Max Speed Festival Countdown

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gbMSF – the clock is ticking: Saturday the 26th of September will bring you the second edition of our Max Speed Festival at the airfield Meinerzhagen.

The event will be sponsored by Red Bull. The even team will help out to provide wings to everyone.

Beside the high speed contest there will be the test riding area where you can abuse your scoot as you like it. Well known from the SCOOTER CENTER mzH – meetings.

The SCK – P4 dyno jet will be there and all runs are for free.

The starter field is really strong and here are some of the entrances:

  • Team TRT (I) (Lambretta & Vespa)
  • Team SES Tuning / 100 mph (GB)
  • Team STOFFI (AT)
  • Team Worb5 (D) mit Lambretta
  • Team SA
  • Team Sip
  • and for sure Team SCOOTER CENTER!
  • and many others!

Do not forget: All visitors and racers need to fill in this form. Please print out the Verzichtserklärung and bring it with you. This will make things easier at the entrance and you don’t have to wait in the queue.

Free tickets are available at SCOOTER CENTER for every order from 100 Euro onwards. The tickets are on sale for 10 Euro, sprinting is 5 Euro extra, vistors up to twelve years don’t have to pay.

So if you need a ticket, check it out here: Ticket -MAXSPEED FESTIVAL 2- 26.09.2009

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