EICMA scooter exhibition 2015
Scooter Center Team @ EICMA 2015
Eicma-Motorcycle Exhibition is a 4 day event being held from 19th November to the 22nd November 2015 at the Fiera Milano. This event showcases products from Automotive, Bicycles, Rickshaw & Spares, Electronics & Electrical Goods, Industrial Products and most important Scooter spares for all makes and this year there was the focus again on Retro styled scooters and the big classic. The Vespa!
We did a trip down to Milan on Wednesday to check out all the news for you. Early up and the flight down to the motherland of the motor scooters started.
At Pinasco there were some new items that are already on sale, but shown to the public from Pinasco for the first time. Things like the Magny Cours Evo 3 kits, the 60 mm Rally crankshaft for the ones with the Femsatronic ignition as well as the 60 mm crank with the Sprint style taper as used from the VNB on.
First pictures we have taken of the Booster/Vespone 177 kit as well. Later this year there will be all different versions available: The RR indicates a bridged exhaust port, the RB/RX has two auxiliary exhaust ports. The B indicates barrel for 57 mm stroke, the X for 60 mm stroke.
It seems that the kits where the barrel already had an 8 point fixing for the head are now delivered with a matched head so that all fixing can finally be used.
Back again is the twin intake Pinasco cylinder kit for the P-range. This we have really missed. But at least it can be used (in modified form though) as a basis for tuning the Vespa GS 160 and SS 180 engines. The Retro styled chromed exhaust pipe that is known from the 80’s as well is back too, the right things for all odd things Retro lovers.
The trend for tuning and then seriously using the Faro Basso Vespas has hit Pinasco earlier. But they take it seriously and had very nice bits for updating these models on show. The crankshaft and 4 speed gearbox looked really nice. Sadly the rumors weren’t right that the upcoming alloy tuning cylinder kit will be displayed in Milan as well.
Next we crossed the Scomadi stall. There were no really news and the stall was equipped with the well known and heatedly controversial discussed Lambretta GP rip-offs.
Here we saw the first Polini Evolution scooter engine, developed with advanced Moto GP solutions and available with 70 cc or 100 cc and with the ZIP SP mountings. The 70 cc cames with 47.6 mm bore and 39.3 mm stroke, while the 100 cc has 50 mm x 50 mm bore and stroke. From the casing to the crank to the barrel, everything is made by Polini. The engine is made for the customers with the ‘race track in their DNA (…) who are not satisfied with the best but that ask for the maximum power’.
For the Largeframe Vespa Polini showed a complete new alloy 177 cc cylinder kit and a PX 125/150 60 mm racing crankshaft in the outstanding Polini quality.
The Smallframes got very neat new reed inlet manifolds. The Evolution 2 cylinder kit with 58 mm bore and CP carb kits that are pre-jetted and come with all the installation materials.
This was a very impressive and nice designed stall. There were boxes in that they displayed nice painted scooters and the range of products. For the Vespa there was a new primary drive for the P ranges that debuted. For the automatic scooters the focus was on the large cc models and all kind of goodies was shown.
The main theme at Vespa is next year’s 70th birthday of the Vespa.
The Vespa 70 edition scooters come in a special colour scheme of Azzurro70 and some finishing details like a 70 stitching on the seat and other details. To show the seven decades of heritage a V98 was on display. Beside the 946 Armani edition, a cutaway engine of the new 3 valve engine and some e-powered push bikes that are distributed under the Piaggio brand.
Some years ago the LML stall was the ultimate highlight at the EICMA show, with loads of interesting paint schemes, new models and nice take off to the serial production. Maybe this time it was the public enterprise of LML itself than the Italian importer who created the stall. It is very easy to descripe there were three areas. One with the PK with automatic transmission, the next for the P range with geared transmission and some facelifting details that would be spot on for every Bollywood epic and then there was the third area with the automatic transmission P range.
The Italian crankshaft manufacturer displayed their well know range of cranks. And for display purposes there was the crankshaft of the Lambretta Twin cylinder engines, something that is to be said of that some of the owner of these engines had already seen.
Finally there were Vittorio Tessera of Casa Lambretta fame invited to the EICMA to assemble one of the one letter Lambrettas and I was bound to two fellow travelers that seem to be no proper Lambretta man and stopped me successfully from going there and have a look for this and some nice bikes of the lads of Rimini Lambretta Centre. Thanks & well done, mates!
We are not very deep into the world of electric mobility, maybe we are more into eclectic transportation, but there were some really nice looking bikes and a fantastic and avant-garde looking e-scooter- the gogoro.
After a day of running around in circles, at least we managed to meet Sticky for a beer after we finished the show. That was the relaxing part of the day, followed by a Panini at the air port and some Birra Moretti.
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