
Individual gift ideas for scooterists by the Scooter Center team

Name: Andreas


How long have you been working for Scooter Center:

Since 2007

What is your task at Scooter Center:

I’m responsible for IT at Scooter Center

What’s your relation to scooters:

Rally 180 and PX200 are currently roadworthy. I ride scooters since 1987, it all started with a PX80. My most exciting experience with a scooter was a trip to Lake Garda and back.


Gift idea for scooterists

Entry ticket Scootershow 2016 CUSTOMSHOW Cologne

Part no. TICKET0019


entry ticket


Scooter Customshow 2016 – simply put, our Scootershow is a great fun event.

Scooter Customshow 2016

9th International Scootershow
Scooter Customshow scooter Customshow
– Classic & Automatic Scooters –

Participation is free, register here
Register a scooter here:

Register a booth here:

Free entry for children and teens up to 12 years of age.

Large SCOOTER CENTER market with remaining stock and bargains for Vespa, Lambretta and automatic scooters.
More booths for parts and private booths.
Booths with shirts, Stickerbombs, merchandise, many prizes and great cups.

