The most ugly Lambretta in the universe


Off to Verona with our BGM Lambretta

Mission one of this trip to Italy: Our BGM testing bike is equipped with finest parts of BGM PRO and Casa Lambretta. A Lambretta which technically is on the highest level.

Design follows function

You already know what Dean Orton (Rimini Lambretta Centre) thinks of the looks of the BGM Demonstrator Lambretta. According to Dean Orton it is the most ugly Lambretta in the universe.

Lambretta Testbike

When assembling this Lambretta other things were more important than its design. Any fitted BGM PRO part has been put through its paces on our test bike before being mass produced. This bike was also available to our customers for test rides on several occassions. We obviously needed an easy-care paint. Furthermore:

Tuning quotes

  • Design follows function
  • Chrome won´t bring you home
  • Rust is lighter than carbon

Dean, please MODify our Lambretta

Still, „most ugly Lambretta“ – we couldn’t stand this! Dean is not entirely wrong though. This is why we didn’t hesitate when he had offered to refine the looks of our Lambretta. Rimini Lambretta Centre is our Italian BGM dealer. Dean, the very model of a mod, actually wants to assemble a BGM Demonstrator for the Italian market. So once he’s at it….

VW Bus mit Vespa und Lambretta in Italien-sc

La Dolce Vita

Last week we took the Lambretta DL to Verona and parked it at a friends place. It was a very warm welcome and handing the Lambretta over took one or two glasses longer than initially planned. We love Italian hospitality.

Dean picked the scooter up and brought it to the hallowed halls of RLC Rimini Lambretta Centre to refine it. We will keep you posted here in the Scooter Center Blog, so that you are always up to date with the development of the new BGM PRO Demonstrator-Lambretta.

Note for a reader who just came across our blog: No need to worry about a shop owning the most ugly Lambretta… First of all we are currently changing this and secondly we are proud to also own the probably most beautiful Vespa on earth…

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