bgm PRO MRB Vespa Big Box exhaust – delivery date September 2013

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa

bgm PRO MRB BigBox Vespa for P-range and Largeframes

The Vespa bgm PRO MRB BigBox exhaust is expected to land during this year’s summer.
The official landing should be the 2nd of September.

Because of the limited quantity of the first batch, it might be an idea to pre-order one:

Exhaust -bgm PRO BigBox- Vespa PX200, Rally200
Exhaust -bgm PRO BigBox- Vespa PX80, PX125, PX150

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 2

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 3

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 4

Auspuff -BGM PRO MRB BigBox- Vespa 5

bgm PRO MRB Vespa P-range and Largeframe BigBox available from September onwards at your Vespa shop.

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