
bgm Soft Stop  Hauptständer mit Sand

New centre stand for Vespa

We have developed a new centre stand for Vespa. The new bgm PRO Soft Stop centre stand for Vespa will finally no longer hit hard against the footboard.

The stand is available in galvanised, chrome and black version and fits the vintage Vespa Smallframe and Largeframe models:

  • Centre stand -BGM PRO Soft Stop System Ø=20mm- Vespa Smallframe
    V50, V90, PV125, ET3 – bgm Pro
    Part no.: BGM4961
  • Centre stand -BGM PRO Soft Stop System- Vespa Largeframe
    Sprint150 (VLB1T), Rally180 (VSD1T), Rally200 (VSE1T), GT/GTR125 (VNL2T), TS125 (VNL3T), GL150 (VLA1T), VNB2T – VNB6T, VBB1T – VBB2T, GS160 / GS4 (VSB1T), SS180 (VSC1T) – bgm Pro
    Part no.: BGM4950
Vespa Hauptständer Soft Stop bgm PRO Smallfram & Largeframe Ständer

The ultimate innovation

It’s just a small detail, but simply brilliant. Thanks to the soft stop system the feet of the bgm PRO centre stand will no longer hit hard against the footboard. Like for the PX models, the centre stand stop is now placed on the stable mounting brackets on the central frame tunnel.
The centre stand will stop at an ideal position and this will prevent the footboard from vibrating.
Thanks to the soft stop system, the centre stand will be not only less noisy when retracting but it will also protect the footboard from the cracks which are usually caused by the genuine stand.

Easy mounting, brackets also included in the item

The soft stop centre stand includes mounting brackets that are also provided with additional plates on which the stand is fitted. This prevents the direct contact between the tube of the stand and the frame of the Vespa. Unlike the genuine stand, the new bgm PRO stand will no more rub against the painted footboard.

To mount the stand you’ll need longer screws which are also included in the item. Of course you can use the genuine spring and feet of your stand, alternatively you can order them in our online shop: centre stand feet.

Get here your new centre stand for Vespa!

New bgm PRO centre stand: the technical innovation which makes the difference!