20 years Scooter Center – Classic Day and season final

On Saturday our Classic Day started at our premises in Glessen near Cologne. The weather was on our side this time and we could all enjoy the day. There was something going on throughout the day and there were about 120 people coming on theirs Vespas and Lambrettas.

In addition to our parts market, where there one could find the first bargain hunters quite early, our shop was open until 4pm. Shopping was quite busy due to our 10% promotion.

Our dyno was in use as well. Best scoot was a Vespa Smallframe with 37 hp!!!

The Scooter Center Team says a big thanks for an outstanding day. Weather, people, scooters and atmosphere – everything was great. We are proud to support scooterists around the globe for 20 years now and are looking forward to the next 20 years.

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