
Best scooter shop 2015

COMPUTER BILD awards a seal of quality to the 750 best Web-Shops.

Easy, secure and comfortable online sales are not granted by every online scooter shop. Scooter Center Scootershop offers

  • PURE SCOOTERING – Top Service from scooterists to scooterists
  • High availability with affordable prices
  • Huge variety in accessories, spare parts and tuning parts for almost all kinds of scooters
  • Secure and flexible payment possibilities, just as you wish
  • Very quick and affordable supply by DHL or UPS, because you urgently need these parts
  • Own dynamometer, because you want performance
  • Own products – BGM is a brand by Scooter Center, real innovation & performance

We already won the Computer Bild award Topshop 2014 last year and we did it again this year!

Rummage in the Scootershop

Put through its paces

The Top-Shop-exam tests almost 250 000 criteria for all the candidates, making it to the currently most extensive online shop test in Germany. Pleasing result:

Top Shop Best Scootershop 2015

Scooter Center is the best scooter shop 2015

We are glad to have received this award a second time in a row. Just some weeks ago we were voted the best scooter shop by the German Scooter Forum (GSF), so by insiders of the scooter scene. But the award by Computer Bild and Statista, two institutions from other industries, are the finishing touch and a great award for our work.

100.000 Fans on Facebook & best scooter shop 2015

Wow – those past days have been overwhelming! First we reached 100,000 likes on Facebook and then the GSF voted us best scooter shop for a 4th time in a row and adding to this, summer is already dropping by in April. Currently we are really enjoying scootering!

100.000 THANKS with a 10% discount

Best Scootershop Danke 1ß% Rabatt

To thank you we distribute this 10% voucher, which is immediately effective:

Voucher code: „100000“
The voucher can only be used in the Scooter Center online shop, it’s only valid until April, 20th and only for final customers for a purchase of a minimum of 100.00 Euros. Cannot be combined with other discounts.


Best scooter shop – for the 4th time in a row

The German Scooter Forum (GSF) has voted and we – Scooter Center – have won once more. Thanks to everybody, who took part and voted for us.

We are very proud and take this as additional motivation to continuously drive flat out, never to stop and to continuously strive for perfection. Promise!
One thing is already clear: also in 2015 we have some big surprises up our sleeves, which some of you very probably won’t expect – so watch out!

Best scooter shop 2015

GSF-Dealer-of-the-year-Award 2014/15

Every year the largest German Vespa and Lambretta Community, with almost 50,000 members, takes a vote to identify the best spare parts dealer. Here the Scooter Center always convinced its customers with service, performance and innovation and was able to win.

No. 1 Scooter Center Cologne with 215 votes = 21.2%
No. 2 FalkR with 161 votes = 16%
No. 3 LTH with 109 votes = 11%

Translated comment of the organiser:

„Dear Shops and Shoppers – The winner of 2014/(15) has been chosen, followed by its fellow shops. The results show: the team of Scooter Center, FalkR and LTH especially convinced their customers. Some years ago I initiated this vote. I’d like to thank approx. 500 members of GSF, which are probably a more or less representative part of the German classic scooter community, for participating the vote. You, the three winners, and all the other dealers and service providers, please continue as you did so far to preserve scootering as something attractive thanks to your friendliness and fairness.“M210 / GSF

We will come up with something in return.
More on this here in our blog shortly…


UPDATE: Scooter Center voucher with 10% discount