What the SLUK is going on?

SLUK = ScooterLab.UK

Logo SLUK ScooterLab.UK

Think back a few years and everybody sat flicking through magazines to find out what was on and what had happened.

Those times have gone. Big newspapers in Britain like The Independent are closing their print editions and going on-line. Paper sales are shrinking like your sexual organs when your waterproofs finally fail on a long ride home. Even people who say they prefer to read paper spend a lot of time on social media or a smart-phone. The world has changed.

ScooterLab.UK – or SLUK for short – is our answer to that change. It is a free-to-view internet scooter magazine that is the brainchild of two well-known British scooterists. Sticky and Iggy had a long career writing for Scootering and various other titles, as well as authoring the odd book. The duo have seen the sad decline in paper-based sales and have turned their backs on the corporate publishing world. Instead, they’ve decided to do something a little less boring. They will put mainstream scooter media back in the hands of scooterists, and the fun back into mainstream scooter media.

ScooterLab.uk was previewed at Scooterist Meltdown in February. It’s an all-encompassing stylish website with two distinct sides, one for classic and one for modern scooters with a cross-over of certain material that suits both sides of our site.

With the cost barrier removed we expect ScooterLab.UK to quickly gather an international following. SLUK is the UK scooter scene broadcasting globally and we want our scooter-riding brothers and sisters from all over the world to join us.


What’s on SLUK?

Video! That’s something that doesn’t work well on paper but allows you to explain a lot in a short time.

Humour! We will practice the great British tradition of ‘taking the piss’ when and where we see fit.

News! We have excellent contacts throughout the scooter world so SLUK should be your first choice to both read and feed news items.

Any screen! Our site design is fully responsive so you can enjoy our content on anything from a smart-TV down to the smartphone in your pocket.


How do I get involved?

Launching ScooterLab isn’t something we’ve done lightly; it’s a big project and our new full time job. We know it’s going to shake things up and we’re likely to hit a few bumps along the way, but with your help we’ll develop this website into something the whole scene can be involved with and be proud of.

Remember this online mag isn’t brought to you by a big company with deep pockets. ScooterLab is owned, funded, designed and written by road-going scooter riders just like you. We need your help to make it grow. You can help by bookmarking the page, or add it to the home screen of your phone. Use it frequently; just as you would your social network accounts. Share the videos, tag us, share our features, wear our t-shirts and stickers with pride. Send in your stories, photos, videos and let us know of any news or new products.


How does it work?

ScooterLab is 100% free for you to view so there are some adverts on the site to pay they pay the bills. These are not random adverts, but ones from forward-thinking scooter businesses – like Scooter Center – who can see that this is the way forward.

You can support us by supporting our advertisers. That way we can carry on giving you great content for free.

With your help ScooterLab will grow and spread like wildfire along the scooter grapevine. This is our life, our hobby and our livelihood. Let’s kick some ass fellow SLUKers.



Sticky, Iggy and the SLUK team.



SLUK goes live on March 7th at Noon. Find them at www.scooterlab.uk and on Facebook

We wish you good SLUK!

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