
3rd SCOOTER CENTER Customshow in Cologne

That was a perfect season opening on Saturday! We are still buzzed away about the quality of the show and the relaxed atmosphere!

More than 2.300 visitors, 152 displayed Customscoots and a terrific atmosphere during te hole day! So once again the Scootershow was the place to be!

All attendends and all visitors a massive thanks! With you partyiing is the best!

Find attached some first snapshots! The complete picture gallery will be online very soon. The loads of pictures have to be browsed thru first.

Thanks a lot and we are looking forward to see you!

Cheers Your

SCOOTER CENTER Scootertuning Customshow SCOOTERSHOWFor all those unhappy dudes that can’t come to our massive SCOOTERSHOW, we have our livestreams available!

For the ultimate scooter season opening with our Scootershow, we will have summer time back in town.

We installed two cameras to bring the show home to you. If you are near Cologne you shouldn’t miss the season opening and come over for one of the hottest events of the year. Tickets are available during the event for 9 € only.

Don’t miss this one:

  • 150 of the nicest Customscoots, lots of one-offs and brand new scoots
  • endless merchandise supply from POLINI, IXS, BGM, MOTUL, ADAC
  • trade stalls with special offers, new highlights and real bargains
  • ADAC driving simulator
  • good prices on snacks and drinks
  • foto shooting with the hot SCK cats
  • Chill & Meet
  • supporting programme, music, Customizing awards

Check all details out now:!

SCOOTER CENTER Tuning Customshow Köln SCOOTERSHOWScooter Tuning Customshow in Köln

The countdown is running and we can’t stand it that it is finished. but we have to wait until next. Next Saturday the the 3rd SCOOTER CENTER Customshow takes place in Cologne. Web site:

The main acts are chosen out from more than 200 application we were only able to take 150 of the nicest Customscoots of Europe.

Beside the scoots there will be lots of stunning sideacts for the exhibitors and visitors.

There will be trade stalls, there will be a bike driving simulation from ADAC. Polini and IXS do have a merchandise for the Scootershow entrances as well as for the visitors. If you have been at the shows before, you know nobody has to go home with empty hands. Weiterlesen


Customshow Teilemarkt

Customshow Teilemarkt

Once again you should look forward for our big Scootershow. Beside of the roughly 150 Customscoots there will be our parts fare. Everyone can share, bring his parts and sell them. So probably you’ll find some nice bargains for your next project. Job lots and for sure those nice high end parts of the dealers displaying on show.

To take part in the private jumble is for free. Booking is dead easy and can be done thru Just register and we will get in contact to you with all the details.

You are dealing in scooter parts? If so and do you want to come over and offer your stuff, send us an email.

Application for bringing your custom scoot to the show can easily be done thru:!

We are looking forward for the next stunning Scooter Center Event!


Today is the day you have been waiting for. It’s the day where you can find the TV coverage of our SCOOTER CENTER – Customshow online.

Pixelgarage / Karacho Motormagazine has been visited the show, took miles and miles of footage and did some interesting interviews as well.

The coverage brings back beautiful memories of this year’s event and makes us lost in thoughts for next years event. So don’t miss it and always remember: SCOOTERSHOW 2010: Saturday, 20th of March 2010 – preparation work has already started ;-)

Have a look for your own:
