Castrol Classic Merchandise
We offer a high quality range of classic items, from oil cans / oil jugs to magnets and wall signs, all with the iconic 1946 Castrol Classic branding. Whether in the workshop or at home, our nostalgic range combines both retro style and functionality. Including workshop accessories, clothing and more, there’s something for every classic car owner or enthusiast.
Whether as a gift for an enthusiastic scooterist or as a present for yourself, you will find the perfect something in our range!
Buy Classic Castrol Collection hereThe idea of castor oil
Castrol was founded by Charles „Cheers“ Wakefield under the name „CC Wakefield & Company“. In 1899, Wakefield left his job at Vacuum Oil to start his own business selling lubricants for railways and heavy machinery. In the early 20th century, Charles developed an interest in two new motorised vehicles: the automobile and the aeroplane. His company began developing oils for the new engines. These oils had to be thin enough for cold starting and at the same time thick enough to function at high temperatures. The company’s researchers found that the problem could be solved by adding castor oil, a vegetable oil made from castor seeds. They called the new product „Castrol„. In 1919, John Alcock and Arthur Brown used Castrol oil on the first non-stop transatlantic flight in history.
Heiko’s idea with Castrol sponsorship & fast to slow
CC Wakefield not only invented a new type of motor oil, but also a new way to attract potential customers to his product: sponsorship. The Castrol name appeared on banners and flags at air races, car races and speed record attempts. Over time, the brand name of the motor oil became far better known than that of the company’s founder/company. This circumstance led to the renaming of „CC Wakefield & Company“ in 1960 to Castrol Ltd.
ROLLERSHOP, Scootering & Mods, Scooterboys and Scooter Scene
We all know what was wrong with the engine: the reason for the uncontrolled gear changes, was the worn „round“ gear shift cross. The nearest Vespa dealer wanted DM 700 for the change, but that was out of the budget for my skilful scooter update. I got in touch with other scooter riders. One of them had been skateboarding for the last week and was now suddenly motoring on a brand new Vespa PX 80 Lusso. A month later I met him again, sitting in a suit and polished leather shoes on his Vespa, now plastered with mirrors and chrome parts. The next time I met him, half of his scooter was missing and on his head too. Instead of fine leather shoes and a suit, he was now wearing red boots up to his knees, camouflage trousers and a bomber jacket. On his head, all that was left of his „popper mane“ was a little horn of hair that fluttered listlessly in his face after he had taken off his helmet. Somewhat irritated, I asked him if he had had an accident with his scooter and why he looked so funny. He said he was now Scooterboy and the scooter was a CutDown! He had probably discovered it before, for me it was new at the time: the MOTORETTA, the Scootermag and still in black and white. And so the evil took its course. Now the 80s also became too slow for me somehow, schoolmates with DT, RD, MBX & Co and even some mopeds were faster than me. So if I change the gearshift anyway and take the engine out and disassemble it, I might as well make the bike a bit faster… In the meantime I had also discovered the ROLLERSHOP catalogue and SCOOTERING. I was so fascinated by the custom paint jobs in the glossy magazines that I sat down in my 80s „children’s room“ and dreamed of great paint jobs and scribbled a few of them on paper. Yes, laugh, these are my collected works:
Castrol sponsoring with the „Castrol Vespa Racer
So somehow my dreams regarding the custom paint job didn’t really come true, so I later took the initiative and asked Castrol for a sponsorship. To be honest, I’m a bit uncomfortable about this right now: I was quite sure I had done this at the age of 16. But according to the date of the letter to Castrol, which I found in my „Scooter Scene box“, I was already a bit older and at that time already doing my community service.
Classic Castrol Shop
You don’t need to write sponsorship requests for our Classic Castrol merchandise, you can now get the cool retro Castrol Racing products at a great price in our Classic Castrol Shop:
Also the Scootering-Magazine has our new bgm tire did not escape. So the current issue contains a nice report on our Classic tyres, here they are compared with the legendary MICHELIN ACS, justified.
bgm has launched a new tyre which is a throwback to the old days of scootering but using modern technology. Simply labelled the Classic, the tread pattern is similar to that of the Michelin ACS. For those that can’t remember, the ACS was one of the best tread patterns ever designed for the scooter, not only giving good road-handling properties in the dry but also in wet conditions. For years it was standard issue equipment for both the Vespa and Lambretta. Even today, original examples of the ACS can fetch huge sums as owners want that retro look. Michelin destroyed the moulds back in the late 1980s and so it was consigned to the history books. Thankfully BGM has brought it back to life with the company’s new design. The Classic is speed-rated up to 150kmh/93mph, which is very impressive. This is down to a strengthened carcass which not only improves stability at high speed but also when cornering. Cornering is aided even further by the V shape of the pro?le compared with the U shape, which allows more surface contact as the lean angle is increased. Using a revised compound, they are super grippy in any conditions. Not only does this mean that owners with standard machines who want that classic tyre look will bene?t but also those with tuned engines can use them as well. The Classic is made in Germany and available in the traditional 3.50-10 size. These tyres are now being distributed in the UK with many dealers already stocking them. For more info: