Clutch extractor and clutch compressor BGM PRO Vespa Largeframe, Smallframe

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Clutch tool for Vespa

Our new clutch tool is a clutch extractor for Vespa Largeframe and a clutch compressor for Large- and Smallframe at the same time. This super small and handy tool in workshop quality should be part of every on board tool set and of every garage!

Quick, safe and gently loosening of tight clutches!

bgm clutch puller kupplungsabzieher (15)

A securing nut tightens the so-called 6 and 7 spring clutches of Vespa Largeframe-models.

This screw connection often is not strong enough for power transmission.
Causing the woodruff key to shear off and the clutch hub to distort on the crankshaft. „Screwed“ on the taper in this manner, you won’t be able to loosen the entire clutch easily after loosening the securing nut of the crankshaft as you usually would. You should rather expect fierce resistance.

Hint: Do you want to continue to drive with a 6 or 7 coil spring clutch? Use our special nut with hex head to tighten the clutch. Using this is a lot easier and safer than an ordinary securing nut.

Clutch extractor for Vespa Largeframe

Our BGM PRO extractor also loosens very resistant clutches and makes dismantling easy. bgm clutch puller kupplungsabzieher (2)

You will no longer need heavy tools, large levers, which damage the sealing surface of the clutch cover. The same is true for working on or even destroying the entire clutch.

The extractor is made of high-strength steel. It engages with the clutch spider, grips tightly and pulls the clutch hub off the crankshaft.

bgm clutch puller kupplungsabzieher (17)

Clutch compressor for Vespa Smallframe and Largeframe

The small tool may also be used as clutch compressor to exchange discs and springs of Largeframe- and Smallframe-clutches. bgm clutch puller kupplungsabzieher 002

This handy tool is small and fit in any tool box. We’re no longer leaving without…

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