
Heidenau increases the speed index of Vespa tyres

Heidenau scooter tyres are now faster! At least „on paper“: for almost all tyres with size 3.50 – 10 Heidenau has increased the speed index from J (100km/h) to M (130km/h).

Of course you can use these tyres on your scooter even though the registration certificate shows the speed index „J“.
Standard tyres can always be replaced with tyres with better/higher indexes (speed and load index).

In this case faster=better!

These tyres have now a speed index up to 130km/h

Following tyres will have the speed index M:

Tip: tyre and wheel rim set for Vespa

Also the tyres of our convenient sets have a higher speed rate:


Lambretta chrome wheel rims

With every change of the tyres the wheel rim should be inspected. Rims used for decades are very likely to be damaged at the wheel studs, rim flange or have a rusty rim base. In these cases the BGM Lambretta chrome wheel rim is a perfect substitute with a great cost-benefit ratio!


Chrome offers a highlight in looks and at the same time it protects the wheel rim from becoming rusty. The perfect polishing before the chroming and the multi-stage chroming process results in deep and shiny chrome of the BGM rim. The quality is very close to an English custom chromed rim.

The BGM original rim features:

  • High quality processing
  • Perfect fit
  • Fitting rim profile
  • Perfect position of the valve hole
  • True running, excellent when speaking of stamped wheel rims
  • Excellent cost-benefit ratio