New Pinasco crankcases for Vespa T5

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Pinasco crankcases for Vespa T5

Pinasco has just informed us that on Thursday we will receive the new crankcases for Vespa T5.

The crankcases for the rare Vespa T5 were not easy to find and now we are pleased to have spare parts for Vespa T5 back in stock.

Reed valve and rotary valve crankcases for Vespa T5

As for the PX crankcases, also for Vespa T5 Pinasco offers two types of crankcase:

The price of the T5 crankcases will be slightly higher than that of the crankcases of the PX version. Further technical details will be available as soon as the crankcases will be in stock and we’ll keep you updated on our blog page.

Fitting T5 engine

For a perfect fitting of the engine we suggest you to use this overhaul kit: engine overhaul kit for Vespa 125T5

Motorrevisions-Set -OEM QUALITÄT- Vespa T5 125cc Artikelnr. 3330409

For further information about a suitable exhaust please click here: Vespa T5 exhaust bigbox-vespa-t5-bgm1012tr4

First pictures of T5 crankcases

Here some pictures which Pinasco provided us. Crankcases are expected to be delivered with all fixed studs and suitable silent buffers for the engine mounting and shock absorber mount.


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