
Vespa Gentleman Giro Markus Mayer mit 50cc Vespa und Anzug



Markus André Mayer, 44 years old and a passionate Vespa fan from the beautiful Allgäu region.

Vespa Gentleman Giro Markus Mayer mit 50cc Vespa und Anzug

In 2017, Markus was able to combine 3 of his passions (Vespa, charity work and social media) into one Giro Germanica to unite them. With the help of Vespa clubs from German-speaking countries, he was able to generate over €25,000 in donations for the German Children’s Cancer Foundation’s Forest Pirate Camp during a 42-day fundraising ride. Of course, the Scooter Center was also part of his Giro Germanica And we supported the campaign.

Now Markus has something new in mind, and the Scooter Center is supporting him again. It is a matter of the heart for us! This time we are the main sponsor and support and sponsor his new mission extensively.

Here on the Scooter Center blog, we will keep you up to date on this year’s mission over the next few months. We start today with the first presentation of the VESPA GENTLEMAN GIRO, look forward to an interview and a making-of of the engine we are building for Markus.

Vespa Gentleman Giro Markus Mayer


Markus has decided to dedicate the entire year 2021 full time to fundraising for children with cancer. He will start with the 3 initiatives to raise funds for 40 cancer organisations in 40 countries across Europe:

  • Great European fundraising race
  • 10 relay races in different countries
  • 1 World Record Poker Run(explanation)

So for 2021 he is planning a much bigger action: within 8 months he wants to unite the whole European Vespa scene by a big fundraising ride around whole Europe with several linked actions to raise at least 250.000€ for 40 national cancer foundations and care centres. To complete this heartfelt project, he will need about 14 months in total. Through various large travel projects, such as his

  • 80 days around the world in 2018,
  • USA Crossing in 2017,
  • or European Tour in 2014,

it was already possible for him to gain a lot of experience and, above all, to make many contacts with scooter riders all over the world.

The contacts to the national clubs throughout Europe make it possible to identify suitable donation targets in advance, such as the Liga contra Cancro in Portugal, and to coordinate the planned measures and events in the respective countries. During the trip, Markus plans to set 3 Guinness Book of World Records and thus also draw the interest of the public and the media to the facilities, clubs and the fundraising campaign.


Vespa Gentleman Giro Europa Route

25.000 km through 40 European countries. The actual route will be determined by the 200+ clubs I want to meet on the way to collect donations.

Even if it doesn’t look like it on this map yet: of course a stop at the Scooter Center is planned again, we’ll keep you posted!


„Eleanore“ – the Smallframe Vespa. For the tour he will use a Vespa V50N from 1971. It will be the longest scooter ride on 50cc ever!

Markus mit Eleonore Vespa V50 N

We are currently working on the engine of the Vespa, so stay tuned, more about that soon here in the blog.


Yes, of course you can help too, Markus is dependent on support and is happy about donations to the individual organisations, more information and donation options here. You are also welcome to share this post with friends via Facebook, Whatsapp etc.

Vespa – season opening with a corso in Essen

On April, 18th 2015 the AVR – Altblech Vespa Ruhrgebiet, a local scooter club, organizes its season opening in Essen.

Vespa Anrollern Essen

Just as for the season closing 2014 last year, the entire proceeds will be donated to a social organisation. Last year, 1,050 Euros were donated to the Kinderhospiz Regenbogenland, a children’s hospice, in Düsseldorf.

This year’s donations will go to Friedensdorf in Oberhausen, which flies in children from war or crisis areas and then provides medical care. This association is merely funded by donations, without contributions by the state. Therefore every Euro counts!




11 am start
1 pm auction
2 pm official end

The event begins at 11 am. It officially ends at 2 pm.

At 1 pm there will be an auction of awesome, astounding things! Furthermore there will be a raffle with more than 100 prices (no blanks).



Vibrant classic scooter community in the Ruhr district

Many drivers, but also clubs from the region are supporting the AVR. Amongst others,

  • Schaltroller Freunde Meiderich from Duisburg,
  • Vesparados from Dortmund,
  • Vespartisanen from Bochum,
  • Scooterboys Gelsenkirchen and
  • Düsselvespen

will take part in the event. You see, the classic scooter community in the Ruhr district is vibrant and active! Scooter Center supports the season opening in Essen! So raid your piggy bank and support the AVR in Essen.

Further information on Facebook: Season Opening AVR in Essen 2015.
