On the dyno bgm TEST BIKE RaceTour 230cc kitted Lambretta for exhaust testing – Part 3


After our testing of the bgm PRO MRB Big Box Clubman on TS1 engines, we thought it might be a good idea to test the pipes on the Test Bike.

The engine on it is fitted with the bgm PRO MRB RaceTour 225 kit, bgm PRO 60 mm crankshaft and 30 mm carb. The cylinder kit is unmodified and as it will be on serial production.

Beside the Big Box Clubman we have the JL3 and the Ancillotti.

This is the bgm PRO Clubman vs. Sito Ancillotti

As we saw it on the TS1 testing the power and torque advantages of the Big Box Clubman are there. Up to 7.000 U/min there is 1 hp and 2 Nm of torque for the Clubman.

bgm PRO MRB Big Box vs. JL KRP3

From 4.500 rpm to 8.500 rpm (!) the Clubman has more than 1 hp more. There isn’t a chance for the JL 3 even not when you consider the slight dip in the torque.

The conclusion is that the bgm PRO Clubman is a good choice for ported and un-ported cylinder kits. Especially the torque and pwer delivery makes it the choice of weapon on all road applications!

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