Vespa PX fast beauty


Vespa PX Streetsleeper

Sebastian with his Vespa won two times.

2. place on Facebook Customshow with Vespa PX
The Facebook – users voted Bastian Vespa PX to the 2nd Place the Classic Vespa & Lambretta Custom Show.

Vespa PX Customshow 2.Platz

42hp with Quattrini M1X
A week later Basti was with his Vespa at our Classic Day and has shown that the scooter is also very powerful. Sebastian won with his brown Vespa PX the MaxPower first prize in the dyno contest.

Vespa PX Quattrini 42PS MaxPower Pokal

Cylinder: Quattrini M1X 172cc
Crank: S&S 62er Glockenwelle
Carburetor: 35er Keihin Airstriker
Inlet: S&S Membramblock
Clutch: S&S Cosa Kupplung
Ignition: Vespatronik
Exhaust: Nordspeed Auspuff


vespa px airstriker vespa px quattrini 42ps vespa px quattrini m1x inside

Great Vespa PX Sleeper Street, 2nd Custom Show and 1st Place Place Maxpower with 42HP!

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