New date of the Scooter Customshow 17: 6th May 2017

New date: Scooter Customshow 17 in Cologne, Germany

Due to the numerous events taking place in the same period, we postponed our great 10th Customshow to the following date:

New date: 6th May 2017

In occasion of our 10th Scooter Customshow taking place in Cologne on Saturday, 6th May 2017, we’ll also celebrate the 25th jubilee of Scooter Center.

Registration for the Scooter-Customshow

Here you can register your scooter for the Scooter Customshow 17:

Tickets Customshow Cologne

The tickets for the customshow are now available in our online shop and at the box office on the same day of the event.

Scooter Customshow 2017 6. Mai 2017

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