
Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa

bgm PRO MRB BigBox Vespa for P-range and Largeframes

The Vespa bgm PRO MRB BigBox exhaust is expected to land during this year’s summer.
The official landing should be the 2nd of September.

Because of the limited quantity of the first batch, it might be an idea to pre-order one:

Exhaust -bgm PRO BigBox- Vespa PX200, Rally200
Exhaust -bgm PRO BigBox- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 2

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 3

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 4

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 5

bgm PRO MRB Vespa P-range and Largeframe BigBox available from September onwards at your Vespa shop.

New Polini Vespa P-range crankshafts turned up

New from Polini and already arrived at Scooter Center are the P-range crankshafts.

Available are the Polini Vespa cranks in these specs:

En detail:

After these arrived we took a closer look. at these.

On a first sight the rotary valve inlet comes to our attention. This is heavily machined and lots of material has gone.

Polini Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 031

Then the heavy cut comes to our attention. This gives a very abrupt closing. This is good because on some other designs a build in wharf spits the fuel out . The window oppsite the rootary valve is very big to get the balancing right.

Polini  Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 032

The P125 and P2 57 mm stroke are equipped with a 22 mm big end pin. While the 60 mm version comes with a 20 mm big end pin to have enough meat above the pin.

Polini  Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 024

The cutaway on the rotary valve crank webdefines how long the inlet is opened. On a new P2 engine casing we had 110° before top dead centre and 75° after top dead centre.

The opening period of 185° is very sportive.

On the Px 125 it gave a 110° before top dead centre and 63° after top dead centre. The top dead centre was found with our timing degree disc.

Polini Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 019

The width of the rotary valve side wasn’t touched by Polini. And like on a original crankshaft it is 17 mm.

Polini Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 029

Polini advertises the crank as balanced to get rid of nasty vibratins, so we checked what we found here. So we check the balancing factor using the P2 crank with 57 mm stroke.

Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 006

On the jig it nearly stops at 12 h.

The balancing factor can be used as an indication of how smooth the engine will run.

If you want to try and calculate a little, we have some readings for you here.

The translational part of the con rod has a weight of 60.25gr

Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 002

The counter weight that need to be put on the crankshaft to make a stand still at every positioning possible is Vespa Kurbelwelle Polini PX 009104,35gr

Vespa Vergaser Smallframe Polini CP S

Vespa Vergaser Smallframe Polini CP Polini Vespa Carburetor Smallframe

Polini Motori continues the development of its CP carburetors. Innovative carburetors, where every single part has been designed, developed and produced by the company of Bergamo and it is 100% made in Italy.

The range of the Polini CP carburetors enlarges with the new models which assure an easy assembling without any modification to the original manifold. The CP Polini have a rigid connection and are dedicated to the mythic Vespa 125 primavera ET3. The connection between manifold and carburetor is rigid with clamp as the original one fitted on the Vespa 125 and they are supplied with air box with upgraded intake. Available in diameters of 19 and 21 The inlet pipe is very short and it features an exclusive concentric design and a geometry that optimizes the air flows when the gases pass through. The overflow of petrol in the atomizer has been designed to ensure correct flow dynamic at every position of the throttle valve when opens. The hole where the petrol enters and the larger needle allow the constant draft even in the most extreme conditions. The float level, completely made of plastic, and the needle seal are carefully controlled in the production department to ensure the same standard of efficiency over time. These features considerably simplify the setup of the carburetor. Thanks to the extremely sophisticated calibration, the petrol-air flows, main and low jets, have been designed to achieve the best performance with lower consumption. The compact size of the new carburetor is the result of a careful and meticulous management of the inner space and the maximum efficiency of all the components, subjected to strict controls. To ensure an easy and precise assembly on the best sellers engines and its compatibility to different filter boxes, both originals and racing, flanges with different diameters are available.

Soon available in our Vespa Scooter Shop.

Polini Vespa carburetor – 100% Made in Italy

Another Vespa was stolen – now was a Portuguese Vespa Rally stolen.

Also this case especially tragic: after arrival of more than 2,000 km from Portugal to Belgium this valuable Vespa Rally 200 was stolen. Here the request of the Vespisti:


Share please: After a great weekend spent in the environment vespista Belgium VWD2013, the end of the event is not so good. We had the infortune to park of the gala dinner, and a Vespa Rally 200 was stolen. this vespa belongs to Antonio Rocha Vespista, one member of the Portuguese VESPINGA, we ask the cooperation of all Vespistas to see this photo, and please communicate if you have some information to tell us.
Thank You

Vespa Rally gestohlen

Abus Kettenschloss Vespa

Vespa stolen!!

Recently, reports of piling „stolen Vespa / scooter theft.“

The thieves seem to care more for the old Vespa scooter.
In the recent case 8 scooter from Vespa Club Frankfurt were stolen in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
A new Vespa was disregarded. Overall, 8 of the 17 scooters that even standing on two different places, were stolen with heavy equipment. On damaged scooters you found clear traces of an angle grinder, Flex. Aaccording to first estimates a loss of € 40,000 – in addition to the tears flowed, anger and rage.
Collector’s items are not usually replace with some money. Anyone who has ever restored an old Vespa, knows how much money, work and time you can spend in a good restoration. If you then have a great, reliable scooter, with many wonderful experiences, eg Vespa meeting, vacation, great trips with friends, etc. – then it is a scooter theft very difficult to digest.

Around the same time a white Vespa T5 Classic with Micron exhaust system was stolen in Frankfurt.
Just a few days earlier a gray Vespa PX 200 was stolen in Kaarst / Neuss …

If you follow Google and the News, messages are becoming increasingly common reports of stolen Vespa scooters. Scooter thefts has always been there – at present, the scooter theft seems to pile up. A disturbing trend.

Tip: Use social networks and groups on Vespa stolen eg „find my stolen T5“ on Facebook

We also recommend next to a working steering lock, the high quality Abus locks for your Vespa. The Abus – locks are available in various designs in our Vespa Scooter Store. Here’s a little video about the chain lock ABUS CityChain:


Vespa gestohlen Abus Kettenschloss hilft!

Take good care of your scooter, always lock well and for emergencies: havegood insurance.


Because we Love Vespa!

Thats the Ending scren of this video from France. Very cool animationen mit perfect sound. We love Vespa too – and we love this video!

VESPALOGY from Supercarburant on Vimeo.

Have fun watching this Vespa video.

Animation: Nomoon
Music: Supercarburant

Buy a Vespa for 20 Euro?!!

It seems that the bargain are still there. With lots of luck a bidder got one Vespa for 20 € at a public auction.

In the southern village of Neuenburg this happened:–72446009.html

No matter what vEspa it was. At 20 € every Vespa is a bargain.

For all Vespa afficinados we highly recommend our Vespa catalogues:
Our Scooter Center Vespa-catalogue gives a comprehensive overview of the Vespa modell history as well as handy tipps & tricks and for sure all the spare parts, wear and tear parts as well as accessories and tuning goodies. :

Vespa catalogue

And these are the updates for 2010 and 2011 with all newly arrived parts. Up to date info you’ll find in our ecommerce Vespa shop.



Lots of luck at bargain hunting!

The clutch bush is not just an underestimated part of the engine, it is a part as well where we found the aftermarket parts and even OEM parts not capable for doing the job properly.

The bushes made from sinter metal are not the best choice for tuned engines with ore power available on the tap, gear changing at higher revs

Leistung, Schaltpunkte bei höheren Drehzahlen und leichte Schwungmassen bringen die einfachen, am Markt erhältlichen Sintermetallbuchsen* an ihre Belastungsgrenze. Rupfende Kupplungen oder Bockspringen beim Anfahren sind häufig die Symptome für eine eingelaufene oder schadhafte Buchse.

Besondere Anforderungen verlangen nach vernünftigen Lösungen. Die bgm PRO Kupplungsbuchse ist „Made in Germany“ und aus Vollmaterial gefertigt. Der Werkstoff wiedersteht den hohen Momentkräften und ist speziell für Gleitlagerungen mit wenig Schmierstoff ausgelegt.

Die umlaufende Schmiernut verteilt das Öl gleichmäßig auf die Tragfläche der Buchse, so dass beim betätigen der Kupplung sofort Schmierstoff zur Verfügung steht.

Buchse blog

Unsere BGM PRO Kupplungsbuchse eignet sich für fast alle Kupplungsnaben der Vespa Largeframe Modelle. Durch die recht enge Toleranz bei der Fertigung (wir erlauben 0.03mm), lassen sich selbst leicht eingelaufenen Naben mit unserer Buchse reparieren.

Für Reparaturzwecke sollte die Nabe nochüber einen Durchmesser im Bereich von 24,02mm – 24,06mm verfügen.

For sure all the bgm PRO SUPERSTRONG clutches are equipped with the new Made in Germany bush.

The first Series of the Vespa V50 differs in some details to the later version that is much more common.

The early V50’s for instance have the frame numbers V5A1*1001* up to *92877 and V5SA1*1001* up to *15325*.

Differences of the first Series are the suspension, the fixing of the rear brake plate with M6 studs, the three speed gear box, the 9 inch wheels or the shorter wheelbase. There are lots of small differences and unique is the engine as well.

If it comes to give this a little more power, there are some things that should be considered.

The original engine put out slightly more than one horse power (1.2 hp to be specific). This in conjunction with a very tall primary drive ratio of 3.72 and a very big gap between second and third gear make this engine anything else than a good performer.

So if you want to use the first Series for anything else than collecting dust, fitting a larger cc cylinder kit is very advisable.

The cylinder neck and the engine casings are smaller on the V50 1. than on the later models. This makes fitting of all the cylinder kits impossible. To cure this problem we have a ready machined cylinder kit on offer.

It’s the Polini 75cc kit in the so called Racing trim. With a good power band and a maximum power of 4 hp it is the right choice to pull the tall gearing. The good power band even copes with the large between 2nd and 3rd gear.


The cylinder base is machined to fit to the smaller diameter at the casings

04.04.6 004

The cylinder base is machined to fit to the smaller diameter at the casings

04.04.6 006

Included to our cylinder kit is the speed nut M6 for fixing the flywheel cowl and cylinder cowl. This is necessary because the mounting points are on a slightly different place on the first Series.

09.01.13 012

Polini recommends a ignition timing setting of 17° for this kit. If you are still using the contact breaker ignition system you can use a testing lamp to set the ignition timing at 1.4mm before to dead centre.

1010003 Polini Racing 75

Depending on the exhaust used and if a racing crankshaft has been fitted you should adjust your main jet accordingly to it. The fitting instruction of Polini says a main jet of 66-68 for the SHB 16 is right. We found that a main jet between 74-84 is right.

These carb kits are a good choice for the cylinder kit:

SHB 16/16


SHB 19/19


If you have to give the engine a going over anyway to replace the usual suspects like wear & tear parts as the gear selector, gaskets and oil seals, you should think about fitting a Rracing crankshaft …


as well as a short 3rd gear


The racing crankshaft gives a better filling and hance a higher torque figure. The shorter third gear gives a better gap between 2nd and 3rd gear and makes steadier accelerating and riding two up much more fun.

Winter time is service time. The same procedure every winter, our beloved Sscooters need a service, repair or maybe a full restoration so that they will be back on the road for the first rideouts.

The floorboard area and the floorboard runners are a service intense area of our Vespas. Rust and dirt are just one side of the story. The runners are easy to remove but when it comes to remount them again we have only few choices. We either chose bolts and nuts or pop rivets but the results of these two methods are not the best.

We now have the ultimnate tool for you. The outstanding riveter tool made in Austria with which you can handle both flat and round rivets. By using the rivet tool you prevent the paint damage that would otherwise be caused by old pop rivet tools. At last, a quick and clean work area shall make possible. An additional feature of the riveter tool is that you can also use it for mounting the original badges at the legshield.

We do have some great floor board runner sets available in our shop. Please also watch the video of the riveter floor runner tool:

Yesterday, we joined the fifth Cologne night run. After finishing work, Alex, Jadran, Andreas and Stefan from the Scooter Center Team went together to Cologne-Ehrenfeld. Also present was our bgm Lambretta, which was on several runs this year now has 3,500 km on the clock and which since the EuroLambretta been running perfectly without any problem. Meeting point was the Neptun Squaren where almost 75 scooter riders had gathered. Many familiar faces were there and it was an amazingly mild October night with 17°.

At 9pm the corso started. From starting point we headed out of the inner city and went to the rural northwestern suburbs. Around 60km through the night which has been a fantastic view and sound. The tour ended up in a nice local pub back in Cologne. The Scooter Center Team says thanks for this great rideout and we are looking forward to the 6th night run 2013.

The classic mirror for our beloved Vespa is finally available in black. It is mounted under the steering head and offers impeccable views to the rear. A truly effective left rearview mirror in original form with E-mark. This fits many Vespa smallframe and largeframe models. Now you finally have the overview you need and all in a stunning black design.

Check the mirror in our online shop.

On Saturday we drove to the season final in Aachen. Our bgm Lambretta was with us too. Since 2009 there is always a great season opening and final. Despite the horrible weather forecast there were around 150 scooterists in Aachen. Meeting point was the usual parking space near the belgian border.

From here it is only 2 miles to the border from where our 60 Km tour started.

We did a little stop after half way at the American Cemetery Henry Chapel in order to check everything and had a little break.

After the break we set off to Aachen again where we had the chance to call it a day with bbq and drinks.

The Scooter Team says thanks and is looking forward to participating at the 5th season opening in Aachen 2013.

All pics can be found here!!!

A nice video with great impression below:

Abrollern Aachen 13. Oktober 2012

Finally available again! For a long time, the side panels were not available, but now we have received a few from an old stock. Get one now before it’s too late!

Sporting look for your Vespa PX, yes please. The side panel of the 4-stroke LML models have four air vents in order to cope with the high heat of the 4-stroke cylinder head which needs more cooling air. This is also a great feature for your 2-stroke tuning measures.

This side panel fits on the Vespa PX models from 1983 onwards, whose panels are already locked in a so-called internal shutter. In order to fit the LML side panels to be to the PX EFL models, we recommend to move the rear retaining pin of the side panel by about 11mm downwards. For old PX models this modification is not necessary.

The winter and new projects may come now. Finally we have the floorboard incl leg shield for Vespa SS90 and SS50 available again.

Finally we can offer you a fast and high quality solution to get your Vespaback to it’s former glory. First water floorboard including legshield. Thus the restoration of your winter project can continue. The coachbuilder will thank you with a much smaller bill, since it is less time consuming with the help of our restauration kit.

Old Vespas are often affected with rust at the floor board, this is available as a spare repair part for most models. We’ve floorboards of premium quality in stock so that your restoration is no missing out the important bit. These floorboards are equipped with beams and reinforcements.

Floorboards Vespa V50, PV125, ET3

Floorboards Vespa Rally 180/200, GT125, GL150, Sprint 150, SS180 (3 Traversen)

Floorboards Vespa Rally 180/200, GT125, GL150, Sprint 150, SS180 (2 Traversen)

Floorboards Vespa PX & T5

Floorboards Vespa V30, V33

Floorboards Vespa VNA, VNB, VBB

We currently have a special offer for selected Parmakit Smallframe tuning cylinder. Parmakit, the legendary tuning company from Italy is known for its racing cylinders. Have a look yourself:

Cylinder -PARMAKIT 130ccm LC, 25mm Direc intake- Vespa PV125, ET3 125, PK125

Cylinder -PARMAKIT 130ccm LC, 30mm Direct intake- Vespa PV125, ET3 125, PK125

Cylinder -PARMAKIT 130ccm central, 30mm Direct intake- Vespa PV125, ET3 125, PK125

Cylinder -PARMAKIT 144ccm W-Force, 105mm rod, Central- Vespa PV125, ET3 125, PK125

Cylinder -PARMAKIT 144ccm W-Force – Vespa PV125, ET3 125, PK125

Cylinder -PARMAKIT 135ccm W-Force- Vespa PV125, ET3 125, PK125

We do have of course the right accessories in stock as well:

Water pump -BGM PRO- Universal, 12V, flow rate 8l/min –

Radiator -Variant 1

Radiator -Variant 2

Radiator -Variant 3

Radiator hose -TOYOX- 12 x 18mm

Radiator hose -TOYOX- 15 x 22mm

Radiator hose -TOYOX- 19 x 26 mm

The Scooter Center Team is on the way to the Isle of Wight Scooter Rally. Every August, thousands of vintage scooters (and their owners!) enjoy a the Isle of Wight National Scooter Rally. It’s quite a sight to see when they all come over on the ferries and pour into Ryde, where the rally weekend is based. From Ryde, the scooters ride out around the island… wherever you are on the Isle of Wight that weekend you are likely to come across at least a few of these classic scooters! We have our SCK Demonstrator and our bgm Testbike with us and some chosen products like the bgm PRO SC shock absorber, the bgm ignition plate and the new bgm CDI. Dont forget to book your test ride. Simply write us an Email to:

Everything is packed and we are now ready to go. After the Isle of Wight run we are moving on to the Mersea Island Rally. This year the Mersea Island Rally is celebrating its 20th Anniversary. We are looking forward to meet you on the ground. The Scooter Center Team wishes everyone some great days. Be there or be square.

Finally the new Qattrini C1 Smallframe Engine Casings are available.
For all tuning scooterists out there a must-have.

In the past few years the Smallframe tuning become more and more versile.
Smallframe engines with more than 40hp are no longer unique nowadays. The original Piaggio engine casings were produced for power around 10hp. The power given through cylinder kits like Parmakit, Falc or Qattrini are just too much for the original casings.

Quattrini has met demands and developed a very sophisticated engine housing..

We are going to show you the new features below.

The first eye-catching feature is the adapter for a mechanical water pump to install water-cooled cylinders.
If you make use of the classical forced air cooling, Quattrini also included an aluminum plug to close the bore of the pump.

The area around the floating ports and the cylinder base is made considerably more massive in order to prevent casing failure or cracks.

Quattrini already spindled the cylinder base to 64.8 mm diameter and 17.5 mm deep.
Including a range up to 21mm deep, which is suitable for the original spindled cylinder base diameter.

The area around the engine mount is adjusted so that you can use Tyres in the dimension of 3.50×10.

To compensate the weakening of the engine mount through the heel, this was reinforced with 4 solid ribs.

The two housing halves are connected with two centre pins and M6 screws, which will prevent the mounting with separate nuts. Because of the cast membrane and the lack of box centered on the crankcase cover gasket also eliminates the paper based engine seal. Common practice today is to use sealant in order to put the engine together sealant. We recommend from experience Dirko HT.

Condition as supplied to customers the casings are ready to use with direct intake cylinders. Additionally Quattrini also designed a box for all friends of membrane intake.
The connection to the crankcase must be machined if required, however, on its own power out.

Unfortunately, until now it is not absolutely clear which membrane can be used.
Therefore, we have already taken care of a solution and started to adjust aRD350 and V-Force³ Membrane.

Regarding the gear shift Quattrini stayed with the good old 2 cable technique.

The heart of the whole new design is based on the 48mm broadend crank shaft with 51mm rod.
This measure ensures that the press dimension of crank pin increases significantly
and the crankshaft is turning resistance in terms of not to being twisted.
The high quality 102mm conrod round off the overall good impression. The dimension of the center crankshaft bearing and cylinder base sealing is 69mm and is thus provided for the use of 102mm connecting rod.

As crankshaft bearings we are using 6304TN9C4 on both sides.
It is also conceivable to mount a NU205 on the generator side, but we do not recommend it.

The crankcase is additionally sealed with 2 oil seals from both sides with the dimensions 20x35x7. Here we can offer youseals in good old FPM-Quality.

Depending on the ignition used for this engine, a whole for the cable set must be made in the dynamo casing.

The air channel has been changed already for the use of Race Exhaust.

After the spectacular performance of the Quattrini engine casings at the start of the ESC season in Mirecourt, we are curious to see who is using them first.

The Scooter Center team was en route again. This time a visit to the Scootentole Challenge at the Mirecourt race track was planned.

With the SCK Racer and the Silver Fern we were off. First stop was made at the legendary Nürburgring. We watched a bit of the 24 hour race and then set off again via the Belgian Ardennes towards France.

When we arrived at the race track in Mirecourt we started to set up our base. We met old and new friends and were happy to be among like-minded people.

Thursday and Friday, we could watch the practice sessions during perfect weather. On Saturday it got serious with the qualifying and the race. A rollercoaster of emotions but especially the weather did not make it easy for the drivers and their teams. Sudden heavy rain made ??the race for some a real torture to find the right setup.

This thrilling race came to an end in the early Saturday evening. Official rankings as follows:

C1: 1. Uberto Parravicini, 2. Jonas Brüster, 3. Julien Desnuelle

C2S: 1. Romain Baguet, 2. Maxime Dias, 3. Martin Raube

C2L: 1. Thomas Lenkeit, 2. Steffen Biedermann, 3. Toni Fattorusso

C3: 1. Cristian Mazelli, 2. Alberto Costa, 3. Marco Büttner

C4: 1. Mauro Murgia, 2. Guillaume Bordas, 3. Jean-Luc Nobleaux

Sunday we went back via Luxembourg to Aachen and then continued towards Scooter Center. A successful weekend was coming to an end. We look forward to our next tour.