Gift idea for scooterists – Vespa desk lamp

Individual gift ideas for scooterists by the Scooter Center team

Name: Jenny


How long have you been working for Scooter Center:

Since March 2015

What is your task at Scooter Center:

Translation of product descriptions, blog entries and correspondence with foreign customers

What’s your relation to scooters:

It’s definitely expandable. Thanks to our nice boss I was allowed to borrow the GTS 300 several times ;-)

Gift idea for scooterists

Desk lamp -VESPA small 47x17x57cm- green

Part no. VPPS43

desk lamp


This desk lamp not only serves its purpose, but also looks very fine thanks to the built in head lamp. No matter if used on a desk at the office or at home in the living room.

Vespa desk lamp

Great desk lamp adapted from the head lamp of the first Vespa „Faro Basso“ models, where the lamp was still fitted to the fender. This is why they were also called „Vespa lamp bottom“.

You can buy this beautiful collector’s item in traditional green, black and white.

Forme, the Italian manufacturer, is well known for its stylish kitchen and housekeeping accessories.
Their own and licensed Vespa series hit the bull’s eye. Entirely up to date retro design meets the classic Vespa. These lovingly designed and high quality products are a perfect gift.


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