
Vespa Smallframe UpgradeAfter the successful bgm Lambretta stator plates, which proved powerful and reliable, and stators for both p-ranges, bgm has directed their attention to the smallframe Vespas.

The newest weapon is the Ignition kit bgm PRO to convert the V50, Primavera, ET3 and early PK models to maintenance free 12 volt electronic ignition.

This gives the most reliable and powerful solution for daily commuting, Rally going or fast road use. Basis for this conversion is the bgm PRO stator HP V2.0 for the Vespa PK XL series w/o battery, which incorporates the proven and powerful Cosa design. In combination with a 1650gr Ducati flywheel it gives reliable tick over and instant acceleration.

The ultra slim BGM AC/DC voltage regulator compliments this kit.
The neat bgm voltage regulator can be used on all Vespa and Lambretta electronic ignitions. It delivers a very steady AC and DC output, and can supply sat navs, mobiles or other electric gimmicks directly. The kit can be easily fitted with standard tools, and all parts can be sourced separately.

The choice of high quality components makes it a more reliable piece than some of other competitors.
So you get an easy to fit kit, of high quality components for a very reasonable price.


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