Vespa & Lambretta roadside assistance
Facebook – Vespa & Lambretta roadside assistance group
Scooter Center customer Felix Penning had an excellent idea:
„The Vespa & Lambretta roadside assistance network reaches out to all friends of the classic scooter willing to give a helping hand. Assistance is provided to Vespa and Lambretta riders stranded on the roadside – no matter how, no matter where.
We all know how annoying having broken down is. It’s a bummer when you don`t have the right tools or spare part with you. And it’s even more of a bummer when you’re parked somewhere in the middle of nowhere and depend on help from a stranger.
So it’s all the better if there’s someone near you who shares the same hobby and is pleased to help you out. All the same, if it is only with some silly comments or a bottle of beer.
I hope that this is going to turn into a large and helping roadside assistance community. Please spread the word and add anybody who belongs here.
The Roadside Assistance Map
Sign on guys – it would be best if you leave your phone number, email address or Facebook account. Otherwise it’ll be hard to get in touch with you ;-)“
Additions –> Add Marker – Detailed –> enter details
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