
Otiginal Giuliari Yankee Sitzbank

The legendary Giuliari Yankee seat for Vespa

Comfortable journey and eye-catching style. This is what characterises the double seats of the 80s and 90s. A symbol of this scooter era is the exclusive Giuliari seat!
The Italian saddlery Giuliari is unfortunately since years no longer in business, but we from Scooter Center can offer you the legendary Giuliari Yankee seat built on exclusive licence, with the same quality and inimitable look.

Genuine Giuliari Yankee seat- exclusive at Scooter Center also in white for Vespa PX.

Get here your new touring seat!
Vespa PK | black
Vespa PX | black and white
  • Giuliari Yankee Vespa PX im Shop besuchen: WHITE | BLACK
  • Vespa (Piaggio) P 80 X (V8X1T, -1983)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 80 E EFL (V8X1T, 1983-)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 80 E EFL Elestart (V8X1T, 1984-1990)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNA1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNA2T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNB1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNB3T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNB4T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNB5T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 (VNB6T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 GT (VNL2T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 GTR (VLB2T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) P 125 X (VNX1T, -1983)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 125 E EFL (VNX2T, 1984-1997)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 125 E EFL (ZAPM09300, 1998-2000)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 125 E EFL (ZAPM09302, 2001-)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 Super (VNC1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 TS (VNL3T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 150 (VBA1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 150 (VBB1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 150 (VBB2T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 150 GL (VLA1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) P 150 X (VLX1T, -1980)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 150 E (VLX1T, 1981-1983)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 150 E EFL (VLX1T, 1984-1997)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 150 E EFL (ZAPM09400, 1998-2000)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 150 E EFL (ZAPM09401, 2001-)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 150 Sprint (VLB1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 150 Sprint Veloce (VLB1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 150 Super (VBC1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 160 GS (VSB1T, 1962, GS4)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 160 GS (VSB1T, 1963, GS4)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 180 Rally (VSD1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 180 Super Sport (VSC1T, SS180)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) P 200 E (VSX1T, -1980)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 200 E (VSX1T, 1981-1983)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 200 E EFL (VSX1T, 1984-1997)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) PX 200 E EFL (ZAPM18, 1998-)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 200 Rally (VSE1T, Ducati)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 200 Rally (VSE1T, Femsa)
Vespa Smallframe V50 / Primavera | black
  • Have a look at the Giuliari Yankee for Vespa Smallframe in our online shop
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 (V5A1T, 1963)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 L (V5A1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 N (V5A1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 S (V5A1T, 1964)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 Special (V5A2T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 Special (V5B1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 Special (V5B3T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 Special Elestart (V5A3T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 Special Elestart (V5B2T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 Special Elestart (V5B4T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 50 SR (V5SS2T, 1975-)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 90 (V9A1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 ET3 (VMB1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 Nuova (VMA1T)
  • Vespa (Piaggio) Vespa 125 Primavera (VMA2T)


Top touring comfort

The Yankee is an extremely comfortable touring seat. Under the seat cover you have two separated and ergonomic cushions. Besides, the seat surface of the pillion is higher and therefore very comfortable also for the second passenger. The seat also ensures an optimal sitting position and the cushion is made of high-density polyutherane foams (PU) for the highest comfort.

The frame of the seat is made of robust, black painted metal.

Comfort design seat for Vespa

The legendary seat from the 80s and 90s is back. Its design is unique, with the characteristic screen print with the double „G“ of the Giuliari logo and the Yankee lettering on the back of the seat. The seat is made of stitched synthetic leather, with high UV resistance and of course also waterproof.

The lock is included in the item and is also available as replacement in our online shop.

Test the best!

If you actually do not like this kind of „comfort design“, you should test this touring seat all the same and maybe use it as a second seat for long tours and journeys. For commuting or a sportive ride you can use the common extraflat sport seat.

The PX seat Yankee for Vespa fits many models, e.g. Vespa PX80-200/PE/EFL/`98/MY, Vespa 125 VNA/VNB/GT/GTR /Super/TS/150 VBA/VBB/GL/Sprint/V/Super/T4 and if you use a flat petrol tank the seat also fits Vespa 160 GS/180 SS/Rally!

Get here your new touring seat!