be square.

20 years SCK have to be celebrated. Our season opening this year will be celebrated together with our Classic Day on May 5th from 10am until 4pm.

If you are a passionate Scooterist like the company’s founders Oliver Kluger and Ulf Schröder, then it is obvious to make more out of it. In 1992, Oliver and Ulf founded SCOOTER CENTER Köln in their parents‘ garage. A dream came true. Today, we are the oldest and one of the largest Vespa, Lambretta and Automatic mail-order and online shop on the German market.

This year, our Classic Day will be all about our 20th anniversary. Our shop will be opened as usual and on top there will be a private spare part market as well. To keep you guys motivated we will offer plenty of drinks and food from the BBQ.

In addition to live music the engine test stand will be opened as well. A small fee of 5 € will be donated to the children’s hospital in Cologne.

You are all invited to start the season with us. We look forward to meeting you at our shop in Glessen. And here are some impressions from last year:

From now on we have top notch Vespa S 50 / SS 90 Super Sprint seats available. These are the real thing and Handmade in Italy for us.

They are spot on and there is no difference to the original item. Compared detail to detail the shape is exactly like on the original ones. So is the length and all the attention to detail.
Instead of the clipping of the cover it is properly glued.
The lever is riveted like on the original seats instead of screwed like on the other remade seats out there. The dimension of the piping has the diameter as been found on the original SS seats.
The delivery does contain the passenger strap as well as the cover for the toolbox.

Jetzt in deinem one-stop-scooter-shop hier verfügbar!



For all who didn’t know Tony O’Brien, we have attached the nice video. This shows him flying over the Nürburgring. The performance of his Charlie Edmonds tuned Falc engine is amazing.

Last week Tony tested the bgm PRO SC rear shock for the first time on Mallory park race circuit. This is a national race circuit seeing the riders topping 150 km/h (95 mph) plus easily.

This is the feedback Tony has given bgm and us from his first races. Sadly Tony crashed during the race, but on the 24/25th of September the last race for the BSSO series will be held at Cadwell Park.


“The meeting didn’t quite go to plan due to me deciding to test the hardness of the tarmac! (…) Practise was very wet… (…) The damper was set to 3mm pre-sag.. -5max compression and -5max rebound damping. My first impression is that this damper actually works and works very well.

The bike soaks up the bumps pretty well but I feel maybe I could have set the rebound a little harder to help stop the back end bounce on one particular corner. The motor runs a little hot with a little detonation and so I increase carburation to solve this.

By the time of the first race the track is dry. I am on last place on the grid (grid positions are based on previous meeting’s results and I couldnt attend). By then end of the lap I am up to 5th from 19 starters, but there is a problem with the bike. (…)

The shock I have set to -3max on rebound and -4max compression.. its working fine and the bike feels transformed. By lap 1.5 I am into 4th behind the 250cc grp6 bikes of Topper, Turner and the 210 grp4 bike of Charely Edmonds. The corner which I had the issue on is now improved and the bike feels much safer and I actually manage to stay on the seat.. the corner is a 70mph left.

On the next lap however the motor cuts and then fires up again whilst banked over on a second gear corner.. This spits me off and into the dirt.

(…) The shock however even in two laps I feel is a massive improvement over the rs24. I feel yes for the track it could do with more damping as I think over the 10 lap race the oil will heat and it may lose damping. It would be nice to have the settings at mid-adjustment on compression and rebound. The spring does touch my tyre (3.50 sava) but I can’t move the shock over any more at present as the exhaust is in the way. I hope to move this over a little in the winter to solve this problem. the spring rate I would say is correct for me as it is.

During the day lots of racers were interested in the new shock.”


High Quality made in Itlay!
The Vespa with its ingenious frame concept stands for sturdiness and longevity. But even the strongest concept can suffer after years in the wind and rain, or from little mishaps and accidents. Especially the floor boards start to root, if not cared for regularly.
For a long time, there was only one spare floorboard available for the Pre P-range, so called wideframe Vespa. It was O.K. to use those, and easier and better than building one from scratch.
We just found in Italy these wonderful spare floorboards which are specifically build for the different Vespa models.
No more time or money consuming, extensive reworking is necessary with these floorboards.
The height and form of the beading are like the original, as is the hole for the cable routing and other details, which support a perfect restoration result.
No filler is used, which could hide dents or imperfections. Real quality products for a perfect restoration job. So if you already plan to bring a Vespa back to live this autumn or winter have a look!


Floor board -VESPA- Vespa VNB4T (ab Nr. 0110644), VNB4T bis VNB6T, VBB2T


Floor board -VESPA- Vespa VNA1T bis VNA2T, VNB1T bis VNB3T, VNB4T (bis Nr. 0110643), VBA1T, VBB1T

Floor Board -VESPA- Vespa Super, GT, GTR, GL, Sprint, TS, SS 180, Rally


Vespa S LED- Rücklicht weiß

We sourced some nice bits and pieces to mod-up your Vespa LX, LXV, S, GT, GTL or GTS.

Headlight visors are one of the essential items to customize your Vespa. An instant classic for decades.

But it is not just because of the nice vintage optics, they are a nice upgrade for night riding. Especially in the dark on the countr road the headlight dazzles in the direction of the rider. The visor covers this part and makes night riding much more relaxing. The emotional people here are see it as the eyelash of their Vespa.

We have these on offer in the classic chromed look as well as the more sportive black finish. An extensive fitting instructions is included to every visor. They are available for GT, GTS, GTL and LX and LXV Vespas.

CLASSIC headlight visors

Finally arrived are the first LED rear light units for your LX, LXV and S Vespa. With the clear glas these give a much more up to date look than the red bog standard item. The dimensions are exactly like on the original one. For sure it has an e-mark.

The LEDs are placed in honeycomb shaped holes. These are highly chromed. Each LED gives very bright light and their duration of life is much better compared to the old style bulbs.

Fitting is easy for this item as well.

bgm LED rear light Vespa LX, LXV und S




Polini Zylinder 207cc Alu Vespa PX 200 Rally 200

Polini Zylinder 207cc Alu Vespa PX 200 Rally 200Polini presents the new 201cc Alloy cylinder for all Vespa Piaggio P 200 and Rally 200

The ever lasting religious war Malossi 211 or Polini 207 or Pinasco 213 in the maximum cc-range of Vespa scooters has received a new argument.

The torque-orientated layout of the Polini 207 with power through the whole rev-range was loved by many.
However it is with all things love, there are days when everything in a partnership is not going the way it should.

Wrong carb setup, ignition faults or general wrong set up of the engine brought the old, cast cylinder to its thermic capabilities, and above in the worst case.
This led to the bad reputation of the eternal heat-seizure, which could only be cured by accurate setting up of all components.

Now Polini have sorted this problem for us and made our live easier, and those of their competitors harder.
The proven design of the Polini 207cc is now crafted in high quality alloy. With a 68.5mm bore and good two ring piston for excellent heat-dissipation and piston-guidance the new cylinder has the perfect thermic basis for race or touring tuning.
Simple with a Sito+ and 26mm SI carburator , or with monster-membran and race exhaust , we are keen on what people will do with this cylinder.
Visit your one stop scooter shop and select the components for your individual engine!

Vespa Smallframe UpgradeAfter the successful bgm Lambretta stator plates, which proved powerful and reliable, and stators for both p-ranges, bgm has directed their attention to the smallframe Vespas.

The newest weapon is the Ignition kit bgm PRO to convert the V50, Primavera, ET3 and early PK models to maintenance free 12 volt electronic ignition.

This gives the most reliable and powerful solution for daily commuting, Rally going or fast road use. Basis for this conversion is the bgm PRO stator HP V2.0 for the Vespa PK XL series w/o battery, which incorporates the proven and powerful Cosa design. In combination with a 1650gr Ducati flywheel it gives reliable tick over and instant acceleration.

The ultra slim BGM AC/DC voltage regulator compliments this kit.
The neat bgm voltage regulator can be used on all Vespa and Lambretta electronic ignitions. It delivers a very steady AC and DC output, and can supply sat navs, mobiles or other electric gimmicks directly. The kit can be easily fitted with standard tools, and all parts can be sourced separately.

The choice of high quality components makes it a more reliable piece than some of other competitors.
So you get an easy to fit kit, of high quality components for a very reasonable price.


vespa katalog 2011

vespa katalog 2011NEW: SCOOTER CENTER Vespa Cataloge with Engslish translation

We are very happy to be able to present you the second update of our Vespa catalogue. Here you can find all the articles which have been added to the programme since the 2010 update catalogue.

More updates are also planned for the future, which will help you keep in track with all the new Vespa parts in paper form.

Our online shop is always more up-to-date than any of the catalogue updates, as we normally manage to add new articles within three days of getting them. We normally have the important articles in stock and if you need something which isn’t in stock, then we can almost always get any items within a short space of time. When choosing the sales products, we choose
those with a reputation as being reliable and efficient.

We are a team of scooterists which has gained it’s experience from hard and passionate tinkering and hence we know how awful bad-fitting or non-functioning parts are. This makes your feedback to our products and our service even more important for us. We have kept the concept of an external price list, making it possible for you to download the current prices in Excel format.

We hope you approve of the idea of regular updates in paper form and look forward to a fantastic scooter season 2011 with our traditional SCOOTER CENTER open day, the up-coming custom shows and, of course, the runs.

Download catlogue here or view online:



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The Vespa has been for decades much more than just a vehicle – the Vespa is a lifestyle, a modern myth and also a personal expression.

The iPhone is also much more than only a phone and also very successful, though not to compare with the Vespa ;-)

You are Scooterist and own an iPhone?

1. Iphone Vespa Silikon Cases

iPhone Schutzhülle -VESPA- Rot iPhone Case -VESPA- – red iPhone Schutzhülle -VESPA- Weiß iPhone Case -VESPA- – white iPhone Schutzhülle -VESPA- Grün iPhoneCase -VESPA- – green

2. Vespa App

Vespa App

3. Free Vespa Wallpaper for Iphone Ipod and Co.

Today is the 1st of December – and right in time we have a perfect surprise for you.

The ultimate scooter seat will be available for the Smallframe range as well.

SCOOTER CENTER is going to have the Ancillotti racing seat reproduced in the original shape and appearance. And we have it even bettered than the original. Long-term customer and friend Dirk Elchenbroich had the shape slightly improved so that it gives the perfect and ultimate gap from every angle.

The craftsmanship is second to none as you are used to it from the SCK Ancillotti for the Sprint. Probaply the best made scooter seat in the world. For the side there is Alfatex used while the piping is a nice contrasting white.

We keep our fingers crossed that these little beauties are available before Christmas! In the meantime here are some preview pictures.

8040143 | Seat -SCK Ancillotti- Vespa Sprint, TS, GT, GTR, GL, Super, VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB | 279,00 Euro

7672224 | Seat -SCK Ancillotti- Vespa V50, PV 125, ET3 – Schwarz | 279,00 Euro

Vespa Fan ArtikelThe previously announced merchandise and gifts – catalog has just arrived from the printers.

The flyer with lots of great Vespa – Gift ideas for all scooterists will now be distributed for free with every order.

Who can not wait:

[issuu backgroundcolor=FFFFFF showflipbtn=true autoflip=true autofliptime=6000 documentid=101118141822-67aba488d1d44d2590e037e79c411eaf docname=vespa-merchandise loadinginfotext=Vespa%20Merchandise%20%26%20Helm%20Katalog showhtmllink=true tag=vespa width=600 height=423 unit=px]

Our good friend Taka Kitagawa has co-organized a scooter Rally in Japanese ISE SHIMA national park. The Rally was held I a nice and familiar atmosphere.

The first date for the Rally was cancelled because of a Typhoon. Finally thet Rally took place last weekend. Despite the oncoming winter in Japan as well, our friends were indulged with mild temperatures and beautiful sunshine.

After the BIG RUMBLING Rally the Skooter Ride Out is the largest Rally in Japan. The Feedback for the Rally was second to none and much more entrants are expected for next year’s Rally.

This is the resumme from Taka: “We are obtaining the feeling that SCOOTERING SCENE of Japan began to move. I have been really deeply moved! Thank you SCOOTER CENTER!!! In the rias coast, SHIMA-CITY by which we did Rally is beautiful city. Nice Road, nice food and beautiful scenery! Scooter Scene of Japan received the off-season with our Rally.

If you have a look at the pictures, you have to agree totally and we are sure, you can’t wait until you head of for the next Rally.

Thanks for the pictures to Nao Sumii!

Vespa Fan-Artikel von Forme

Der italienische Hersteller Forme ist dafür bekannt, stylische Utensilien für Küche und Haushalt herzustellen.
Mit ihrer lizensierten Vespa – Serie haben sie voll ins Schwarze getroffen. Top aktuelles Retro Design paart sich hier mit dem Kultklassiker Vespa.

Die liebevoll gestalteten und hochwertig verarbeiteten Produkte mit vielen tollen Details, sind das perfekte Geschenk für den Rollerfahrer.

Vespa – Klamotten von Forme.