Individual gift ideas for scooterists by the Scooter Center team
Name: Thomas
How long have you been working for Scooter Center:
Since 1996 (so I am almost part of the furniture ;-) )
What is your task at Scooter Center:
Product management
What’s your relation to scooters:
I ride scooters since 1987. It all started with a P200E, I simply didn’t have the money to buy a car. 2 years later I purchased my first Lambretta, a LD125 (2nd series). Over time there were more Vespas and Lambrettas. Now I only owe Lambrettas, a Lambretta 125m (2nd series) of 1948 is my oldest, a Lambretta DL 200 of 1969 my youngest.
Eurolambretta 1991 in Den Haag definitely is one of the most important meetings for me. And so are various meetings in Venlo and Scooter Dive in Aachen 1991.
Two books every weekend mechanic needs to have read!
Gift idea for scooterists
Book -Motorradelektrik in der Praxis (Motorcycle electrics in practice) – by Hans Hohmann
Part no. 7676940
The strongest motorcycle without working electrics is just a collection of interesting parts of a machine. There is hardly anything that drives a motorist into despair like the mysterious „copper worms“ in the wiring harness of a motorcycle: when indicating fuses blow, the motorcycle has light bulbs for breakfast, ignition suddenly dies… No reason for knee-jerk reactions – a little fundamental knowledge and a systematic approach will lead to the core of the problem. Hans Hohmann, motorcycle journalist and experienced coach for mechanics classes, helps with humour and clear words:
– Explanations of motorcycle electrics step by step and assembly by assembly.
– Presentation of principles of functioning, sources of errors, possibilities of improvement.
– Hints and tricks and „programmed troubleshooting“ offer fitting advice for electric situations.
“Motorradelektrik in der Praxis” – a must have! Suitable for any type!
Book -Motorradvergaser und Einspritzsysteme (Motorcycle carburetor and fuel injection systems) – by John Robinson
Part no. 7676939
4th edition 2012, 176 pages, 130 B/W photos, 140 B/W pictures, size 21.4 x 27.7 cm, hardcover, Moby Dick
For advanced mechanics: detailed and well founded explanation of tasks, construction and function of carburetors and fuel injection systems, with numerous photos and graphics. Valuable hints for tuning round this information up.