At the dyno bgm PRO MRB Big Box Clubman vs. JL KRP 3 Road on TS1 engine

We have dynoed the upcoming bgm PRO MRB Big Box Clubman today again, this was mainly done to shorten our waiting time. The Big Box will be in stock early march 2013!

Testing was done on Ulf’s every day GP equipped with a touring spec ported TS1 and the TMX30.

Comparsion was done against the Ancillotti and the favoured (for whatreasons ever) JL Road KRP3.

These are the tested pipes!

The Big Box gives more power, broad(y)er power band and more torque. More than 2.5 Nm torque and 2 hp from 4.700 rpm to 6.700 rpm is something you easily feel on the road and that gives better acceleration too.

This shows the comparsion between our Big Box and the KRP3 or JL Road.

Even with a little bit more on peak the JL has no chance to out perform the Big Box on the road. The better power and torque figures from 4.500 rpm to 5.500 rpm are the points that count for the Big Box.

Und hier noch einmal alle Tourer im Vergleich.

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