
Today is the shortest day of the year

Still mostly no snow yet: Cold. Wet. Winter. Your scooter is likely to spend the winter in the dark garage or in the grim cellar.

It is just before Christmas – but that comforts the real Scooterist who does not really hide the fact that the time now is not the best time for scooter riding! In this deeply melancholic time we want to give you the scooter riders hope and show light at the end of the long winter tunnel.

Over 7 bridges shall you go to get the seven tips to get over this winter:

1. Motivations video

2. Summer is certainly on its way

Things are improving: Today is the shortest day of the year – that is, the worst is over and summer is coming! How about a new Vespa cup of hot tea or coffee for as long as the summer is slow in its coming. It would also be great to have a new Vespa bath towel ready when summer finally is there – and it also makes one feel good in the sauna during the thumping waiting time.

Vespa cup and Vespa towel

3. And now become a Scooter Superhero

Get your scooter out of the basement right now and make it a custom project for the SCOOTERSHOW’15! Again, this is the genuine Scooter Customshow 2015 on 21.03.2015 in Cologne

Scooter Customshow 2015

4. The appearance can be misleading

Your motto is more of „Chrome won´t bring you home“? Right now is the best time for an engine revision of your scooter. Using the Scooter Center exploded drawings you can find spare parts for your scooter quickly and easily! Choose here the scooter model or visit all exploded drawings.

5. Let it shine

And then something about the look: Paint care with our new ROTWEISS paint care products

Rot Weiss Paint Care

6. Hard Scooter Boys

You don’t know about what I am writing here? Are you always enjoying your scooter through the whole year? My tip: bgm PRO stainless steel rims and good winter tyres. With these on you just go everywhere: Sticky has raced through the desert having the Vespa rims.

Vespa Rims 0397

7. Christmas with friends

By now – along with the desert theme – you should already be getting a bit warmer. But let us return to the harsh reality: Winter. Christmas! So to also leave some sense of Christmas spirit, you can look for bargains in our Advent Calendar (TIP: also retroactively) and win a super cool Bell Custom 500 Jet Helmet!

We wish you a terrific Christmas time with friends and family!

Your Scooter Center Team