PARMAKIT Scooter Power Parts 100% Made in Italy

We have been on Italy tour for you again. This time we have been heading for Parma in Emiglia-Romagna. And just as it has been the case for our visit of the Rimini Lambretta Centre, we haven’t seen much of the scenery. Sightseeing wasn’t part of our program – we wanted something a lot better: We were heading for the industrial area and PARMAKIT.

Parmakit Vespa Scooter Tuning

Friendly business

PARMAKIT had already visited us and has had a booth at our Customshow in Cologne. Now was the time to visit them in Italy. Currently you can still take part in our PARMAKIT – raffle

„Dolce Vita“, „Bella Italia“ and „sun always shines in Italy“?
Not at all. At the beginning of May we had snow on the Brenner Pass and rain in Parma. But a warm welcome at PARMAKIT made us feel a lot better and we were allowed to take a look behind the scenes of the renowned company. We were overwhelmed by their know-how, diversity but especially by quality and performance of their products.

PARMAKIT stands for highest quality and 100% MADE IN ITALY

Just as we take it with BGM, PARMAKIT cooperates with companies and suppliers in the region to assure a constantly high level of quality.

Having scooter racing in the blood

PARMAKIT started in racing and these kind Italians also live racing to the fullest. Last weekend they won the POLINI-CUP. They are currently pepping up the ESC – European Scooter Challenge. The next race they intend to win is the BSSO – British Scooter Racing coming weekend in East Fortune close to Edinburgh, Scotland. The experiences made in racing are incorporated in the development of the Italian products with extremely high standards.

Parmakit at Scooter Center

We and PARMAKIT will cooperate even closer in the future, share experiences and enlarge our product range. Stay tuned!

This short video sums our impressions up:

More information on developments and new products here in the Scooter Center Blog. Direct link to PARMAKIT products in the Scooter Center Shop

Here you will find every spare part for Vespa and other scooters

To some it is carburetor, to others carbureter, and to yet someone else it may be carburator, carburettor or carburetter. The search engine of our Scootershop tries to eliminate this malice. Which term do you use? No matter what terms are used by others or if you don’t know the correct term: rollerteile explosionszeichnungen

Simple search for spare parts with the help of exploded views

Our spare part finder makes it even easier: optic part navigation in our exploded views helps you find all the spare parts for your scooter you need.

Try it right away. Choose your scooter model here or check all exploded views out.

Protect your scooter from theft

Customers whose scooters have been stolen call us for help over and over again. Most of the time it is about precious collector’s items like the Vespa or Lambretta models. grip-lock-schloss-test-gut

Therefore, we want to point out once more that we have locks on offer. Unfortunately, you can never be 100% secure but it gives you a good conscience when parking your scooter with a lock system attached to it – even in your own garage/basement. Attach it to a chain and also an additional lock that makes it impossible to ride the scooter or push it away, e.g. the Grip-Lock – system, that locks the throttle and the brake lever in braking position and blocks the front wheel.

Grip-Lock test rating: GOOD

In the current issue of MOTORRAD (of 4 September 2015) in the advice section “Ratgeber” you will find a report about the Grip-Lock „Ausprobiert“ [tried it out].
MOTORRAD rating: good

Grip Lock secure protection against theft for scooters
Grip-Lock is a long-life – high security lock

  • Suitable for almost all scooters
  • Cannot be picked with ordinary lock-picking devices
  • Very robust against drilling attacks
  • Maximum longevity and uncompromising security under all conditions
  • 3 year warranty

„RollerSzene“ of the Syburger Verlag has already tested the Grip-Lock device, too:

„Of course, the Grip-Lock is no alternative to a chain or a garage. Yet, it is small enough to be carried along at all times, it is easy to use and during short breaks it possibly gives you the decisive plus in security against theft.“ Link to the complete article (in German)

GRIP LOCK security lock

For the brake and clutch lever

GRIP-LOCK security lock is probably the easiest and most effective way to secure your scooter, quad or motorcycle against theft.

  • Minimum packing dimension (easily fits into the glove box/toolbox/topcase/bag)
  • Fits nearly all scooters, mopeds, motorcycles and ATV’s. 27-38mm grip diameter
  • Impossible to forget taking it off, contrary to rim lock systems
  • Weight: only 330g
  • Dimensions: 15×4,5×4,5cm
Buy Grip-Lock here

Jerry can for scooters

Hünersdorff „Fuel Friend“ transportable jerry cans 1 litre, 2 litres and 3 litres with fuel filler for all petrol nozzles. All of these fit in the glove box of a Vespa.


Summertime is the time to travel. Have you ever been in that situation, fearing that the petrol left in your tank won’t last until the next petrol station? Have you even ever had a breakdown due to an empty tank? We know this problem and therefore searched for a solution – and found it:

Today we would like to introduce a reasonable add-on to your tool kit:

Extremely handy transportable jerry cans

Our Hünersdorff jerry cansMade in Germany can usually be filled with a petrol nozzle at the petrol station and have a volume of 1 litre, 2 litres or 3 liters, which comes with the certainty to get to the next opened petrol station.

1 litre jerry can

The 1 litre Fuel Friend is equipped with two very handy flaps at the sides, in order to attach the jerry can safely to the scooter. For a Vespa or Lambretta this happens for example under or on the seat, for a Vespa GTS or Gilera Runner in the luggage box or, according to the type of scooter, the jerry can can be attached under the fairing or to the frame. Thanks to the flaps there are no limits to your creativity.

Very sturdy jerry cans

All FuelFriend cans are very sturdy – a double skin makes it feel like a jerry can from the petrol station but not to be compared in quality. vespa-motorroller-reservekanister_2-scooter-center

2 litre jerry can

We offer two different 2 litre jerry cans:

Fuel Friend 2 liter jerry can

This transportable jerry can has a large mouth and can be filled with petrol nozzles at the petrol station.vespa-motorroller-reservekanister_3-scooter-center

Hünersdorff 2 litre jerry can with integrated spout

This standard Hünersdorff jerry can does not have a large mouth and has to be filled by the help of a funnel. But something special is hidden beneath its small cap: If you detach the cap, you will find a small snorkel. You pull this integrated spout out of the can, which enables you to cleanly fill your tank with petrol.

The Hünersdorff 2 litre jerry can also has a flap to securely attach it to the scooter. Which is missing for the 2 litre „Fuel Friend“.


3 litre jerry can

The 3 litre transportable jerry can is traditionally shaped. Even this three litre jerry can can still be fitted in the glove box of a Vespa PX EFL or LML Star. You have to place it vertically – the can won’t leak and on a long ride out three liters of additional petrol really calm you down!

Comparison in size

1 litre / 3 litre / 2 litre


Jerry can in the Vespa glove box

Here you can see some pictures of fitting a jerry can and a can of oil in a Vespa PX EFL / T5. 1/2/3 litre jerry can, 1 litre oil and the tool kit easily fit in.

Handy add-on

This isn’t meant to be a „Do you also need a leather care product for your new shoes? – trick“: It really is a helpful and handy add-on to your jerry can.

Safety fuel filler

The safety fuel filler, or to put in in the words of Hündersdorff „filling system for fuel“, fits all standard Hünersdorff jerry cans from 1 to 20 litres.vespa-motorroller-reservekanister_10-scooter-center

Safe and clean thanks to automatic ventilation

It’s annoying when the mix of petrol and oil drops next to the tank! This is not only an ecological and economic waste, but also harms the paint of the scooter. Using the safety fuel filler for jerry cans puts an end to this.

There is an easy explanation: The fuel filler is equipped with an automatic ventilation. A feature you know from racing: Turn the can around and it won’t leak. Only when you push the fuel filler on the tank, the lid will open and petrol is being filled in the tank. When you stop putting pressure on the filler, the jerry can is sealed and won’t leak.



The air used for ventilation flows through a central opening, while the petrol runs into the tank through openings at the sides. When reducing pressure, a rubber seal will prevent further drops.

Jerry cans for more than 3 litres

You need a jerry can for the car, garage or racetrack? You can find any jerry can in the Scooter Center Scootershop.

Buy jerry can

Swing arm Piaggio Maxi Engine Gilera Runner and Co.

Good news for performance fetishists and lovers of Piaggio automatik two-stroke-engines.

For you, we further developed our BGM PRO swing arm to reinforce the engine case, optimized it and have it produced in a new design:

Swing arm BGM PRO Superstrong Piaggio 125-180 cc 2-stroke BGM7900N


The legendary BGM PRO swing arm

bgm pro motorschwinge

This idea originated during the construction phase of our shop demonstrator. A reasonable reinforcement of the engine case was particularly needed for the 50 hp strong twin.

Usage notes

As for the previous version, some things have to be considered in order to link the swing arm to your engine whilst protecting the large, and now rare, Piaggo two-stroke engines:

  • fits Piaggio 125 -180 engines with disc brake
  • exhaust support at engine case needs to be adapted
  • exhaust systems need to be adapted for assembly
Order your swing arm here

Easy assembly

First, the engine case has to be adapted. The easiest way is to “adjust“ the screw, which is screwed through the support from behind, with a gap of 5mm.

BGM7900N_2 BGM7900N_5 BGM7900N_4

For security reasons you should, as a trial, assemble and check, if it runs parallel to the surface at the Vario cover. Shortening by at least 5 mm is usually always necessary. Depending on the combination of assembly parts, the gap can vary and be up to 10 mm wide.


Fastening the rear wheel

The two-rowed self-aligning ball bearing can be fitted at a maximum angle of 5°. The swing arm comes with longer screws to fit the rear wheel. The screws should be fitted with liquid screw locking.


Security advice

The swing arm was produced for race use only.

There are many variations of hubs, rims and engine cases on the market.
Therefore we advise you to thoroughly check if the parts fit before the assembly and finally to very thoroughly assemble the parts.

scooter tuning supersale shop

Scooter tuning parts with 20% discount

We reduced the price on many scooter tuning brands:

scooter tuning supersale shop

Top Tuning brands cheaper

scooter tuning logos Rabatt Sale



Click here for Scooter Center SUPER SALE

Finally back in stock are our bgm PRO swing arms / stays for all Piaggio Maxi 2stroke engines.

The stay gives the perfect reinforcment to the casings.

Broken casings should be an issue of the past.

The guidance of the rear wheel is much better too and the ride is more stable.

The bgm PRO swing arm was heavily race tested. Amongst others by Kübler Racing team at scooter cross racing!

Classic for the reinforcement of the casings!

Back at your one stop scooter shop!

At this year’s Essen Motorshow you can finally meet the Scooter Tuning scene. Meet Scooter Center there as well. Together with Püppi Tuning and Motormovies we have a stall there.

On Display you can find real crabon fairings, alloy sprinter frames, drag Race scoots fully equipped with NOS as well as classic geared scooters of the make like Lambretta and Vespa.

Doreen’s Girlyscoot (Püppi-Tuning) will be on display at the show in Hall 7.

You will find the SCK stall with number 212 at hall 4. Come and have a chat with us.


Here are the first impressions, don’t miss it!

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Finally they are here! The long awaited X-treme crankshafts from Airsal. And if thtese guys are saying X-treme they really do mean it: 45mm stroke!!! That gives with a 50 mm bore diameter 88,3 ccm. And with the 47,6 mm bore more than 77 ccm!

Stroke it, baby!

Today available on the phone and during the next days in our e-commerce shop: