
Lambretta front pinion – sprocket

New front pinion for Lambretta LI, LIS, SX, TV (series 2-3), DL, GP –

From now on we can offer you pinions for your Lambretta from bgm PRO in perfect material and „made in Germany“ quality.

The pinions are made from high-strength, heat-treated steel in grades 16, 17, 18 and 19 teeth in one CNC piece.

The dimensions correspond to the original Innocenti, so that the chain line remains correct. The pinions are labeled for easy identification. Thus the reduction ratio can be seen in the installed state without troublesome counting as it pulls straight to the rear wheel.

Pinion Lambretta BGM8012R19

Available with 16, 17, 18 and 19 teeth

Pinion Lambretta BGM8012R19

Here is a brief overview of the common combinations of pinion, chain wheel, matching chain and the position of the upper chain tensioner.

  • 15/46 – 80 – upper chain tensioner
  • 16/46 – 81 – lower chain tensioner
  • 17/46 – 81 – upper chain tensioner
  • 18/46 – 82 – lower chain tensioner
  • 19/46 – 82 – upper chain tensioner
  • 16/47 – 81 – upper chain tensioner
  • 17/47 – 82 – lower chain tensioner
  • 18/47 – 82 – upper chain tensioner
  • 19/47 – 83 – lower chain tensioner

Lambretta chain

Lambretta chain

We can offer you suitable chains from Iris in reasonable price range and Iwis in heavy duty quality.

In addition to the required special tools to replace the chain and the sprocket, you, of course, also need a

new fill of oil and seals for the oil fill and drain plug, and the transmission cover.

When changing oil, it is worthwhile to equip the gear cover directly with a sight glass – making the oil level in the gear always under control.

3330793 Lambretta gearbox oil screw

Lambretta Tank -JET 200 Lifetime XXL (12 l)

This is the new Lambretta Long Range Tank from our American friends:

Lambretta Lifetime Tank

Lambretta Jet 200 Lifetime Tank

The Lifetime tank is the first Lambretta tank made of polyethylene (HDPE). As the name tells, it lasts a lifetime, and the days of stainless tanks and the associated problems are thus over.




The tank has a capacity of 12 liters, it has cutouts for carburetor on both the right and on the left side and takes the place that was originally intended for the tank, airbox and toolbox. The cutouts are chosen sufficiently large so that a carburetor up to 38 mm fully fits comfortably and still provides sufficient room for maintenance work on the carburetor and simple routing of the cables.


Mounting is very simple: Thanks to screwed-in rubber bushings, the tank is securely and permanently fastened.

Benefits of the Lifetime Lambretta tanks:

  • Impact resistant
  • 100% stainless
  • Lightweight (probably the lightest Lambretta tank
  • Easy installation
  • DOT/CARB compliant
  • 12 liter capacity
  • Made in USA.

Lambretta Tank JET200001

Alfatex seat cover for Lambretta

Seat cover BGM PRO Alfatex- Lambretta LI, LI S, SX, TV – black (Two-cylinder prototype)
Article no. BGM2700

Alfatex Lambretta seat cover


bgm PRO Alfatex seat cover for Lambretta standard seat.

This new seat cover in Alfatex design from the 60s, was used in the three Lambretta 2-cylinder prototypes – which never got into production.


Super quality and fit. It has never been so easy to treat your old seat to an upgrade at this high level.
The installation is very simple – the effect will amaze you!

This seat cover fits on all 1st, 2nd and 3rd series Lambretta LI, SX, TV.



bgm Lambretta Kurbelwellen lieferbar

bgm Lambretta Kurbelwellen lieferbar

All bgm Lambretta crankshafts are available!

Lambretta cranks

Crank -BGM Pro HPC 58mm stroke, 110mm con-rod

Crankshaft -BGM Pro HPC 58mm stroke, 110mm con-rod – Lambretta DL/GP 125cc, 175cc, 200cc, 225cc, 250cc

Produkt-ID: BGM11063G


Crank -BGM Pro HPC 60mm stroke, 115mm con-rod

CrankshaftBGM Pro HPC 60mm stroke, 115mm con-rod – Lambretta DL/GP 125cc, 175cc, 200cc, 225cc, 250cc

Product-ID: BGM11067

Crank -BGM Pro HPC 58mm stroke, 115mm con-rod

Crankshaft -BGM Pro HPC 58mm stroke, 115mm con rod- Lambretta DL/GP 125cc, 175cc, 200cc, 225cc, 250cc

Product-ID: BGM11066

Crank -BGM Pro HPC 60mm stroke, 110mm con-rod

Crankshaft -BGM Pro HPC 60mm stroke, 110mm con-rod – Lambretta DL/GP 125cc, 175cc, 200cc, 225cc, 250cc

Product-ID: BGM11065G



Hidden treasures on scrap yards. What was your best find? WHERE and when?

Hidden treasures  on scrap yards.   What was your best  find? WHERE and when?

Hidden treasures on scrap yards.

What was your best Vespa or Lambretta find? WHERE and when?










Custom Lambretta Matt Thompson

Today we got a fantastic Lambretta scooter as participant in the Center Facebook Customhsow.

Matt Thompson is the owner, he has built this Lambretta by himself, including painting!
Good job!

Custom Lambretta Matt Thompson

There is a cool video with the Lambretta from Matt Thompson:

[youtube] opLTkRtcnCE [/ youtube]

We Love it!

The requests for the delivery date for our bgm PRO MRB RaceTour cylinder kits get more and more. We are very happy to announce a fixed delivery date for the Mark Broadhurst developed kits. This will be mid of June.

bgm PRO MRB RaceTour tuning kit

All the info about the kits you’ll find at your Scooter Center Shop:

For all early birds how pre-order their kit untill the 15th of June 2013, we offer a 5 % discount*. Simply drop an email to: lambretta[at]

*Only for retail customers,

Yesterday, we joined the fifth Cologne night run. After finishing work, Alex, Jadran, Andreas and Stefan from the Scooter Center Team went together to Cologne-Ehrenfeld. Also present was our bgm Lambretta, which was on several runs this year now has 3,500 km on the clock and which since the EuroLambretta been running perfectly without any problem. Meeting point was the Neptun Squaren where almost 75 scooter riders had gathered. Many familiar faces were there and it was an amazingly mild October night with 17°.

At 9pm the corso started. From starting point we headed out of the inner city and went to the rural northwestern suburbs. Around 60km through the night which has been a fantastic view and sound. The tour ended up in a nice local pub back in Cologne. The Scooter Center Team says thanks for this great rideout and we are looking forward to the 6th night run 2013.

On Saturday we drove to the season final in Aachen. Our bgm Lambretta was with us too. Since 2009 there is always a great season opening and final. Despite the horrible weather forecast there were around 150 scooterists in Aachen. Meeting point was the usual parking space near the belgian border.

From here it is only 2 miles to the border from where our 60 Km tour started.

We did a little stop after half way at the American Cemetery Henry Chapel in order to check everything and had a little break.

After the break we set off to Aachen again where we had the chance to call it a day with bbq and drinks.

The Scooter Team says thanks and is looking forward to participating at the 5th season opening in Aachen 2013.

All pics can be found here!!!

A nice video with great impression below:

Abrollern Aachen 13. Oktober 2012

One day after our Classic Day the season final in Dusseldorf took place. Since the first ride was really good already, we did not want to miss that one despite all the preparations for our own season finale the day before. Said and done. Sunday morning we started at 9.30 clock with our bgm Lambretta heading towards the „forbidden city“. The journey went faster than expected thanks to our Lammy and we were even the first to arrive in the Old Town of Dusseldorf.

Here we had the opportunity for a nice meet and greet. Serving local press was also there and the passers-by and tourists were amazed to see so classic scooters in Düsseldorf’s Old Town.

The tour started from the Castle Square then to rural areas of Düsseldorf. After about 50 Km tour we finished at a nice beer garden in order to call it a day.

Abrollern September 2012

The Scooter Center team says thank you and we are looking forward to the next tour organised by the Düsselvespen.

The Scooter Center Team is on the way to the Isle of Wight Scooter Rally. Every August, thousands of vintage scooters (and their owners!) enjoy a the Isle of Wight National Scooter Rally. It’s quite a sight to see when they all come over on the ferries and pour into Ryde, where the rally weekend is based. From Ryde, the scooters ride out around the island… wherever you are on the Isle of Wight that weekend you are likely to come across at least a few of these classic scooters! We have our SCK Demonstrator and our bgm Testbike with us and some chosen products like the bgm PRO SC shock absorber, the bgm ignition plate and the new bgm CDI. Dont forget to book your test ride. Simply write us an Email to:

Everything is packed and we are now ready to go. After the Isle of Wight run we are moving on to the Mersea Island Rally. This year the Mersea Island Rally is celebrating its 20th Anniversary. We are looking forward to meet you on the ground. The Scooter Center Team wishes everyone some great days. Be there or be square.

This year the annual Euro Lambretta took place in Wachtebeke near Gent in Belgium. The venue was an island in the middle of a pond. It was absolutely fantastic.

Around 1.200 scooterists came to the event and made it a really special weekend. The program was well organized and there were many ride outs which we all enjoyed a lot.

We brought our bgm test bike and our 20th Anniversary shop demonstrator with us. Everyone had the opportunity to test our new designed bgm Lambretta with 22.5hp. We also offered spare parts from our shop.

It was a really great event and the Scooter Center team really enjoyed it. We hope to see you all next year at the Euro Lambretta in Avignon, France.

(Fotos: Yoleila)

We did select our top gear in order to get our test bike ready for the EuroLambretta. It was a really exciting project and the results are outstanding.

The test bike engine had 22.5 hp on our dyno with our bgm plug & play tuning. We use Indian 200cc casings with bgm MRB RT 225 barrel, bgm PRO 60/110 crank, 30mm PWK carb, MRB RaceTour clutch and hopefully the first sample of the upcoming bgm MRB Clubman exhaust. Does anyone fancy booking a test ride already?

The chassis with our bgm PRO shock absorber are putting an end to bumpy rides. Incredible technique can be found in this Lambretta. Worth a try.

Last Saturday the Niederrunners SC in Moers organised their 2nd Vespa and Lambretta Customshow. Venue was again the Bollwerk 107 in close by Moers central station.

Good weather and great food and drinks made this event fantastic. A jumping castle for the kids and lots of things to discover attracted also many young families. Lots of things to see for our small guest, for example one of the exhibited scoters was a “Sponge Bob” memory scoot which brought a smile on the kids’ faces.

Many visitors came also with their own scooter and one was able to count around 120 kickstart scooters.

We are looking forward to the 3rd show next year and want to thank the SC in Moers for a great day.

A small gallery of Saturdays’ winners:

Best Smallframe

Best Largeframe

Best Oldie

Our bgm test bike. This project will be restored with our bgm parts in order to show it on the EuroLambretta.

After the initial work steps we got an overview of what we needed.

We decided to use a new floor board and side panels as well. With some effort they have perfect clearance between horn cast and leg shield and as well between bridge piece and floor board. Luckily nearly all Lambretta body parts are still available. Our Scooter Center stickers can be seen in the pictures.

The mudguard shape is slightly altered. The shape is a bit more sportive. The brackets for fixing the mudguard to the fork have been welded to the opposite side in order to make room for the weld-on damper brackets.

Now we just need to decide on the colour scheme.

Some bodyparts needed some TLC so therefore we decided to let the body parts being sand blasted.

The engine was checked and ripped apart in order to exchange all necessary parts. The casings were prepared for sand blasting as well.

To be continued…

This Saturday the 2nd Classic Customshow in Moers, Germany will take place again hosted by Niederrunners SC. Great show and good party in the evening.

There will be plenty of food from the barbie and drinks. There will be a bouncy castle for the small ones and a test rig for the big ones :-)

DJ Champ and Dr. No will perform on the nighter from 8pm onwards. Be there or be square.

20 years SCK have to be celebrated. Our season opening this year will be celebrated together with our Classic Day on May 5th from 10am until 4pm.

If you are a passionate Scooterist like the company’s founders Oliver Kluger and Ulf Schröder, then it is obvious to make more out of it. In 1992, Oliver and Ulf founded SCOOTER CENTER Köln in their parents‘ garage. A dream came true. Today, we are the oldest and one of the largest Vespa, Lambretta and Automatic mail-order and online shop on the German market.

This year, our Classic Day will be all about our 20th anniversary. Our shop will be opened as usual and on top there will be a private spare part market as well. To keep you guys motivated we will offer plenty of drinks and food from the BBQ.

In addition to live music the engine test stand will be opened as well. A small fee of 5 € will be donated to the children’s hospital in Cologne.

You are all invited to start the season with us. We look forward to meeting you at our shop in Glessen. And here are some impressions from last year:

A couple of days Japan’s leading scooter magazine SCOOTER DAYS has published an article about a nice joint venture between MB Developments, bgm, KASHIRA products, Taka from and us. The story started months ago.
Taka will be the leading man for the project. Together with MB Developments and we will supply the parts for the bike. Mainly this is the complete bgm range for Lambretta.
There will be created a bike to show to Japanese scooterists. Everybody will be allowed to ride and use the bike and get a feeling for a bike built from the best parts available. Originally it was planned to convert a Series 2 to something similar like the Rallymaster. Sadly the frame was to rotten and no spare frame easy to get in Japan. So the plan was changed and an officially GP 200 imported to Japan is used now. This had some unique features to satisfy market needs. The headset from the SX range was used for a more 6Ts look. Additionally indicators like on the mid version Serveta and a spare wheel carrier at the rear.
The masterplan is t o give a massive technical upgrade to the bike for ultra reliability. The small engine casings will be equipped with the MBD Racetour kit, bgm 600 mm stroke crank with 110 mm Yamaha con rod, bgm 30 mm PWK carb and Clubman style exhaust. The goal is to get good power, a very wide power spread and ultra low fuel consumption. Therefore the MB reed inlet manifold will be used. For additional reliability the bgm ignition and regulator will be fitted.
For sure chassis and brakes will be upgraded using bgm parts as well. Gadget like Satnav will be powered straight from the DC power output of the regulator. So will the bike be equipped with fuel gauge, rev counter and other nice gimmicks.
After the Japanese disaster the decision was very soon made, that the bike will be auctioned and the money taken spent for the victims.


Our good friend Taka Kitagawa has co-organized a scooter Rally in Japanese ISE SHIMA national park. The Rally was held I a nice and familiar atmosphere.

The first date for the Rally was cancelled because of a Typhoon. Finally thet Rally took place last weekend. Despite the oncoming winter in Japan as well, our friends were indulged with mild temperatures and beautiful sunshine.

After the BIG RUMBLING Rally the Skooter Ride Out is the largest Rally in Japan. The Feedback for the Rally was second to none and much more entrants are expected for next year’s Rally.

This is the resumme from Taka: “We are obtaining the feeling that SCOOTERING SCENE of Japan began to move. I have been really deeply moved! Thank you SCOOTER CENTER!!! In the rias coast, SHIMA-CITY by which we did Rally is beautiful city. Nice Road, nice food and beautiful scenery! Scooter Scene of Japan received the off-season with our Rally.

If you have a look at the pictures, you have to agree totally and we are sure, you can’t wait until you head of for the next Rally.

Thanks for the pictures to Nao Sumii!

Vielen Dank an die Twisted Pistons und die Scooterszene Köln für eine tolle Veranstaltung bei traumhaften Wetter in einer super Location. Das SCOOTER CENTER hat diesen tollen Event gerne unterstützt!

Hier präsentieren wir Dir die Fotos und die Ergebnisse der Vespa & Lambretta Customshow in Köln:


Best Lambretta Oldie: Charlotte von Rolf May (LCD)
Best Lambretta Custom: Zombie von Hansi
Best Lambretta Street Racer: Castrol Lammy von Phil
Best Gespann: Kirmes Gespann von Till
Best Rat: Rost Racer von Superkölle
Punter´s Choice: Diamond Vespa von Schlubbi
Best Vespa Oldie: Vespa 125 von Andreas
Best Vespa Custom: Trendkiller von Tobias
Best Vespa Street Racer: Death or Glory von Jens
Best Vespa Smallframe Oldie: V50 von Ulrike
Best Vespa Smallframe Street Racer: Falc Racer von Karsten
Best Vespa Smallframe Custom: Orangenhaut von Kai
Best of All: Lord of the Rings von Andreas H.