
Scooter auxiliary stand Affordable adaptors individually available for Lambretta and Vespa Smallframe

Additional brackets for the auxiliary stand for Vespa V2 -PX GARAGE Nienburg- are now available for Vespa Smallframe (V50 / PV / ET3) and Lambretta (S3).

Scooter auxiliary stand for Vespa Largefame, Smallframe and Lambretta
Offering reliable stability and flexible working at your scooter. You need the following:

Quick and easy assembly – reliable stability

The additional brackets for the auxiliary stand are affordable and assembled easily, quickly and safely. Adapter MOntageständer Lambretta 3331044LS3 Halter Montageständer Vespa Smallframe 3331044VSF(

Bracket Vespa V50

The bracket is easy to use for Vespa Smallframe V50 / Primavera / ET3 etc. and prevents your scooter from tipping over unintended. Halter V50_2

Another option is to fasten the bracket to the frame strut. This probably is the best choice for works that demand more force. Halter V50klemmung

Adaptor for Lambretta series 3

The bracket for the rear end of the Lambretta is rather small, which means that the bracket can remain attached to the vehicle. Halter Lambretta

The frame hides the bracket well.

Halter Lambretta_3

The auxiliary stand and a tight screwing guarantee reliable stability for your Lambretta.

Due to a lifted rear, even works on foot board or exhaust turn out to be easier. Halter Lambretta_2

Thanks to the additional bracket for Vespa Smallframe and Lambretta, you do not need to modify the auxiliary stand and you can still use it for almost any classic scooter at any time. Günstiger Montagständer für Motoroller