
The Vespa World Days by numbers

4 days Vespa World Days
over 5.000 participants from

34 countries

83 years old, the oldest participant

57 years on board Vespa

2.000 Guests at the gala dinner
3 course menu
20 cooks

70 waiters

5 of us arrived from Cologne with
3 cars
5 scooters.
We distribute
6.000 Scooter Center bags
6.000 bgm key fobs
10.000 stickers.
1 Vespa at stake.
12.070,24 EUR, proceeds of the raffle tickets, were given to the foundation “Bürgerstiftung Celle”.
we met lots of kind and friendly people and had many interesting talks.
If you're also a Vespa lover, you know, it's not that easy to explain this great passion and the legendary Vespa is much more than numbers: 2 or 4 stroke, 3 or 4 gears, more or less HP or power.
Similarly, the wonderful Vespa World Days are much more than numbers, you should experience it!
A great thank you goes to the Vespa Club Celle and to all people helping with the organization of the event.
We also would like to thank all our old and new customers who visited us at our stand!

VWD 2018 Belfast

And now we are ready for the Vespa World Days 2018 Belfast, Northern Ireland, and like this year, we'll be there as main sponsor with us Scooter Center booths.

Video Vespa World Days Celle

Pictures of the Vespa World Days 2017 in Celle

Here some pictures of the Vespa rally in Celle:

I Vespa World Days in Celle in cifre

4 Giorni Vespa World Days
more than 5.000 partecipanti provenienti there

34 Villages

83 anni l'età del partecipane più grande

57 anni di guida on bordo della Vespa

2.000 Visitors to the Serata di Gala
3 course
20 cooks

70 waiters

Siamo arrivati ​​in 5 since Colonia con 3 car e
5 scooter
Abbiamo distribuito
6.000 exchange tue Scooter Center
6.000 portachiavi bgm
10.000 adhesives
1 Vespa in Palio.
12.070,24 Euro raccolti with the vendita dei biglietti for the sorteggio and donations to the fondazione “Celle Community Foundation”.
Abbiamo incontrato tanta bella gente e fatto numerose chiacchierate interestingi.
Chi come noi ha un'immensa passione per la Vespa lo sa, non è semplice spiegare questo legame indissolubile e la Vespa non è solo una questione di numeri, è molto più di 2 o 4 tempi, 3 o 4 marce, più o meno cilindrata o potenza.
Altrettanto riduttivo sarebbe considerare solo i dati di questo grandissimo e fantastico raduno, bisognerebbe viverlo!
Un grazie immenso al Vespa Club di Celle ea tutti coloro che hanno collaborato e partecipato!
A warm grace also a tutti i vecchi e new clients that sono venuti a trovarci numerosi al nostro stand!

Vespa Worls Days 2018 in Belfast

Ora ci attendono i Vespa World Days 2018 that will be held in belfast, la capitale del Nordirelanda, dove saremo sponsor of the manifestation of the nostro stand.

Video of the Vespa World Days di Celle

Photo of the Vespa World Days 2017 di Celle

Ecco qui alcune photo of the grande raduno:

Les Vespa World Days are expressed in ciphers

4 jours Vespa World Days
over 5.000 participants en
34 nations
83 ans a le plus âgé participant et
Roule en Vespa depuis 57 years
2.000 participants at dinner at the gala
menu a 3 spot
20 cooks
70 servers
Nous sommes arrives avec 3 cars,
5 scooters et
5 people.
On a distribute 6.000 bags Scooter Center,
6.000 porte clés bgm et
10.000 stickers.
Nous avons fait don de 1 Vespa pour le tirage au sort.
Nous avons fait la connaissance d 'countless personnes sympas.
Nous le savons tous: il est très difficile d'expliquer notre passion pour la Vespa à quelqu'un qui ne connaît pas le monde vespiste et même impossible de réduire la guêpe à quelques données techniques. Elle symbolize beaucoup plus que 2 ou 4 temps, 1, 3 ou 4 vitesses, la cylindrée ou la puissance (qui peut toujours être améliorée).
À cet égard, il est aussi difficile de réduire ce rassemblement extrêmement bien organisé à quelques ciffres - il fallait vraiment être présent!
Nous félicitons le Vespa Club Celle et tous les bénévoles d'avoir fait de ce rassemblement un moment inoubliable pour nous tous!
Et merci beaucoup à tous nos clients, nouveaux et fidèles, d'être venus si nombreux à notre stand!

VWD 2018 Belfast

The Vespa World Days 2018 is now underway Belfast, la capitale de l 'Irelande you north. Nous serons encore une fois sponsor et aurons un stand Scooter Center on site.

Video of the Vespa World Days Celle

Photos of the Vespa World Days 2017 à Celle

Voilà quelques photos pour tous ceux, qui n'ont pas pu être présents:

Vespa World Days in Cifras

4 days
More than 5.000 vespistas de
34 countries
83 años tenía el vespista mayor y
ago 57 años que anda en Vespa
2.000 Participantes de la cena de gala
menu 3 dishes
20 Cooks
70 Waiters
Nosotros hemos ido con 3 cars and
5 motos y
we were 5 people.
Repartimos and regalamos 6.000 scholarships Scooter Center,
6.000 llaveros bgm y
10.000 adhesives.
Hemos donado 1 Vespa for the sorteo.
Hemos conocido a infinity de gente muy maja.
Vosotros lo sabéis: it difícil de explicar nuestra pasión por la Vespa a una persona ajena del mundo vespista e imposible de reducir la Vespa a sus datos técnicos. It mucho más que dos o cuatro tiempos, que una, dos o tres marchas, que su cilindrada o su rendimiento (que siempre se puede potenciar).
En realidad también it difícil de reducir este Evento tan bien organized a algunas cifras - ¡hay que haberlo vivido!
¡Felicitamos al Vespa Club Celle y todos los ayudantes por haber hecho de esos cuatro days unos days tan especiales para todos los participantses!
¡Y nos gustaría dar las gracias a todos vosotros, clients nuevos o fideles, por habernos visitado en nuestro puesto!

VWD 2018 Belfast

Los Vespa World Days 2018 se celebrated en Belfast, the capital of North Ireland. También apoyaremos this evento y estaremos presentes con un puesto Scooter Center.

Video of the Vespa World Days de Celle

Photos de los Vespa World Days 2017 de Celle

Para todos vosotros que no habéis podido asistir, os dejamos and photos para que os hagáis una idea de la grandeza del evento:

The Vespa World Days in numbers

4 Days Vespa World Days
and 5.000 Participants from

34 Nations

83 Years is the oldest participant

57 He's been driving Vespa for years

2.000 Guests at the gala dinner
3 courses
20 cooks

70 Waiter

We are with 3 Cars,
5 Scooters and
5 Man from Cologne arrived
6.000 Scooter Center Bags and
6.000 bgm keyrings
10.000 We distributed stickers.
1 We donated a Vespa to a raffle.
12.070,24 Euros could be handed over to the Celle Community Foundation through the sale of tickets
countless We met nice people and had interesting conversations.
Anyone who has ever tried to explain it to a bystander knows: Our passion for the Vespa is difficult to explain and the Vespa cannot be reduced to its data. It is much more than 2 or 4 strokes, 1, 3 or 4 gears, a few cubic meters and always too little horsepower.
It is just as difficult this one too great organized meetings To reduce it to your key figures, you just have to be there!
Great respect and kudos to the Vespa Club Celle and all helpers and those involved.
Many thanks also to all old and new customers who visited us at our booth in large numbers!

VWD 2018 Belfast

The Vespa World Days 2018 are casting their shadow ahead. The weather was a bit British in between and 2018 is known to be the year after Belfast to the capital of Northern Ireland. We are sponsor here again and of course we also support VWD2018 with ours Scooter Center Stand on site.

Video Vespa World Days Celle

Pictures Vespa World Days 2017 Celle

For those who couldn't be there, we have already selected a few pictures here: