Pinlock SUBZERO goggles and Shoei helmets with Pinlock® visor

Always a clear sight, thanks to patented technology

pinlock subzero goggles

Pinlock ® is the inventor of the anti-fog helmet visor. This patented technology uses a double visor that traps an air layer, which reliably prevents the helmet visor from fogging. Due to the technology’s success, Shoei, the premium helmet manufacturer, decided to launch a cooperation with Pinlock ®. Shoei helmets have always been very high-quality helmets, now, however, they were upgraded further and always guarantee a clear sight for the driver, even under toughest conditions. Among others the popular helmet series SHOEI NXR will be equipped with these visors:

Helm SHOEI NXR mit Pinlock Visier



Cool goggles – SUBZERO goggle with Pinlock® anti-fog technology

The most current highlight of the Dutch producer demonstrates that the great Pinlock ® anti-fog technology can not only be fitted in motorcycle helmets. The visually and functionally superb Subzero Multisport goggles are multifunctional.

These are only some areas of use:

  • anti-fog skiing goggles
  • anti-fog snowboarding goggles
  • mountain biking goggles
  • sledging goggles

The new SUBZERO goggles offer awesome looks – for the person, who wears it and for those watching! That’s why these goggles also cut a fine figure on a Vespa:


Skibrille googles Pinlock Subzero

Including two visors and a bag

The goggles always come with two visors, both equipped with absolute anti-fog visors. These Subzero goggles are delivered with one mirrored and one orange, contrast-enhancing visor including a handy and protective bag.

Skibrille goggles pinlock subzero

The mirrored visor offers ideal protection of the eye, in bad viewing conditions the orange glass significantly enhances contrast.

Motor scooter, ski, snowboard, mountainbike…

Highly functional and a great design and flexible in use, PINLOCK SUBZERO is, not only on the slope, highly recommended!

Pinlock Mountainbike Goggle


You can find Shoei helmets and Pinlock® goggles in our Scooter Center Online-Shop!


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