And again! Customshow Livestream

SCOOTER CENTER Scootertuning Customshow SCOOTERSHOWFor all those unhappy dudes that can’t come to our massive SCOOTERSHOW, we have our livestreams available!

For the ultimate scooter season opening with our Scootershow, we will have summer time back in town.

We installed two cameras to bring the show home to you. If you are near Cologne you shouldn’t miss the season opening and come over for one of the hottest events of the year. Tickets are available during the event for 9 € only.

Don’t miss this one:

  • 150 of the nicest Customscoots, lots of one-offs and brand new scoots
  • endless merchandise supply from POLINI, IXS, BGM, MOTUL, ADAC
  • trade stalls with special offers, new highlights and real bargains
  • ADAC driving simulator
  • good prices on snacks and drinks
  • foto shooting with the hot SCK cats
  • Chill & Meet
  • supporting programme, music, Customizing awards

Check all details out now:!

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