
Lessmann Bürsten Made in Germany

Not all brushes are the same!

You probably have a classic steel brush in your tool kit. Such a DIY store all-round brush is practical and has many areas of application, but with little effort it can be even better: Here I show you 4 small wire brushes from LESSMANN (Made in Germany) for special applications that make it easier for you to work on your scooter during repairs and maintenance!

LESSMANN Bürsten Logo

1. The File Cleaning Brush

Stahl-Bürste zum Reinigen von Feilen.

Steel brush for cleaning files. You don’t have to buy a new file if it no longer has the expected effect, cleaning the file is often enough! This special brush from Lessmann is suitable for cleaning the strokes of metal files so that the cutting effect is fully available again. The file cleaning brush is particularly suitable for removing chips and strongly adhering metals such as copper, brass, bronze and aluminium.

2. The rust eraser brush

Rostradierer mit Stahlborsten vom deutschen Qualitätshersteller Lessmann

High quality rust eraser with steel bristles. The brush is ideal for the careful restoration of your vehicle with original paintwork on which parts of the sheet metal have rusted and which should not be sanded over the entire surface. Keyword: O-paint restoration. With the rust eraser, oxide particles can be removed effortlessly, even on surfaces that are already scarred. The bristles on both sides have different thicknesses for precise work. Afterwards, the area can be passivated with a suitable agent (e.g. multifilm). CONCLUSION: Great little tool with great effect and fun factor

3. The steel brush for the rough stuff

Stahl-Bürste zum Entfernen grober Verschmutzungen wie Rost.

This quality steel brush is particularly suitable for removing coarse dirt such as rust. It is not suitable for use on surfaces made of plastic, aluminium, copper, etc.

4. The brass brush for spark plug cleaning

Messing-Bürste zum Reinigen von Masse- und Mittelelektroden von Zündkerzen.

Brass brush for cleaning earth and centre electrodes of spark plugs. Since brushes made of steel unnecessarily roughen the surface and thus new dirt adheres even better than before, a brush made of a softer material than steel should always be used for cleaning spark plugs.

LESSMANN quality brushes | Made in Germany

Lessmann Bürsten

At Scooter Center you get Lessmann Brusheswhich we have found to be particularly suitable and tried and tested for everyday use in the workshop and for repairing / tuning scooters. A small brush like this can be very helpful and really make it easier for you to work cleanly on your scooter / Vespa / Lambretta etc.!

Werkzeugtasche Moto Nostra Oldtimer Retro Look

MOTO NOSTRA tool bag for e.g. Vespa & Lambretta

We have new tool bags from MOTO NOSTRA on offer – and as usual at these times, today we have a product presentation from the home office!

Retro Style Tool Bag| Waxed Canvas

For e.g. classic cars and oldtimers who want to be stylish with their tool storage, we offer this practical tool roll. Of course, they also go great with a modern Vespa GTS or even a motorbike. Robust tool bag made of Waxes Canvas, a hard-wearing and water-repellent material. The tool bag has 5 spacious compartments with large sturdy zips. So the tools stay where you put them. The many compartments create order and offer quick access in an emergency. When rolled up, the bag can be securely closed with a wide strap and sturdy clip and compressed to be as handy as possible. The bag has three handles and two eyelets for fastening or hanging. Available in brown and black and soon also pre-packed with model-specific tools.

Tip: also order a bag for the lady in the house, because the bags can also be stylishly used as a toiletry bag. Kulturbeutel Vespa

  • Tool roll with zip compartments and buckle in brown
  • Tool roll with zip, compartments and buckle in black


You can find the emergency lamp here: Video of the lamp:

Notfall LED Taschenlampe / Arbeitsleuchte COB LED von MOTO NOSTRA



You can find matching bags from Moto Nostra here Video MOTO NOSTRA bags:

Neue Taschen für Motorroller 🎥😮 Moto Nostra Taschen für Motorroller


Clutch tool for Vespa

Our new clutch tool is a clutch extractor for Vespa Largeframe and a clutch compressor for Large- and Smallframe at the same time. This super small and handy tool in workshop quality should be part of every on board tool set and of every garage!

Quick, safe and gently loosening of tight clutches!

bgm clutch puller kupplungsabzieher (15)

A securing nut tightens the so-called 6 and 7 spring clutches of Vespa Largeframe-models.

This screw connection often is not strong enough for power transmission.
Causing the woodruff key to shear off and the clutch hub to distort on the crankshaft. „Screwed“ on the taper in this manner, you won’t be able to loosen the entire clutch easily after loosening the securing nut of the crankshaft as you usually would. You should rather expect fierce resistance.

Hint: Do you want to continue to drive with a 6 or 7 coil spring clutch? Use our special nut with hex head to tighten the clutch. Using this is a lot easier and safer than an ordinary securing nut.

Clutch extractor for Vespa Largeframe

Our BGM PRO extractor also loosens very resistant clutches and makes dismantling easy. bgm clutch puller kupplungsabzieher (2)

You will no longer need heavy tools, large levers, which damage the sealing surface of the clutch cover. The same is true for working on or even destroying the entire clutch.

The extractor is made of high-strength steel. It engages with the clutch spider, grips tightly and pulls the clutch hub off the crankshaft.

bgm clutch puller kupplungsabzieher (17)

Clutch compressor for Vespa Smallframe and Largeframe

The small tool may also be used as clutch compressor to exchange discs and springs of Largeframe- and Smallframe-clutches. bgm clutch puller kupplungsabzieher 002

This handy tool is small and fit in any tool box. We’re no longer leaving without…

This is the correct way to mount a stud

Brake drums, cylinders, engine casings – studs are everywhere. Mounting usually includes the locknut method. And we have even seen the use of pliers… But this can be prevented:

Gentle and easy assembly

Exchanging studs is easy when using a tool with tight grip.

BGM72KT 006

Our stud installer has been designed to meet the demands of classic scooters.

No size has troubles with a short thread and can be used in small spaces without worries.
Please note: The mounting tool doesn’t need a long thread. You should therefore make sure that the minimum engagement depth is met.


Special tool for Vespa, Lambretta and Co.

Studs in the engine casing or the cylinder outlet are one example for special cases. These are tight spaces and the studs are very short. A standard roller type stud extractor would definitely lead to damages of the thread or will be limited in use, due to a lack of space. BGM72KT 001

Our BGM tool doesn’t strain the thread of the stud. The actual grip comes from the integrated ball, which grips the head of the bolt.

BGM72KT 015

These helpers are small and therefore easy to store in the luggage box on any tour. BGM72M6(1)

These stud installers are available as set or individually in M6, M7 and M8. BGM72KT(1)

Stud installer

Smart tool by BGM for damage free mounting and dismounting of studs.

Screw the BGM PRO tool to the stud and lock it with the integrated hex socket screw. Thus gripping the thread of the stud. Now turn the outer sides of the key. The stud is fixed and will either be loosened or tightened. Watch for a sufficient lock for a tight grip of the tool.

Perfect for short bolts (as for Lambretta gear box covers). Minimum length of free thread of stud: M6 / /M7 = 6,5mm M8 = 9mm.

Available individually or as set.
Rare thread size M7 also available!

Necessary additional tool: Ring / open end wrench: WS19, hex wrench: 6mm

Now available: CMD Beluga for Lambretta ignitions

We had already announced the development of this awesome tool for Lambretta. Now the Beluga is finally available:

  • precise scale,
  • quick inverse measurement,
  • precise and reproducible results,
  • using a strobe timing gun is possible when Beluga is attached,
  • excellent stainless steel,
  • special support for Lambretta.

The Whale for Vespa = Beluga for Lambretta

Beluga for Lambretta is the equivalent of the Whale for Vespa. Watch a detailed video here in order to know how to easily and precisely adjust the ignition of your scooter:

Vespa special tool for vintage scooters

We have added a nice special tool for Vespa by BGM PRO to our program, which is especially suitable for those loving older Vespa models like the GS or younger, also known as wideframes..

BGM7913TL (29)

Tight drive shaft bearing

The following affects many screw connections of older Vespa ladies: they rust and become to tight to move due to ageing, lacking maintenance and not being used. Sometimes this issue can only be dealt with fiendish tricks.

The bearing shield of the centre main shaft bearing is a fitting example. Usually the threaded face ring, made of plain steel, was exposed to acids, old oil and water for several decades. This was plenty of time to establish an intimate relationship with the engine casing’s alloy.

BGM7913TL (1)

Our special solution works for sure

Sometimes it seems impossible to separate these lovers. In this situation a simple face wrench tends to slip off. We therefore „included“ the option of preloading to our tool.

BGM7913TL (12)

BGM7913TL (25)

At the end of the bearing guide, you will find a bolt sitting on the drive shaft. This generates preload and prevents the wrench of slipping. You will therefore be able to safely reach the necessary output torque to loosen the nut without a slipping face wrench.

BGM7913TL (3)

The screw will hardly move? Even then you will be able to loosen it without causing any damage to the threaded ring. Wrench in its guide and threaded face ring have the same pitch. Therefore the tool will follow the loosened ring with the same preload. It’s impossible for the wrench to slip off. BGM7913TL (15)

It’s possible to use both popular wrench sizes of threaded rings with this tool.

  • Bolt pitch of face holes 37mm suitable for threaded ring with an inner diameter of 28mm.
  • Bolt pitch of face holes 43mm suitable for threaded ring with an inner diameter of 35mm.


The tool is driven by wrench sizes WS22 and WS17. Threaded pins differ in size, which makes it easy to differentiate.
The large pin (l=25mm) fits the threaded ring with the large inner diameter and the small threaded pin fits the threaded ring with the small inner diameter.

Just in case: both pins are available as spare parts.

BGM7913TL (23)

Depending on which threaded ring you want to loosen, you can „hide“ the other threaded pin in the tool. BGM7913TL (29)

Face wrench rear hub bearing -BGM PRO Øi=28mm/35mm, Øbolt circle=37mm/43mm, 4-pin– Vespa Wideframe 98/125/150cc V98,V1T-15T, V30T-33T, Hoffmann HA/HB, VM,VN, VL, VB, VGL, VD, GS150, Piaggio APE A1T-15T, AB1T-4T, AC, APA,

Item number BGM7913TL

BGM PRO special tool for bearing shield of rear hub of any Vespa wideframe model.
Thanks to smart construction, you may use this tool for both bolt circle sizes (Ø37+43mm). You will have the possibility to preload the tool on the nut. Tool and nut have the same pitch, which leads to a constant preload, therefore it’s impossible to slip off.

  • Fits Vespa 98cc, 125cc, 150cc: V98, V1T-15T, V30T-33T, Hoffmann HA/HB, VM,VN, VL, VB, VGL, VD, GS150
  • Also fits Piaggio APE: A1T-15T, AB1T-4T, AC, APA, APB, AD, AE0


BGM7913TL fits:


  • 125 (1949)
  • 125 (V15T)
  • 125 (V1T)
  • 125 (V30T)
  • 125 (V33T)
  • 98 1 (1946)
  • 98 2 (1946)
  • 98 3 (1947)
  • 98 4 (V98)
  • 150 (VL1T)
  • 150 (VL2T)
  • 125 (VM1T)
  • 125 (VM2T)
  • 125 (VN1T)
  • 125 (VN2T)
  • 150 GS (VS1T)
  • 150 GS (VS2T)
  • 150 GS (VS3T) GS3
  • 150 GS (VS4T) GS3
  • 150 GS (VS51T) GS3
  • 125 U (VU1T)
  • ACMA
  • APE


Impact wrench by TOPTUL for your scooter garage

The small but powerful tool by Toptul.

The very compact size of only 97mm head length make the Toptul impact wrench the perfect tool for very tight areas as with the engine still in place.

08.02.2016 040

Small, light, STRONG

With an output torque of 678Nm the little fellow helps in unscrewing unmanageable screw connections. This even eases the task of untightening rusted rear hub nut.

You may also use the impact wrench by Toptul to untighten hardly accessible clutch nuts of largeframe Vespas, because of its small dimensions.

You will always have enough space to work comfortably, even if equipped with a heavy nut and a castle nut wrench for works on the engine still in place.

You will always remain in control of this 1.6kg lightweight of a bully.

Toptul impact

Perfect impact wrench for Vespa

A special principle of operation of the impact wrench allows you to easily loosen screw connections with nuts that could possibly turn or with bolts that are almost too tight.

With the exhaust screw of largeframe engines being the perfect example. A normal sized impact wrench would reach as far as the rear brake, making a straight access impossible.

Toptukl impact_2

The selector lever is positioned on the back of the impact wrench in order to be used with one hand only. The desired force will be made available when pulling the trigger, thanks to clear interlock.

08.02.2016 041

This handy and strong impact wrench by Toptul is ideal for working in tight spots. A compact size with 97mm head length only but 678Nm output torque are perfect for hard works such as clutch nuts in largeframe Vespas.

  • The 1.6kg lightweight is easy to use with one hand
  • Adjust torque with one hand
  • Ratchet connection: 1/2″
Schlagschrauber (Druckluft) -TOPTUL 1/2" 678 Nm- Artikelnr. KAAQ1650

Individual gift ideas for scooterists by the Scooter Center team

Name: Alex


How long have you been working for Scooter Center:

Since 2002

What is your task at Scooter Center:

Basically anything related to technical scooter equipment.

What’s your relation to scooters:

I still have my first scooter – a typical PX80. Some PX200, also with sidecar, a T4 from 1961 (my oldest scooter), an ET3, V50S, V50Special and more complete my fleet.
During ESC racing weekends and for long distance races I also ride a PK-XL.

Racing is one of my favourite past times.

Gift idea for scooterists

Gudgeon pin puller -UNIVERSAL- Ø=13, 15, 16, 19, 22mm

Part no. 7674333


gudgeon pin puller



Bummed worn or tight gudgeon pins are a nightmare. The puller eliminates the danger of accidentally bending the connecting rod of the crankshaft.

Gudgeon pin puller

This awesome tool extremely simplifies pulling the gudgeon pin. This tool is perquisite when it comes to vehicles, which can only be worked on from one side. Take Vespa PX, for instance. The gap between frame and cylinder is very small, making it almost impossible to use pliers. A very tight gudgeon pin can also be a problem when working on the engine placed on a workbench. If you want to pull the pin, you will have to support the connecting rod and the piston in order to put no pressure in the connecting rod bearing and/or the thrust washer.
The Buzzetti tool solves this problem by resting on the piston. The pin is pulled with a suitable taper adaptor with internal thread. This process resembles unscrewing a simple screw. It is extremely simple and still highly efficient. Defects to the crank drive are prevented in the first place and an exchange is a lot easier.

Supplied with taper adaptors with the following diameters:
Ø= 13,15,16,19,22mm

Even Martin Cook of Chislespeed (GB) said in Scootering magazine no. 308 that it was his favourite tool!


Individual gift ideas for scooterists by the Scooter Center team

Name: Ulf


How long have you been working for Scooter Center:

Almost from the beginning, so for 22 years

What is your task at Scooter Center:

Purchase Asia, almost anything linked to management

What’s your relation to scooters:

I ride scooters since 1984. I started with a Zündapp R50 (former police scooter). At the age of 18 I got my first Vespa, a 200 Rally, and two years later my first Lambretta (Lui 50). My oldest scooter is a Lambretta B from 1950, my youngest a Piaggio ZipSP with 172 Malossi engine.
My greatest scooter experiences were the ride with my Rally 200 to Italy aged 19, meetings in England and Customshows in the mid 80s and 90s and every Eurolambretta. Visiting vintage markets before the age of the internet and journeys with friends to Italy and England to look for scooter bargains.

Gift idea for scooterists

Wire rope cutter -TOPTUL Pro Series-

Part no. DNCA227E

wire rope cutter


There is nothing worse than bad tools. We sell Toptul tools, because we are using them every day. The cost-benefit ratio is positive and our garage guru Alex, who hates bad tools, swears by it. The wire rope cutter makes frayed cables a story of the past. Everyone, who uses this cutter for the first time, asks: „Why didn’t I have this earlier?“ Personally, you are often too stingy or you don’t see the necessity – therefore I think this is the ideal gift.

Wire rope cutter for scooterists

Shortening a bowden cable or wire cable, no matter if braided or made of thick wire, will no longer cause trouble. The professional wire rope cutter by Toptul cuts any wire cleanly and effortlessly. Hardened blades, which embrace the cable, prevent the cable from fraying and leave a neat cutting edge behind. Unlike a diagonal cutting pliers, the wire won’t be crushed between the blades but sheared.

Thanks to a high transmission, cutting thick wires is easily possible, even when an ordinary diagonal cutting pliers would long have given up.

Perfect tool for a scooter garage!

  • Special cutting shape
  • Very high transmission ratio
  • Effortless and neat cut
  • Low energy input
  • For bowden cables and wire cables (also V2A) up to Ø 4.0 mm
  • Spring wire up to Ø 1.5mm
  • Blades additionally inductively hardened
  • Crescent-shaped blades embrace the cables and prevent the wire cable from fraying
  • With opening spring and safety catch

TOPTUL manufactures high quality tools for more than 20 years and is best in terms of cost-benefit ratio. We use TOPTUL products on a day-to-day basis for years now and are entirely convinced.


Individual gift ideas for scooterists by the Scooter Center team

Name: Oliver

How long have you been working for Scooter Center:

From the very beginning, almost 24 years now

What is your task at Scooter Center:

I try to retain overview

What’s your relation to scooters:

My first connection to the world of scooters was a Vespa PK50 XL in 1986. This was the scooter for my first experience with scooter tuning and following several D.R. 75cc and Polini 120cc cylinders I bought an old PX200 in 1988. During the first years this scooter went through a metamorphosis from mod scooter to camouflage Skeleton Vespa. My next scooter was a GS4 with 160cc, which, 25 years later, still is part of my fleet.
Then I started fancying Lambretta and owned several SX200, DL200 etc. until 1994, when I built up the Lambretta Custom „Virtual Reality“.
I still drive the Virtual Reality and I also drive a LI150 series 1 with 195cc BGM R/T cylinder and a Rally 200 with Polini aluminium cylinder and a BGM Touring Big Box.

Gift idea for scooterists

Toptul tool trolley with 322 tools + tool chest with 223 tools

Part no. GV32203 + GX22307

tool trolley tool chest


It is real fun to work with the tool trolley and tool chests. Each individually is extremely well equipped for the needs of a weekend scooter or car mechanic – The foam layers have the perfect shape for the tools, which guarantee fun while working and while tidying up.

We have been using TOPTUL tools for more than 10 years in our garage and are entirely convinced by its quality. Plus, you can buy the TOPTUL tool trolley and tool chest as a set at an unbeatable set price!

TOPTUL tool trolley

TOPTUL manufactures high quality tools for more than 20 years and is best in terms of cost-benefit ratio. We use TOPTUL products on a day-to-day basis for years now and are entirely convinced.

The neatly spaced teeth of the ratchet are only one example. The massive and robust 72-teeth series ratchet offers a fastening efficiency with 5 degrees increments (only 1/72 of a turn), which best suits delicate job requirements.

TOPTUL tools meet or rather outperform standards like DIN / ISO / ANSI. There is a stringent internal quality control, which is proven for instance in the individual calibration chart regarding measurement accuracy and response behaviour supplied with every torque wrench.

From our own experience we can recommend TOPTUL products to any „intense weekend mechanic“ with a clear conscience.
