Scooter Run & Racing in Italy – Pomposa
Run & Race 2016, Pomposa, Italy – 16-18/09/2016
Last month Scooter Center rode to Pomposa, on the Adriatic coast, for the Run & Race finals of the European Scooter Challenge. Thanks to the attendance of the British Scooter Sport Organisation (BSSO) and of further international racers, spectators could enjoy wonderful performances on the circuit.
With Lambretta to the Adriatic riviera
It feels like a holiday. We still have a long way to go, about 3.000 km, and many things to do in Bella Italia. Our bus was packed with our equipment and with our best bgm parts for the Run & Race Italy. We started our journey in Cologne and after 1.000 km, from the Lake Garda, we travelled the last 250 km to Pomposa by scooter: two RaceTour Lambretta scooters with the
28mm Polini Carburettor and the bgm Big Box:
- Lambretta DL 150 with 225 bgm PRO RaceTour
- Lambretta LI 150 1st series 195 bgm PRO RaceTour
Hard test drive in the rain and pathole slalom
Test drive in Bella Italia: summertime, blue sky, now and then a short stop in Autogrill. That’s the plan! But just half an hour later, after the motorway tunnel in Verona…a pouring rain! Luckily there’s no bad weather, just wrong clothes: and we have everything with us, but that’s not enough and it still keeps on raining untill Pomposa. Several cars against crash barrier and crackings in asphalt paving show us what happened before.
Despite the bad weather and patholes we can still ride very fast, about 110 km/h (GPS). the new TomTom VIO shows us the way and thanks to the great performance of our scooters we can enjoy the ride.
Our scooter tour: the video
Great Run & Race in Italy
Just before arriving in Pomposa it finally stops raining and the sunshine starts to break through the cloud cover. Marco from Rimini Lambretta Centre and the organisers of SIR welcome us and after drinking some white wine we go to our nice bungalow.
There’s a lot going on on both evenings. On Saturday morning a delicious breakfast by the seaside, with sunshine and blue see…amazing… but we don’t have enough time sice we have to set up our stand and we’re curious to see what awaits us.
Setting up our stand was very easy, well, at least for those who went to bed sober before five o’clock in the morning. We present the wide range of our items. On this occasion we also have the chance to meet our old friends from Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Greece, Great Britain and Cyprus.
Some pictures of our weekend
RACE – The races
Just on the opposite side we can see the exciting races taking place: racers competing up to the last meter. The Italian teams CASA Performance and Parmakit dominate the race. Our Austrian friend wins the race of the standardised class with a Polini engine. We hang a camera around Michi neck (Stoffi-team) – here a video of a training in the standardised class:
RUN – The scooter meeting
Run & Race – not only race, also scooter meeting. On the site of the racetrack we find many Italian stands selling every kind of merchandise and items, there are also lots of scooters to admire and we have many interesting discussions about scootering. All participants meet at the camping and bungalow park where they stay overnight. The concert on Saturday was cancelled, but we keep on having party until the morning hours. After the delicious breakfast on Sunday morning it’s hard for us to leave. Still 250 km return journey await us, but this time in beautiful sunshine. We leave the motorway and we ride the last stretch across mountins and hinterland until we reach our Basecamp at the Lake Garda. Here we still have quite a lot to do scuh as visiting the piston manufacturer Meteor in Milan, making fotos and videos.
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