Silent block set engine -BGM PRO- Vespa Small- and Largeframe
Vespa silent block
Be honest - have you ever replaced the silent blocks of your Vespa? Even during a total make over this is the part which is often neglected.
It might happen, that after many kilometers on the road, the sight of the most beautiful backside on earth is a little strange.
Take a look at the rear wheel from behind. If it is at a slight angle, the silent blocks in the engine casing will be past their best days.
Why silent rubbers?
Silent rubbers fulfill a difficult task: They are meant to eliminate unpleasant vibes of the drive unit swing arm and, simultaneously, give a reliable and safeguide of the rear wheel. The silent rubber on the right additionally needs to bear the major part of the engine's weight. Therefore, the right silent rubber bears more load and wears off quicker.
A new set of silent rubbers should deal with this issue. At least that's what you might think ...
Be careful with "OEM quality"
It seems that, let's call them, “other” suppliers have now found their way into the Piaggio bag.
Original silent rubbers are sometimes very soft, causing the engine to be at an angle to the frame, just by the means of it's own weight. Loaded, which means with driver, it won't get any better. Quicker Vespas with worn or too soft silent blocks sometimes tend to swing to and fro the longitudinal axis at higher speed.
Solution: load oriented silent blocks
We have therefore chosen a slightly harder rubber for the BGM PRO silent blocks and decided for an even harder rubber for the strained side, which needs to bear the engine.
The harder, right side therefore counter acts the engine's weight and is a safe guide for the drive unit swing arm.
The BGM PRO silent blocks for Vespa engines are marked with colors:
- GREEN marks the harder silent rubber for the right hand side (seen in direction of travel)
- NET marks the silent block for the left hand side.
Easy assembly of silent blocks
When determining the shape of the silent blocks, we decided for a version with two parts.
This makes fitting the silent rubbers a lot easier.
Tire mounting paste helps to fit the rubbers.
You should not use any grease.
We currently offer silent blocks for the following Vespa models:
Silent block set engine -BGM PRO- Vespa V50, V90, SS50, SS90, PV125, ET3, PK S, PK XL
Silent block set engine -BGM PRO- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150, Sprint150 (VLB1T), TS125 (VNL3T), GT125 (VNL2T), GTR125 (VNL2T), Super, GL150 (VLA1T), VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB
Silent block set engine -BGM PRO- Vespa PX200
Silent rubber shock mount Vespa
Hint: We also offer the silent rubber for the lower rear shock mount. This is the ideal add on to the silent rubbers of the engine bolt.
The wide rubber perfectly supports the shock absorbers and, compared to other narrow-chested alternatives, it resists wear a lot better.
The rubber and popular silentblock bushings are available in these sets:
- Silentblock set shock absorber / engine -BGM PRO (Made in Germany) Ø = 10mm x 48mm- Vespa PX (1984-), T5 125cc, PK
- Silentblock set shock absorber / engine -BGM PRO (Made in Germany) Ø = 9mm x 48mm- Vespa PX (1983), Rally, TS, Sprint, Sprint Veloce, GT, GTR, Super, GL, V50, PV, ET3
- Silentblock set shock absorber / engine -BGM PRO (Made in Germany) Ø = 9mm x 46mm- Vespa GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T), SS180 (VSC1T)
- Silentblock set shock absorber / engine -BGM PRO (Made in Germany) Ø = 9mm x 44mm- Vespa VNA, VNB, VBA, VBB
Lambretta silent blocks
Lovers of chain driven Lambrettas can already turn to silent block sets for a while.
During the development of silent block sets for Vespa we have profited from the positive experiences of development Silent rubbers for Lambretta with varying degrees of hardness.
Silentblock set engine -BGM PRO- Lambretta LIS, SX, TV (series 2-3), DL, GP - 29cm engine bolt
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