
Amazing prizes with the Scooter Center Advent calendar 2016

Also this year we present our Scooter Center Advent calendar. Every weekend a lot of wonderful prizes! The first promotion starts on 24/11/2016. Scooter Center Adventskalender 2016

Join now!

Please note: for technical reasons the page for the registration is available only in German. Here you find some useful information for your registration:

Vor- & Nachname: Name and surname

E-Mailadresse: E-mail address

Telefonnummer: telephone number

Straße & Hausnummer: Address

Postleitzahl & Ort: ZIP code, city, country

Möchtest Du unseren Newsletter empfangen? – Would you like to receive Scooter Center newsletter?

Ja, ich akzeptiere die u.a. Teilnahmebedingungen – Yes, I accept the terms and conditions of the raffle.

Please note: this prize game is neither connected to or promoted, supported and organised by Facebook, The data provided for the registration will not be forwarded to Facebook but only to Scooter Center GmbH. The personal data will be only used to contact the winners. The draw will take place on the Wednesday after each Advent weekend. The recourse to the courts is excluded. The prize is as stated and there is no cash alternative available.

We thank all partner companies supporting us for the Advent calendar: Scooter Center Adventskalender 2016