LML – the last manufacturer of classic geared motor scooters
We took sad news from the English online scooter magazine Sluk .
LML, the world’s last manufacturer of classic manual scooters, seems to be on the verge of a definitive end, but we hope that the tide is still turning.
Who does not know the history of LML „click „(https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lohia_Machinery_Limited). In its history LML has built licensed productions of the popular Vespa models:
- PK125 XL2 ( LML Sensation https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/LML_Sensation )
- PX125 T5 ( LML select https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/LML_Select )
- Cosa ( LML Supremo https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/LML_Supremo )
- PX ( LML Star https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/LML_Star )
Mostly quite close to the original, sometimes a little more idiosyncratic, they were always popular low-cost entry-level models, which were particularly distinguished by their economy. The Indian reality simply required different priorities and so longevity and economy was a clear sales argument.
At peak times, 30,000 scooters rolled off the assembly line every month and LML was thus not only serving the Indian market. Classic PX models have also always been very popular in Asia, Iran and various African countries. Egypt was one of LML’s main markets, which unfortunately became their downfall: The devaluation of the Egyptian pound in 2016 made scooters so expensive that this market collapsed. Unfortunately, no market was able to absorb this hole and so LML stumbled even more.
Scooter Center visiting the LML factory
We first visited LML in 2014 and were able to see the production in the Kanpur factory live.
What we got to see impressed us very much and at the same time touched us, because to see a PX car body made out of a huge roll of sheet steel was an impression that gave us goose bumps. We were very impressed and it was simply unbelievable to be there live at the birth of a scooter.
LML has potential
At that time, we were convinced that „LML has potential! Although the haptic of some LML parts may not quite meet our expectations, they are of the highest quality. The LML gearboxes were installed in 30 HP motors in our workshop without any problems.
The complete LML motors are unbeatable in the price-performance ratio and the painted LML frame sets are a great starting point for a new construction. The rest of the original parts are also very popular with us. Unfortunately there is a lot of counterfeiting in India and inferior replica parts are simply sold in fake LML packaging. You should pay close attention to this and if you get a doubtful offer, you should keep your hands off.
LML has not only produced Piaggio models under licence but also made many further developments to which the original must bow: LML motor housing XXl overflow valve. We discovered these motor housings by chance in the factory. Until today we could not really clarify where they were installed.
On the one hand they have HIGH OBJECTIONS (why weld and mill them ?!) on the other hand the cylinder base was smaller than on the Piaggio engines. (we offer the housings already spindled to Piaggio size: LML engine housing XXl transfer tube)
Furthermore, the development of a 4-speed four-stroke engine in the LML PX dress must not remain unmentioned, because only in this way can the strict exhaust emission values be met and the gear shifting has (has) a future.
As the crowning glory we were there when the production of LML PK was rebuilt. The idea was actually a good one. A small frame with automatic motor and disc brake. It would have had a future for sure, at least e.g. as 50s in Germany. Fatally it was only available as 125cc and there was no mass market. We had a fork (shortened Lusso fork) sent to us as a sample and saw great potential for V50, VBB and Rally/Sprint conversions, but unfortunately this never happened.
LML recently sought salvation in the production of a tricycle for the Indian market http://lml3wheelers.com/. Unfortunately, this project doesn’t seem to have brought the necessary success and things look bleak at the moment.
We are keeping our fingers crossed for LML, that an investor will be found who recognizes the potential. It would be a pity if such a great company with enthusiastic employees would simply disappear.
Ulf Schröder, Scooter Center