The boss has come up with something: Lambretta Lui dyno days!
From the very beginning – since 1992 – the Lambretta has been a permanent fixture at our Scooter Center. Much has changed in almost three decades. While in the 90s it was mainly the GP and, if necessary, other Series 3 models, the complete range from Series 1 and 2, the cardan models and the Lambretta ‚Smallframes’* has become more popular than ever.
Ulfs Lui Lambrettas on the test bench
We took the soft-lockdown as an opportunity to put a part of Ulf’s Lui collection through its paces. We were especially interested in how the 75 cc Casa cylinder performs against the original Innocenti 75 cc cylinder. And were even surprised how well the 75 cc aluminium cylinder with Nikasil coating performed.
In the performance diagram you can see in the blue corner a completely original lui 50 C. The power curve with 2,1 HP „peak“ power you have to look for at the height of the torque curve of the two 75s. The green curve with 4,5 HP at about 5.500 rpm has delivered an original Vega with SH20 carburettor. The red curve is a 75cc Casa engine. The cylinder was fired with the 15 SHA carburettor kit (main jet 68). A special feature of the engine is the exhaust of the 75cc models, which is unfortunately not available new and very sought after.
Lambretta LUI tuning configurator
The LUI engine has been assembled with the help of this configurator:
LUI Tuning Configurator