Platónika Vespa by bgm
How to build a new Vespa
Platònika is actually the story of a Vespa. But then again the story of Maryzabel. Or is it both?
Maryzabel started in the summer of 2019 at our Scooter Center. She came to us from Colombia and thus separated about 9,000 km from her beloved Vespas.
A life without scooters always seemed to us to be completely free of meaning. Maryzabel sees it the same way. So it was clear to everyone: we need a Vespa for her!
The engine concept was fast: BGM177/187, fast, reliable and economical. And there were also the LML Vespa frames (Video:
Why not build a Vespa completely out of new parts and then accompany the events on film?
But see for yourself:
Platónika Video
Platónika Projekt - die komplette Geschichte - Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center
Hast du irgendwelche Details der Geschichte von Platónika vermisst? Hier findest du die komplette Ge…
TEASER - Vespa Project Platónika - Building a Vespa PX bgm 177
Chapter 0 - Teaser Project Platónika ** ACTIVATE SUBTITLES ** The Scooter Center´s Project of build…
1 The Wishlist - Project PLATÓNIKA Vespa px bgm 177
Chapter 1 - The Wischlist ** ACTIVATE SUBTITLES ** How many parts have a Vespa? How to start to bui…
Exploded view Vespa px bgm 177 - Project Platónika by Scooter Center
In the last episode of Platónika we showed you what kind of parts has been selected. Now it’s time f…
2 The Heart - Vespa Platónika by Scooter Center
Chapter 2 - The Heart ** ACTIVATE SUBTITLES ** The story has begun and we started working from the …
Auf der Couch beim Scooter Center | Interview - Alex & Maryzabel Vespa Platónika
**UNTERTITEL AKTIVIEREN** Vespa Platónika Interview auf der Couch beim Scooter Center (SC) Alex int…
3 She's alive! - Projekt Platónika Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center
**UNTERTITEL AKTIVIEREN** Wie in Mary Shelleys berühmter Geschichte (Frankenstein), würfelt auch Mar…
4 Perfection is in the details - Project Platónika Vespa PX bgm 177 by Scooter Center
Chapter 4 - Perfection is in the Details ** ACTIVATE SUBTITLES ** Once the essentials are ready, it’…